Who here is buying it?

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why would you EVER buy a paradox game?

nah. Will pirate though.

As much as I say no, I know that I will.

>Buy ck2 on sale
>pirate all the DLC
>1500 hours in
>still haven't bought any dlc

Already bought it because I hate myself

Is it out yet? Will this be just another blob simulator aka europa universalis

This. Fuck paradox

>roman republic
>1 (ONE) (Less than TWO) consul.

predordered because Im a fucking casual who like EU4. Everything Ive seen from the Q&As and dev clashes look pretty good but Johans decisions make no sense to me. With not wanting to do 2 consuls(allegedly for gameplay reason) and the massive focus on the diadochi it seems pretty obvious he wanted to make an alexander game? Why would he make a game set exclusively in the era of the roman republic that doesnt focus on or replicate the republic at all? Why wouldnt he do after the empire was made or not do a Rome game. But of course its because then you couldnt paint all of Europe, it would already be painted

>that clusterfuck that is spain
Also how are you supposed to get to these germanic tribes on land that are cut-off by the grass mass?


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I could either spend 2000 hours building a family and healthy relationships, OR buy a paradox game

let me think about it...

2 Consuls will probably be added in DLC

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Colonizing, I presume

Where did you buy ck2?


Honestly, I don't understand the logic of having each country, especially a republic to have a leader.
Even in EU4 in Florence or even Venice it didn't make any sense.
Should've split the influence and mana among the republic leaders rather than ONE REPUBLIC LEADER

>3866 hours in
>still don't understand how to survive in nomadic

me because im a swedish dick sucking dlc buying paracuck

I'll go to Rome this summer with my girlfriend.

But playing to this game, no thanks.

They reused as much of eu3 for eu4 as possible and now they're reusing all of eu4 for this

>buy ck2
>pirate dlc
>get banned
yeah, i prefer to pirate everything

I've been using the same dlc pirating method since 2014 and they haven't even patched it, >implying i'll be banned

cdkeys better deliver

>a paradox game

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For me its the Bosporan Kingdom

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Rome is a nice city, if you visit churches don't forget that your girlfriend has to cover her head with a scarf or priests or even some anal policemen will refuse to let her access.

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Implying something wont happen in the future because it hasnt happened yet lmao what a retard


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Yes it’s the only good game coming out this entire year. What another crap year for gaming :/

Okay, if Paradox doesn't make anymore games, it's YOUR fault

good, more ck2 mods

Sounds good to me

Bullshit, I was there a year ago and there was tons of tourists that didn't do that.
Also I thought the city was kinda a shit hole. Felt like some old hag that's let herself go and stopped caring. Florence was way nicer.

Not touching this game even to torrent. Not a big fan of EU and I don't care for how Johan does shit. I'll buy the fuck out of the next CK style game though.

but user how else are you going to experience the beauty that is paradox multiplayer? you can't possibly think playing AI all day is fun?
can you?

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Paradox games are funny since they're all shitty blobfests with shitty mechanics but I keep playing them anyway and get sucked in like a moron every time.

>t-they'll ban your account any day now
Nice try Johan

Ah yes. The wonders of playing a paradox get at speed 1 or 2 without pausing. A novelty for the ages.



Oh hey padarox thread
Which one should I buy first eu4 or hoi4?

t. leeches

Because they're good?

its 5 bucks on g2a



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>buying yet another mana reskin
>buying a paradox game on release
>buying it after the shitshows with the devs

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>firenze better than roma

no shit

Absolutely 100% false. We visited everything from the Vatican to the smallest little chapel. All they require is leggings if she's wearing a skirt and no exposed shoulders


>>Buy ck2 on sale
>Got one for free
Bravo goy

For me, its the Thracian kingdom of Lysimachus

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>bought Ck2 collection back in the day when it was like 20€ on sale
>now it's like 80€ even 75% off
Lmao, never again Parashits

>Paradox doesn't make anymore games
Sounds fucking great, more room for better devs.

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Paradox game only become good when modded,Paradox DLCs fucking suck

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It looks great; I've played a lot of Eu3, Ck2 and Victoria 2 and Imperator seems to smoothly combine good aspects from all 3 games and taking away a lot of the faults.

My only concern is this summer I'm ment to train a lot in preparation for officer selection that I've got beginning of the next academic year as well as try and keep a relationship going, and I feel like this game will suck my time up because it looks just like the perfect game for me.

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mappainter.exe --mod "rome"
call me when they make knights of honor 2

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what mod?

A byzaboo, of course.

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EUIV if you've never played a paradox gsg before, Vicky 2 if you're a big brained gamer

Preordered it 2 months ago like a good goy.
Pretty excited desu

you can enact your most depraved fantasies in vicky

MEIOU & Taxes

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Looks cool, what are the new mechanics?

Good. Fuck Johan.