Heh heh, those fools think they can abandon Steam? We'll just not buy their game...

Heh heh, those fools think they can abandon Steam? We'll just not buy their game. When they fail they'll come crawling back on their knees, begging to put the game on Steam! Oh shit.

Attached: bl3pre.jpg (912x567, 149K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Psh, I willl wait until it is out on the Steam Marketplace and not the Epic Store. *pre-orders Border Lands 3 on the Epic Store*

Numbers. Numbers.

borderlands 2 literally came out 7 years ago

Attached: 1258048783080.jpg (1885x903, 328K)

Yeah and that's when most people swore off the series. The characters suddenly had completely different personalities, and even worse, guns were balanced around level. No more soloing mid-level content using a low level gun.

From previous data we know that means at least 8 million. Probably more.

Why do people pre order games they know nothing much about?

Attached: A46D03F3-1F4A-45FB-B565-009EDB277E72.jpg (1200x675, 82K)

That's a fair question in most cases, but this is a series that has had three previous games and has been pretty consistent in terms of gameplay. People have a fair idea of what to expect.

>pre order

when are people gonna learn

Have they released numbers or are they pulling the dude trust me card again?

well you couldn't preorder the other games on epic so of course it's a record on the epic store even if only one copy was preordered

>buys Borderlands 3
>It's an RTS

There is no reviews in Epic store anyways so even if the game absolute horse shit no one will know about it.

How exactly would releasing numbers make you feel any different? You'd then be saying "Dude trust me these numbers are real."

Oh yes, no one in the world is capable of using google.

The way Epic plays ball, I wouldn't be suprised if it were fabricated numbers. Even if it's true, BL2 came out in a time where pre-orders weren't that common. Gaming industry has grown and gained millions of retards.

Based retards

If they're retards, how could they possibly be based? Fucking idiot...

Id buy or pirate things steam put up, but anything from epic is gonna be a pirate for me

user, I can make the claim that I have the world's largest penis and no one would believe it unless I showed evidence.

How do you show evidence of numbers? Merely releasing a specific number presumably would not qualify as evidence for you.

Post the L4D2 one next.

>no one has asked for the article source yet

Did I pre-order the Diamond Chest Collector's Edition for $250? Yes.
Do I regret it? No.

It becomes increasingly obvious why people seriously believe "If the Epic store doesn't have reviews, you can't find out what people think of the game!"

Badass. I hope you enjoy my USB.

when you use twitch as a metric expect zero credibility

There is a difference between wanting proof for a claim and accusing someone of releasing false evidence. You know that, right?

What else was there worth preordering on epic store? Metro doesn’t count since it was initially going to be on steam until a last minute pullout

You're deflecting from the original question. WHAT WOULD CONSTITUTE PROOF IN YOUR EYES?

ill just pirate it till its on sale on steam as a "game of the year" edition. haha

>once again meaningless comparison without any hard numbers
Being a gaming """journalist""" should be punishable by death

Based retard

Now you know how yellow journalism became so influential

We really are too retarded for a democracy

You realize that people write hard numbers inside the articles, right? No wonder you have such hate for journalism, you only ever read the headlines.

It's probably not even a real article
>copy/paste picture of BL3 into paint
>using the text tool write title above it

>yfw Borderlands 3 is gonna sell BILLIONS
Steamcucks BTFO again

Attached: 1554073292089.jpg (922x979, 199K)

Reading their """articles""" involves giving them clicks and attention, which is exactly what they want

Ok, get the info without reading retard.

And how would you know the articles are bad if you've never read a single one? Your logic is very circular.

burn in Hell you son of a bitch, the article doesn't even exit you piece of shit. kys you autistic journalist, go blame whites for something that's all you can do. BURN IN HELL

Yikes, simmer down incel. Maybe this is why women find you creepy?

t. Shitaku drones

No. wanted numbers. You were the first one to claim that they wouldn't be enough for him.

Well, that's about the level of discourse I expect from someone who is too illiterate to read anything longer than a single sentence.

And you still haven't explained what would constitute proof.

Damn you're retarded. I bet you only play single player games.

Seems like someone struck a nerve lol

>no one mentioned women
>the faggot got called out, started to hyperventilate and threw out the first buzzword that came to his mind
gj tard, now go use the rope you useless waste, your deserve shit down your throat you fake news enabler piece of crap. BURN

i love how the games industry is becoming so segregated. All the pink hair fatass trannies flocking to Epic and the absurdly gay, unfunny and unfun games coming out of triple A land.

Meanwhile men and their women move back to board games, simulation games, action games.

Fucking AAA is so gay now lmao the people who play these games are intolerable. They're all so insecure and unintelligent. They can hardly verbalize without some meme logorrhea, their heroes are all perverts, pedophiles and molesters. There greatest achievement is their middle-of-the-road sci-fi TV show paraphernelia. Their walls are covered with Funko pops. Holy shit you people suck haha

I don't really remember Borderlands 2 or even TPS having much a pre order push. I could be wrong though.

>implying I care about Borderlands

also what the fuck is going on here, are the Chinabots replying to themselves?

Its easy to set a record when you don't have any previous ones

The fuck are you on about, incel?

Seems like I struck a nerve, lol.

Attached: 1544015998537.jpg (360x94, 14K)

He didn't ask for proof, he asked for numbers. Numbers, while not proof by themselves, are at least something to go by

Is this article even real?

>There greatest achievement is their
How on earth did you fuck this up?


That's the thing. We have numbers. Whatever the BL2 preorders were, plus one.

the article is fake, it does not exist, you're arguing with nothing. it's fake, just like everything else you believe in you fucking autistic son of a bitch. i hope you get tied up and the devils dance on your mangled corpse you fake news faggot. take your whole family and kys, purify the earth. liars are the worst son of a bitches, even the devil cringes knowing your species exists. take a bullet and put it through your heart -oh shit you don't have one because you are a useless drone defending fake news and shit that does not even exist.

This incel is absolutely SEETHING, lmao

Provide numbers or this means nothing. For all we know the top preordered game on Epic store sold 15 copies.

Not a concrete number. If they actually had numbers, they'd show them. The truth does not fear investigation, as our holocaust denying friends say

And you know what I say to them?


They know what it means.

you got called out tranny monstrosity and the only thing you can do now until your ptsd sets in is reply with buzzwords. tick tock, deaths is coming for you, the 30s ring fast


hows your family today? still praying to god that it takes you as they are ashamed beyond belief by the mistake they made when instead of swallowing you, you got spat inside the pussy? throw more buzzwords abomination

Attached: Untitled.png (642x534, 504K)

A claim is nothing without any backing.
Epic can say "OUR GAME OUTDID EVERYTHING" and it holds 0 weight without any numerical backing whatsoever. If they release numbers, they become accountable for the validity of them and can face substantial suits in American courts if they are found to be false.


not even the worms care about you diseased faggot

>If they release numbers, they become accountable for the validity of them and can face substantial suits in American courts if they are found to be false.
So you admit that the Captain Marvel numbers are actually real, then?

Let me guess: they compare the current sales to Pre-Sequel instead of Borderlands 2?

You mad.

uncle flapjack stuffed you well i see

So um, where is the source?


how does it feel EVERYONE OPENLY RUNS AWAY FROM YOU at every occasion. every smile you get is fake, every encouragement is a lie, every pat on the back is followed by sanitizer on their hands

2 of those 3 previous games were utter shit though, and the 1 non-shit game in the series was the first.
Who the fuck even likes borderlands?


>when being part of an experiment done by monsters and you result as an even bigger monster


>being such a monstrosity that your own family goes to extremes

I don't care about Capeshit so I have no idea what the fuck that is.


>OP posts an ms paint image with no source
>retards still take the bait and go further off topic
is this real life

Attached: windows error noise.png (391x419, 204K)

Based dipshit

>your birth being the result of hate and evil

Attached: 1553883521338.jpg (1068x1175, 850K)

This board is notorious for being one of the dumbest ones on the site. I have an IQ chart somewhere.