Cant really help with the sperging out camera though Edition
Sekiro help thread
Anyone have tips for Prayer Beads I might have missed? I'd like to get one more so I can improve my VIT against Demon of Hatred.
I just beat the second Headless Ape fight (I dunno why most players would think to go back there though) and have 3 beads. Is there anywhere else where you can like re-fight people or something?
I think all this may be optional because technically I should've gone with Kuro but I'm afraid I wont be able to go back or something if I open that door.
Giracfe centipede in the gun fort gets you 2, but you probably did that. I image you got both snake sisters. Any chance you miss longsword or another miniboss? You looking for 5th or 6th?
I dont know about Longsword nor Centipede. I thought I was exploring in this game
Can someone explain how does this guy's posture doesn't get broken?
Giraffe centipede is the game trying to make sure to you know how to parry, deep cave in gunfort, after snake eyes theres anothwr shrine in the area, you have to go deeper in the dark to get to him.
Snake eyes are part of the gunforts defense, centipede is the creepy motherfucker who climbed up the mountains in thebfirst place. His second bead is a bit hidden
Longsword is an alternate route even earlier on.
Holy fuck just beat Owl 2, hardest fight in the game by far at this point
Help me use Cheat Engine to hack in Emma's charm for Hirata 2. I'm not playing into these faggot slant eyed chinks' obsession with playing the same content three times so I dont miss anything.
I really am so fucking mad about this. It makes no fucking sense to design a game largely around freedom of movement and being able to visit different areas and do different things first, and then make it so by doing so you can advance the game enough to miss major ending changing fucking content. These Asian faggot niggers I wish them fucking death. I'm irrationally mad right now but I'm just so fucking mad I just want to play the shit in the game I dont want to play the same fucking game however many gay times it takes to find the developers' fetishware
Nice pasta.
You're the one with the fetish who cant get over the ending they diserve
Well fuck you I fucking wrote it
What exactly happens if a song the bell at the kongo temple?
Same here. If i wasn’t a guide using faggot and got up to 7 prayer necklaces I’m pretty sure half of his moveset would’ve one shot me. It was arcade levels of no forgiveness
There’s some behind false walls, one by the lamp for the room before lady butterfly and one in the area for the antechamber of ashina castle. Also on top of the Buddha head there’s a prayer bead near the headless ape fight, look for a tunnel leading up there from the hallway going into the fight
You get an item which increases damage you take, but also increases loot. By using the item, you can dispel its effect though
>Well fuck you I fucking wrote it
Big yikes. Why don't you stick with your walking sim shooters and Fortnite if you're this booty blasted a game actually makes your decisions carry weight and you can't be bothered to play it more than once.
She literally asks why she got the worm
>Decisions carry weight
Dicksucking fag is what you are holy shit. There is no decision to advancing the game far enough locking you out of obscure but major content. Go kill yourself.
How many are you missing exactly?
I'm fighting Great Shinobi - Owl how far in am I? Are there hidden optional areas like in previous souls games?
As long as you perfect deflect everything you will never get posture broken.
How do you deal with phase 2 sword saint?
You can go back to Hirata and fight some other bosses when you go through with a questline involving emma
just finished my first run
managed to counter all 3 lightning attacks from that fucker isshin
i did the both dragon tears ending
how many endings are there?
Please keep showing me how much of a fucking casual who demands to see 100% of the content on a single playthrough you are.
Why wouldn't you just play the game more than once? Or do NG+? Do you not like Sekiro, user?
perfect parry his shit and mikiri
Dodge his spear attacks, fuck up a deflect and the posture damage you receive would be too much to handle.
His lightning phase, or the one just before it where he first pulls out the spear and his gat?
the gat one, I'm a bit overwhelmed to be honest
t. Tyrone
don't get scared
get close to him and perfect parry his attacks
the only real issue with that phase is the wind attack which you will need to jump over him
when his does his overhead attack get close and perfect parry it will grant you 1 free hit if he follows up with his gun
>get close to him and perfect parry his attacks
People who ask for tips on Sekiro help threads couldn't and shouldn't do this, dodge straight at him when he swings his spear like a madman and he'll miss.
perfect parrying is very necessary
it gives him huge meter damage which is more important than chipping away his health
If he could perfectly parry he wouldn't be asking for help in the first place.
Good to know I'm not the only one who thinks the camera in this game is shit. Really great help to delock from enemies so I'm just flailing at a fucking wall for the second it takes for something to dash away and punish my asshole from off-screen. And requiring the camera to be pointed directly at something for the context action option to pop up is fucking stupid. The game should still know I'm jumping towards a grapple or ledge hold point or standing in front of a chest even if I'm not looking at the goddamn things.
The third and fourth phase can suck, sometimes he just doesn't give you many deflectable moves or mikiri counters. Stay on his ass and dodge and deflect everything you can, this usually stops him from his ridiculous gap closers and monster combos. Get used to dodging directly at him, this will make you go under a lot of his attacks.
Don't worry about his posture bar at first, get his health down to about 2/3 and it will cause his posture to regenerate MUCH slower, and from there you can overpower his posture.
This fight is a marathon at four phases, so it's natural to be timid and play conservatively during the last two, but try to get passed Genichiro and Isshin's first stage relatively healthy and without using your gourd.
if he reached the end of the game he should be able to perfect parry
Sword waggle
Obey the Iron code - Shura Ending
Dragon Tears only - Immortal Severance Ending
Dragon Tears and Rice loli Frozen tears - Return Ending
Sakura Branch - Purification Ending
Stage 2 Isshin is cancer
>dude inexplicable super armor lmao
the only reason I beat him was because I lucked out of his RNG move pool.
Ichimonji double is the skill you need to beat Isshin if you're not that good at the game like me.
>Sakura Branch - Purification Ending
how do you get to that one?
Thanks user
> this usually stops him from his ridiculous gap closers and monster combos
That's all i wanted to know, i didn't really knew how to proceed with the spacing due to him using a fuckton of combos with spear swinging/*sweeps/and gatling without seeming like he left lots of space for me to attack
I will definitely try it
Owl 2
>willing to use Cheat Engine
why don't you use guide in the first place ?
should have used that mikiri
the timing is very forgiving on isshin even more than the rest of the game
>running around with the shield up like that
Fucking lol'd
>tfw keep dying and resetting the game after losing the genichiro fight and getting my arm cut off
how the fuck are you supposed to beat him bros
Cheat engine
Look at my health bar, I was fucking terrified.
Daily reminder that there is a secret Headless near Under Shrine Valley if you go backwards instead of towards Sunken Valley. It technically takes you to Ashina Outskirts once you’re there and you should know you’re there when you find three pyramid looking monuments. Since you have to go underwater at that part you can only find this Headless after you’ve done Mibu Village.
git gud, he’s the easiest boss in the game
there's a headless for each different sugar
Yup. But most people don’t know about this one.
You know that's intended ? Even you defeat him, you get slightly different cutscene but your left arm still get cut off nonetheless and the story move forward
Just by playing near-perfectly. You can take maybe three hits.
After Owl you have to eavesdrop on Kuro in the castle then talk to Emma
After that, go to the Old Grave idol and talk with Emma again at the grave itself
Then go the Sculptor and talk with him and Emma, then eavesdrop on them from the hole in the back of the building.
Talk to them again and you get an item that takes you to a familiar area that you have to complete to get the ending item
Git good fag
God's speed, user. He fucked me up for a long time, biggest strategy I can tell you is make the fight on your terms are press him. The margin of error for his last two phases is really tiny and he can fuck your shit in and take a revive real quick.
You can beat every boss except for Emma and Old Dirty Bastard on one playthrough though, while still getting any ending besides John You Are The Demons that you want
Just do everything before you kill Shenron
>he played through the game without his left arm
How is this even possible? I kept mine the entire game and it was still hard
holy shit this. On his first phase is super fair because he either blocks or he gets stunned by your attacks. Then he pulls a spear out of his ass and suddenly he can poise through your attacks at times. My main problem with the second phase is that I don't know when it is safe to attack or he's going to randomly eat my attack and fuck me over, I hesitate and I lose.
I just found that one an hour ago, I never noticed the path leading there the first time.
It was pretty cool.
do you have to side with owl?
Source me, source me now annon I can only stay so erect
>thrust attacks can only be blocked with a perfect deflection
>mfw remembered that I beat the shinobi hunter by blocking all his attacks because I didnt know about mirikiri at the time
>didnt know that holding block drains your posture gauge until ng+
im gud and a shitter at the same time
you must break the code to continue story more, otherwise choose Owl ends the story , you fight emma and isshin and Shura ending
>even more headless cancer
Yeaaah, no thanks.
but they're easy
the only one thats annoying is the one in the fountain head palace for obvious reasons
>but they're easy
easy doesn't mean they're fun to fight. Genichiro is easy AND fun to fight. These headless shits should have died in development. The rewards are practically useless too.
>holding block drains your posture gauge until ng+
It took me forever to beat out what the Souls games taught me about not holding block when I didn't need to so my stamina would recharge faster.
The confetti shit is the real cancer.
Nobody liked the transient curse shit from Dark Souls 1 but at least you didn't have to fight a boss/mini-boss with it.
>first playthrough
>shady surgeon wanting a dude
>don't send random samurai guy to surgeon because shady as fuck
>samurai guy die by O'rin anyway
>2nd playthrough
>fuck it, send samurai guy over
>faggot surgeon gives me some fat wax bullshit
>murder him immediately
>sneak around through backway later and find samurai guy
>all he does is lie there and grunt in pain
Lorefags, what in the fuck was going on down there and what did I doom that guy to?
He was making the red eyed monsters like the Chained Ogre.
Protecting Ashina, whatever the cost etc.
Neat thanks
I'm at corrupted monk. He's not hard or anything but the game feels like it is overstaying its welcome and becoming very linear. Should I just quit now?
How do I get to Ashina Castle in the night? Everything's closed
You're like halfway through, if you don't have fun there's no point in playing but there's still a lot of stuff left
Ghost monk or normal?
if it's not fun why bother
Ghost monk
Yeah, if you haven't beaten ape or 4 monkeys, then you're just under halfway, depending on what ending you're going for. The game is linear, no doubt about it, but exploration isn't a massive factor in this. If you haven't enjoyed anything about it so far, then you might be burnt out.
Because it might get better but it's becoming a bit of a slog. The first half everything was spaced out better and i felt I was actually exploring but for the pad hour I've been going down a linear canal and fighting reskin mini bosses and trash mobs. There's not even any point in killing the trash mobs cuz I can sprint past all of them for loot and i dont need to take my time to look for other parts cuz it's just one corridor. I'm wondering if it gets better.
Why in Christ's name would they build a game around the parry mechanic? It's bad enough that there is zero weapon variety but now there's just one style of using that weapon. The fuck were they thinking?
*last hour
Back up your save files faggot
I wildly enjoyed the game until I got to depths. Then it felt very reminiscent of fromsofts previous late stage development issues and also a lot less original in general. I'm just surprised cuz I've never seen any mention of this.
Ok i need help with demon of hatred first boss i have trouble with
The underwater ones are fun as fuck and give beads next to them. I didn't like the game but I was shocked at how good the underwater stuff was for an afterthought.
A few midgame areas suffer from bland design, but trust me. When you get to Senpou, Bodhisattva, New Ashina, Fountainhead you'll feel better about sticking with it. I was genuinely impressed considering Fromsofts track record for design.
Anyone else feel like playing Dark Souls again after finishing Sekiro?
I dont inow why, but it just got me in the mood to replay the whole franchise
Thanks user
>all those telegraphed attacks followed by an easily countered thrust.
>still uses cheap tactics to win.
You suck.
Just absolutely cucked Monkey Trouble on NG+. This game, lads.
I have a question. Whenever I try lightning redirect I always take chip damage when lightning hits me. I've tried deflecting mid-air (even deflection sound plays) but the damage goes through anyways.
Is it possible to redirect lightning without taking damage?
It is, but it's really, really fickle. Try hitting R1 and attacking right when the lightning hits you instead of deflecting.
this is not how u play the game kids
I think at this point everybody in this board has finished the game
atleast those who bought in the first week
Why do you guys get so triggered at prosthetic tools?
Beat the game with Kuro's charm still in the inventory, what is your fucking excuse?
atleast I never used the umbrella u dirty casual
>headless on ng+ no charm + bell demon
Fucking fire whoever made this enemy a reality, I genuinely gave up after wasting like 20 krazy konfetti and I don't think I'll bother
More recently Sekiro will start smooth but get more laggy as I play. Just now I had a crash against the Demon of Hatred. Ideas to fix this?
crash demon of hatred
rather than getting crashed by it
How the fuck do you dodge the Demon of Hatred's big sweep attack? Every other attack has a clear opening to block/dodge but it feels like every time he sweeps it's just damage tax.
I think people forgive the Depths for being middling because unlike most From games it only has one shitty poison swamp which can be used to cheese a retread boss. It also helps that Mibu village ends with one of the game's best boss fights
counter clock wise rotating around his ass
the one where the unfurls his whip arm and goes round and round? just look at the arm to see where it's going and jump as necessary
Fire shield or just deflect? If you mean the big spinning attack I'm pretty sure you can grapple towards him and avoid it
Boss select when? I want to fight Isshin again.
You're not supposed to deflect lightning user was close but to redirect you have to
>Get hit while in the air
>Press R1 the moment you touch the ground (the timing is pretty liberal so you don't have to be precise just close enough)
9/10 your opponent will miss you when you jump so it's a win/win if you pull it off
i just died 30 times on the "secret guy" on top of the building. i dont think i've made it to the first boss even yet
am i gonna have a bad time?
wtf you mean by secret guy?
some purple dude on top of the sideroute before you find FAther in the burning village i actually autistic if i get terrified when i randomly find a person i used to know on the street and they say "hey give me your number so we can catch up". My whole day is ruined they have my nunber now, i don't wanna talk to them. Guys im scared because it's gonna be super awkward. Just curious you know.
Fuck cellphones man.....
His moveset is hard, don't feel too bad, user. Although, at this point in the game you should be gud enough to not die to him 30+ times.
Keep trying though, this game will make a man out of you if you persevere.
All these niggas hating but at least you did it.
Good job champ
after you kill him
rest at that dojo save point and KEEP fight him
spar him until you disect his patterns
it will become so ez next time you fight him
now this is the webm i respect more than umbrella fucking around
but you didn't deflect two two slashes 0:05
could've gotten maximum respect but it's ok
i give B+ respect
You can instakill cheese Demon by climbing up the wall. He runs off the ledge and dies instantly.
Delfecting air blades wouldn't build up the boss' posture meter, would it? No use deflecting something if it only hurts your own posture.
I want to pick this up but I'm going to be starting a full-time job soon and I'm worried I won't have the time to play it.
>last boss has 4 health bars
You'll mostly have a bad time because you're not familiar with the game and trying to fight a boss that's only really hard at the beginning of the game with low stats.
>if you refuse to let up pressure and he doesn't enter spear phase he has 5 health bars
but it would build respect meter..
i don't wanna hear excuse like umbrella man
>see his massive combo that ends in a mikiri coming
>literally stand just out of his range until the end
>waltz toward him and parry his mikiri
Pfffff, nothin' personnel, Isshin.
The combo is slow enough to reliably deflect every strike, so you build up more posture meter on him.
Fuck Genichiro's Floating Passage combo though. I'd rather just dodge back and let him do the dance of his people than take all that chip damage and risk getting posture broken.
>mfw sometines i cant even get past Genichiro and get to the real boss
Im never finishing this game, am i?
got any proof of that? I keep seeing this mentioned here but have yet to see it
um go to fucking youtube and search it? you lazy fuck?
Someone linked a youtube video from a chink speedrunner in another thread, since it's another language I don't know if I can find it. I swear it's real though, the guy did a regular execution on the final health bar and Isshin pulled out the spear after regaining his HP. Unbelievable shit
>refusing to deflect genichiro's reee swing swangs
ah user come on
it aint that hard
Any videos of this?
I was on NG+2 without Kuro's charm and with the bell demon curse, so fuck that noise. Jobchiro doesn't deserve me trying to deflect his every 9 hit combo perfectly.
Not that guy, but it's literally impossible to deflect second before last hit in the combo string.
If you're playing charmless it will posture break you and you will die to the last swing.
just keep pratice
his posture gets fucked up so fast if u deflect that
literally he speeds himself up for a kill
You've been talking all this time, show us some of your webms.
So I've been working on some other Sekiro modding, mostly some stuff about turning the game into a kurosawa movie with shaders and such. Anyways, someone on Nexus sent me this screencap with someone defending that translation mod I made.
I figure I'd open it to feedback and see if anyone has anything they'd like to mention here, or suggestions.
Is there a video where you or anyone deflects full combo perfectly? I've watched some videos and never saw that hit deflected.
shit i already started NG+ 10
on owl 2
i will post when i get to that point
it's not that hard
i dont know if its worth saving as webm at this point
you dont have to believe me user
i really dont give a fuck
Post your owl 2 fight then.
wasn't it you who stirred that shit show?
i was in that thread
everybody pretty much assumed it was you..
or did you mellowed the fuck down from last thread?
ok i will but
are you seething?
No, it wasn't me. I don't know who it was, someone very defensive of my mod for some reason. I've posted in Sekiro threads before about the mod, each time looking for suggestions.
>theres someone who can't fathom that there are people who can deflect genichiro combo
im not that guy
but is it really hard to believe user?
just curious
Yes I am and I will seethe even harder when I watch the webms, go on.
>Demon of Hatred
Is there a gimmick I'm missing or is this just a really fucking awful boss?
>have to fight Genichiro every time before getting to the real boss
>has 3 health bars
>mfw i cant get past the first one
>mfw most of the time i cant even kill Genichiro
I have no idea how i managed to get this far, but this seems fucking impossible.
Im done for today. Ill give it another shit tomorrow.
Your posting style is eerily similar but whatever.
Am I the only one who bothers to deflect Isshin's cross draw?
I've watched some videos and people either run away or run around to get behind the bash-sweep combo.
kek why the fuck is his voice like that? good vid though
So when are cool fun mods coming out?
Just run counter clock wise and sprint jump his smashing attack from P2 onwards.
Yes. Deflecting Ashina Cross is a punishment for failing to cancel it into a sweep, so you could High Monk it.
> someone very defensive of my mod for some reason
look man that thread was going fine
up until the 'guy' started seething like demon of hatred
if what you say is true
then look it's just Yea Forums fucking around
don't feel too bad
kek classic Yea Forums
never change
Waiting for cross draw allows you to have a nice gap where you get your posture down to manageable levels. Rushing in for the bash sweep lets you choose the timing and allows for a jump counter which probably does more posture damage to him.
It's just a really bad boss. No reason to do it really.
hahahaha i will upload webm when i fight genchan at that point
didn't know it was webm worthy until this point
It was for #metoo. Idk why people whine about SS Isshin, owl (father) teaches you how to git gud
Jump off a cliff after getting out of the Moonview Tower to replenish your health without using the Healing Gourd
Upgrade the umbrella until it protects against fire and use it for his range attacks, the fireballs and the longs ass arm slam are almost unavoidable.
Since this translation mod is finished, right now I'm working on a mod that shades the game in black and white and replaces the OST with Kurosawa soundtracks.
I also made an easy mode mod, mostly for testing. I might release it too.
I will platinum the game and go back to play bloodborne for the 10000000x time
Any tips for Headless? Something about that fight and the retarded slowdown and immediate terror death just triggers me and I can't figure it out.
nigga can you keep bloods showing up as red?
Use Divine Confettis to do damage.
Purple Umbrella if you have it.
Use Purple Gourd or the other item that increases terror res.
Deflecting it's attack makes it so you don't take terror damage.
You can jump away for faster movement, so if it teleports behind you jump away, then turn around and get free hits.
Come back later when you have a lot of divine confetti, lilac umbrella and/or Malcontent whistle. They don't drop beads so no reason to fight them early.
use pacifying agent + divine confetti hit him like a motherfucker he is quiet slow, but parry his hits so you won't get terrored, watch out for the occasional grab he goes invisible and teleport behind you
Just pop confetti, go ham and deflect perfectly. Pacifying agent if you fuck up and terror builds up too high. That's how I beat all of them, no other items.
Thanks, anons, I'll give that a shout. Was using the confetti and doing ok but always forced the fight or didn't keep my eye on my terror meter and got absolutely bamboozled by his fatass.
I would like to try, but likely not. Since any edits would be through the current shading editor.
The alternative would be instead to bulk-edit all the textures to be in black and white instead, but the lighting will still be colored. If I could change the lighting, that'd be great, but no one's figured that out yet.
>can beat all bosses just fine on first try
>no charm + bell run
>still gets spooked the fuck out by headless
>spill all the spaghetti even with confetti
to me headless is scarier than Isshin
idk it's their model
the way they squiggly move
they are way too spooky for me anons
ayte keep up the good work
and im sorry for some retard making shitshow
it's Yea Forums what can we do man
it's the stringy music
idk but i get so fucking scared
the thing is i beat those kamehameha ball throwing ghost like nothing
IT'S JUST HEADLESS that still makes me spill spaghetti
He's just leftover assets from a Manus reference in Ringed City, completely worthless fight.
so did you beat it
i mean at least cheese it if you can't beat him
A rested ninja fights better user. Genny-boy is just the warm up round for the daddy Isshin. Genichiro basically kills himself if you can parry him. Dodge the mortal draws so that you are behind him and bonk him on the head with double ichi, mikiri the thrusts and guumba stomp his head on sweeps. Floating passage you should be able to full parry or mostly parry and dodge one or two.
As for Isshin, let him come to you and read his attacks. Only a few he can do until phase 2
did you cheese your way?
other than that i really don't know how you got this far like you said
you pretty much absorbed game mechanic at this point
If you use the umbrella be warned it removes your confetti if you use the follow up attack. Better to just parry with it
I mean SSI is one tough final boss. I'm personally on NG+ and getting #wrecked by emma/fire isshin. That's a huge difficulty spike from the last few bosses, like Corrupted Monk / Folding Screen Monkeys / Guardian Ape.
Bottom line, Isshin don't fuckin' play. Perfectly unsurprising that someone can manage to get to the end and then struggle on that guy.
Just beat him, lads. I think I just sperged out and forgot all basic elements of the game because of his slowdown shit.
For me it's the fact the completely cancel your movement
Not long completed NG+
Went for the Shura ending so now I have everything. Feels good man.
So i just gave the 2 snake persimmons to the girl and she shut the doors, what else do i have to do for the return ending?
Why don't more combat arts also have special properties.
>I'm personally on NG+ and getting #wrecked by emma/fire isshin
I wish I'd fought them in NG+ and not NG++, that combined with charmless made Emma a nightmare. Can't imagine what it'd be like with bell as well.
im stuck too, but can get past gen pretty easily.
The key is mikiri counter on the first 2 phases of isshin + a ichimonji..
Check back on her before the final boss.
they should've add move that make your filled posture move into blast ki attack thing
they also should've madea skill that makes enemy's filled posture meter turn to small %of physical damage sort a thing
Why would you?
hat niggers everyone
I thought i had finally got gud. genichiro was the last boss that gave me trouble and now hes back and with his granpa to help him.
some people take easy way
it's weak men's nature
you can't change it
The bell doesn't really add much besides nerfing stealth on higher NG cycles, it's the charmless mode that adds boatloads of posture/health to everything.
hesitation is defeat
go all in attack senpai
I mean why bother fighting him? He's so completely out of place in this game.
Keep travelling back and forth until she gives you rice for Kuro. Give rice to Kuro. Teleport out and in. Get rice ball. Eat rice ball. Return to rice loli and exhaust dialogue. Use both tears during the ending.
Where the FUCK do I go?
I'm paralyzed by choice.
I've beaten two bosses (Lady Butterfly who kicked my ass then the far easier second boss, the dude on the horse) and since then I've destroyed an assload of mini bosses but nothing like a real boss.
I've been to the following places:
>Ashina Castle
Went through as much of it as I think I could, killed the big dood, fucked around on rooftops, went to the Old Grave and met the merchant but it was a dead end that just lead back to the other side of a broken bridge
>Ashina Reservoir
I got the weapon and the two minibosses there but the door I thought I'd have to go to was locked.
>Mt. Kongo
I defeated everyone there but there was just a centipede priest at the top saying cryptic shit and some new shinobi skills, no bosses nor any progress.
I went back and killed the Headless but it just led back to fucking Kongo
>Abandoned Dungeon
This place feels straight up unfinished. All I've really managed to do was get to Mt. Kongo and the depths.
>Ashina Depths
This place looks hella spooky, I'm not even sure if I'm supposed to be here. I can't beat the miniboss in the Abandoned Dungeon but I can get to here, though I think it might be the wrong way. I killed that snake-eyed fucker though.
>Sunken Valley
Made me think I'm waaaaay off course.
So yeah, I've been running around for hours now without any bosses or anything. Where should I head next?
Why not? What wrong with a little variety? Running and dodging is part of this game too, and he doesn't take all that long if you're agressive.
So the game glitched on me or something because I can't get the poisonous bait from the pot noble to kill the great colored carp. I literally bought everything from the pot noble in hirata estate, then the other mask fragment from the one in the fountainhead palace. Still nothing. The great carp still lives after I fed him all my bait. What gives?
There is a boss at the top of Ashina Castle. Once you beat him, you will be given reasons to go other places.
you need to keep climbing ashina castle and follow the smoke on the roofs.
>gave both of the potential victims their happy endings and killed the doctor
The only right way to play.
You still need to get to the castle roof.
I already ate Kuro's ball, so i'll check back later, thanks anons.
help please I have no idea what to do
Did you try talking to them instead of just buying?
where's the table?
if I can do it so can you and it stacks some nice posture on him
At B7R, buddy.
Go to the monkey's pond after you've fed him the super bait, he doesn't die until you find his body
Is it normal to get bored of the bullshit some enemies pull and just want to cheese the fuck out of everything?
god fucking damn it here we go time to spill spaghetti all over those stupid sweeps
I wouldn't stress it. He's optional and you don't need to worry about being able to kill them until later in the game. I skipped them at first and later came back after being forced to fight a couple.
>her grab can be deflected
I like the game but when it doesn't play by it's own rules it pisses me off
fuck that third phase
I can't imagine emma without charm. Her attacks are so awkwardly timed with delays that I am not very good at perfect parries on her.
I routinely die to Emma at the moment, and have only gotten to Isshin phase 2 once. This fight seems pretty comparable to Sword Saint
I didn't like that deflecting caused chip damage. Made the whole fight about dodging which was a slog even while using confetti and dull compared to the others.
Glad I'm not alone in thinking her timings were extermely weird. Felt good killing her after the bullshit she pulls.
wait what, confetti works on him?
Isshin phase 2 is fairly manageable. If you have a revive and more than 3 gourd charges you should be able to win if you've done SS already. Stay off the embers, use umbrella if he sheathes his sword or goes for ichimonji, as there's a flame effect added to all his special attacks..
It increases your damage on everyone. I'd say it's a necessity for DoH, he has way too much health.
demons = apparitions user. Confetti turns your sword into a +1 Holy Avenger
that would've been nice to know 20 minutes ago
oh well
So I stopped playing a couple weeks ago but now I am trying to finally finish off sword saint. Any reliable strats?
Keep it in mind for a potential NG+, it lets you shred his first bar in 30 seconds if you stay on him.
Yeah, I can see how the fight can be done by staying aggressive. I'm just not flawless with the parries yet, nor reading his moves. The dashes are really fast, and when he makes the embers explode I have a tendency to panic. Totally do-able, just challenging for me at the moment.
Absolutely, though a bit less so since I have to do her over and over, lol. I won't mind not having to do this fight again to get the last 2 endings. She's DEFINITELY a tougher gate keeper than Tomoe Genichiro for SSI.
this should help anyone with a soul
The cheese is delicious.
Love those guys.
lmao what
That's the most ridiculous 'rock voice' I've ever heard
Is this intentional?
Probably, no other enemy gets maxed posture from being startled with firecrackers
>I mean why bother fighting him? He's so completely out of place in this game.
that is your reasoning with cheese?
admit you can't beat then cheese idc
but that's just justifying "im not a pussy becuz" mentality
im sorry user
it is what it is
Don't be afraid of him. He has a lot of attacks that punish you for trying to create distance but only a few when you're upclose which you can parry easily. If he tries to create any distance himself, shuriken then slice to close it.
Can anyone help me with this gigantic difficulty spike? I beat the first boss quite easily, and Lady Butterfly was hard, but GOD DAMN the third boss is impossible
The Corrupted Monk just straight up refuses to die and even the miniboss before him (O'Rin of the Water) is fucking immortal and takes no damage/iframes through everything.
Any suggestions?
Be afraid of him, nothing wrong with hesitating.
Try a different path, the game isn't linear
You can fight other bosses before him if you're getting frustrated. Climb Ashina Castle or go elsewhere. O'rin is fairly easy to posture break, just deflect her attacks and jump on her when she does her perilous sweep. Getting in damage never hurts but she's not an enemy you really need to damage iirc (especially not on ng) so you should be able to focus on just breaking her posture.
Just fucking sprint behind him when he does mortal blade at the start and bully him, keep pressure and never let up and the fight ends in under 30 seconds.
>Phase 1
Back and forth be aggressive and just at least try to deflect, keep pressure.
>Phase 2
Keep pressure but for gods sake make sure you deflect the combo and ALWAYS counter the Thrust with Mikiri to keep posture up. On openings play it safe with a single hit but you can use firecrackers for an extra 2 hits or so. Firecrackers can easily carry to to phase 3, just make sure safely keep pressure on him. Side note, the cliffside is very good to fight him by due to it being easier to see.
>Phase 3
Same as 2, use remaining firecrackers when you get openings, but the main difference is that he gives you the win by throwing out a fuckload of lightning overheads that let you get free damage and an opening if you reflect it.
The dude is struggling as is, it's a tool to use for the fight and it should make it much easier.
Ichimonji double cucks Genichiro out of his mortal blade attack. Never had to deal with it.
You can always avoid O'Rin by swimming upriver from the water mill idol and grappling to the bridge
Does anyone else find firecrackers to be fairly useless? They only give me one extra hit on a boss, I fail to see how they're the amazing crutch everyone makes out they are
Some bosses are weaker to them than others. Ape, Gyoubu, Bull, and Monk let you get in quite a few hits before the stun wears off.
Stop trying to go for damage and push posture. O'rin kills herself with her combos if you just deflect it, if you're having problems try doing a tapping rhythm with your guard button, not too fast but enough to get partial on the first hit and eventually you'll learn the fight rhythm and deflect everything.
Learning the attack rhythm is key to every fight, and it seems like every person who claims they take more than 2-3 tries per fight are just being retarded and just not trying to even learn.
If you still have problems you could always look for more prayer beads, or just punt Jobberchiro out of his castle and fight other bosses.
>Learning the attack rhythm is key to every fight, and it seems like every person who claims they take more than 2-3 tries per fight are just being retarded and just not trying to even learn.
Some of us are just legitimately slow learners with bad reflexes who are also bad at reading movements. Still managed to beat Sekiro though, anyone should be able to learn these bosses.
The main gimmick is that Malcontent gives you like 3 5 second stuns that help you skip most of phase 3. He's not that bad of a boss but you have to not be scared and stick on him like glue, he's so much more tame the closer you get.
This is the biggest problem with the game, always fucking feels like your knowledge of the game's inherent rules just doesn't apply most of the time.
how the fuck do I reliably kill her ?
it's a weapon bro
To be fair it's not like she's grabbing your with her big meaty claws. It's a weapon hook maneuver so it makes sense.
>guardian ape
When do l kill the snek after getting his ballsack in the cave?
Is this a meme? I beat both corrupted monks first try, first playtrough. Literally just hold RMB (block for console fags), and then press and hold it again every time he hits you. He loses half the fucking posture bar from a single "loop" attack (one where he swings for like 5 times).
1 hit adds up nigger. And you can use them like 10 times. That's pretty insane.
After her long combo you can land double ichimonji
What’s wrong
Long range = he does nasty moves that fuck your world
Close range = he does mostly stomps and swipes you can dodge through easily
10 hits isn't insane when you consider how much health they have in later NG modes. I'd rather use flame vent, the stun is longer if they burn and you can get real damage in with the flaming sword.
O'rin grants the Deathblow-heal powerup that significantly improves the already useful skill. She's worth taking out.
You're not supposed to kill them with vitality, but lower it to like half and then posture break.
Is it possible to get to Guardian Ape 1 without the Mortal Blade?