Risky Boots?

Risky Boots?

More like Risky BOOBS LMAO

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Other urls found in this thread:


why can't blue skin be real lads

It is real.

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risky bareback desu

Attached: risky1.png (1920x1080, 1.15M)

When the fuck are we getting any info on 5.

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I love her so much.

Holy shit that's so fucking sexy. Holy fucking shit.

when shantae gets into smash

Attached: risky3.jpg (1920x1080, 1.4M)

i want to tickle her spine with my tongue

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big breasts are propaganda of the political left

I'm just here for the lewds

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Ok, Risky Boots is officially sexy enough to be one of the Disguise Crew.


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More like Begging For Shantae's Penis.

now i need to rub one out


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all sperm should be spent on shantae. we'll use sex magic to get her into smash.

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Reminder that Shantae is 16 in Genie years

More like Risky BBW LMAO

keep going

even hotter now, thanks for letting me know


More like RottyTITS LMAO

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age of consent over here is 16 so it's ok.

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can a risky thread survive without someone posting shan-
oh, nevermind

draw more fanart of risky then.

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I've never played a Shantae game. Where should I start?

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i don't wanna draw at all, someone else do it for me and i can be an ideas guy

risky's revenge.

the cheapest one

pirate femdom

The first one. It has the most content and is fairly important to the other plots. Only issue is the shitty artstyle.

All shante games are mediocre

But she's a lesbian. The only one of the main female cast that isn't a lesbian is the chick with the hooters.

Does Shantae are Risky Boots in love

Back to containment

Risky was always one of my favorite villains cause of how sexy and devious she was.

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>Does Shantae are Risky Boots in love

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Wayforward will probably put Risky and Shantae in the River City Girls game that they are making.

Man of Shad has a good one of them rimming

She's not getting into smash, you mouth-breathing autismo.

You mean Spazkid who made fun of Rinachan years before she voiced 2B.

you just ruined 2B for me

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twitch and vinegar desu.

The only time WF put a Shantae cameo in a contracted game was for A Boy and His Blob so I doubt it.

I want to FUCK Twitch.

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You sure? I’m sure it was Shadderhomme

>the chick with the hooters.
You need to be more specific

If you strangle someone you'll see blue skin pretty quickly

Attached: ShantaeGirls.png (800x800, 323K)

Risky's Revenge is the funnest, Pirate's Curse is the lewdest.

Me in the middle

>The only one of the main female cast that isn't a lesbian is the chick with the hooters.

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Only Rottytops comes off as hitting on another girl, but its comedic so can be interpreted as teasing. Nice head cannon you have, I hope none of them also have futa dicks.


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I'd fuck those RottyTITS

look what is going to take time away from their shantae 5 development lmao shantae 5 is gonna be hgh 2.0

>using the dub

5 has probably been in development not long after HGH was done.

guess how long hgh was in development for and it still turned out the way it was

What do boobs smell like? bros

salty bags of sand

The one with the boobies.

Based marieposter

She’s already in smash, as a spirit fighter.

>Only Rottytops comes off as hitting on another girl
>comes across as
Motherfucker if you haven't played the games, just say so.

in a Shantae thread is a level of denial I'd never thought I'd see.

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like sweaty fat

>River City
100% hype

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>HGH was done
>implying HGH was ever done

>I put on my vest and pirate hat

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I would moisten her snail.

Redpill me on Shantae. I sort of like the cartoon aesthetic.

She's futa.

Is this the Risk of Rain thread?

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Its a series of alright platformers with some variance on the core gameplay between them.

Some are more metroidvania, some are straight platformers.

Consensus seems to be that Pirate's Curse is currently the best of the series.


What do zombie titties taste like?

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i lol'd

I mean...she's more of just a cunt with a personal army. Frankly if they just made her mayor I feel like she'd probably quit raiding shit AND do a better job than the current guy.

so is the back of the thong a metal strip or a chain of beads?

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Coffee and expired Japanese schoolgirl.

Risky terrorizes more than just Sequin Land, allegedly. We just never see these exploits because reasons,

The "tail" is actually the same piece of cloth as the inside of the heart. It's secured up front, loops under the groin, and then is tucked behind and droops over the chain around the waist which is what produces the tail.

why is she swaying like that

In the first game, since then she's been obsessed with Shantae.

Coffee and ADHD don't help a person hold still.

She's so perfect.

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Why aren't you swaying like that?

yeah it always has to be shantae doesn't it
fuck this

Built for my cock

>The appeal of the Shantae series in image form


No, this is

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>since then she's been obsessed with Shantae.
In one of the HGH DLC she doesn't even remember who Shantae is.

do you people actually like these games, or do you only play it for the waifus? I don't think I have EVER heard any mention of the gameplay being good, just the characters being hot

I have.

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>the person that commissioned this was too poor to finish Risky

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They rush through the games, and then spent the next 2 years jerking it to fan art.

I'd lick that vinegar off

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E3 possibly.

i think the games are okay but are fucking mediocre mechanically
the only reason i care about this franchise is for risky but that's a little too surmounted by the titular character's presence
the games really lack ambition in actually wanting to make a game, seems more like they just want to establish a franchise presence sex appeal is the cheapest, easiest way for them

sweat, deodorizers, and whatever her body wash is

no you wouldn't you stupid ass nigga cause your tranny anime shit ISN'T REAL.

Naw, it’s this.

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I play it for both. The only one I've been disappointed by so far is HGH simply because of how they managed to make it even easier than the previous entries and it wasn't as fun to explore because the puzzles were so braindead even though the jokes were pretty funny. The GBC game is also at the mercy of its screen space but as a game it's pretty okay.

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>he never heard of idle animations

imagine going into threads that you don't like

>In one of the HGH DLC she doesn't even remember who Shantae is.
It's on my desktop, I'll play it eventually, fuck off. Backlog is big.

Shantae? More like Shantittaes.

Gameplay wise, they're 7/10. I think people like the series mostly because it's just genuinely fun.

Also, competent metroidvanias with writing that isn't shit aren't exactly a dime a dozen.


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if only forgetting shantae made her disappear too

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then his question should be why does this stand out more than those diamond dozen incompetent metroidvanias with shit writing besides the fact that they like to fap to shantae

don't forget THE FUCKING MUSIC. Especially in Pirate's Curse.

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they are fun and funny

but shantae doesn't have any cunny


>HGH DLC and extra content is all just "beat the same levels again but with a new gimmick/character"

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My dick is pleased.

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this and another thing about the game were extremely upsetting

You mean the levels being linear areas of 2-3 platforming segments and then the boss instead of being a Metroidvania-like with dungeons like PC?

sneak colloidal silver in her drinks, she'll be blue in no time

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>Shantae likes Bolo
>he rejects her instantly because he's all about that Risky
Top tier taste

that is under the umbrella of the first reasoning honestly

wrong thread?

Wait, I got one more. The one with the tits.

>But she's a lesbian.
She asked out Bolo in the backstory but he turned her down. Which is why this never made sense.

wait really? she asked BOLO out?

Which character artstyle do you prefer? Pirate's Curse or HGH?

Attached: Shantae dancing.gif (500x343, 816K)

pirate's curse

Attached: risky is better and cuter and sexier than shantae.png (933x1280, 1.32M)

HGH is too chibi and flanderized.

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PC has beeter portraits, HGH has better sprites.

Even her bracelets get ridiculous as the series goes on.

>She asked out Bolo in the backstory but he turned her down.

Bolo prefers bird titties. no not Skye you fag her mom

Not too many other options in terms of guys, plus I don't think Bolo is supposed to be unattractive.

Shantae is a terrible franchise.

her mom is a bird??????

With wonderful degenerate fans

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>Bolo prefers bird titties.
He's always been into Risky. Even in the first game he can't bring himself to stand up to Risky because he's too smitten with her.

>the husband-wife team create Shantae as their ideal daughter
>she's lewd as fuck despite her innocence and everyone wants to fuck her
Did they know what they were unleashing?

Attached: Shantae.gif (613x440, 620K)

Most threads are mainly about the girls or just people wanting porn so it's not that strange that gameplay doesn't come up, but I'm a big fan of the games.

Though, the Switch Force part of HGH makes me wish more of those games were being made.

Lewd implies a way she acts, and Shantae never acts in a way that's lewd. She's just attractive and dresses like a belly dancer because she's a genie. In terms of mental state she's the picture of innocence.


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The barrels?
fucking hate those barrels

Yeah, it's painful to remember how long it took HGH to come out.

i want to paizuri right now


Original design is best. Shantae got more and more homogenized into anime genericness with every game.

Unless you're really fat, I don't think you've got the tits for it, dude.

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is futa on female lesbian or straight?
like, what would shantae and risky think of this?

HGH moved away from the anime though and became more of its own thing. Shantae in HGH looks more like something out of a 1930s American cartoon, but more angular.

The backstory is that Bolo sees Shantae as more of a sister and thus doesn't make advances on her.

it’s shit

Because they kept asking for money a full year after the Kickstarter officially ended.

>have a 100k sized stretch goal for holly
>most worthless arc in the game

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I think the issue is less that he's unattractive and more that he's unappealing.

Shit opinion.
She was drawn in a shitty anime wannabe style.
it never got more interesting, only less ugly.

futa is always straight. It's like how traps and reverse traps are always gay.

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tell that to your friends at the fraternity about your futa fetish then, i'll wait
hell if i knew you irl i'd just expose you right there in front of everyone about your interest in futa lmao

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Made me stop at the last boss to fap.

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Fraternities are super gay

>Used skull as a corset
>Ripped top still forms a skull shape

>tell that to your friends at the fraternity about your futa fetish then, i'll wait
Too late. The topic came up once during a night out. We were discussing anime, LNs, and VNs and Fate/Stay Night came up. Someone said something about Arturia and this somehow led to me bringing up her dick.

I'm not sure what's worse, being part of a fraternity that would kink shame you or being so closeted you would argue futa is gay. You must have a very shitty life.

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>We were discussing anime, LNs
i didn't know people considered anime clubs frats

>search for the usual RoR2 thread
>find this aswell
the gods are generous today

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Reminder: they are all wearing one womans set of metal bikinis, all somehow fitted for their individual bodies at that time.

>i didn't know people considered anime clubs frats
Uh...this is a international fraternity, not an anime fan club.

Risky's Revenge
Pirates Curse
1/2 Genie Hero

With Pirates Curse being the best game

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someone say Runk a Chunk?

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im hard

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hi hard i'm anonymous

>Canon that she delays in everything she does for 7-10 seconds

the castle in that image is in southern germany not england

Maybe if they at least made her arc feel more involved, like having the memory loss be more gradual as the main plot goes on, it wouldn't seem as worthless.

>the castle in that image is in southern germany not england
And? There's also no anvil.

That image shows what west and east prioritize over a design.

Top one gets cuter. But I like the 2014 one. But still, all cute.

Botton one have the idea of satire in mind and veins from start and it just gets uglier.

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Why do you Americans have such infantile names for sexual things?

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sex is banned in america,

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god she's so hot

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>tfw risky is so bad ass, she wears her former boss's skull as a bra and panties.

i wish i was the former boss.

>thigh gap

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I can fap to this

>The top half of Risky's body fucking evaporates

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and exposed tummy

>brown girls
>blue girls
>green girls

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