Make new Steam friend

>make new Steam friend
>all they want is ERP and tilde flirting

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You're complaining?

>make new steam friend
>never comes online again

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Hey user! Wanna erp~? :3

>get on Discord
>friend invites from e-lolis constantly calling you Daddy and wanting ERP

Glad I left that faggoty app

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Ayase is really cute, even if she is palette swap kirino. The best doujins as well.

>Make new steam friend
>theyre suicidal and need to reach out to someone
well not me faggot

This bitch is literally a shitty recolour of Kirino.

that and when you call him to play something he never wants to play. it is why I started to remove 90% of the fags from Yea Forums. very few actually play the games.
my worst was a trap that said he was going to commit suicide if I stopped talking to him. I answered with "kill yourself" and never talked with the motherfucker again.

>adding people ever
>not watching your friend list dwindle from 12 down to 9 down to 4 down to 2
These days I don't even bother to sign into friend chat.

>tilde flirting

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friends should be open to other niceties such as playing games with you, not just flirting with impersonal compliments that they've said to everyone before and likely after you and never talking about normal things like hobbies and interests or just trying to recruit you to some Trap group

what a fucking casual

Ayase was so fucking shit not even her attempt at being yandere gave her any grace.

Unironically based.
Traps are shit.

>Make new Steam friend on online game.
>We have good time together.
>Look forward to playing again soon.
>Get on a few days later.
>They deleted me.
K, bye.

>make new steam friend
>we have similar sense of humor and taste in vidya
>it's been years and zero drama or weirdness has happened between us

haven't posted my profile on Yea Forums since, the way i see it lightning's not gonna strike twice

the fuck do they do in these trap groups?

they post pics, say generic UwU shiet and try to groom others into joining and no I'm not talking about discord here

how do i make friends Yea Forums?

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sounds like a cult to me

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>make new steam friend
>they confess their love to you after two days
>check out their twitter
>they're a tranny who has a bunch of orbiters they're being excessively lovey with
>oh but this time it's different, they say
Fuck right off.

play video games and have people add you

>sounds like a cult to me
that's because it IS a cult. Many online communities operate that exact same way

Yeah that, see .

>friend recommends me to mutual friend on discord
>he starts flirting with me within like 3 days

just fuck off already

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Say yes more

Oh and I should add
>While they're a tranny they put no effort into passing
>They're literally just a greasy dude with long hair
>They're heavily into extreme gore and incest
>Confesses to me they want to kill people
>Their orbiters include underage kids

Just brush every single attempt at ERP off. It's funny to see how desperate some of those people get.

Don't, just don't. Trust me, you will regret it.

Why do you regret it?

Just b urself.
Also, don't try to find them here.
The people here are insane.

Because once you make them, they never leave you alone and then you miss the comfy times.

That's just you prefering to be alone.

This unironically. Just put yourself out there more and do not try and be someone else. you will end up more insane than if you were just alone if you put on a farce for too long.

>Not being a trap lover
Traps have the mind of the male and the beauty of a biological female so they're able to like the same thing you like.
Traps aren't mentally unbalanced like roasties
A Trap will love you as you are and will be loyal to you to the bitter end.

>you will end up more insane than if you were just alone if you put on a farce for too long.
This. For the love of God, don't try it.

>Traps aren't mentally unbalanced like roasties
Yeah, they are even more fucked

Kawaii desu~

>not only adding people you know IRL
Don't talk to strangers

>Traps have the mind of the male and the beauty of a biological female so they're able to like the same thing you like.
>Traps aren't mentally unbalanced like roasties
See .

>Traps aren't mentally unbalanced like roasties
They're even worse.

>the beauty of a biological female

>Traps have the mind of the male
HRT makes their minds more feminine but also unstable

>in voice chat
>some sperg with an anime profile says he is a loliphile
>Entire voice chat goes dead silent for over a minute

hey miss ^^

Cute boys add me


Be the most degenerate version of yourself in online games with voice chats

Worst case scenario you get blocked for being an autist and you never see that stranger again, but if you bump into another degen they'll probably join you, add them after

>Traps have the mind of the male
>Traps aren't mentally unbalanced like roasties
Doubt (x)

Same thing happened to me, weird thing is that he was the one that added me in the first place because he said he wanted to play future sets with me.

>it's the erp thread
I had a buddy that I used to erp with, and I cringe just thinking about it. You faggots need to get a life.

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This. Traps are mentally unstable faggots.

>literally admitting to being a faggot
>"you guys are fags"

>VAC ban
dumb tranny

Why are there so many homosexual gamers?

I should have noticed the signs, but I was denser than a shonen protag.

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find people that are fine with you the way you are. and don't be an idiot who believes that having a bunch of friends is good. a good and true friend will call you on your bullshit and tell you to fuck off while also wanting you to get better. and those are few. if people have 3 actual friends are too much it almost never goes beyond 2
and never stay alongside people who want to drag you into their self destructive ways


>had to look up ERP
>it’s all so tiresome

The operating words are "used to".

You're the only tranny here manlet

>make new steam friend
>they eventually come over for some local co-op
>no decent games have split screen anymore so she just gives me a massage instead
Why are there no split-screen games?

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Stop trying to make friends on the internet you pathetic fuck

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In what games do you find people to befriend?

Jacku you are cool but please talk more

That's rude.

>I used to take it up the ass
>But I'm not gay

It's hilarious watching you jump through so many hoops in your mental gymnastics.

Okay mommy

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No, it's just honest

Siege, any fightan