So Now Yea Forums, why can't the west make a good action game?
So Now Yea Forums, why can't the west make a good action game?
Challenge and gameplay is problematic and prevents accessibility to the story. They should have a skip gameplay button.
FPS are the wests' action games
Nice try. It's better than shovelware/eurojank like Darksiders or The Surge but it still shit
Replace Arkham City with DmC: Devil May Cry and this works
Arkham City isn't trying to be a pure-action experience but rather just a simplistic Batman simulator, which it does well
>revengence included with with the likes of black and dmc5
Dude, come on.
>Arkham City isn't trying to be a pure-action experience
This. So many people, including other devs, missed the point of bamham's combat.
What other game would you put instead?
I would remove it entirely. And remove darksiders. You didn't include zelda in the top, so why include it's edgier western imitator on the bottom? Remove bamham while you're at it and replace it with DmC.
The west has a lot of games with good combat. It's just that western AAA developers can't make good combat for some reason.
Literally carried hard by its bosses & the writing, which is stupid in a good way
>ughhh it makes me feel like bamham
Jesus christ, fuck off.
>for some reason
It's called focus testing.
>one tester kept taking the branching path that just looped around so we removed it entirely
>it's edgier western imitator
Darksiders imitates Zelda in its game structure and progression, not its combat. Darksiders's combat is much closer to classic God of War.
They've made plenty, just not by your arbitrary set of rules they haven't.
You know we're right, sweetie.
>Darksiders's combat is much closer to classic God of War.
Fair point.
>Jedi Knight games
>Disputably PoP WW and TH
They can, the problem is no one is willing to take risks with action games that pose actual challenge when they can wring out more reliable profit from just copying casual systems that have been proven successful time and time again.
Give fucking Raven the opportunity to develop the JK games again or let a team at Bungie make a new Oni and then we'll see, but even then they just may not be willing to take those risks. It sucks.
Well, are you going to tell us what are these games you're talking about?
The shittiest platinum licensed garbage is superior to pretty much any western melee action game tho
What's wrong with Dante's Inferno?
>includes Darksiders
>not Darksiders 2
Say what you will about the progression gates and story, that game had some baller combat that was easily better than MGR.
>this awkward looking shit is supposed to be peak western action gaming on par with Jedi Knight
Get the fuck out of here
>>this awkward looking shit
>Looks jank, plays great
Literally the God Hand of its day, deal with it.
>Devils Third
>Killer is Dead
Why would Westerners try when the Japs struggle with it?
DMC has more flops than successes.
Godhand had better animations, this looks awful
RE4 totally belongs there. A genre-creating masterpiece that has a below B-class action movie plot.
Why say RE when vanilla is a far better example of an awful japanime action game
why do I get really hard deja vu from this thread
It looks exactly like what it is, a 1999-era game that got delayed and a fucked-up development cycle. It's pretty impressive all things considered.
It's"action game comparison thread #1000", now all we need is a "character action or spectacle fighter" thread to go with it
>Dark Messiah
>Severance Blade of Darkness
>Heretic 2
How have people not learned by now that PC is where are all the decent western games are?
I mean it down to like the first few replies I feel like I've read it all before
That's like every thread in Yea Forums
Is this a joke?
And almost all of these games have shitty animations compared to the Japanese games on the list, and why mention RPGs when the thread was about action games?
Why can't the Japanese write good stories?
The definition of average and disappointing. Every thought went into adapting the circles of hell, the rest is boring and by the numbers.
>what is Nier
But to answer your question, it's because they know that they're making a game and so put more focus on that rather than trying to be what they're not
Why should they? It's a game, if you want a good story, then you're focusing on the wrong hobby.
>Is this a joke?
No. The game is fun
>all of these games have shitty animations compared to the Japanese games on the list
Ok, I'm not sure how that factors into them being bad.
>and why mention RPGs
None of the games I listed are RPGs. Please do not tell me you haven't actually played any of them and are just talking out of your ass.
>Games = gameplay. Make real games. I dictate what you can and cannot do with the medium.
GoW >>>> jap shit
None of those jap shit have any weight in their attacks
It's not hard and some still don't get it. Stories are a passive endeavour, playing is active. You play games, you enjoy a good story in a book.
But games can be kino while also being fun to play. You seem to only think in extremes.
This desu.
Dmc5 is a dull joke. Literally the first dmc I couldn't finish because of how painfully average it was in every aspect
>So Now Yea Forums, why can't the west make a good action game?
Came out within months of DMC1, too, so it was made in a time before DMC redefined action games, and it was still great.
Also there's some western indies with great combat, like Aces Wild and Aztez.
This game is more about platforming than combat, the combat itself is functional but nothing special and it has the usual problem of enemies being too easy to skip. Then again theres people jerking off to Sekiro's overly simplistic combat so what do I know
>using "kino" as an argument
That was embarassing.
The vast majority of games don't have good stories, because they're derivative of other works. Mostly movies because they're hacks and failed directores and never read a book in their lifes. And it shows, if you see what kind of dreck is praised nowadays as games with good stories.
Can we finally stop memeing that God Hand is a good game?
How could you finish DMC4 but call DMC5 dull? 4 is a very good game but everything about 5 but the color palette and number of playable characters (if you're talking SE) is superior. Dante in particular is extremely weak in 4 and has his worst arsenal of all the good DMCs. 5 Dante on the other hand has his best set of weapons ever (which is a big feat after 3), the best version of Trickster ever, and two entirely new mechanics that add more depth than he's ever had (Sword Formation and SDT/Quad S). Nero is a straight upgrade from 4 once you have his DT, and enemies/bosses are all pretty well-designed with the only real problems being Judeccas and maybe Nidhogg.
Let me guess, got filtered by homos and blamed it "clunky controls"?
kino kino kino kino kino kino kino
Western developers suck at all aspects of video game design.
All of them. If you unironically consume that shit you're retarded.
Blame the retarded monkeys that Kojima trusted the game with.
They couldn't make a functioning game so it was handed to Platinum, who did a pretty good job considering they had to make the game in under 2 years
God Hand is the most incredible, fun 7.5/10 game ever made. It looks and sounds way worse than other PS2 games of its time, its controls and mechanics are extremely obtuse to new players and require hours to understand (and that's after you clear the game), and the enemy variety is pretty weak outside of bosses. It's still fucking fantastic and I love it.
I enjoyed literally every game in that picture. I'm so glad I'm not autistic
>enjoyed Enslaved
Nice meme image weeb, mash x 3 times then y
keep mad, west shitter
Enslaved had deep combat...
That's funny since DMC V is just the second try at DMC 4
>Zelda with RPG elements
No thanks
Putting Batman and God of War 2018 on there marks you as an idiot.
Not only do you cherrypick games out of confirmation bias, but you picked 2 examples that prove yourself wrong.
>Metal Gear Rising
>Combat with depth and challenge
None of the bottom are bad action games except maybe Enslaved or Dante's inferno, only because I haven't played those two. Seems that you just prefer the crazy 50+ hit combo loop type games. Also don't see why focus on story is even relevant to the discussion.