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Other urls found in this thread:




Cow farts lmao

Hold hands

Honestly, this is stupid.
They could literally bend over backwards and take it up the ass and Yea Forums would still hate them, so what does this accomplish?
Why not double, triple down on it?
In for a penny, in for a pound.

Additionally, what Yea Forums really wants is for Laura Kate Dale to be fired.
And it's not going to happen, turns out what he said was true:

>We contacted Atlus and Nintendo for comment before publication. But we published the article before a response was received and, as the subsequent fallout has shown, that was a mistake. I'm the editor of the site and, ultimately, that means this error was down to me and me alone.

AKA he's not gonna face any consequence.
The tranny didn't get lynched, thus Yea Forums will keep going after them for blood forever.
This was kinda pointless.

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I didn't give a shit but what was the reason they thought the song was racist?

WAIT what the fuck I typed Hold hands

>unironically giving a shit about ko*aku or gaming journalists in general
the state of Yea Forums....



Good, now fire that writer.

Have sex

Confused a most likely "retard it" (slow it down, referring to the music) with "retarded".


Because even their own are turning on them over it.

Not racist, ablist or whatever. They said the song contained the lyric "retarded" because there's a point where the singer babbles and it does sound like that word

No. It wasn’t racism, they thought that in a song the shitty Engrish said “retarded”, that’s it.

what happened

This is real

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Why don't they just blame the seething tranny that wrote it?

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unless they fire tranny dale it doesn't matter
they just farmed tons of click by outright lying and slandering the game/its creators.
these people know theyre slime and get off on pretending to be morally righteous when they're just financial exploiters

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Can we finally admit that weebs are mentally challenged? Who even reads these visual novels?

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Why does everything here have to be a torch and pitchfork weilding mob out for a cause?

I miss pre-scientology Yea Forums.

discord jannies BTFO

Absolutely nothing is gonna happen to the tranny.



What a bunch of retards lmao.


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Imagine how much shitty behavior could be fixed by everyone running adblock

Its because they take it up the ass we hate them. If they got jobs, worked a regular job and raised a family there would be no issue

>Why does everything here have to be a torch and pitchfork weilding mob out for a cause?
Post GG /polv/.

of course not user. I know that. but sometimes you gotta state the obvious and pray god or some other higher power smites somebody.

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Because the alt right must be over thrown

>They could literally bend over backwards and take it up the ass and Yea Forums would still hate them, so what does this accomplish?
You're assuming they don't deserve it. There's a reason they have a shit reputation. They only thing they produce are hit pieces and bullshit. Pick a random Yea Forums user and they can write better vidya articles than fucking Kotaku as a collective.

He thought it said retarded but it's retort it.

>they actually thought that was a clever response

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What a bunch of fucking retards

Adblock isn't enough. You cannot click their links period. The click itself is extremely valuable for their metrics. You should never ever give these people any patronage in any form. Always archive that shit if you really want to view it/share it.

what they mean is they screwed up letting a tranny who crowdfunded getting his dick chopped off so he can have a rotting hole between his legs write for them.

have sex

>Pick a random Yea Forums user and they can write better vidya articles
Isn't that exactly what happened with One Angry Gamer and it turned out to be a terrible shithole too?

LKD thought Wake Up Get Up Get Out There contained the lyric "retarded"

Someone take him up on his offer.

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Wait a second, what gets censored to Hold hands?

Dunno, I have no idea what that even is and it sounds like a gay rip off of the million other "angry" reviewers which is still better than kotaku

>tranny who has been attacking persona/fatlus for years in ill faith releases another slanderous turd with zero basis in reality
very cool kotaku. can't wait for modern "journalism" to die. both the industry and its sycophants.


Dab on these cucks

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>tries to go for the "U CALLED ME A WORD YOU USE FOR BLACKS"
>Fails because autstic
The fucking state of journalists.

I would gladly cave his face in with a single punch.

I thought Yea Forums said admitting your wrong on the internet is a death sentence

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Yeah, and some of their articles are literal ads, so even if you see/page load those I imagine it gives them some sort of revenue.


Have sex

He's a girl now, bigot.

I was a journalist

got "fired" because I said, not in an article but on twitter, that I would not buy Wolfenstein II.

Twisted that shit into me being antisemitic lol

define a regular job

Kill all trannies

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>admitting your wrong on the internet is a death sentence
It basically is.
Look at this thread, or the comments on the tweets.
What did this accomplish?
It was a terrible decision, ironically doubling down on it and calling everyone angry loser incels would've worked better for them.

What's this about?
Some unqualified writer on a very biased product review site misheard that persona song that sounds like the japanese singer is saying "Don't be a retard"?

And for some reason you faggot care like they were ever pretending they hire qualified people?

Thats just my guess i never read this shit. I'm too busy working a full time job getting my cock, ball and taint sucked by college freshmen and wasting 1,000s of hours on a more than 5 year old disgaea game.

Like a REAL gamer would be doing.

sounds like someone needs to hold hands with a person of the opposite gender of themselves based on the scientifically proven binary gender of genetics.

meanwhile im gonna go have sexual intercourse

Anything besides clickbait "journalism"

The West was a mistake

Lanky Kong?

Your twitter is connected to your job, you should never treat it like it's a sort of personal safe space.

save hex

No point in firing Dale when she's just gonna kill herself in a few years.

you're never wrong.
you were just mistaken or the facts weren't all there.
you then congratulate yourself on how you began an important dialogue by being not-wrong.

He looks like a physical manifestation of some loser's inner demons

The funny part is that they said "is a distant relation relative to others." They think that blacks are baboons.

How stupid does one have to be to actually believe a company would put something like that in their game anyway, especially one intended for world wide release.

The West wasn't a mistake, assuming it would need no maintenance or effort to stay free was the mistake

You wish I gave you the dick, tranny

Holy fuck the despair and regret

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go back to reset you tranny