What are some vidya with huge bosses?

What are some vidya with huge bosses?

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Other urls found in this thread:

spankbang.com/2yrsu/video/crazy big ass wow


the size of that lad

>ahhh! Hooman let me shed! Why can't I shed, hoooman??!

SotC of the Colosssus.

Baba is thicc

that's not huge

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Sheep are cute!

Cute sheep

Serious Sam, god of war, lylat wars

Sheegs...lay off the hay, yeah?

Fucking grotesque. There are subhumans that fap to this too.

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Das tu much.

I know right

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i have this exact body type but you niggers wouldn't want to see me cause im a guy

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that's some genetic manipulation


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i don't even want to see that niggerloving thot either fuck off



>Abnormal Titan

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What the fuck

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For the last fucking time, Baba Is Not Ewe

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Ok, how in the fuck is this even possible?

Bayoneta, especially the first one.

This is animal abuse, sheep are meant to shorn. That's what domestic sheep were bred for.

hook me up please

>you were born this way, just shut up and let us shear you
>we didn't ask to be born human, either, you know

kys nig


De óatz... broda...

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thanks bro

Shadow of the Colossus

Attached: SHADOW OF THE COLOSSUS_20180206023029.webm (800x450, 2.89M)

Someone please answer this, I want to know as well.

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Literally the worst genetics you could ever see.
Her top is completely normal and without issue, but her entire bottom part has the consistency and look of moldy Jell-O

Why are those bad genetics? Being fat is bad either way, might as well have one half of your body spared.


an absolute unit

Except she's clearly getting fat as fetish bait
A more even fat distribution always looks better

>watch one of her vids
>pulls out a Hitachi want, expect the usual massage
>just shoves the whole thing up her snatch

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Binding of Isaac

The only game for huge bosses you'll ever need. God of War 3.

My curiosity has been piqued.


Shadow of the Colossus has maybe the biggest boss fights, along with some from God of War.

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It's a filter that makes things jiggle more.

shes still has an abnormally large lower body, but that jiggle is just a filter.

surely this is some plastic surgery fuckery

It's a disease, actually.
It redirects all the fat to her thighs and legs.

How did sheep manage before us?

By not being bred into unnatural levels of unsustainable genetic unfitness.

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Humans are the true cancer of the planet

That sheep is not fat, that's all hair.

we bred them to do that, wild sheep are what most people call "rams"

thanks user, that episode is one of my all time favorites

I don't think you know what genetic fitness means.

At least post the full scene.

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oh for fuck sake

how is that even possible

>ruining the nuance of the joke

Very hot

Will we ever be able to discuss or reference this show ever again in Yea Forums?

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Reminder that sheeps need to be sheared since the weight of their wool kills them if they fall over
Sauce now

Is this what THICC-fags jerk off to?

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Attached: Rare mob.webm (1120x1080, 2.33M)

those are pretty reddit posts

Anything by Valve

spankbang.com/2yrsu/video/crazy big ass wow

Around 3:10

thank god no

Christ, its just a trip to the unknown.

Serisouly looks that puss looked like it could DV'd by horsecock and still have room for an xbox.