>Black Skeleton boss
>Has a bone to pick
Black Skeleton boss
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was tpab a fluke?
everything prior and since can't hold a candle
also he's revealing himself to be a bigger idiot every passing year
I like damn better than butterfly but honestly I don't think he can make something better than maad city
>Lava boss
>Wants to fire things up
>defeat black boss
>Achievement Unlocked: The Nigger They Are...
>Good production and a catchy song
>Ruined by people talking in the background or an intro that is edited into the song itself
This is objectively wrong.
Regardless of what you think of it GKMC is widely considered a modern day classic.
Regardless of what you think about it Damn is full of bangers and did well in the charts which was almost definitely his intention with that album.
>Damn is full of bangers
tpab literally had more and better bangers
I don't keep up with rap/hip hop. What did he do?
Dont make me snort user, I'm at work
brought a fan on stage to rap a line specifically with the word nigga in it and then shames her in front of thousands for actually doing it
also YAH off of DAMN is pretty shockingly unga considering how one of TPAB's overarching themes was about putting in the work yourself to overcome your social barriers
>What did he do?
His music was highly regarded by white, college-aged, art snobs. Which is why a rapper was even respected on this site. Then he went (even more) mainstream.
Not vidya.
>Final Boss
>"Should've killed yo' ass a long time ago"
GKMC has always been and will always be better than TPAB. Also, I like DAMN. better than TPAB even, but I wouldn't try to claim it's "better"; they're not super comparable because of how different they are musically.
nothing in YAH contradicts that wtf
gkmc is better.
>2015, shit don't change until you get up and wash yo ass nigga
>2015, niggas tired of playin' victim dog
>2017, our suffering is god's will
I've lately been listening to this banger
he realized that if he makes good music white people start to like it and he absolutely can't have that so now only puts out turbo-unga music
gkmc was good though
Money Trees is his best track
>Yea Forums crossposters
section80 and gkmc are the only good albums he has
I only like Section 80
It’s sad, but he’s one of those people totally mind fucked by the history of slavery and African Americans so his music is always gonna have that unga bunga muh roots we wuz kangz black victim hood/fragility aspect I think.
Yea Forumsirgins
we had to leave
Yea Forums is a complete dumpster fire now
GKMC and prior are great. TPAB is... Ok. Seems a bit too preachy and conscious for my white man liking but I will say it was still fairly good and it's nice to see a different style. Damn was good but seems like the inverse, more of the same but not really all that out there content wise. It's still all good, just cannot be held to GKMC because that shit was gold from the start
>tfw its been 4 years since hip hop generals were a thing
>untitled unmastered exists