Top 100 PC games

>Top 100 PC games
>#1: Half Life

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Other urls found in this thread:

*sips* Half-Life was a fantastic game

>top 100 games
>top 10 is just zelda and super mario

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These hahha kek

>warframe is on the list

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but Nintendo is the best developer of all time so this should come as a surprise to nobody aside from underage PCkeks.

>ranking zelda games
>Best: botw
>worst: SS
Fuck everyone skyward sword was fun and botw was shit

>Top 100 best games of all time
>Portal is there

>top 100 PS4 games
>they didn't have enough to fill the list

>#1: Deus Ex

>you lived long enough to see SS apologists

>the list is filled with console ports

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What's wrong with Portal?

its was good, but not the best

>Nintendo is the best developer

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>FF6 over FF7

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>52. Fallout 4

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What're some better games

>ff7 over ff9

the best PC game in historical context and objective influence would probably be DOOM, although I guess Quake would come close

>Warframe is on any list for good games

why argue when there is already a definitive top 100 list?


guess pong is the best game ever

The Oregon trail begs to differ.

>Top 10 games of ALL TIME

>10. Super Mario Bros. 3
>9. Half Life 2
>8. Halo Combat Evolved
>7. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
>6. Final Fantasy VII
>5. Super Mario 64
>4. GTA San Andreas
>3. Dark Souls
>2. Tetris
>1. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

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Other than being reddit: the game, it has zero replay value.

Half Life and Half Life 2 belong at the top. And there’s nothing you can do about it, ladies.

>This is my personal list, so don't get upset that your favorite isn't there
>Picks the safest answers possible

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They officially have been named best Developer of all time & Miyamoto was awarded as the Walt Disney of gaming.

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>muh replay value

any TOP 100 GAMES EVER list is shit unless the games are divided into separate lists for different genres

Replay value is for poorfag who cannot buy more games.
Pirate some shit and problem solve

PC games have never been as good as console games

>unrealfags still seething

Literally every game after it

> Every list has 6-10 Nintendo games on it
> Nintendo has the #1 ranked game each time
Based, how can they be stopped Yea Forums?

This, Half-life 2 was only popular because it got a console port that wasn’t trash.


>zelda games topping every list
they are so fucking boring

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the people who made these lists played on console their whole lives and as a result only know the surface-level, reddit-said-this-was-good PC games (HL2, Portal). Anyone who tries to argue differently is retarded.

HL2 was influential as fuck though & graphically aged well enough to still be played today. Unlike every other PC game from that era besides KOTOR

>people still get mad like they weren't expecting overrated Nintendo garbage to make up half the list

Its not that simple but it comes down to it, unironically.

Cope Snoygger

hey user don't you know Oot Is a masterpeice and number 1 game of all time.

All you got to do is ignore that the combat is boring and braindead and also makes up half of the game.
It looks like shit, and didn't age as well like banjo
Its plot is generic
Its puzzles are braindead and a waste of time

The only game i played on my ps2 was sims 2 pets nigga

And that was still better than the shit on your fag baby console

I never said HL2 was bad, just that it seems to be the only good PC game that gets high up on these lists when there's plenty of other great ones.

your post should be interpreted as
>the only good PC games I have played from that era are kotor and hl2
stop being a faggot and play moar games


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VI is the better game. Deal with it, faggot.

that is a yikes
vanilla doom is boring and easy

Seething GameGrumps cuck

Name a PC game that had a bigger impact on modding

>Top Upcoming Games This Year
>#1: Half Life 3

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>Fallout 76
What did they mean by this?

Half-life 2 because Source Engine

Deflect hard faggot
Oot is one of the better zelda games and its still trash.
Only actual man-babies, woman, and retarded friendliness children play zelda

Nah you're just a contrarian.

>VANILLA doom is boring and easy
>name a bigger moddable game

Yikes user

also other user is correct half life 2 did the most for mods

>Top 100 list
>Nothing but safe choices and no surprises
>Top 5 is (in no particular order) Dark Souls, Chrono Trigger, Ocarina of Time, Final Fantasy VII, and Ocarina of Time

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Warcraft III.

>people still get mad cause x wasn't in the top 5 like they weren't expecting this or think number 4 and 3 should swap spots like it matters

>Top 100 PC games
>#1: Freespace 2

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Try playing it without quicksaving every 3 seconds, user.

I have never ever seen Terraria on one of these list but Minecraft is always there.

I think this may be one of the most Yea Forums posts ever made.

actually i was wrong about half life 2 being the game that did the most to modding

its warcraft 3 with hl2 in number 2 for that reward
I mean wc3 modding scene made the most successful video game genre of all time

Fuck off, brainlet.

Vanilla doom isnt hard dude
Like i get Yea Forums is casual but they can't be this fucking casual
theirs barely any monsters and you got almost infinite ammo

play on the highest difficulty and restart every level from the beginning if you die
if you didnt beat the entirety of doom that way you didnt beat it at all

>list of good games
>skyrim is somehow on it

>that is a yikes

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>the original game is on the list
>the clone isn't
really boggles the mind

cause its true?
We get user your 64 raised you more than your parents and it was your only friend but the only game that remotely holds up from that system is banjo-kazzozie
Mario 64 and Oot are overrated garbage

>top 100 list
>No Chaos Theory.

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i played it on ultra violence and only died like twice in the entire game
shit baiscully rains health and ammo at you
i can't see doing the same on nightmare being that much harder

But Minecraft is an Infiniminer clone.

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Wojack poster
that's another yikes

>#1: Planescape: Torment

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Top 10 FF geams:

1. IX
2. VII
3. V
4. VI
5. IV
6. X
8. XII
9. XV
10. XIII

Nobody considers FF7 better then FF6

>top 10 Yea Forums boards
>#1: Yea Forums

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At least it's not half life 2

>3 and 64 over World and Galaxy

>Its another thread made by valve-kun to shit on valve games
Now post the rpgcodex screencaps.

>Expecting any online top 100 or whatever bullshit list to be 100% accurate
They're all bullshit desu.

>N64 games in every one
>MGS games in any of them
We're reaching levels of shit taste that shouldn't even be possible

world is the best mario game period
that's just fact

What list

my opinions > other opinions the thread

ok? rick and morty is the best show to ever air on TV, whats your point

What screencaps?

What a shitty opinion

HL1 was unironically better than sequels, it had bigger weapon and enemy variety.

Games don't deserve to be top anything unless they withstand the test of time and can still be considered the best by people new to them, playing them in the current year.
A few examples include Stalker CoC, SSBM, Warcraft 3, etc.

This. FF7 is zoomer tier.

i literally haven't played mario or zelda ever in my life. ask me anything


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To an extent
A quality popular thing can never live up to something that hits your preferred niche just right, subjectively speaking of course
Popular things are popular because they appeal to the lowest common denominator in some capacity

Good post desu

Stalker is a buggy fucking mess that absolutely no one plays unmodded
It's a great game, but given it's issues it hardly deserves the label "withstand the test of time" if even the vanilla release is hardly playable.

How is Skyrim being on this list justifiable. Everything else has an argument at least.

I will never fucking see the appeal of Ocarina of Time.
I just don't fucking get it.

>Stalker CoC
That's not a Stalker game, friend.

FFVI is the game for sophisticated gentlesirs who appreciate a complex and nihilistic villain like Kefka

How the fuck is HL2 justifiable, when it's flat-out worse than the first one?


Just because it's contemporary doesn't mean it's bad you retard
Citizen Kane as a movie now is pretty straight forward and bland but as movie back when it came out it was revolutionary and is considered a classic
Things don't exist inside of seperate bubbles

Half Life changed story telling in FPS games and then decided that it didn't want to be ahead of it's time anymore in the sequel

Thins age especially games from before 2000 since we found better ways to control and design them

Obscure games are fucking garbage

>I will never fucking see the appeal of Ocarina of Time.

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There's no need to swing from one extreme to another.

I have never owned a Sony console in my life. The only Zelda game that I like is II.

>they said something I don't like about a nintendo product, must be fucking snoy again
take your meds

But that is my opinion too.

You missed the period when it would've impressed you by about 15-20 years

Popular games are fucking garbage

>Top 100 PC games
>Witcher 3 not in the top 10

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Then put them on a list of influential games/movies, not the top games of all time. You wouldn't say the first commercial car was the best car of all time, you wouldn't say the original iPhone is the best phone of all time, etc.

Sounds like you literally never played the vanilla game before.

Feels bad man

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Who would've guessed a superficial list would be flawed.

Stop with the brain damage for a second.


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hmm wow products created with the intention of being upgraded and replaced later on down the line are the same as unique pieces of audiovisual media

no u, bitch

>Any top list
>Any Final Fantasy

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shut the fuck up gamergate that nazi fucking game is fucking broken

Get rekt sony fag. Metal gear solid is a pretentious clunky as shit game that spawned the meme movie games.

Super mario 64 and OoT are pure gameplay bliss on the other hand. I feel like the best games N64 games hold up better than anything on the ps1 (even if they tried to push the 2d sprites for a little while).

There are some mediums that don't age poorly with time, such as music and art.
Video games and movies are not those mediums, with a few exceptions of course.

t. zoomer who never played n64.
That console if fucking full of classics

Man, I remember when Yea Forums overtook Yea Forums as the second fastest board.

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>#1: Fortnite

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but that's objectively true user, you're just a zoomer faggot with shit taste desu

>any jrpg list
>chrono trigger
It is good but i wouldn't call it best of anything imo

Yeah they're boring as fuck but everyone knows Zelda. Even my 90 year old grandmother knows what the fuck Zelda is so it's a safe option and not a lot of people who actually read those dumb lists will question it.

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Can you possibly make a reply with knowledgeable use in the buzzwords you're spewing? Thanks.

How does it feel to be a fucking moron with shit taste, huh? How does it feel to think you're top shit to be the faggot in the minority? How does it feel to think those early 3D platfomer/third person games for the N64 actually aged well? I hope you suffer the death of a thousand rodents.

Nintendo cancer is the the worst thing after microtransactions

gramd theft auto iii is the most important and influential game ever made, half-life is nowhere close. gtaiii is also way more fun to play today and actually holds up. half life is fucking awful.

that's for gamefrEAk.

>Citizen Kane as a movie now is pretty straight forward and bland
No it isn't, don't talk about a medium you have no idea about to make your point.

I mean, objectively speaking there ain’t anything wrong with it and it’s still fun.

Mario 64, Street Fighter, Ocarina of Time, Metal Gear Solid, Super Mario Bros & Resident Evil are objectively the most influential games

>#57 Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
>#29 Sonic Adventure 2

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>Half Life 2 over 1
>Halo over both
>No Doom, Quake, shit even Goldeneye.
>SMB3 over World
I don’t even hate Halo or HL2 and I think that’s wrong

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pong desu

>Top 100 PC games
>Top 10 consists of Thief: The Dark Project, Deus Ex, Doom, Half Life, Baldur's Gate, World of Warcraft, Team Fortress 2, Portal

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What about Pitfall? Or Donkey Kong?

Tbf, Portal, Doom, and Deus Ex could be legitimate candidates, not sure about the rest though

>being this much of a nintentard
super mario bros is the only game from this list where there's an argument.

>"Top 100 Games of All Time"
>"Ocarina of T-"

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Ffvii lifts whole ideas themes and music directly from vi.

How is a green frog video game related?

>Red dead redemption
this site is the biggest joke

you're mentally retarded

>ff9 over ff6