>party member saves your life
Party member saves your life
He wanted the stick
The dog just wanted the stick. If you think animals can feel affection for other living things you are literally a child and should go outside more.
>owner just keeps right on filming
have sex
Animals don't have morals.
T. Seething animal abuser
based and thispilled
>your dogs are about to die
dear god I hate the zoomer generation
fucking scum
>doesn't drop the stick after he "saved" the doggo
Come on
I'm not one to humanize animals but dogs are social creatures who live in packs and therefore obviously are capable of feeling sympathy and loyalty towards other creatures. It's their very nature. A shark or a similar animals on the other hand doesn't have any sense of companionship.
You should probably leave your home once in a while and observe nature.
weeb faggot
He's thinking "If you do this shit then I'm not giving you the stick again" that's why he keeps it
>t. someone who's never had a dog.
The video was cut down by the person to garner clicks. The dogs had repeatedly gone down that rapid which just leads into a small river with nothing dangerous at the bottom.
t. attacked by a Chihuahua
>Social animals don't form bonds with one and other
Interesting take
have secks
To be fair we don't know what's just beyond those rapids. It could just open up into a wider gentler river that poses no threat to the dog. That would explain why the camera person is so nonchalant to film it.
Spread your ass faggot
>Party member commits suicide because he's afraid of going to jail.
>non party member intervenes
Engage in Intercourse
You fuck dogs? Disgusting, dude.
The people seething over this post are really proving you right
>white supremacist opressivelly robbing nigger of his rightfull branch. webm
The dog wasn't in danger if anyone is wondering. The water led to another small lake where he could swim outside of it.
Have you ever been around dogs before? Did you pass science class? Christ user, your spectrum is showing.
Life is crazy, the guy was 2 seconds away from eating from a tube for the rest of life. Anything could have stopped that other guy from just randomly being there to save him.
Is that Alan Garcia?. No fucking way dude, how that leak.
He "rescued it" because he wanted the stick, not because he knew what he was doing.
I know this is bait, but there's a gif where a dog it splashing water on a fish on land, trying to keep it alive, you fucking catnigger.
Shut the fuck up retard, have sex and cope, subhuman.
lel so funny bruhhhh. Have sex, LEL kek based and redpilled lol
The video is clear as day, user.
Based Jamaican mon.
Many animals can and ogs are on the top of that list
Dogs do not have souls.
Nope, just watched a video of two dogs getting the attention of humans to rescue another dog drowning at an abandoned water park.
Neither does you nor anyone else.
This dog gets more pussy than you'll ever get.
That's not true. I can't find it but there's a video of a dog desperately trying to save his "drowning" owner. He's not actually drowning he just jumped into water but it made the dog very distressed and he jumped in to save him.
Fucking based
>pointing out that someone is incorrect makes them correct
Why are redditors like this.
These two sound like coping mechanisms.
I'm not saying dogs aren't intelligent animals that can learn to do rescue maneuvers, even if they don't know exactly what they are for. But, the one in the video is not being conscious about its actions. He's not rescuing the other dog, he saw a huge ass stick and wanted it.
Well dogs are bred to be human companions, so they are genetically humanized in a sense.
Exactly, people think dogs are super affectionate and loyal, it's just not the case. When my cousin went into cardiac arrest and died, her two dogs took turns eating her body. My uncle saw that they started at her chest then her stomach and then her face.
After that, my uncle witnessed two dogs growling at him as their stomachs were enlarged with my cousin's DD cup breast fat, flesh and other organs.
Both dogs had to be put down because they viewed humans as food and nothing more.
that dog is literally trying to bury the fish user, just like they do with other food or bones sometimes
Seethe more
>mysterious stranger appears
fucking idiot shouldnt have died
>People who think animals are really their friends are actually THIS fucking dim
catniggers are this desperate for (You)s? Pathetic.
Catfag here. These retards talking shit about dogs to not represent our views on them. Dogs are just as good.
>”dogs don’t save one another”
>”but they’re pack animals, they have social habits and have been observed to do what’s good for the pack”
>”lol you just proved me right”
That's kinda hot!
Shame about the doggys getting killed for no reason. They just wanted some tasty breast meat.
Yup. Sub 100 IQ people don't understand that their dogs don't even have the capacity to love them or be their friends, they're just attached because you feed them and your house is warm to sleep in.
>My dog needs help.
>Better keep filming.
Sounds like she raised them badly dogs as a whole shouldn't be given a bad rep for the problems of a few. We're alot more civilized than you think you know.
Fuck jannies and fuck pitbulls
t. Cat
That wasn't the comment I'm referring to
The ones calling him a psychopath were childish
Get cancer, braindead jew.
And this is all the "I like animals more than people" misanthropes can come up with as a retort
Pretty much any animal will do this. It's not about not having respect for the dead or lack of loyalty. It's about not having a rotting corpse in your home spreading disease. Her dogs were put down for nothing more than natural animal behavior.
they wouldnt have touched her unless they were there a long time whatd you think they do give her a proper burial
Same could be said of every creature including humans. Lock a human in a house with another human without food and water and see what happens. There are cases of people eating dead friends in order to survive.
A literal subhuman
Why are dogfags so insecure?
I think they are rather confident.
Confident that the dogs are simply the best.
Have you niggers literally never been outside? Or played with your dog in a stream? Fucking Lmao. Have chex.
>If you think animals can feel affection for other living things you are literally a child and should go outside more.
They do, they just call them paw pad when they're on dogs.
you are about 10 IQ points shy of understanding the situation. neither dog understands what to do with a stick. all they know is that this is what their owner (guy holding the camera) trained them to do, so they're doing it.
it's a staged video and very obviously so
>entire city of NPCs commits suicide because scared of enemies and programmed to never fight back
have sex
Reptilechad and Catnigger here.
They aren't. You're just being an asshole.
Dogs can swim quite well. There was no danger here.
that was just learned repetition behavior
Except that you can find plenty examples of dogs being aware that you or someone else is in danger and need help
>you are about 10 IQ points shy of understanding the situation. neither dog understands what to do with a stick. all they know is that this is what their owner (guy holding the camera) trained them to do, so they're doing it.
I think you might be retarded. You don't train dogs to retrieve sticks they just do it as instinct. I've had dogs that have never bothered with sticks but would run after a ball if I threw it. I've had dogs that wouldn't retrieve anything including balls. One of my dogs just flat out won't play at all in any manner whatsoever she's just super sweet and wants to cuddle and have her belly rubbed all the time.
I'm genuinely confused here. I've been a cat person all my life, but I've never minded dogs. I think they're great companions in their own right.
What is you guys' deal with dogs? I've never seen such an overwhelmingly negative sperg-out over them.
Show us the pics of all your cats bro
But the same evolutionary pressures that led to reciprocal altruism in humans will have applied to other social animals too. Since fear, anger, disgust and contentment aren't unique to humans, why would affection be? Non-humans have even been shown to have a sense of fairness in experimental conditions. You are literally ignorant and should read more books.
How many times did the owner die?
>things that never happened
almost believed you, till you mentioned tit size.
No, it in't. Dogs know the difference between dirt and water.
My retort would be that the argument being made is pretty poor because it assumes there being evolutionary beneficial reasons for affection in dogs but not in humans. You could just as easily say that humans only get attached to or show affection to one another because it increase their chances of surviving and reproducing.