There's no good reason for Sony (or Steam) playing thought police. Anti loli people tend to be REAL pedos...

There's no good reason for Sony (or Steam) playing thought police. Anti loli people tend to be REAL pedos, (neogaf admin) and should be put under suspicion.

Sony replaced games with movies, and now they even killed the niche weeb shit that was the last thing they were good for. Why is Sony joining the American "VIOLENCE GOOD, SEX BAD" philosophy?

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Other urls found in this thread:

There's no good reason to be posting headlines from One Angry Gamer.


He seems to be on my side when it comes to censorship so it doesnt really bother me.

>He seems to be on my side
Lol, if i had a dollar for every time i've heard this line before here...

>Ban things that are factually proven to not be connected with problem
>Import a group of hyper right-wing Muslims who commit literally almost all of the rape in your country despite being a tiny minority

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He is literally just pandering. Why is his shitty site shilled here so much. Yea Forums literally funding this site

Sony was doing it for the children

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Children just need to stop acting sexy

If you got time to read a wall of text, this is really sad.

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>The US Suppressed a 300-Page Study That Found Loli, Anime Images Don't Lead to Sexual Assault Against Real Children

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Source? Link? Or is this made up?


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Sad for a pedophile that is.

>its a "inmortal/robot/vampire/monster/god/devil/1000yrold loli, so its ok" thread

>Why is Sony joining the American "VIOLENCE GOOD, SEX BAD" philosophy?
because Sony's video game division is American now

Why are Sony virgins so scared of animated breasts?
Why don't they just have sex and get used to seeing them?
They do realize that even Nintendo children are fine with seeing big asses, right?

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How is this surprising? GTA didn't turn kids into psychopathic murderers. Loli isn't going to turn them into child molesters.

If reasoning works they wouldn‘t be listening to the sjw in the first place.

Never visited that site before, what's wrong with it?

It'js just a guy farming clicks from the anti-sjw crowd.

but it MIGHT.
it MIGHT and that's more than enough reason to remove these """people""" from your customer base.

Extreme bias, anyone that gives a radically biased view regardless of where you lean shouldn't be listened to.

>banning sexually arousing image or photograph

Meant to quote

there are 20 times more violent games than loli games
shouldn't you remove them because "it MIGHT"?

and this was 6 years ago, imagine how much worse it is today.

But we discuss kotaku, restera, and poligon content here. Just archive it like normal.

These aren't extremes. This doesn't make any sense in this context.

We shouldn't discuss any of it.

Violence against adults is different.
Adults report crimes against them and it's very hard to hide a murder.
Children are dumb and get manipulated into pretending nothing is happening while their minds are getting broken from trauma.

Violent games can't have same negative effect as child rape games.

>I didn't read shit
tl;dr: japan (yes, a literal motherfucking japan) wants to push a murrican levels of prudish

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There is no good reason to use Sony consoles and Steam.

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>reeeeee I should be allowed to watch child porn, muh freedoms!

That's projecting hard dude. Are you ok?

Who are you quoting, and what the fuck are you on about?

blame EU, the uncoming olympic games and the ((()))

where's your proof of all of this?
I know you won't be able to find one

You're the one who has to prove that water is dry, I only state the known facts.
Until then, violent games will stay legal while pedo fantasies will be kept in check.

>shouldn't be listened to
Listen to them critically. Being able to extract the truth out of biased sources is an important skill today.

you didn't remember when a literal horde of angry moms wanted to do the same thing fot the same reasons?

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> child porn
Where? All I see is totally normal, fictional fantasies that can't be compared to reality on any level but the most superficial.

This has to be most dumb and insane logic I've ever seen in regards to this debate. You have my respect, at least you brought something new to the table.

> the known facts
> there's one major loli study and it disproves you

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It is but fuck if Yea Forums can do that.

post trains

>not able to distinguish 2D from 3D
and thats why I hate furfaggots the most

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You conservatives worship the status quo and refuse to admit error even as entire scientific society is against you.
But now a single study is enough to destroy all the well known facts?

>bringing political shit into this
nice deflect bro

There are no well-known facts in a "scientific society" until a study is done.
I'm into loli and not children. If I cannot exist within the world as you understand it, then it is your understanding of the world that's flawed, not my existence.

What well known facts? What sources?

And liberals deny science at least a much as conservatives. If we're talking about "well know facts" how about about "a man is a man and not a woman" and "evolution did not stop at the neck."

Unlimited Strawman Works.

it's really offensive to me that faggots think their disgusting kids are even comparable to blessed lolis

>likes loli

Right leaning libertarian more like.

If i see any of you punks near my wife’s daughter i will show no mercy

Nobody talked about libertarianism ITT you're just putting up strawmen everywhere

Hey guys I cut myself when I was a kid, am I cool yet?

>"Shooting in games leads to gun violence in real life! Ban violent video games!"
>Game companies: "lolno fuck off"

>"Sexy women and lolis leads to sex crimes in real life! Ban sexual content!"
>Game companies: "ROGER!"


good,anime must go back to being a no normie zone.

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Violence is primarily against men
Sex crime is primarily against women
Men hate men and love women

I have hundreds more loli, trap, shota dojishins, hentai games, pictures, 3d animation and hentai videos. I started ever since I was 14, so I guess I've been a "pedofile" for 5 years now.
Ended up playing monster girl quest at that age too.

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Imagine being proud of having a porn addiction.

Back then video games were still niche among adults but now they have to appeal to all normalfags

You know what's funny? That they started with violence and it didn't work so they moved to easiest target (because let's be honest most people do not really care about sexually suggestive games enough to oppose them being censored, and there is this weird notion that sex and sexuality is something to be ashamed of (unless you're a fag, in which case you should show your sexuality to the entire world)).
And now that they have succeeded with freeing the world from "sexual violence caused by games", they have a precedent and can possibly re-visit the "Shooting in games leads to gun violence in real life! Ban violent video games!".

Anyway, I'm just going to watch from the sidelines as everything else goes to shit, because the games I loved were killed a long time ago by normalfags and companies pandering to the lowest common denominator.

Also never once have I found other people my age in school attractive, real life and digital are seperate things.
Digital you can make it all fantasy and all good, but real life isn't.

LMAO touhou fans can't even get laid by 8 year olds, incredible

>conservative out of nowhere
Shit I'm not even american. Where's my green card?

>the games I loved were killed a long time ago by normalfags
What would that be?

What software is this?

you actually are though

>only burgers can be conservative
>when there are countries ruled by catholic church

>he has a different opinion from me
>"h-he's pandering"

>thought police
it's called the law

real time strategies, turn based strategies

>catholic church
We're talking about loli, not shota

yes there is, there's MUCH worse things out there

>drawings have rights

>it's very hard to hide a murder
American McGee's sister was likely murdered, and they still haven't found or charged anybody, and they likely won't. Cases go unsolved all the time.
Also, your logic is awful, since both crimes are perpetuated by adults, so the burden of responsibility lies on them to not act out on desires that result in illegal actions.

>policing speech
lmao retard

yes, that's called the law

>conservatives defend loli

holy fuck you're dumb

>the law is inherently moral and logical

As much as we shit on Steam, they are a large and easy target for some faggot attorney general who's got an axe to grind. The VN industry would self-censor themselves overnight and for years on end if something were to happen

People get mad at Steam for justified caution because there's still no good self-publishing R18+ storefront for English japanese games. Fakku creating an electron app would be much better than what Steam can currently do in the current climate

They do both
They just go for shota because males are less likely to report molestation

It seems like you're forgetting about nuns

actual NPC

doesn't matter one way or another. No one in reality gives a damn as long as you act like a normal person.

>never posts an archive link
Why is shilling allowed again?

Modern day Martin Luther.

Shut up! It goes against my preconceptions, so it doesn't count.

>total war series lives on
>civ series lives on
>no-no-no, no market for new rts, go play moba like good goy
It doesn't make sense.

I don't get why people would want eroge on steam. That said, I do wish actual eroge DL sites had an easier time with payment processors.

>The law is infallible

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it's never shilling and always bait
Here you go, user.

Won't banning loli drawings just make real pedos more desperate since they can't get a semblance of a fix?

there is no saving Yea Forums...

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>Cases go unsolved all the time.
Statistics mothafucka, do you speak it?
>since both crimes are perpetuated by adults, so the burden of responsibility lies on them to not act out on desires that result in illegal actions
What the fuck are you even trying to imply here?
How is that meaningful in any way?
>crime is done by criminals so we should drop all the behavior that prevents crime

At least there's that new command and conquer game coming, huh

>literally a fucking infinitychan partial translation

Even if it wasn't, no one report or study is enough to build a consensus. Why is this such a hard concept? why do people see a single study and lurch at it as if it proves anything on it's own?

why pay when you can download much easier and freely?

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user you live on earth so you MIGHT be a pedophile too, we better throw you in jail

We need completely decentralized platform for eroge distribution.

>There's no good reason to be posting headlines from One Angry Gamer

this isn't about logic dude

It's a one man operation by a guy with no writing or journalistic skill whatsoever. He just reports reddit threads as news stories and shills it all here, it's grift as fuck

In case this is a good faith question, part of the logic comes from the tendency people have to go for harder and harder porn when they get deep into porn. So eventually the people who have paedophilic tendencies will go through a pipeline of soft loli stuff to increasingly hardcore stuff leading to wanting to try it.

Gravity was once only a single theory.

It's been proven time and time again that banning/limiting something just makes the problem worse.

France has some of the lowest alcohol-related crimes when it comes to drunk driving, aggravated assault under the influence etc. Because alcohol is a completely normal thing that children consume. How little they encounter cases of alcoholics in comparison to the rest of the world is crazy.

Why do trannies and incels hate him much?

For supporting the creator?

I don't mind steam banning "loli" content but there's no reason for them to ban the SFW versions of those games

a counter voice to liberal gaming press establishment

>the law
In which country, Canada? Fuck off, every other country that isn't retarded hasn't loli banned.

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Oh shit, I remember this artist... did pol cause her to kill herself because they were editing all her “comics”?

>Anti loli people tend to be REAL pedos
Unironically true.

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I'll take "slippery slope fallacy" for $20. Logically, your argument would mean increased porn consumption, especially rape porn, would lead to an increase in rape. Except it doesn't and has never. It actually goes down.

A majority agree with him

seething pedo

nice slippery slope that never happens like this in reality

>part of the logic comes from the tendency people have to go for harder and harder porn when they get deep into porn.
And time and again it's been proven that normal sane people cannot be influenced to this degree by fictitious scenarios, it's an intellectually dishonest argument. It's like saying people into drawn guro/snuff are very likely to be murderers. I myself can't stand the sight of blood and pass out incredibly easy when it comes to the occasional Liveleak video, or even movie blood, yet I've fapped a few times to some guro images.

Well shit, guess I gotta explain to my nephew that he's a pedophile for having a girlfriend his age.

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>the tendency people have to go for harder and harder porn when they get deep into porn.
Does anybody who believes this have any first hand experience? Because I can tell you this is bullshit. If anything my tastes have grown more vanilla

Why? Do you care about the company on a personal level?

>the anti-sjw crowd.
Isn’t that basically everyone?


Yea Forums literally does not but rage at the sight of him lmao what the fuck are you talking about, destiny doesnt get as much hate despite being ten times the cancerous asshole

>Anti loli people tend to be REAL pedos, (neogaf admin)
no, they're child molesters. most pedos never molest kids (see: you)

>can fap to loli/dangeroues loli porn
>thinking about fucking real children makes me feel bad
I could be a model priest.

Reminder that India completely banned the consumption of porn and rape statistics skyrocketed within one year.

>Why is Sony joining the American "VIOLENCE GOOD, SEX BAD" philosophy?
What alternate universe do you live in? Valve and Microsoft are American companies and the games released on their platform aren't censored.

Sony is a Japanese company, in case you've forgotten.

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just fap to some lolis on

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It offends the discord trannies.

>thinking about fucking real children makes me feel bad
oh trust me you'll get past this real soon

not anymore

except sony's american base is situated in California, a state of which the values directly allign with this policy

Been fapping to loli since 13, and I never did.

Yet you feel aroused by children huh.

Do you want the company to continue producing games?

>You conservatives worship the status quo and refuse to admit error even as entire scientific society is against you
Is this another misrepresentation of so-called “climate science “?

They're not. Mangagamer put all-ages Trinoline up yesterday

The "all-ages" games being banned are ones that were initially submitted as an adult title, but then were changed after realizing what was going on. Seems as though steam doesn't allow do-overs

>Rape statistics skyrocket after porn ban
Korea and now India.
Imagine the US following suit

Most Loki lovers are trannies, lefties, furries and fags. You typical lefties.

I feel bad and disgusted at the same time, i just think``how cute´´ and nothing more like``shes gonna be hot when older´´.
All the Mochi ones are good tier draw and plot.

the mainstream left is literally anti biology what the fuck are you talking about did you just teleport in from 2003?

Not really. You could make a case that "almost everyone" just kind of doesn't care about twitter drama and thinks trannies are weirdos, but that's now oneangrygamer's audience. His pieces are for people who actively seek out SJW content to get mad about.

>muh conservative
>defends censorship
this shit is too fucking consistent, the modern left is a joke

lol lefties deny basic biology to push their tranny shit and baby killing industry.

kill yourself

>Imagine the US following suit
can't fucking wait, they should do pilot run of this ban in California

t. non-USfag

I do. But I rather having something for free than give out money if I don't have to.

>There's finally a study out that proves lolis don't lead to sexual assault

Fucking finally, I was always on the fence about this topic because I like waiting for evidence instead of making decisions based on pure gut instinct. I don't like censorship but at the same time I can't very well approve of something if that brings harm to real kids, though I always suspected they didn't do any harm because I've been playing violent video games for 20 years and I still haven't even punched anyone so far in my entire life so I always had the gut feeling that they probably really didn't do anything, glad to see it's confirmed tho. There is still the step of confirming if the study isn't bullshit, so I will go look into that now.

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>suddenly a dozen posts about "MUH LEFT" from one IP

What the fuck are you even rambling about?

Crime is done by people, which makes them criminals. It's the burden of the citizens to not commit crimes. Adults choose to commit a crime, and you can't excuse one form of fiction (excessive and unwarranted violence against adults) while saying the other isn't excusable (sexual depiction of fictional minors).

How to confuse and anger the "drawings should be illegal" cuck.

>Fictional murder is no different from the real crime

Watch as he spins on the spot, trying to weave hypocritical and contradictory arguments about how such a repulsive snuffing of another person's being is totally acceptable and can be justified with imaginary scenarios, while having sex with a fictional being should land you in jail. They will conveniently ignore games like GTA where you murder innocent civilians and often given incentive to do so.

Are you the same type of person who wants to ban guns

>he didn't know about the porn circle
user, there's a point where you go so deep that vanilla become desirable, hence the circle

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At best you’re a loser at worst your a pedo.

nothing wrong with being aroued by anything, be it old people, children, toldlers. The universe doesn't dedicate whats wrong or right, its all opinions which everyone has different views.
To put simple, people like you don't repect other views and like to shove their ideals on other people in the name of satifaction and ego

I'm going to ignore the other people whos entire position appears to be "HA, HA, YOU SAID A THING WHICH I READ IS A FALLACY SO THE POSITION IS BUNK!"

We have observed this pipeline before in people. "Mad Thad" literally went down it. Making that claim that "most people won't" is like when the Tobacco industry claimed that because not all smokers didn't get lung cancer, it had no effect.

Howard et al's experiments which lead to the catharsis theory is useful, but it's critically flawed to the point that we can't use it as a blunt tool. Zillmann and Bryant did another experiment that was more robust (more people, more kinds of people, and potentially importantly, more varied pornography) which did find both groups going towards more extreme stuff out of boredom. Again, not a blunt instrument, but it's useful. I could go on about the interesting experiments people have done on this for a while.

If you really care I recommend reading. "Handbook of Children, Culture, and Violence"

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I just there but i like to add some flavours to vanilla.

Mad Thad was not sane. There's a reason he's called fucking "Mad Thad" and this was before he was outed as a pedo.

You aren't following the categorical imperative.

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I don't give a shit about lolis but they aren't real. Are we going to start hanging people for thought crimes soon as well?


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plz never link mombot again, her attempts to pass off as Japanese offend literally anyone that can speak it.

This is off-topic but has anyone ever gone so deep into the porn cicle they looped back to vanilla then back to degenerate shit again? Bascially what I'm asking is: Is it possible to NG+ the cicle? And if so, are NG++ and such possible ad infinitum?

for what? not living in denial like you?

the UN is SUCH a fucking joke and to think this shit was nowhere to be seen on the news, it's pretty clear that selective reporting is taking place

Forms of mental illness are not that rare. We can't pretend that people with mental health issues are an extreme outlier when one in five adults experience mental illness.

Every adult male should be required to be tested to see if they are aroused by children, and executed if so.

Bro the article that even that waste of life linked was from the fucking BBC.

If the BBC isn't the news what the FUCK is?

>abuse in the 1960s




Don't even know who that is.

>eliminating more than half the male population

Hey incels/pedophiles, let it go. Nobody is ever going to pander to you. Kill yourselves or find a new hobby. Literally nobody cares outside of Yea Forums

let's me guess, you are supporting the ban, right?

Do you have any proof that this user is not japanese?

>he thinks it's actually about anime and loli and not just a pure power game on a low hanging fruit

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i'm indifferent
i can understand why though


>seething Yea Forumsuck pretending anime isn't taking over

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Dilate and then kill yourself.

>sure we're a bunch of degenerate pedophiles but we promise we won't fuck any kids!
The absolute STATE of incels lmao Sony doing Gods work desu

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Going by the ol' teapot analogy and the burden of proof yadda yadda wouldn't you just ASSUME that cartoon don't cause crimes until you have some kind of evidence that suggest they do?
Why would you even fund a report to disprove something like this?
It is in fact akin to setting out to disprove the existence of an orbital teapot.

I was gone through the circle at least thrice, but ussually I stuck with some shits that I particulary like inbetween

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>Nobody is ever going to pander to you.
>The first thing the internet does when a new cute cartoon/anime girl shows up is draw piles upon piles of porn

And this isn't even Japan only. See: The piles of western Peni Parker porn that came along with Spiderverse.


don’t get mad, get even

how: just don’t buy Snoy shit anymore

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no for being a waste of air

>Nobody is ever going to pander to you.

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Also this. I can totally imagine someone doing it, and then making it a life goal to try and "right the wrong" they've done. Claiming that he as a 70 year old trying to help children is utterly invalidated by the fact that in his 20s he did fucked up shit (which don't get me wrong, he should face up for) is just an attempt to discredit the idea itself.

Just for starters the fact they seem to think some white guy that paid 2 grand to an American school to get a certificate is one of the "few remaining masters" of Shakuhachi.

No. Fuck off Dekinai-chan. All you faggots in this thread listen here. You can learn Japanese. This faggot over there is a bitch and doesn't want you to learn. But I'm saying YOU CAN learn. I believe in you. 頑張って

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who buys VNs on consoles anyway, weren’t they censored to begin with? I’m pretty sure the parts where you have sex with chocolate and vanilla were already taken out of the console versions, so why buy them?


you'll get here soon as well

user the ENTIRE human genre are neotenic derivative branch of apes (AKA our long most realated ancestors fuck when they was children)

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no amount of mental gymnastics produced by your warped and tangled personality is ever going to make your transgressions anything other than vile acts

kill yourself, the world will be a better place

IFI already said there wasn't going to be anything censored on the Switch and PC

No, it's a
>it's fictional it's not real
thread. Resetera and old conservatives have this in common, they can't tell the difference between fiction and reality.

So the overwhelming majority then?
Somebody post THAT study already.