which is the most dishonest
Which is the most dishonest
A character needs at least one attack skill, a defense skill, and a support effect.
>nd a support effect.
DPS are usually niggers that fuck up everything and don't know any mechanics
Healers are usually both terrible players and terrible human beings.
Tanks are the best. Prove me wrong.
Protip: you can't
>breaks down in tears if someone accidentally touches a mob millisecond before her
DPS is just brainlets mashing buttons blaming the team
Tank: let me protect you
Tank. k die then
Why even bother using the DPS abbreviation if the image is going to specify that it means damage-dealer roles?
Are we going to need these next?
Tank (Gets hit)
Healer (Restores party health)
healing is and always has been the hardest and most attentive role.
tanks are full of unwarranted self importance because the reality is they're a boring archtype in most mmorpgs and nobody wants to play them so their existence is valued on a fundamental level that they conflate with being good when its just they're slightly less dispensable.
dps are based.
literally all mmorpgs players suffer from psychological issues and half of them are substance abusers. normal well adjusted individuals do not play mmorpgs.
Just in case for someone new to mmos I'm guessing. Healer is self explanatory, and with the shield they can infer what it does.
The realest evil is brain-dead pubs who ruin groups by having shitty gear and an even shittier sense of gameplay mechanics. Make some friends, improve together, conquer games.
>class that can tank and DPS takes aggro and uses potions to alleviate healer mana spending
>tank: reeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>healer takes aggro for 0.000000001 attosecond
Every roulette/dungeon finder/group finder. Every single one.
But why bother using the term "DPS" at all then if you have to explain it because you may have an audience that doesn't know what the abbreviation stands for? Why not simply say "Damage" instead?
>calling them DPS
>not DD
fucking new fags to mmorpgs get out
Spotted the DPS baby with no skill
Its sad how fucked modern mmorpgs are.
Healers in the past had to not only heal, but dps and crowd control as well.
No more actual support classes.
its okay
lol it takes like a second to type out damage
Tanks are either the chillest and nicest fuckers in the entire guild or they forcefully become raid leader and become drill sergeants because people are too retarded to follow mechanics.
DDs are kings!..... of dying to stupid mechanics because 95% of DD players value numbers on a DPS meter over actually doing fights right. "BUT IF I MOVED I WOULD HAVE LOST 300 DPS!!!"
Healers are always cunts or fucking clueless. They're either amazing and total cunts because of it, or shit and take 4 raid weeks before they ask questions about shit they fail on endlessly. There is no inbetween.
Healers without a doubt.
They absolutely refuse to accept any responsibility for failure.
>muh parse
>*dies and ruins it anyway*
DPS classes sometimes have actual skill rotations. All healers do is sit and spam the same heal spell over and over.
In FF14 healers are expected to DPS as well heal, but I doubt you'd like that game.
Playing any cooldown/rotation based mmo is the most dishonest.
I like ff14 but its boring as shit in the fact that 95% of fights are perfectly predictable and choreographed.
The consistency of the fights makes them too boring and tame, too sterilized.
Healers in that game are just dps who have regularly scheduled keep everybody alive buttons.
Seems to strongly depend on the game.
DPS usually the most commonly played with a wide variety of personalities. Rule of thumb, Rogue-types and Mages tend to be cunts, Rangers and Warriors usually chill.
Tanks always seem chill but having a bad one sucks? But hey at least they tend to be nice.
Healers are either the best or worst people personality wise. The latter is better but you'd rather play with the former because they don't want to strangle you for fucking up once.
As a DPS main, I can safely say that DPS players are usually the most idiotic people in MMOs. I can't tell you how many times I saw a party wipe because some sub-human retard couldn't see the giant flaming circle under his feet, or ran a group of adds he aggro'd into the healer.
No such thing as dishonest, another retarded term made up by retards, like SOUL and COMFY.
Tanks are usually chads with deep calm know it all voice, i always feel tanks are my dad.
comfy is very real fuck you
To add on, I feel like healers usually take the most skill. You got the frailty of a dd and the meter management and responsibility of a tank to worry about. That said, that doesn't excuse the poor behaviour they often have.
Tank always feels really easy to play cause you just sit in front, keep the aggro, buff the party occasionally, etc, but if you fuck it up you REALLY fuck it up for everyone.
DPS is mixed.
>queue as dps 20 mins
>queue as healer 10 min
>queue as tank 1 sec
Tank chads rise up. The bad part is raid responsibility since there are only 2 tanks in raids at least in WoW
Also finding a goup for mythic+ is instant as a tank
I played as a healer once, spent the entire boss battle healing one guy nonstop.
Battle ends. guy who i healed nonstop tells me to heal him at least once in a while.
Don’t underestimate retarded subhuman DPSfags who have 0 awareness.
In ESO it's usually one main tank, then offtanks for certain encounters.
That said it's very easy to tank in that game.
Most of the time. I haven't played in a while but I vividly remember the terror of tanking a boss that'd attack a brazillion times at once with floating sabers.
Tanks are fags who need to listen to their party
Healers are fags who need to stop throwing hissy fits every time their party members move an inch out of range
DPS are just fags in general
>Tank chads rise up
I love tanks, i love sword or dagger in vanilla for fast treat stacking & shield, but i hate retards. Also i hate responsibility with calling things with randoms(i want i had even 4 friends).
Also most guilds already have tanks in their core.
I wish utility role(not healbot) was a thing again.
>"k die then"
So willingly throwing a raid is a reasonable response to a single DPSer acting out of order? How about you stop throwing tantrums like a little bitch and use your fucking taunt to save him, I mean that's the whole reason you're there anyway. You're telling me you're not even going to attempt to do the job you signed up for because someone forced you to do that job a second earlier than you expected? You're going to purposely not to a thing which apparently brings you joy because.... people WANT you to do that thing?
There is nothing inherently dishonest about any of these.
If anything the DPS role has the chance of being the least dishonest since they only have to focus on the things the other roles would want to focus on. Killing shit.
oh damn son you're actually mad? it's all in good fun my guy
Yeah that's why I'm mad at the guy who quit a few seconds into the raid because a DPS pulled a trash mob.
Playing guitar hero is not difficult, doing the right thing at the right time is more difficult.
Shouldn’t have pulled that trash mob kid.
If I can kill it then why should you care?
Because you’re DPS, anything that isn’t begging or not being quiet is crossing the line, you’re literally worthless in an MMO.
I didn't know what real fear was until I played healer. Suicidal children and random maniacs doing dumb shit doesn't really bother you much until you have to babysit them.
I guess it's similar to that feeling of a parent at the zoo with their kid and they look away for a second and kid is already in the gorilla enclosure looking for hugs.
What a terrible post
Just to be clear, you're not just getting unreasonably upset about a game, but you're getting unreasonably upset about a hypothetical scenario in an unspecified game which even if it did happen wouldn't affect your experience of this unnamed game?
I think you need to step away from your computer for a week or two.
Cope harder cuck, i’m tank and my friend healer, the moment one of you DPSlaves fuck up and don’t apologize you get the boot, that’s how dungeons are done.
He's right though. A tank should have an attack to draw a lot of aggro, a defense skill for especially hard hitting attacks and a general defense buff for people around him. A DPS should have a hard hitting single enemy attack to quickly mop up, something to evade attacks like AOE's and a boost to backstabs or maybe an attack buff for longer combo's. A healer should have debuff attacks, something to get them away from danger or to an ally and an obvious health restore.
You could make a decent MMO trio based on this alone and all you have to do is build on it for specializations. It's better than starting out with literally nothing.
The greatest thing about DPStards is how replaceable they all are. Oh you wanna act out of line?
Get fucked kiddo, there's 80 others in queue willing to take that spot.
Tank+Healer = Ruling Class
DPS = Peasants
Your average cancer tank in any mmo, laziest most entitled role possible
>omfg dps too low i'm going to throw a fit while I didn't even bother to equip any skills to pull aggro
>bitches at team mates when he let's them die
>starts runs by fucking around in their inventory for 5 minutes
>thinks they have loot priority every time
>half of them don't even know what they are doing and will stand around not even applying dps
Healing is fun because I control everyone's lives and choose who lives and who dies. I am your god and if you want to live through this fight you better drop to your knees and open your mouth.
DPS players are usually mentally inferior and have trouble thinking about the ways their actions can affect the whole party during encounters. They love to just mash their damage macro while standing still, or go off and pull wandering groups of mobs for some incomprehensible reason.
Hi, I'm the glass cannon, where do I sign up?