>start game
>it's turn-based
Start game
dumb hamsterposter
>start game
>it's no gameplay
but I like turn based games
>start game
>have sex
>this thread again
i hate you user so much fuck turn based games and fuck you for making me think of them
my reaction when i played divinity original sin
>start game
>get bored
>log off and masturbate instead
it's a vicious cycle
what's vicious about it
thats turn based for you
Sounds like a pretty good cycle to me.
Thei'r not called turn-BASED games without reason, dumb poster.
>start game
>start rpg
>it uses ATBs instead of turn-based gameplay
How do you start a game before realising its turn based?
>used to think I hate turn-based combat
>play Divinity OS
>have a great time
Most turn-based games are just shit.
Metal Gear Solid
>start thread
>it's a repost
>Want to read Umaru
>Cant' because it was axed
pretty much every sony exclusive
Divinity is a shit turn based games so maybe you don't like turnbased games.