Is there a single board on this site that's worse than Yea Forums?

Is there a single board on this site that's worse than Yea Forums?

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Yea Forums


Yea Forums

All of them. Especially Yea Forums.

/k/s pretty fucking stupid at times.

don't think any board is worse than /soc/

You're definitely not trying to make it any better.

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Yea Forums Yea Forums /lgbt/


/pol/ is the lowest of the low, below Yea Forums tier

/r9k/ is pretty shit. Also Yea Forums and Yea Forums.

I unironically want to kill myself

Yea Forums. It's an even normier board than Twitter.

you're contributing

Yea Forums
Not because of board quality or politics or any of that crap, but because its literally a comicbook board. Like how pathetic do you have to be to still read comics when you're more than twelve years old? Literal adults who still play videogames are less pathetic.

Why would I bother making a pile of shit better?

What's so wrong about these boards?

>talking shit about Yea Forums
seething casuals

Yea Forums and Yea Forums are better than Yea Forums
Yea Forums is literally the only place on this site where have sex is considered an appropriate response to thing I'm pretending I don't like.

Yea Forums.

The literal fucking anime and manga board hate cunny and loli. This shit will never make sense to me.

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I don't think so. It's become the designated tourist shitposting board. Yea Forums is just a containment board now, same as /pol/.

Yea Forums and Yea Forums
They're honestly the worst board. Sometimes you can have good discussion on Yea Forums but Yea Forums is mostly waifuposting, rping and screeching over everyone.

Yea Forums is Yea Forums's toilet

/pol/ is Yea Forums2:electric boogaloo but a vast majority are too dumb and truly buy into what is posted to the point something terrible has been created.

Yea Forums is the shittiest board. People there will do some mad reaching just so they can argue with someone and say they're right. It's also filled with pedos and weirdos who just constantly RP in threads.

/pol/ used to be cool dropping redpills and such but now every thread just feels like a bunch of tabloid nonsense and forced memes. Everything feels so artificial and boring.

Just look at Yea Forums's catalog. There's no discussion on Yea Forums, only shitty memes like sneed. I know Yea Forums is a shithole but I can have more or less good vidya discussion here at least.

This. Holy shit if you think you get shit on for your taste on Yea Forums, go to Yea Forums and start a thread about a band or song you like.
Yea Forums is High School: The Anonymous Forum.

That sounds like Yea Forums with less shills, twitter memes and redditors

Yea Forums is filled with low IQ individuals and closeted trannies.

Yea Forums hates Yea Forums because Frogshit and wojak shit is banned there.

If you honestly think Yea Forums is shit you must never leave this board. Browse Yea Forums for an hour and you will change your mind.

sounds exactly like Yea Forums

3dpd cpshit was always hated on Yea Forums, pedo scum

>Yea Forums hates Yea Forums because Frogshit and wojak shit is banned there.
Never been on Yea Forums since I only like Shonenshit and Initial D, but that alone makes them better than Yea Forums


How fucking new? Early Yea Forums had junior model threads.

Ironically it's only with "anime" video games when I see the same retarded posters. Hmmmmmmmmm

I don't like 2D females and I'm not a pedophile. What does it offer me?

With people like that it's expected

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Yea Forums is probably the only board that has shittier thaste than Yea Forums. Infinitely shittier.

Which are you, low IQ or tranny? Pick one or maybe both.

What does Yea Forums offer you? Is that what you're asking?

Yea Forums without a fucking doubt

Yea Forums is pure shithole


just don't come here anymore and problem solved.

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Here's your Yea Forums moderator bro

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You must be blind and retarded then.

My favorite part about that board is that every general has their own drama.

Cringe (formerly based).

was it that ausfag that found out?
god bless that ausfag

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Yea Forums Yea Forums and /pol/ are the holy trinity of worst boards

i hate Yea Forums

From what I can tell Yea Forums seems like its the same normalfag board it always has been. A long time ago Yea Forums used to be decent but over the years it's transformed into a /pol/ colony. Yea Forums has become worse over the years but it's not nearly as bad as the rest of the website.


Trash has beter moderation than most boards.

/vp/ is awful. It's/trash/ lite with no porn.

Trash has no moderation retard, it's where mods dump thier trash, hence the name

All the boards are shit now.

>Have Sex
>soul vs. soulless
>AHEM! *ding ding ding!* Fuck jannies, trannies and niggers
>It's almost as if
>Redpill me on X
>Hello, we are the X games in X franchise
>The absolute state of X
>Imagine X
>Janny are you okay? Are you okay janny?
>*CRUNCH CRUNCH* Insert pretentious opinion *burp*
>What does Yea Forums think of X?
>Did you buy her game, X?
>*Shitty thing about game* What's her name Yea Forums?
>Xfags seething
>Xfags on suicide watch
>What went wrong?
>What went so right?
>Now that the dust has settled, what does Yea Forums think of X?
>poo poo pee pee doo doo
>X gets on the server
>Here's your X, bro
>He's in
>Roll a 7
>What is the video game version of *insert band or album*
>*Smacks lips*
>Cunny thread
>cute and funny
>I love X!
>Let's write a letter to X, one word for each post
>Is he right Yea Forums?
>What did he mean by this?
>Apologize to him Yea Forums
>Explain yourselves
>Well? Who was in the wrong here?
>Defend this
>What's his name again?
>What the fuck was his problem?
>Coworkers start talking about video games
>Refute this
>Prove him wrong
>Perfect X doesn't exi-
>Protip: you can't
>Why does this trigger Yea Forums so much?
>Yea Forums BTFO
>Would you?
>Is he "our" guy?
>He did nothing wrong!
>He/She killed millions
>Will you buy his game?
>Buy his game
>Convince me to NOT buy this game
>Find a flaw
>It's up
>Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that it was shit?
>I'm glad we can all agree on this
>How did we go from THIS?
>Hold me, Yea Forumsros
>How do we fix this?
>me on the X
>best ass/tits/feet in vidya thread
>20XX...I am...forgotten...
>Video game quote game thread
>brb smoke/last online 569 days ago
>Why did you stop playing Overwatch?
>astolfo/Gerudo Link thread

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Yea Forums here, you guys are the worst

Nah, /trash/ is fine if you're a drawfag

>Hating the only board on Yea Forums that somewhat resembles the golden days

Yea Forums is probably one of the worst because 99% of the content should be on /s/

There's plenty of room in the landfill for both Yea Forums and Yea Forums.

Yea Forums

This, should be gased. Would also be ironic

objectively /pol/, /cgl/, Yea Forums, Yea Forums, and /r9k/

Yea Forums
Yea Forums

yes yes/a/ is shit, please never go there

Yea Forums a shit

Yea Forums /pol/ Yea Forums

>homestuck thread get instantly deleted
>frozen thread get instantly deleted
>kiwi farms thread got instantly deleted
>anything ilegal got instantly deleted

Yeah, no moderation.

>Yea Forums thinking they haven't been one of the worst boards since their inception

Pol, tv....that's it.

There was a time m00t banned ponis from Yea Forums. The ponifags just shitposted everywhere as a response. Eventually he created /mlp/.

Nuking /pol/ would be like that or even worse.

/qa/ without a doubt. It's supposed to be a place for meta discussion but it's Yea Forums 2

We aren't though and keep to ourselves unlik3 Yea Forums /pol/ and Yea Forums

This. Yea Forums is literally 90% shitposting at all times. At least Yea Forums usually has a decent amount game discussion going on.

/vp/ is filled with literal retards

/pol/ since no one on the board has any clue about politics, they're uneducated high school dropouts talking about a topic they have no idea of. That bring said, Yea Forums doesn't have a clue about video games either

No wait i forgot Yea Forums. So pol,tv and b, those are the worst.

>AHEM! *ding ding ding!* Fuck jannies, trannies and niggers
This but unironically.

Yea Forums easily

Yea Forums Yea Forums Yea Forums arguably Yea Forums

>We aren't though and keep to ourselves
You literally just proved you don't.

Yea Forums and /pol/. So much shitposting you can't tell when someone is actually mentally ill.

Yea Forums - at any given time, it's almost exclusively the same tired old memes and match threads are unbearable
/lbgt/ - bunch of tranny freaks

Yea Forums is the most accessible medium and thus the board has been slowly watered down by a continuous stream of normalfags and ESLs. Game of Thrones arguably killed Yea Forums but those were some great fucking threads and streams way back in the day.

Yea Forums died for me personally over christmas of '17. I had a really swell time wishing people well and sheevposting (Tis the Season then) but after that the board just became glaringly abysmal to me, I'm sure it died for others years prior but I stuck it out. I still have the Plane Scene committed to heart.

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>Yea Forumsmblr

we have a winner

Why do I keep coming back here?

It's okay I have a higher IQ then you so me being here makes the board slightly better, who knows maybe they'll be ACTUAL videogame discussion

There are no better places. There's circlejerking here but it's worse everywhere else.

Yea Forums is one of the worst boards. Console wars, Metacritic scores and shill accusations replace actual discussion. Only Yea Forums and /pol/ are as worse.

This trigger the Yea Forums

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Atleast Yea Forumss shitposting is funny and much more blatant

>only board with a female majority is /cgl/

>they hate Yea Forums

Why do they bully us, i just want a cgl gf.

I'm gonna be called a tranny faggot. But anyone else hates when threads post the exact same shit when someone has a different opinion?

It's always something like cope, have sex, you need to go back.

8/v/ is unironically better if you avoid the politics threads but it's way too slow


/pol/ and Yea Forums (which is just for people who are too ashamed of admitting they're /pol/ stereotypes, so they avoid being on /pol/). Yea Forums is not /pol/, but underageb& who think /pol/ retardation is cool. It's almost /pol/.

People who shit on Yea Forums are always Yea Forums or Yea Forums refugees who get butt blasted that they aren't allowed to make endless offtopic shitposts because Yea Forums has actual moderation. I guarantee you every single person on this thread who actually thinks Yea Forums is the worst tried to start some thinly veiled "I hate black people/women, you too, bros?" thread and immediately had it deleted and we're slapped with a ban.

Yea Forums doesn't like loli anymore?

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>maybe they'll be ACTUAL videogame discussion
He said, posting in a meta thread
An hero

/r9k/ Is such a shit board. It’s all trap, futa, and gay threads

/r9k/ without a doubt. It engineered the whole pepe/wojak resurgence and caused some school shooter/incel contreversies so normalfags flooded it and totally destroyed it. Once the r9k bot was re-instituted it destroyed what was left of the corpse of old r9k. Now it's just a place where people racebait and bitch about their girlfriends between off topic porn threads.

Now that I think about it Yea Forums might be worse, the place is just a bunch of underage retards posting nudes and has 0 influence on the rest of the site now.

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All these people are saying Yea Forums is worse but at least I've had actual discussions there.

There are manga threads on Yea Forums and those are comics.
FFS, Yea Forums loves Berserk

At least the shitposts still apply to gaming.
>Atleast Yea Forumss shitposting is funny
Except it's not.


Probably just out of habit, just like the rest of us. It's probably best to leave this board to the tourists for now.

Oh yeah dude LMAO SNEED FEED AND SNEED XDD that's funny!
Oh, and fuck jannies btw. Look, I said the N word, am I cool yet guys?

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b & tv are absolute dogshit
pol can be funny at the very least, but it's not a good board either

I'll admit I fell for the propaganda, I first went to Yea Forums this week after Monkey Punch died and the second time today after Koike and they all seem far more civilized and educated on the subject matter (on average at least) than most of the other boards I browse.

I hate Yea Forums because they're fucking autistic. Certain generals like snk are unusable because it's just fucking fujoshits shi(t)pposting

/pol/, /lgbt/, and Yea Forums.
I would've added /mlp/ to the list but they at least stay in their board.


meant for

Couldn't have said it better myself. ESPECIALLY the fucking stupid "DURR...HOME" shit. Holy fuck I miss old Yea Forums.

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It's also because Yea Forums hasn't had a major influx of new people. It's not that new people don't show up there, it's just that they're arriving much more slowly there than the rest of the website.

This is the unofficial loli board. I hope we can all unite under loli!

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>because Yea Forums has actual moderation
Only people who don't browse Yea Forums think that.

There's a mod who hates lolis and loves autosaging threads about it and banning you for no reason

Yea Forums is way better

Since this is already offtopic, does anyone know how to buy viagra or penis pills online?

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This, Yea Forums is better than Yea Forums
I don't hate Yea Forums though

Yea Forums doesn't talk about good games anymore, and all the off topic discussion sucks now.

Yea Forums is the best board on 4channel, which is basically saying nothing because it's still pretty fucking bad.


/vg/. Anyone who says Yea Forums is worse is likely a discord fag

This. There is so much fighting in fat threads it’s hilarious

Why would you need that information?

Lurk moar faggot

For me, it's both

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Cunny is used by actual pedos who like 3dpd garbage. No wonder it's so popular on Yea Forumseddit

Yea Forums is literally full of resetera trannies.

They have to. They've been on permanent probation since the split from Yea Forums a million years ago.

Then why haven't they gotten rid of that fagit?

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Who among us didn't begin with Yea Forums?

FUCK wheere did the last twelve years go

FUCK Yea Forums
When you post anything there, you invariably get
>"that's not 'x' genre you pleb"
>"Ok, explain to me why it's not"
>no argument beyond them saying they don't like it
that place is more full of psueds and stuck up retards than Yea Forums and /vg/ combined

Is there a board worse than Yea Forums? Almost all of the content belongs in /s/ or another similar board.

you can gauge how terrible a board is by how many of these low quality posts get filtered instantly. Congrats Yea Forums, you are better than /r9k/, Yea Forums, Yea Forums, Yea Forums, /biz/, and /pol/ on literally any hour of the day

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/pol/ or /int/

/int/ is pretty fucking awful. 50% generals for individual countries that's 50/50 between blogposts and shitposts, and then another 40% of the board is unfunny spam, maybe 10% is even remotely worthwhile. Way worse than Yea Forums all things considered

Old Yea Forums was the same though
t. 2005fag

Years of porn and anxiety made me not be able to get hard when I was with a girl last night...

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Yea Forums is just being Yea Forums




Lolixshota incest is as redpilled as it gets

Only on Yea Forums, it was repurposed later on

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Because Hiro won't step in to manage the site, and the two de facto managers are sperglords. This faggot's been moderating since 2009, he must love his "job" so much.

Yea Forums, /int/, /pol/, /soc/, /r9k/, /lgbt/
They should be rounded up and be given a containment website called Reddit 2.0

Fuck off back to resetera, you fucking pedo normie trannies. Yea Forums is not your filthy pedo haven

>go to trash
>read furry thread
>a massive political/racial fight happens and people stop posting relevent material
>one retard freaks out about some obscure flaw in a piece of art, proceeds to argue with people for another 200 posts, shitting the place up

Probably one of the more entertaining boards honestly

The fact that Yea Forums is fucking terrible just goes without saying. That board is basically it's own website divorced from Yea Forums.


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Every board on this website is the exact same. Go into any thread that reached the bump limit on any board and its 90% the same responses. Literally every board consists of half faggotry and half nazism. It's all the same.


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Hanekawa is in that image though. She's excellent

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Yea Forums, Yea Forums, /pol/, Yea Forums, /trash/

>Fuck off back to resetera, you fucking pedo normie trannies. Yea Forums is not your filthy pedo haven

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from archive
>2019 only
19376 for Yea Forums
17422 for Yea Forums
Barely beating Yea Forums and its the fucking official anime and manga board of this site.

Fucking pathetic Yea Forums

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>offtopic thread has been up for almost 40 minutes
>several video game related threads have been deleted meanwhile
I guess there really isn't a board worse than Yea Forums

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What are the most popular fetishes on Yea Forums? Loli? Feet? Futa? Fat?

Home shit is 99% shilling


Yea Forums is 90% marketers shilling their shit at all times. Why live?

>Yea Forums
filled with underage and women/faggots/trannies

>Yea Forums
filled with basedboys

>Yea Forums
filled with bongs

take your poison. At least normal people post on Yea Forums

>Yea Forums is 3 times faster than Yea Forums
>Yea Forums still beats it in the loli amount
Yea Forums truly is resetera.

I've always wanted to draw Inklings but I still don't know how their backbacks work

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hey guis rember ol 5chon? now THAT was epic *sip* epic for teh lulz and a winrar over 6 million

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Out of those, only /pol/ and Yea Forums are actually worse than Yea Forums