>Mage cuck announced war with chad Warlocks
>Felhunter pet silences their ass forever and solos them while I carry on farming monsters since mages are irrelevant
Vendor more food to your party you shitters, it's all you're good for.
based and felpilled
>undead female priest
only pvp i do is healbotting for the bigger targets in BGs, or dueling people out front of org. anyone in wpvp is getting mind controlled and thrown off a cliff or into a pack of mobs
who else /spriest/
>warrior thinks he can kill me
lmao have fun getting face melted
>warlock thinks he can fear me
enjoy getting cucked by will of the forsaken
shadow priest truly is the master class, isn't it boys?
dorf hunter here, I want to be devious, what's a good boss monster to kite to org or UC to dab on hordlets
Based homeposter
Mr. Bronze Dragan
pull a goon squad and kite jaina proudmoore
when does this come out?
kite stitches from duskwood to westfall
SP isn’t playable in Vanilla. They are really really bad until BC.
No man can kill a shadow priest, god speed user.
retailfag spotted
shadow priests melt faces in PVP.
which ever Nightmare Dragon spawns in Ashenvale
Isn't Kazzak the only world boss that spawns in UC?
wait I forgot about the other Nightmare Dragon portals. The best way to get a boss to UC is kiting the dragon from the Hinterlands
>in retail they made the entire stitches part an instance
>BG gets released
>Walk up to a fight in progress
>Corruption, tab, corruption, tab, corruption, tab
>Turn around, lighting up my fel-zippo lighter
>Spread my fat green asscheeks and release the shadow BRAAAAAAPs all over the alliance
It will be a long time till they are released
what the fuck
BROS I need a fellow NEET to play as a team warrior/healer with. I'm happy to be either warrior or paladin. warriors are useless on their own in the world. i'm decidedly Alliance but am open to Horde (in which case i'll go woyer). if you wanna go hard, a pair of neets (particularly tank/healer) can get groups ultra quick, grind gold through DM jumpies and strath live orb runs, as well as do fun wpvp together
drop a steam or discord if u up for bein neet frens, also EU
If we don't get a blue post today I'm gonna off myself.
apparently they're not going to put in The Nicker and replace it with the current, cringe 'Blackrock Slicer' name. DROPPED
friendly reminder that only horde is METAL, alliance is for pussy fags
>Rolling warrior
>Only invite Paladins if they put on a dress and be a good heal slut
I can't be the only one
Kazzak and the dragons are the only world bosses in EK, so you can't kite anything to UC until they release. It'll always be possible to kite Azuregos to Org though
oh dude I'm just playing comfy wow vanilla haha this is a good timooohhhnoooooooooo
I played SP in vanilla, even way before 1.12. They were pretty much always fairly OP.
>Easy as shit levelling
>One of the strongest in PvP
>Literally no one can gank you
>Absolute joy to play, super versatile too
The only problem is that autists nowadays have realised SPs do only about 90% of damage some other casters do and thus shun them as inferior. Fine with me, I will likely be playing priest again.
Really want an actual MMORPG that isn’t from the fucking west. How does the early game Warcraft fare? When is WOW classic coming?
I’m thinking dungeons and raids. You will not be asked to be DSP.
PVP yes.
I really want to play this to see what it was like before I started in BC but am kinda worried about minmaxing fags not letting anyone into raids
Reminder if you roll Warlock you WILL be paying a fortune for all your skills
Fuck Night Elves.
Second guy here. I never EVER had a problem finding spot for dungeons. I didn't raid with that character, but we had at least 2 SPs in my main's guild IIRC. You are reading too much Yea Forums and have some very skewed perspective. There is no class that cannot find a spot for dungeons.
>all those faggots who thought they got a free mount
>That dislike bar
Faggots, niggers and trannies in absolute shambles lmao
Will we have an option to pay real money to level up to max or buy mounts?
Gold is easy as fuck to make so who cares
they get a free mount precisely because they spend so much on skills
Surely other classes have a similar amount of skills though
I reached the cap of the free trial. If I just buy a subscription where will I get capped?
No, paladins get a free mount. Warlocks end up spending so much on skills for their pets when you compare classes.
Fuck off, retailcuck.
Ask your local china man
>Buying every last skill
Yeah because warlocks just not warlock without "conjure firestone" and "Talented skill I never took rank 2"
How much gold is that in total?
Guess I am going to play mage instead
Isn't Nathanos world boss level as well? Although he is friendly to horde I think.
you have that backwards, they spend so much on skills because they have a quest for a mount
If you read this, then you still have the ability to stop.
MMO's have been and always will be games which heavily abuse human physchology to make you addicted. They want you to make MMO's a habit. Something you 'do'.
What have you gained from playing an MMO? Very little, no skills, maybe a few friendships that died out, some memories.
There are far better and more fulfilling ways to spend your time, and you know it. Just fucking quit playing MMO's.
>buying all your skills
Holy retard
Nathanos is only a 5 man isn't he? Just a really fucking tough one, and he's friendly to Horde, he even gives them quests iirc
Only at launch
>implying i need that shit
all i need is soul link and drain life
no sharding. dipshit
Yeah as mage you only need frostbolt and conjure water
You are mistaken That's exactly what I want. Fuck real life.
>no skills
Nearly all my knowledge of the English language stems from games like WoW
like this post if you can hardly wait for release
Have fun being a portal and food bitch
Playing WoW growing up helped me learn how to type fast which has unironically helped me in my current job and previous job. Try harder
>There are far better and more fulfilling ways to spend your time
Name some.
I wish I could be as naive as you.
In PVE they're going to struggle with mana, but in PVP they're absolute monsters. Same goes for Ele shamans. Spriest is the tankiest caster in the game with inner fire + fort. In the rank 10 set, they have 5k hp with fort (effectively 6k with pw:s). Their armor is on par with mail and even better with the 15% reduced physical damage from shadow form. Their dots hit harder than a warlocks and they have a 1.5 second nuke on a 8 second CD.
okay look im sorry, don't play classic, please, i was just trying to shitpost to stop you from doing it, i fucking admit it okay? i've been pushing this goddamn gold trading and rose tinted goggles meme to try disuade you but its clearly not working so im begging you, please, just don't go to classic, come back to retail the subs are so low that im honestly scared that blizzard will just put retail as a damn side project in favour of classic
please just have a heart and think about it this isn't what you want either im sure of it, don't do this
cool story bro
Alliance fags will NEVER EVER recover
People like him have failed at their own lives and find it convenient to blame it one some particular thing (like WoW) instead of taking the blame on themselves. If he had taken the blame on himself in the first place, then his life probably wouldn't be so shit.
>le jaded pessmist
fuck off
>There are far better and more fulfilling ways to spend your time, and you know it.
The only other things I do is cry go to work.
By the time I get home I've had enough of people, soloing MMOs is the only thing that lets me forget the travails of the day
>le retarded optimist
fuck off
i play horde simply because alliance is full of trannies
i still prefer the look of the alliance though, and also having paladins and dwarf priests around
but it's just not worth having to play with such faggots
Can you faggots fuck off. Holy fucking shit everyday god damn day with your "home" bullshit. Your fucking game sucks and it's always sucked. Go to resetera with this faggotry.
>le unironically filled with hope
What a fag
Which classes are fun in classic? Horde if it matters.
t. Someone who never got around to playing WoW back in the day.
keep seething
seething retail tranny, go play your belf
Has anyone here ranked before? I got rank 7 in 06 by just playing AB consistently (not sure how many hours/day), but I want to get rank 10 for the blue set this time around. Some people seem to think it's really easy and other say rank 9-10 is a struggle.
>for the blue set
Its not as bad as it sounds, just need to dedicate time into your pvp grind. Arter you get it you can just go murder people in wpvp with your unbelievably high health and blue gear
most of them are fucking useless lol
yeah here's some hot tips bro
I can't wait for all the retail babbies to get btfo when their special snowflake ret, shadow, ele, enh, balance, feral spec doesn't get taken to raids.
>uniroincally using 4chins latests boogeyman in your post
>implying that you're not the fag
>yes, i AM a shadow priest. how did you tell?
>tfw there's literally zero good games anymore
>the only game I look forward to is wow classic (from 2004)
why is the gaming industry so shit nowadays?
>le "feral druids don't get to raid" meme
>doesn't get taken to raids
Well you know it was fun raiding with you guys thanks for the T2 but Im going to take some me time over in stv and drop alliancebabs for oh say the next 4 months kthxbai
You think any guild is going to waste their druid slot on a feral druid?
>why is the gaming industry so shit nowadays?
Because it mirrors our society, of course.
I could tell by how fucking easy I pwned your noob ass
got to rank 6 rather casually. my brother who I helped in pvp sometimes (healbot) got to rank 8 or 9
dude on my server wanted the max rank, he played literally all the time but wast half a rank away before tbc patch came with the new rank system. he quit playing.
>shadow doesn't raid!
how to tell if somebody is a retailfag
Many guilds are going to have feral druids while you're going to sit there going "Abloo bloo, people are having fun, and I don't like it!"
I was Knight-Lieutenant as a Human Pala just by playing some BGs from time to time. I assume it would be difficult at all to reach rank 10 with a bit of effort. Even easier if you don't play on one of the tryhard realms.
I got rank 10 in vanilla, never tried for 11 though.
You mean after I mind controlled you off a cliff?
>raids are only warriors and mages
Spot the nostcuck.
40 people is a lot of fucking people. Someone showing up that doesnt take aggro, follows the one mechanic for the fight and doesnt knock important debuffs off the boss is all I ask for a dps.
>Only 2 youtubers doing video guides on each class
>I've watched them all
>I want more
Somebody in here go start your Youtube career off early. Preferably multiple of you. Make a bunch of guides going in depth talking about each classes skills and when they're useful and in what situations to use them etc.
I'm bored, you're bored, let's make each other not bored, somebody has to bite the bullet. You could hit the jackpot and your youtube channel catches on and you'll be making mad cash too, especially during this classic hype.
I repeat there is only 2 (TWO) youtubers doing guides on this shit. That is the best you can fucking hope for in terms of competition.
This is your shot lad, get out there and do it.
video games used to be a niche market while tech was still relatively fresh and accessible to the average household.. now it's a huge corporate industry that prioritizes profit over genuine passion.
you just summed up "home" threads. no one knows shit or didn't play pservers and they just come here talking about vanilla like it's all speculation or fucking no man's sky
Rank 10 is good enough imo since you get your blue shoulders. At that point you either want to go all the way or realize its going to be easier to just raid for gear.
Not gonna play classic, but I hope verycoolguy makes some good vids of it.
you think yo do, but you dont
>yfw the servers will be dead in a month
>muh private server experience
Please bros.........
Give me a single player game name that allows me to play as a character that plays like a Warlock.
NOT A DAMN NECROMANCER. Fuck Necromancers, I want to summon demons, not gay ass skellingtons and zombies.
So was getting to 10 a grind or was it just something you worked on and eventually achieved over time?
I've read stories about people poopsocking to get rank 13/14 so i don't have any delusions of getting there, but the blue gear seems good for a priest.
>theorycrafting a solved game
>Im gonna do (insert something no one cares about) when I hit max level
>Me and my firends are doing (insert something here) when we reach 60
>Im gonna raid as a (insert some shit class no one wants to take to a raid), its gonna be so fun bros
>Cant wait to grind rank 14 on my (insert class)
Half of you and your friends will quit before reaching level 60 once you realize what a grindfest it is, the novelty will start wearing off the harder that level progress bar becomes to fill. Even if you do hit 60, the rose color of your glasses will start fading as soon as you realize how one-dimensional and predictable the PVP and how if someone has engineering you instantly lose. You'll try to get into dungeons/raids only to yet again realize that they're just as one dimensional as the PVP and that a literal inbred monkey can deal with the mechanics. You'll burn out after realizing that its quite pointless, the nostalgia will fade away and you'll get depressed after you realize how much time you've sunk so you can feel younger and careless again but you can never truly go back again.
Try any RPG, idiot.
>don't know if I should recreate my old character or make a new one
>not sure which class to play because I enjoy a lot of them
All I know is that I won't be a warrior but I love Rsham, Paladin, Rdruid, Afflock, Hunter and Priest in general
Alliance is the trope every single other fantasy game goes with. LMAO U A ELF.
I love that you can be what is considered the bad guys. I've been undead since '04 and don't plan on changing.
No PvP content for 6month, I was really hype but now i'm not at all.... Probably still gonna play it, but just because there's nothing better out there. Actually make me sad when i think about it.
Low population runescape world
>according to private servers ragnaros only has 4,641 armor
Just admit you wasted your time playing a fun server
I would but I don't know what software to use for recording audio and mic, and what to use for editing the video. Also I'm lazy and kind of shy about it. It has crossed my mind, not really for WoW content, but the idea in general.
>No PvP content for 6month
You're retarded.
Just go farm honor in hillsbrad like everyone else is going to.
you can get to 10 casually solo. depending how hard you go will determine how long it takes but its the rank that everybody can strive for over time.
>No PvP content for 6month
WPvP is all the pvp i need. Fuck Gnones and fuck elves.
Delete this
The speed of ranking up is HEAVILY influenced by the server you're playing on. The more people there are putting significant hours into honor grinding, the slower you'll be unless you also put in significant hours. You could rank up on a small-to-moderate sized PVE servers quite fast while putting very little effort in.
that's more armour than he will have in "classic". it was hard mode you retarded faggot. don't bother replying. redditor nigger tranny.
To reach rank 11 you need 45,000 RP. To put that into perspective, rank 14 requires 60K and rank 6 20k. Every week 20% of your current RP decays before you gain more.
To gain RP you need to farm honor and the amount of RP you get depends on which honor bracket you get into. There's 14 of them (pic related). Assuming you fell into the 10% honor gains every reset, you would steadily gain ranks for about 4 weeks until you grind to a halt. Past that you need to step your honor grind and depending on your server's pvp scene, it could take a lot of grinding.
I got to rank 12 back in the day. Basically quit raiding from a AQ40 progressing guild at the time and joined a PvP guild that ran premades. When there weren't players online, I would sit in AV. I probably would've tried to get rank 14 but I got so sick of the game that I quit until mid-TBC.
Play Dominions 5.
Fuck off doomer
not to mention progressive itemization, wew you are a dumbnigger
>a literal raid end boss has less armor than a bear tank
>using sunder you can reduce a raid end boss to armor equivalent of a regular level 30 mob
You're delusional if you believe this is accurate
nice headcanon automatically thinking itll be 6 months.
>you'll get depressed once you realize how much time you've sunk
Ouch, hit a little too close to home there
Hillsbrad zerg vs zerg is the most boring shit ever, no thx.
Give me good Female NE Priest names and post your Sex/Race/Class/Name too so I can maybe steal your name.
I wonder what gold prices will be
Go back to your contamination thread in /vg/, shill.
Classic cucks on swissaid watch
Lets say BC roll out.
What will you class be?
who are you quoting you fucking tranny faggot? surely not me. "classic" will have less armour on bosses than nostalrius/elysium/lh. this makes things easier. items will also be on their final stat updates, making many pieces extremely broken. you really are a dumb tranny nigger.
Alice or Cecily
>"classic" will have less armour on bosses than nostalrius/elysium/lh
>female NE priest
tranny spotted
Hunter all the way.
I still have no idea what the fuck I'm going to be for Classic though.
Come on now user don't be so quick to judge. Maybe he's a real girl?
>Male Orc Shaman
>Named Scrump
>Male Orc Warlock
>Named Hooch
Most people have beat these raids on hard mode, the armour values will have an insane effect on difficulty. I wouldn't be surprised if leveling gets dumbed down as well.
Based chad warlock.
You know what? You've all warned that you can't have a good Yea Forums guild in this game and maybe you're right, maybe that is out of the question.
But at some point (probably when we get closer to release) I'm gonna be here asking to see if I can't grab a few people together who both want to AND can play a lot, but who also don't want to rush to level 60 because I think it'll be fun having the same few bros around to run dungeons with. We'll lessen the chances of having our shit ninja'd just by having to rely on less randoms and we'll increase our chance of getting groups together easier just by having more people at the ready from the get go.
AHHH I want to play so bad, is retail really as horrible as I've heard? I only briefly played in legion after quitting in mop.
if you wind up on the same server as me i'll join your guild
gonna play a shadow priest tho
spriest is less optimal than just having a healer shadow weave. so no you won't be brought to raids. get fucked snowflakes
Raid in mid 2000s and you'll see they're super rare.
Last time I tried alliance I didn't even make it out of elwynn forest before getting whispers asking if i want to suck futa elf cock. Why are alliance such faggots?
found a leaked pic of u :)
Well, I think saying each gate will take 2-3 month to open isnt really far fetch...
>Vampiric Embrace
just skip half of the shit when you're leveling. I was being modest here
>ill just take up another debuff slot so I can do negligible healing
Private, reporting for duty.
Honestly when your leveling you just needs curses, Dots, shadowbolt and voidwalker stuff.
vamp embrace is pretty difficult to sustain because being a shadow priest in pve is pretty difficult to sustain, you CAN do it, but it's usually much better to just be a SW specced holy priest
hang yourselves wowfags
>is retail really as horrible as I've heard?
it's great!
>play classic
>get to lvl40 before quitting
>paid one month's sub for at least 50 hours of fun
But I am supposed to think of this as a bad investment somehow, because somehow it seems like the dominant expectation among MMORPG players is that any MMORPG you get excited for should be able to hold your interest for the rest of your life. News-fucking-flash: I quit playing wow temporarily a total of six times before quitting it for good in late WotLK. It's not a lifetime commitment. The value proposition with Classic is extremely good.
It's also limited to 5 players so get fucked shadow nerds.
What the fuck
Warrior skills are double the price though.
Isn't it interesting how there's always a home thread up, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, despite the game itself being an unspecified number of MONTHS away from release?
Blizzard really is shilling this game in full force, aren't they?
Is it possible to play Ret without reckoning? Seems too good to pass up.
t. Never played pala
yes shills are real, welcome
Wow! I'm so glad I don't have to team up with toxic losers to kill Hogger anymore! I hate being social!
Based blizzard shills looking out for me by giving me a thread to post in daily because I CANNOT FUCKING WAIT.
>seething zoomer can't imagine a game actually being good and people actually being excited for it
Sorry all your generation's games are garbage
yes, they also paid a fuckload of money to streamers to start the hype
nice selfie
they will have spots in AQ20 and ZG, along with other memes
so you put them in a group that needs off heals. not that difficult. I play warlock not sp.
ffxiv's shadowbringers expac is getting closer and closer and classic is releasing in the same timeframe as competition, the closer we get to june 28th/july 2nd the more the constant "home" threads and classic-hat wojaks will get posted
Confirmed from dataminers bosses have 3750 armor. Private server players have been playing with bosses well above 4000 armor.
Confirmed pserver players are the GOAT of vanilla.
Yes. The positive thing is that you get conc
We've wanted legacy servers for years you faggot
Vintage doomer meme.
>so you put them in a group that needs off heals. not that difficult. I play warlock not sp.
A level 58 holy priest with leveling gear will have more healing output than a shadow retard trying to heal his group with 20% of his shadow output. Oh and the shadow priest will run out of mana in one minute unless he brought shitloads of demonic runes and other shit to gain mana. It's a shitty debuff and slots shouldn't be wasted.
This honestly. Why do people even play the game in a way thats not the way I want them to play?
confirmed where
do post
bad bait. mob armor isn't client-side data so you can't datamine it
>after 3 years, that overwhelming desire to play WoW came back again
any good pirate servers to kill the time till classic?
enjoy taking 3 hours to clear MC with your meme spec raid and handing gear to retards who will only do half the dps with it
I don't even know why they still have elites in retail. I've been leveling different characters to 20 under the free trial stuff without sub. All elites are fucking jokes now I don't even know what is the point anymore. Just make them regular NPC's. If you're gonna butcher storylines at least remove the elite status.
Everyone has more than warrior
Girls play female nelf druid and male tauren druid
Stay strong until the real deal user
ill try
private servers are either at naxx or about to hit naxx unless you play on shitgarde
just wait
just play northdale
Dwarf hPala vs. Tauren rSham
Choices choices
This is it lads, post your favourite icon ever
this is a nice post
Because there are only two kinds of players right? Drooling retards that cant cast spells by themselves and fucking robots that need to do everything perfectly optimally. There is definitely nothing inbetween these two things no sir.
The parrot
Im going to be one of the best tanks on the server(again) and I wont suffer non of you fags with gay specs in my groups.
>shift click the faggot's name
>it's a warrior
>it's always a warrior
lmao what a cuck class
I am probably the greatest rogue ever of all time in classic, here is my guide to playing rogue.
1) World PVP - If you see any PC in the game that is at least 5 levels below you, alone and questing; you gotta gank. You are a rogue, this is a roleplaying game, being a dick is your character.
2) Leveling - Find a Warrior or Priest to team up wit. As soon as you have got ur items/ finished ur quest, leave them. The warrior will be fine on their own and the priest shouldn't have chosen such a stupid class. No honor among thieves.
3) Loot - Roll for everything, steal whatever you can then bam! throw dat powder in their face and disappear, block chat, back to Ironforge and throw that shit on the Auction House. We in it for the gold, not the friends.
4) PVP - Find the weakest clothy who clearly doesn't know what they are doing and gank them, repeatedly until they quit. You are a rogue, easy kills are the only kills and warfare is psychological.
5) Duelling - NEVER duel another rogue. 1: it takes forever to find each other like birdcage and 2: If they beat you and people see, then you won't be able to make the claim that you are the best rogue on the server... Its like Schroedingers rogue, every rogue is the best rogue on the server, until it is observed and the wave function collapses.
6) DPS - It is NOT your fault if you are not topping the DPS charts in a raid, its Blizzards, the lack of gear for top lvl rogues, the tanks, the healers, OP fucking pain in the ass gnome mages, never yours.
WoW was always trash and you're a cuck if you play blizzard games in 2019
7) Sneaking - If you sneak off in a raid to poke around or pickpocket and you pull elite mobs, don't take it on the chin. Hit the sprint button and get back to the party so it's now everybody's problem. They're your group, they have sworn to protecc, they should do their damn jobs. Spend the fight healing.
8) Endgame Gear - No matter what gear you've got in the bank, your main hand is Barman Shanker. It looks cool and fuck anyone who says this game is about winning. It's not, its about having the coolest looking gear. Repeatedly bug your guild to farm the drop.
9) Raiding - If the boss does not drop anything you need or want then you are AFK for this fight. Don't misuse this downtime; browse wowhead for drops you might need in this instance and pressure the party to go kill that boss instead because its "easier than wiping on the current one".
10) IRL Drama - It is NOT enough to roleplay being a dick. You must cause real life drama by spreading rumors about other guildies, talk shit in the whispers, create friction and drama wherever you go. If you have not caused at least a guild a week to disband, you are not doing your job properly.
s-say that when my healer shows up see what happens
Truth, classicucks BTFO
He's been in here for the last 3 days posting the same claims that "le memespecs don't work", gets old after a while to be completely honest with ye my fellow white people.
classic is so far removed from blizzard's current ideology and most recent efforts that it's not really a blizzard game. when you pay money for this game you're effectively telling blizzard they fell off and reviving something made when they were better is their only chance of being able to get your money.
spriest is okay with 16 debuff slots
Enjoy your raid group of 3 people that can suffer your crippling autism.
word zero soul in every aspect
don't get caught in the private server trap of thinking all guilds will be tryhards
you can take basically whatever you want to MC/BWL and finish them
This argument is just terrible and it always gets posted.
>WoW was always trash and you're a cuck if you play blizzard games in 2019
I am always open for suggests. What should I play instead?
its really obvious you've never played classic so i'll explain. with 40 people in the raid and usually 10-15 bench you need to spread gear somewhat equally or by bwl you have warlocks doing less than tanks in dps. now imagine you've brought 10 meme specs that will do half the dps of a real spec. lets not forget these memespecs are basically doing tank dps. your overall raid dps is half or less than half of a optimal raid.
of course next you'll go "b-but classic was easy" I assure you the fucktard guilds who think they can coast with numerous meme specs will probably fail in aq40. it took DOGZ a bunch of retard burgers a month and a half to kill cthun even with melee stacking and no memespecs, most normie guilds will completely fail at aq40
it's a rogue with less dps but an innervate, groupwide crit buff, and battle res
sounds fine to me
you think you do but you dont
Why wouldn't they just kill Hogger? Gnolls aren't citizens of Stormwind; they're basically sentient vermin.
Do they think their going to rehabilitate him in prison?
trials in tainted space or corruption of champions 2
I assure you its not just me trying to tell people memespecs aren't effective but believe whatever you want. Notice no one is saying "they don't work" they just do half the dps or less than a warrior
Fuck no, that game tries to pigeon-hole me even harder into futa shit than CoC did.
the point is that people dont like to waste time
you can go 40 paladin and finish BWL after 20 hours
Thanks, I will check them out. Hope you are not trolling.
>Half of your and your friends will quit before reaching 60
Correct, but I have a lot of friends and a good chunk of us have no jobs. I already know who is and isn't going to make it.
Meant for
because Hogger is actually a girl in a costume :^)
Nice try faggy boy, people will beg me to carry them through shit.
>crossing over spellstone
Its like youre asking to get ganked by mages/spriests
Nothing because MMOs are just glorified chat rooms filled with degenerates. The genre is a relic of the 00s.
In some cases like warriors the pre bis raid gear is actually bis for a long long time. A lot of other classes are like that.
The warlock tier gear is notoriously bad with the exception of a few T2 pieces. The T1 set is worse than crafted shit.
I think raids will probably have plenty of meme specs, but its going to be somebodies girlfriend or best buddy that plays the meme spec. Plenty of idiots want to play these specs, so you'll never see guilds recruiting shadow priests or ret paladins simply because there will be tons of those already.
fucking BASED
>A lot of other classes are like that
You know what the biggest upside to feral druid is? 6-7 of your preraid BiS is your BiS until naxx. Druids in general arent going to be fighting for gear with other classes because of the wierd shit they need for any druid spec
Thotiel Tree-Fucker
back in the day alliance would fuck horde shit up when ever felt like.
>can't decide if warlock or rogue or hell even a warrior
pls help
Yeah things like the enchanting trinket and stuff. Feral was such an odd spec in vanilla. I kind of wonder if that's going to lead to a lot of burn out among feral druids when they are pretty much geared for feral and resto from all the offspec crap they'll be getting.
Okay, so what other games should I play? I quit WoW in 2011 when I was starting uni and I haven't played any games. Modern single player games seem like glorified movies and many multiplayer games suffer from esport faggotry.
>a game made my blizzard isn't a blizzard game
"0.05 cents has just been deposited into your account"
GoG recently released warcraft 1 and 2
>all these people sucking warlock cock
>mfw already played one to 60 on private servers so I won't fall for the meme
class with 0 mobility that requires no skill (just cheese death coil and SL to win) and has to constantly farm for soulshards
no thanks I'd rather have fun
Monster hunter is the perfect replacement for MMOs. World less so because the social element sucks
lol this is just straight up wrong, you need so much leather from BWL. please memespec niggers learn your class before you talk out of your ass
Blizzard isn’t some kind of entity, you retard. Their games are made by teams. Of people. It just so happens that 99% of the team that made original vanilla wow are gone, and aren’t working on classic. Hence, classic and retail are being developed by an entirely different group of people. That’s why they’re called nu-blizzard
Witcher 3, if you haven't yet
dudes classic is literally over 4 months away. They haven't even announced a release date for fucks sake. You need to chill out.
>Reading is hard
nf/conflag is a really fun spec. too bad it needs really good gear to even be considered and you're right about everything else
>Mfw my no skill class is going to shit all over you while you work your ass off just trying to survive all while dealing negative damage to me because I'm SL
Oh I am laffin'
Be prepared to suffer endless ganks throughout the leveling. People that you did dungeons with at 20 will hit 60 and you'll be level 45. Also you'll spend inordinate amounts of effort getting upgrades for your 2h in the form of endless dungeon runs. However if you make to 60 and actually like tanking you'll never be at a shortage of dungeon groups. Raiding is hit or miss, if you can sneak in as a tank or you go through the effort for warrior dps gear.
Really opens up a different world for playing. Since you'll be sneaking around a lot you'll get that ninja assassin feel. Lockpicking is worth the effort to level up. Gathering materials for poisons can be a pain in the ass as well.
At 60 you'll find that your pve dps is pretty decent but the glut of rogues will make getting groups and gear a pain. Also you can gank anytime without fear since you can just stealth away.
I only know the alliance perspective, I'm sure the horde is slightly better. Pvp is a pain the ass since about 80% of the horde plays undead. Leveling is super efficient with your void walker tank and some of the class flavor is the best in the game. Also you get a "free" mount but you'll be paying that out in training fees so its not really free. End game is pretty cool but a lot of your best gear is from tailoring so its worth leveling that to get all that gear.
Why would I play WarCraft 1 and 2 when I can play WarCraft 3: TFT or even WoW? That makes no sense.
>console games
No thanks, I am not a peasant.
Witcher 2 was the last game I played before calling it quits. I may try the 3rd one, but I've heard bad things about it.
>please memespec niggers learn your class before you talk out of your ass
This so much holy shit.
Memespec niggers will foam at the mouth and go rabid whenever you insult their shitty DPS, but they don’t even know anything about their awful class to begin with
fuckin hell
>be me
>be alpha retail chad
>have huge dick
>pity small penis incel zoomers who coudln't experience OG classic
>level 10
>4 spells
nah I'll be a rogue, I'll just avoid you if you've got SL and VW out and then gank you when you're fighting a mob
shadow reflector hard counters a warlock if you've got time to put it on
I'm just saying it doesn't resemble a blizzard game that was made in the last 10 years. Or longer.
Warriors arent hit or miss for raiding if you're prot and actually put work in to gear up which as you said will be easier because you'll get non-stop dungeon groups.
I agree though about the leveling process. Its gotta be the worst of all classes.
I applaud all of you mad men who roll alliance locks. those might be even less played than druids, love you bros.
>Warriors arent hit or miss
I guess they never miss, huh
You only need 3-4 real tanks for raids which is basically 1 tank for every 10 players. Dungeons is 1 in 5 so your prospective chances at raiding are a lot less. Based on what I saw on nost though you'll probably see horde guilds running 20+ warriors to breeze through the content with broken warrior dps.
>warlock cucks have to log in 1h earlier before raid to farm shard
>meanwhile mages can be late 30min and still get a spot thanks to their superior dmg and free water
>hit level 10
>no more class quests
Who the fuck decided this is a good idea?
>why yes i main rogue, how could you tell
>tfw you want an alliance warlock to pvp but know you need to go undead if you dont want to every third person to have will of forsaken
sacrifice>immolate>conflagrate>immolate>searing pain x2
nothing personnel
Will this ever stop being right lads?
based and redpilled
based but bluepilled
it doesn't take a hour to farm shards, just 15 mins max. I can only assume these retards trying to downplay warlocks just want less competition
Can't you bank shards? I don't know if this was a thing in vanilla.
Classic wont be nost and full min-maxing autists. No one wants to play tank because its fucking boring. Tank shortages have always been a thing in retail since 2004. It's made even worse in classic because you have to actually farm for resistances for the certain raid you're doing, nobody wants to do that shit. They want to stabby stab and do the deeps.
>stunlocks you
nothing personnel
>he doesn't get world buffs
>Orcs in your direction
Big mood pal
>you resist a stun
>just blind you instead
gg green nigger
world buffs on real vanilla don't work like they do on private fun servers
just another area where private funserver niggers will be BTFO once classic releases
You can learn voidwalker as a warlock by ticking over on exploration exp. so fucking retarded
>skull of impending dooms in your direction
not gonna be a thing on legit servers, they have massive cooldown
>blinds you again
its over
>he thinks private server autists wont just raidlog with buffs regardless of how frequently heads pop
they already will stay logged for a week to save dmf buff, getting rend and ony won't be hard.
wrong, world buffs were always a thing in vanilla. retailbabbies btfo
What's the most hilarious nonsensical race + class selection and why is it rogue gnome?
yeah, with like 6 hour cooldowns.
>tfw there are literally a million HPriest shitters with this same idea and overpopulate both parties and raids
Thank god I'm going Shaman, where I get the red carpet into everything while Priests have to fight over every raid.
>Playing Warrior
>Declining rogues from my groups
My leather now :^)
replaces "priests" with "warriors"
especially horde-side
this is the best feel
pretty based, saying this as an alliancefag. Fuck night elves, dwarves are bro tier
Tanks don't need leather
based dorf
dwarves are the only alliance i spare while ganking
>can't go home because no rppvp
Is that even confirmed?
by ion himself
Will there be a Yea Forums guild?
>Playing with Yea Forums
Actually the worst idea.
are you in a hurry ?? you already finished it 14 years ago
>gets charged by a Warrior
>is already down to 50% life and has already eaten a healthstone and deepthroated a health potion (because he has to compensate THAT hard)
>is hoping and praying he can get this Fear off in time to buy a few more seconds
>is hoping that his allies see he's in trouble and come bail him out
>is locked out his only school of magic (knows so little about fire magic it doesn't even count) for EIGHT seconds
>the Mage TYPES /cast Shoot and wands him down then /lol as the warrior slams his pathetic asshole with executes
>he laughs at this Cucklock who WISHES it were TBC so he could play a zero skill spec like SL/SL and feel what it's like to have some modicum of success in PvP
Warlock T1 is actually pretty good to use in PVP because of all of the stam it provides and the set bonuses aren't too bad either.
Reminder that Taurens and Dwarfs are bros
Seriously, don't do it. Beyond the first few days or the leveling phase, there's nothing positive you'd get out of joining these larping drama-causing actual trannys.
but thats not at all stealth and that tiny hitbox are retarded
>pay sub
>to play boring shit
>every month pay
>to play boring shit
>actually paying
>to play
>boring shit
tauren on a kodo can't fit through doors, pain in the ass
if you ever did raiding in wow or any other game you would know that people get bored and disinterested after the first 1-2 hours
all the meme spec retards can go and form an autistic guild where they will be spending weeks wiping on trivial bosses
>Taurens and Dwarves in mortal feud because of Dwarves mutilating the Tauren's ancestral homeland
user, I...
>No wizard class
Fuck WoW. Gonna roll up a joint and play a real game t b q h w y
r12 in vanilla here. get group of good players. farm horde. get horde groups to leave. stack instawins. farm wsg entrance/org entrance on downtime. get as many people to r14 as you wish (i didn't need it because i also had raid gear but i held r12 for a few months just because i could). i can't exactly remember how the honor system worked, but my group basically locked out anyone else on our server on getting r13 or r14.
Datamined classic beta bosses show 3750 armor. What happened to all the pserver 0 armor trashtalkers where you at?
>What is a mage
holy shit your asspain is off the charts
>pserver 0 armor trashtalkers
Dataminers discord. Yestersay alensual streamed a datamined item list spreadsheet he didnt want to share link. There were entries for wow tokens and talisman of the binding shard.
ill admit it
the only thing I loved about modern day wow is
the Sub rogue was turned into a ninja trope with shuriken
ITS FUN AS FUCK, shame the rest of the game is mouthbreather tier
>it's fun as fuck to do no damage.
why would anyone unironically think bosses did not have armor?
do they think sunder and expose armor were memes?
>he doesnt know
baka senpai, didnt you play legion?
Why didn't they give the Rogue some ranged abilities? It's not fair that Hunter is the only class that gets to shoot people.
imagine willingly paying a fee to activision blizzard just to play a mmorpg that is decades old and that you most likely already played just to chase off the feeling of nostalgia
outlaw rogues (the spec that replaced combat) get to shoot people with a pistol in some abilities
they did for the pirate rogue, he has a pistol shot and CP spender with a stun
unfortunately the class was too fun
Also did they JUST invent pistols? I never really saw them but I guess there may have been old pirate art with them
I also recall seeing a worgen with a pistol bandolier thing on his chest
in classic wow or current wow? current wow now has pirate rogue that main ability it is to shoot people in the face. its still melee but has quite a few shooting moves
They claimed pserver raiders had it easy because everything was bugged, had incorect values and bosses had almost 0 armor. So only the actual vanilla experience counted.
>still posting this bait
You have no idea how shit current sub is on bfa.
Do paladins wear cloth in PVP aswell? im looking at the gear and there's no int whatsoever, how does one effectively healslut in pvp
Tired of these threads.
Even Assmangold said he'd get tired of WoW Classic very quickly.
We all need a NEW MMO with the philosophy of WoW Vanilla.
I dont, I only leveled my hunter on release and decided that I would only play my rogue if the released the skinny kultiran humans for a proper defias character
glad they didnt to be honest, BFA fucking wrecked the game, absolute dumpster fire and 8.2 is not gonna save it
Fuck all this retarded shit who level 1 gnome 40 man hogger raid with me?
pom pyro
I'mn tired of shitters like Asmongold thjinking MMO's are supposed to be substitutes for a real life. Obviously you can't play an MMO forever, yikes at people who unironically think this.
afaik the only thing broken with pserver raids are some bosses not doing proper movements, spells, transitions, etc. and the loot tables are beyond messed up. Maybe resistances and other things could be off, but armor and HP is probably not something that would be bugged. Pserver raids are more or less "authentic" but some don't quite play out as intended.
>philosophy of WoW Vanilla
You mean Raid or Quit?
you mean "asmon never played vanilla gold" or "asmon didn't do anything of relevance in tbc gold"?
it's a terrible aeria game (though it has a private server which I actually currently play that is ok I guess) but eden eternal. It has 61 classes which you can switch around to from the same character as you like, illusionist, demon summoner, warlock, and demon tamer seem to fit what you are looking for. would I recommend playing it? no. but it's an option that ticks your checkboxes.
I remember leveling to max more than my raiding.
>Back pedaling mage in full tier 3 + Atiesh has to have a warrior help him kill a warlock in fel cloth
>"P-p-please Mr. warrior, sir could you h-help me kill that meanie warlock, please?"
>"No problem, kid."
>Warrior gets seduced
>Warlock begins to cast soul fire
>Mage starts to panic
>Only has frost bolt on his bar
>"I know I have a s-spell for this somewhere"
>Nervously fumbles through spell book
>"Ah, here it is! Counterspell!"
>Warlock finishes casting soul fire, casts immolate + conflag immediately after
>Warrior is dead
>Mage panics
>Clicks frost bolt in an attempt to fight back
>"Oh boy, this will get him!"
>Gyrofreeze Ice reflector right before frostbolt cast is finished
>Mage offs himself
>"Woooooow Warlocks are such cucks. He had to use his trinket to kill me."
retail or pserver?
That's why he suggested a new MMO.
He should make one then, and stop whining that we "need one".
I will go anywhere on earth for an epic kek level 1 gnome hogger raid but it would have to be private or classic fuck nu hogger
You will melt faces as shadow priest in pvp
>A guy who has literally no skill other than playing video games should make a game
C'mon mang. We know the outcome.
Remember when AVG tried to make a movie?
Cringe af as fuck. I'll stick with Oldschool RuneScape.
Well Tigole the fat nerd made WoW so why not.
Also unrelated; HOLY FUCK captcha that sloooooooooooooooowly fades in and forces you to click 50 bikes FUCK YOU
your taste in 8 foot anime foreheads is about the same taste as you playing osrs
It's shit
You don't need a gigantic manapool and mp5 regen in PvP.
Paladin T2 is actually really good for pvp while the cloth gear you get in raiding is better for that.
It's got a weird mix of stats so its not that good for raiding, but works well for pvp.
And yes i did watch the AVGN movie and it was atomic level cringe. Would not recommend to my enemies.
Horde > Alliance
Shaman > Paladin
Fury > Prot
Deep resto is really bad
>Deep resto is really bad
Shaman or druid?
>opening bait to bait
too much bait makes for bad fishing
That's how you sound.
Shaman obviously.
your taste is garbage and you're a unironic faggot
everything seems to add up for a runescape player
Would have guessed as much, but you never know with druids and heart of the wild.
This smirky motherfucker
>Defending products by a company like Activision/Blizzard for FREE
You are in no position to talk down to anybody.
is there any good recent tbc server out there?
No ones defending anything
You're just retarded and a runescape player so it adds up
My facts can't be refuted by you so you're trying to call me a shill
Cringy runescape players so low iq that they can't even connect simple dots
Heh.. looks like I have won this argument.. the Activision/Blizzard shill is on his last knees..
I know you enjoy being on your knees you brainless tranny
Anyone else here rolling Hunter because they don't have friends?
We're going home bros.
t. furfag
Keep writhing for me. Worm.
outlaw is based, combat was soulless
>Animé is harmles don't worry about it
>Fast forward 10 years, animé watchers literally turning into girls
Yeah i saw this coming a long way.
>on his last knees
I think the hormones you've been taking to shrink your balls have shrunk your brain instead
Projecting now huh
Don't you mean disgusting monsters?
Cope. I'd ask you to meet my main in the wildy to 1 v 1 but I don't think you are worthy.
Seriously considering to play Rogue with maxed out stealth skill and just sneak around alone everywhere i go. No one will notice me, it will be as if i'm invisible, just like in real life!
Tranny can't cope
imagine hanging out on an anime imageboard as a person who hates anime
>Activision/Blizzard shills are also newfags that cry about anime on a website created to discuss anime
Not surprising.
Classes are really the only terrible part of BfA. Content wise it's about on par with Legion.
>"Hmmm i want to shitpost about anime let's seee where should i go"
>"Yea Forums - Anime or Yea Forums - Video Games"
>"Hmmm.......... Let's go for Yea Forums"
if you don't like it then don't reply. your buttblastedness only encourages them
Isn't it your hole opening time?
David Lunch!
Lurk more before posting. Newfag.
Yeah i figured as much. Replying means losing the fight because all they care about is harvesting the little attention they can get in their sorry lives on the anonymous message board.
it's funny when people accuse you of being a tranny when you despise their existence as much as your accuser
and why don't you go to /vg/ to post in dogshit general threads?
Tigole didn't make wow he ruiend it. it was great before he turned up. also he still lives with his mom lol
>newfag doesn't know what projection is
>cries about anime on an anime website
You should go back to your Battlenet forums to cry about how people are discussing Blizzard games
what percentage of wow players smoke weed?
You're just so transparent
Lurk more
based truthposter
>unironically telling me to lurk on the forums
Congratulations, you have revealed that you were a shill all along.
Just fucking play and decide for yourself. If you absolutely can't stand it Blizz will likely refund what's remaining of your sub time.
Becomes apart of the 50%
>p-p-please don't have fun PLEASE! DON'T HAVE FUN!
fucking faggot.
based vanessaposter
>of the 50%
Stopped reading there. Seethe more shill.
I bet it's hard to read your soon be statistic
I wonder if anyone actually believes it’ll be “Just like it used to be”.
Heh.. speaking of statistics.. how about those World of Warcraft player numbers? Oh wait.. the game is dead and Blizzard is so embarrassed that they don't give those stats out anymore..
Who the fuck still goes to 1v1 in the wildy. I know people make comparisons between Classic and OSRS but OSRS has gone the exact route of retail wow. OSRS's main focus is catering to PvM'ers or ironmemes and made every single grind easier by adding low-effort high-reward routes for getting xp like Birdhouses/MLM, OSRS is a good game but pretending that it's any more hardcore than anything Blizz puts out is retarded
>Please buy Activision/Blizzard™ products, they are hardcore and would appeal to hardcore gamers such as yourself.
Not even subtle.
Retail has higher numbers than OSRS and XIV
Only thing higher then retail numbers is tranny suicide
Soon you will be that %
>play mage
>party runs off down the dungeon without getting their pre-dungeon snacktime
>have to chase those motherfuckers down
It's not good to dungeon delve on an empty stomach.
>Retail has higher numbers than OSRS and XIV
Source? Show some stats for me. I'll be waiting.
are you ok bud
>i like my single player retail experience where i don't need people to play with on an mmorpg to get the full experience of the game.
1.7 mil number posted from leaks and even if they dropped i'd put hard cash they are still higher than both your tranny filled game
I don't like retail at all but even i know you're trying to run around this
Become the 50% just do it user jump the hoop
I know I'm not getting in the beta, bros. I'll have to sit here, watching, as other people get to go home. I'm standing by the window: locked out.
>not official stats, are from unofficial sources
So you don't have stats and you're just pulling this out of your ass. Got it.
Jump the hoop user
Do it
Don't try to think about it
Save the world one less man blob
The last official statistics released show WoW with millions more subscribers than any mmo, do you have any data that refutes that this is not still the case?
OSRS is designed to be a single-player mmo though. People hail Jagex's design choice to limit yourself off from other players as a good thing. The only time you have to interact with others in that game is during two quests and then after 1000's hours of grinding you can choose to play with others in raids if you want. I quit retail years ago and I enjoyed my time in OSRS but outside of just talking to others casually while slaying/farm-runs it's mostly a single-player experience. As shit as retail currently is atleast you're stuck with other people for most of the time you play
I have official stats from RuneScape showing at least 100,000 players on both OSRS and RS3. These are small numbers worth showing. Blizzard is afraid to show their numbers, so it's fair to assume they are even lower than this. Checkmate retard.
I don't give a fuck about the past. I want the current player statistics. Blizzard is afraid to show those, it's easy to know why, the game is dead.
mondo yikes
Shh Shhh Shhh just jump the hoop man blob
No one misses you
Save everyone the pain of having to be around you
>spend $500 on tokens to buy a brutosaur mount with gold
>do it for my other 24 multibox accounts
>blizzard backstabs me by announcing classic
I can't believe Blizzard did this to me bros, they stole 12 grand away from me, i could've donated that money to my close friend Asmongold instead...
>DEAR GOD (who doesn't exists)
Lost right there
OSRS includes nonpaying players in that 100k so it's not a valid stat to use :) you are comparing f2p and p2p MMOs :)
World of Warcraft is free up until level 20. Oldschool and EOC RuneScape are free up until a certain point where you have to get membership to further advance. Both are F2P games with P2P membership options. They are fair to compare.
It's okay user just do it
No one will miss you
Erase the mistake your parents made
>being this desperate for (You)s
Take this last one and fuck off.
Just remove the stain your parents made
Just do it user
Jump that finial hoope
on a long cooldown. which means, that every guild on each faction will know when they will raid. which also means, that its very likely that in PVP servers, its going to be a massacre.
>refunding (You)s
Pretty based, that nerd got styled on
OSRS players are all trannies and need to jump that hoop
Remember this
you have for hunter?
wtf i'm woke now
why cant human females be real
Is that ladys spine ok?
Why would paladin need a warrior dead weight in party?
Based mage.
notice how the shills all stop posting once the thread is 300+ replies and securely at the top of the catalog for a good 4-6 hours
threads almost dead on replies alone you stupid ass
go take your hrt and fuck off back to shadowniggers
Majority of the time these threads go slow until 250-300 and then accelerate like crazy and top off at 520ish.
t: home expert
>why is the gaming industry so shit nowadays?
People kept paying for mediocre garbage.
Emm, I don't know how to tell you, but...
Shaman, Rogue, Mage
>shilling has been proven to happen on Yea Forums
>still refuse to believe shills exist
Yo dawg I've been looking for a horde warrior to duo ham mode level. I'm playing a shaman and taking 15 days off work.
>Why would paladin need a warrior dead weight in party?
Cute, I'm gonna enjoy not inviting you, retcuck
>need healer and dps
>paladin responds
Do you invite?
yeah sure, were all here to have fun. besides buffs are nice.
I gonna enjoy not inviting you, dead weight.
No one does this
Instantly put him to ignore list
rogue, warlock or warrior
decide for me
im not into doing 5 mans that much
just pvp/pve
post personality type and class
mage but considering druid
1 shadow priest per raid is pretty standard.
Did WC with a Russian named Corpsegrindr or something. He sucked, got lost, and ninja'd greens.
Fuck hordeniggers.
>decide for me
no, figure it out yourself. If you’re that brain dead and can’t, go look up a random number generator and roll 1-3. There you go
Imagine paying Blizzard $60+(monthly $15 tip until you quit) to prove to you that even if you thought you did, you did not.
Imagine coming into a thread you don’t like to try and make people feel bad about having fun
Be honest with me, bros.
Gnome or human mage?
Were Mages in high demand in Vanilla? I like the idea of making portals and food back when it mattered. But also I need a tank main too. I hear only Warriors did that.
Humie mage is probably the most basic shit ever.
t. basic guy and former humie mage
Imagine coming into this thread and not knowing the price of the game you're making fun of.
That's true. Gnome is the correct choice. You can't beat 5% intellect.
They weren't in low demand. You can make money off portals and level 55 water (vendors only carry lvl 45 water), AND they're also the strongest gold farming class thanks to their AoE. It's not a bad choice
There's gonna be mages EVERYWHERE
>AND they're also the strongest gold farming class
Nothing gets close to hunters
Looks like Animahjong.
>gold is so hard to get in classic
>click on a random classic streamer
I had a feeling I was misremembering, but I went with my gut anyway. I remember them being pretty close. Mages are more in demand for raids than hunters though, so it's still a solid choice.
male dwarf, female human or female night elf priest?
Azeroth roads,
Take me home
To the place Where I Belong..
West Kalimdor, mountain Ogre,
Take me home
Azeroth roads..
if it's some shit like deadmines or RFC, yeah, sure. what's the worst that could happen.
otherwise lolno
Shadow Priest
do you know how much money has he bought from chinese farmers?
Any p server autists ITT who main warlock? Have a question
hes farming 2 recipes, archmade and fire resist and theyre something like 180g/40g each
just ask and flame idiots who try to answer but actually don't know the answer
I farmed nearly 1000g a week when I played on private servers, but it all went into enchants and consumes. I bet all he has to do is say "oops i forgot pots" and a dozen people line up to give him what he should've brought himself.
why dont you just watch some youtube clickbait guides like the rest of fresh faggots