City of Heroes

Completely Original Characters Edition

>Where can I play?
You can't yet, but it's going to happen very, very soon.
>How do I into Paragon Chat?
>How do I plan my character?
use Mid's Hero Designer
>How do I watch what's happening with the server creation?
>What the hell is going on?
A fuckload of drama about a secret private server happened, we got the source code LITERALLY YESTERDAY, work is now being carried out to create public servers.
>Is Leandro still a faggot?

Post them heroes lads

Attached: Bootleg Super Anime Friends.png (2640x847, 2.71M)

Other urls found in this thread:'_Guide_to_the_Cities/Slash_Commands,_Macros,_Keybindings,_and_Emotes

Is it safe to get hyped about playing the game again?'_Guide_to_the_Cities/Slash_Commands,_Macros,_Keybindings,_and_Emotes

Also if you're interested in messing around with Macros'_Guide_to_the_Cities/Slash_Commands,_Macros,_Keybindings,_and_Emotes

Don't forget, if you're playing on Paragon Chat then you can explore the other zones despite them being empty.

I rarely like to get hype this early on in situations like this, but the progress made in the past few days along with all of the anons having fun with character making has been pretty inspiring.

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It won't let me create a Paragon Chat account. Do I need that to get to Atlas park where the others are

settings then play offline.

Probably not but it's nice to remember the good times. I remember how much of a disaster The Hollows was when it was released, the area was littered with bodies. Killed Perez Park, kind of bummed me out, I loved the simple routine of that area. Start with the groups on the streets, work your way around to the higher level mobs, after that you move inside the park killing Vahz or whatever and Circle of Thornes, after that you move to the center of the park and kill Hydras, then you're level 15 and move on to the higher level spots and the game really begins.

>Do I need that to get to Atlas park where the others are
You do. What problem are you running into with the account creation?

No it isn't safe. its a drug deal gone south. Someone stole the drugs, slammed that cocaine. then when people caught on and want to buy they say half now the rest later.

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Rumor is the issue 25 data is wild now, anyone got links?

I don't even want to do anything with it, just to keep it as a backup in case it gets purged

Its not wild, its just the defense force up in arms now he's teased. Nobody will give you a link because there isn't one.

I25 is out but it's only the I25 data. It's not compatible with the server he released and he's not giving out the rest of the issues, NPC, mission or map data until someone buys him a shiny new server.

It's giving me an error 500 server issue when submitting an email for the code.

tricksy hobbitses

2+2+2+2chan has the dox on him though, why is he stalling? Is he really trying that hard to drag his family into this mess?

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fuck off

T. Leandro

fuck off back to your smash thread nigger

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Because Discord and some journalists are sucking his dick so he thinks he's untouchable right now. He doesn't realize that NCSoft is going to crawl up his ass for the rest of his life and we're trying to get the goods out of his hands before that happens.

Untouchable? hell Argentina is the worst place to pull this shit. They have no extradition treaties with anybody. A BR hue could drive south kill his dog and as long as they got back to BR without being arrested get away clean. God bless the Falkland war.

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I know it's just an example but his dog shouldn't come to harm for his faggotry.

I agree, but the point stands. He lives in a 3rd world shithole where all bad ilk can become of him and he still thinks he is untouchable.

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We've got everything besides the mission/npc data from my understanding. So its a start but we still need those 2 important things before its an actual game.