You have 10 seconds to explain why Steam deserves 30%

Or all future games will be Epic Store exclusive


Attached: steam.jpg (800x450, 30K)

Other urls found in this thread:

They don't because they take 20%-25% now depending on sales.

Because that't the markup in every single retail industry in the world that for whatever reason game developers feel like they shouldn't adhere to.

Based. Fuck those yellow dog eating faggots


How about you explain why they shouldn't get 30%

Aren't you supposed to be overworking yourself to death, Chang?

i don't care about developers, i care about customer service. if steam facilitates decent customer service, it will translate to more sales, which will in turn translate to more revenue to the devs.

because without capitalism, where would we be?

Attached: smug bish.png (1136x640, 318K)

Fuck off, greedy, annoying shit. Go to EGS already and leave us the fuck alone. Let fate decide what you deserve at that point.

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It's not barebones, and you can review games on there

You have 10 seconds to explain why epic makes the customers pay the transaction fees



Steam is the reason you can play anything natively on Linux or Mac. Fuck yourself, chink.

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Its industry standard, why does no one ask why any other store deserves 30%. we can talk about the standard and who uses it but lets not talk about it in the context of what comes out to be a hit job. just like it would be shitty if i talked about epic making 12% for literally just sitting there ignoring what everyone else takes

you have 5 seconds to explain why you give a fuck about what percentage publishers get, you fucking chink cock sucker

30% is the maximum, effectively they take less depending on various other factors. It also goes without saying that Steam access comes parcelled with other benefits, which are beneficial or not depending on the studio and type of game being made.

There's a reason Steam was a monopolising power for the last decade, there was no competition because nobody could provide the same service even with a lower cut. If it was just an issue of the cut Steam takes, and nothing else, there would have been more competitors taking a bigger chunk out of their marketshare earlier.

Valve is by no means some saintly company, but they maintained their position for a reason, and it wasn't aggression.

You have 10 seconds to fuck off.

watch this majik tlick, me mak postu dissaprear fol flee!

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That was after they were told by lawyers that multiple companies were leaving Steam.

>all future games will be Epic Store exclusive
It's looking that way. So those games will be boycotted. This next generation isn't going to be good. Arrogant Sony is back and PC gaming is absolutely ruined.

>tranny jannies delete an argument that btfos OP

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You have 10 seconds to explain why we don't get 30% off $60 from the EGS

Attached: literally_spyware.png (1366x728, 134K)

jannies are chinks confirmed

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Companies are consumers too.
There is no "deserve", if Valve can sell their service at 30% they have every right to.
Similarly Epic has every right to entice companies to buy into their service.
Epic and Valve are also consumers, as they can shop for exclusives.
In the free market you can be a buyer and a seller at the same time.

because the 30% has always been the standard since like the 90's. Also Steam provides DRM, servers, forums, review system, chat, statistics, friend lists, among other things while Epic offers absolutely nothing. And is not like they gonna keep their asking price low forever, this is just to make devs switch and then they gonna ask for more. Otherwise how else are Epic gonna make a profit?

>EGS charges less to the developers
>Instead of passing those savings onto the consumers they charge the same amount

This is why Japan is the land of the based.
Also anime titties.

Attached: epic spy launcher.webm (1259x992, 1.85M)

I will pirate every EGS exclusive game, shit is gonna be glorious.

You have 3 seconds to explain why the Chinese government indirectly deserves to take over the worldwide PC market through dumping billions of dollars into it to secure exclusives.

Steam deserve 30%. Because I don't deserve to pay more money for gamu on Ebigg Game Storee

>japanese locale

And with EGS I will be a pirate !

because they reach huge amounts of the market, offer tons of services and features and enable the formations of communities of released games as a standard

I don't need to defend Steam but that doesn't mean I'm on Epic's side either.

because steam does the marketing, pays for transaction fees, hosts the 20 steamworks tools for developers to use, allows reviews, mods, forums, guides.

epic set the bait, when are they going to pull the rug from under the devs by asking for more?
I doubt this shit is sustainable to their shareholders, there's gotta be an underlying strat

>Don't publish to STEAM
>Get 0 sales unless a super hyped AAA game
>Don't even get the chance to publish on places like Epic store because they don't want your trash
A real tinker with the top thinker globe there.

Attached: Mafia III.png (500x775, 398K)

>because steam does the marketing

What marketing?

Attached: sezv.jpg (835x856, 79K)

It'll probably be gradual over a few years. They won't touch it until they displace steam though and can comfortably do whatever the fuck they want

uhhh because their client has features?

1. They developed middleware services that saved tons of money to companies.
2. Have dozens of payment options from all over the world.
3. They allow key generation as long the amounts are reasonable absolutely for free and they don't tell you where the fuck you can or can't sell them or how much charge for them.

>t. Steam hater

I don't give a fuck about game "developers".

>Publish on Steam
>Sales are so abysmal that you nearly go out of business
>Hail Mary a Switch release and it turns into a success

>#NintendoSwitch community is a blessing! #BlossomTales is now a turnaround story: Humble indie dev @castlepixel can stay in business and continue making games. Love y’all! 3 months #Switch revenues surpass #Steam lifetime revenues 20 times!

Low IQ Steam users hate reality

You don't understand business.
EGS could be losing money for the next 5 years and shareholders would not care as long as EGS grows.
In companies like this you make money by having your shares grow in value, not by having the company give you dividends.

I wish there was something like this for russians

imagine not having japanese locale and being on Yea Forums


Hell yeah! Steam is shit, it's way better to release on a platform where your game has so little competition that the game-starved users are pretty much forced to buy it

Because they single-handedly revitalized the PC market and minimized piracy. If devs today have any money to make in the PC market is thanks to steam, 30% is less than what they deserve.

Isn't that game a mediocre Zelda rip-off? Makes sense that releasing it on the Switch would sell well, it's literally a shameless Zelda rip-off.

>how much charge for them.
Well, the only stipulation for Steam keys is you can't undercut the price you put on Steam TOO much. But beyond that yeah, you can pretty much go nuts, and Steam doesn't see a dime of that cash.

Because they have an incredibly large userbase with a lot of people refusing to use other gaming stores like origin.

because you dont need a publisher at all with steam, you can self publish, giving the developers a full 70% of the profits, which is a lot more than they would get with any publisher.

If it doesnt deserve 30%, developers should just release games on both platforms and make it cheaper on other platforms.

Thats how real market competition is supposed to work.

Fast download servers aren't free. It's like bitching why sports seats are so expensive at the front. You want the best, you gotta pay.

Different audiences on steam and switch. I just saw the game you posted and it seems very generic. There's plenty of similar games on steam. Slime Rancher started on steam and has sold millions of games and it's a fun game. Factorio too. Don't blame steam for a game being too shit for its user base

Holy shit people must have been desperate for a classic top-down Zelda, just look at this shit. It's not even trying to be somewhat different.

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How about you should explain why Steam is the only store that matters when it comes to the 30% cut when literally every other digital storefront besides Epic take the same cut?

That's how Steam used to be in 2009

Attached: old steam.jpg (1568x932, 337K)

>publish on steam and switch
>sales aren't great
>try to publish on EGS
>they tell you to go fuck yourself faggot you're not successful enough

>complain about some game not selling
>you yourself haven't bought it

>feminist zelda

0.05 CS:GO keys have been credited to your account

>You have 10 seconds to explain why Steam deserves 30%
For one, Steam absorbs transaction costs. Epic charges my country an extra $10 for transaction costs while Steam themselves cover it.


they let you take the nickname niggermaster

>Or all future games will be Epic Store exclusive
I'll pirate non-steam games, as usual, it's nothing new.

Android looks awful though

Attached: android epic steam 2.png (1195x570, 256K)

so you're saying they'll pull the rug in about 5 years

You are right, they don't deserve 30%, they deserve 50%

No, even worse

>1 Artifact has been deposited to their accounts

For what do they charge for 30%? That they put your game on their client, that's fucking it? Do they deal with patches, customer service and other stuff?

>There's a reason Steam was a monopolising power for the last decade, there was no competition because nobody could provide the same service even with a lower cut.
Pretty much.
And the biggest reason why Epic Store got traction is Fortnite. They are still years behind Steam in terms of feature parity.

>Taking a literal edge case and present it as the solution for all game developers who aimed to publish to steam
Come on now.

>looks awful

Undertale looks awful, stardew valley looks awful, the witcher looks awful, it's great to know in a different timeline where Epic was in charge that games like that wouldn't have survived because they don't look polished enough.

They give you bandwidth, they do deal with customer service (refunds, disputes, etc). They also provide visibility, cloud services, social services, etc.

>because steam saved modding from backwater meme websites

>because steam saved gaming from "60 dollars new forever" game pricing. You can now buy games you might never play on a whim because they were 4 dollars. One day you might play it.

>because steam is funding VR development better than facebook. Boneworks is the first VR game that makes sense and looks actually fun to play. Its taken years of risk to get to this point.

>because steam is where all of our games are.

>because developers suck dick and are pieces of shit who deserve to be punished every day

>because publishers are worse than developers and deserve worse.

>Is unfiltered so while you do have to sift through 3000 shitty pixel art games and anime VNs , you find hidden gems that you can wishlist that you would never find on CORPORATE CHINESE STORE

>valve is the last company that is run by men and not mentally ill women

Attached: DtTe6csU0AERYyv.jpg (720x575, 59K)

This guy says your game just being on Steam is a mistake

In fact, he even said your game being on Steam means nothing now

Attached: steam game sales.jpg (1266x1104, 175K)

Retail is different its physical games are sold digital

steam should have competition, but not like this
they fucking revived consolewar shenanigans on the PC by actively buying exclusivity rights

>Undertale looks awful, stardew valley looks awful, the witcher looks awful, i

Nah these look good - you have no eye for quality my dude.

It was a monopoly you imbecile

wonder what those stats look like if you removed all games that sold less than 500 copies in a month (i.e. most greenlight games)

They are in the position simply because they were the first and getting on par was too costly. It will be good for society if they stop being a monopoly. Monopolies are never good and no one deserves to be a monopoly

I don't know what makes you think the witcher especially looks acceptable even by 2009 standards


Nice spook of a word.In reality you just have something or you don't, doesn't matter how you got to it.

It wasn't, dumbo. You didn't have to sell through Steam if you wanted to release a game. Even indie devs could easily setup a payment gateway and sell their shit through their own site.

It's a monopoly imbecile. Why do the Devs and consumer gave to pay for forums btw who tf cares

Witcher 1 was just a slightly better looking Fable 1, nothing offensive about it graphically

I'm saying that as long as it grows they're not going to scare off future suppliers.

Steam doesn't deserve anything by default

they get their 30% because people agree to it

>because steam saved modding from backwater meme websites
>because steam is where all of our games are.
Kill yourself.

A duopoly though? Sounds amazing, who ever heard of a bad duopoly?? Sign me the fuck up.

It was a monopoly you retard

>charges far less than "traditional" retailers
>provides tons of back support like servers and forums
>Epic's lower royalties doesn't equal to cheaper games

>centralized modding is good

It's not though. Retail has the markup because they need to maintain the stores, employees, and other expenses. The same goes for steam. They have to maintain servers, employees, and other expenses.

It was a monopoly you cretin

>indieshit moves from shovelware city to the hamlet of portbegging
not surprising

Not awful enough to keep it from winning a few accolades and getting released on PS4, XBone and Switch, though.

calm down Chang

>>centralized modding is good

This - Steam drones have no idea how much workshop sucks for GOG users even though Steam users use GOG as a shield to deflect the fact that they do in fact want a monopoly over gaming

>largest market share in the world
>the ability to reach millions of users
>30% is standard in the industry (it was long before steam).
Need I go on?

>people are free to leave at any time and release their game elsewhere

oh my god how retarded can you people be?? Steam has gotten so much more randumb shovelware games that of course the average sales are going to be much lower.

>Guesstimates on incomplete data
Even if he makes good points it's not worth parroting with incomplete data to back it.

So your options are, publish to steam and market the game yourself, average games don't sell too much (pulled down by literal asset flip shit), hope Epic wants it all or make a huge long shot and make it for another platform entirely?

>>Release game elsewhere

How many times do I have to repeat it?

That doesn't address his point about releasing your game only on Steam is a mistake (and there's tons of info proving this is true)

>The Switch though has seen a number of ports sell better than anticipated. Despite already being out for over three years, the Switch version of Shovel Knight sold better than any of the other versions at launch according to its developer, Yacht Club Games. Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap, Forma.8, and other games have seen similar success. SMG Studios noted in September that Death Squared sold more on the Switch in the first three days than all other platforms it released on combined, while the same thing happened to the Zelda-like exploration game Oceanhorn. And then there was SteamWorld Dig 2, Immage & Form’s action platformer that sold 10 times more on Switch than on Steam.

>whine about muh evil DRM
>but also whine about all the features that you don't get

50% was the industry standard originally, right?

I think people's are mongoloid's for defending valve. Valve is a parasite and a monopoly and used illicit slimy practices to get into that position. And steam was a fucking bloatware when its function should just have been being a store

Though technically the figures in that image are not wrong what you need to be looking at is the mean.

The median is being dragged down because of a whole lot of shit games. But if you look at the mean revenue, it's actually increased.
What this means is, good games sell and are making more money on steam now than ever before. But on average games on Steam are selling and making less simply because there is way too much shitty games being added to Steam.

I'm not a developer, so I don't give half a shit what the developers make. I only buy games instead of pirating them because the difference in ease of pirating or using steam means more to me than the cost. The second you try to force me to use a garbage store that's even more annoying to use than pirating I'm just going to pirate, I have no reason to give you money.

>wah someone else provides a better service than me
>I deserve free money
>maybe I'll use money to force other people to use a bad service so they are forced to give me money

Please just stop. Every Switch port sells well because Switch doesnt have many games and Nintendo is a big company with large following so of course when they can somehow expand their library they will gladly buy another game was it an old port or not.

Developer here. It doesn't. More than half the community doesn't use the steam features

Better on twitch/obs
>Video archive
>Community/dev threads
Reddit and here
Nexus mod moddb
>Voice chat/text chat
>100% guides trophies
Gamefaqs/ YouTube

Those features could be cut and the proceeds could go back to the devs/pubs

30% is TOO MUCH.
Steam stop being greedy and follow epic. At least they seem to care about devs.

Attached: Screen_Shot_2019_01_24_at_1.13.18_PM.jpg (675x224, 28K)

>you need DRM to get mods now

Epic doesn't want you, sorry.

Because they take care of a lot of behind the scenes issues involving foreign releases, etc.
Now if steam wanted to give the option for that or the 30% and let the developer make that decision, epic would be irrefutably btfo.

>Want all those features for free
>Entitled dev is entitled.

This is dumb. The point is the ease of access and centralisation.

It's like saying:
>Buying games
Private trackers do it better.

Shakedown Hawaii is literally published by one guy and developed by that same guy - he was paid by Epic Store to be exclusive

Attached: shakedown steam 2.jpg (1469x878, 124K)


Imagine being so retarded you don't even realise why humble and gmg are able to offer the deals they do.

>50% was the industry standard originally, right?
well that was before digital distribution became the norm, and I mean before the first industry crash it was even higher.

>what is origin
>what is gog
>what is
>what is humble store
>what is uplay

Attached: 1553883314688.jpg (435x338, 47K)

That guy had a famous previous work, tho.

Hey, good for him, thanks epic for sticking up for the little gu-

>previously did retro city rampage


>That doesn't address his point about releasing your game only on Steam is a mistake
I never argued that releasing exclusively to STEAM is a good thing but you quoted 2 others here so whatever I guess. Seems kind of obvious you'd want to have your game on as many platforms and online stores as possible unless Epic gives you a deal to cover all the sales you would ever hope to get and then some.

Don't even bother arguing further this switch dumbass has literally been posting this shit for going on five months now and I'm honestly questioning what super autism fuels this guy

So you sayin' *smacks lips* that some games should just be on Switch instead of Steam because of the market they appeal to?

So a proven track record... huh... maybe more indie devs could work towards that

Is that bad?

>multiplayer support
>steam workshop mods
>cloud saves
>steam big picture/controller support
>steam market/cards
>family share
>steam play/game streaming
>regional price for most contries

there is more stuff, i just forgot
the thing is, steam has shittons of features
devs who complain about it probably dont use or underlook most features

i think that valve could just create a base fee and make possible to devs to choose what features they want for their game and increase the fee based on the selected features

something like:
>base fee 15%
>steam multiplayer support 5%
>steam cloud saving 3%
>steam workshop support 2%
>steam forums support 2%

Attached: 10489656_1652000661699608_8294231930077849805_n.jpg (400x400, 12K)

People who defend steam are the people who use googleeverithing.
They tolerate ever spreading botnets as long as they get features and don't have to think too hard on what to click.
The day of the server crash cannot come soon enough so these apes lose everything.

Attached: summoning_a_daemon.png (552x412, 88K)

Having alternatives is good and we do have them.
But what Ep*c does by buying exclusives IS bad.

>need to get on EGS to get a track record
>can't get on EGS without a track record

The future looks bright for indies

Look at the star sector guy
He recieves all the money through his own page
Must be hard to do huh
You want free publicity?
Contact pewdiepie, he's desperate to make a video per day

The point is that Epic won't notice you without previous sucess. Steam and Humble Store will do and maybe too.

>Because Community Hub
>Community hub including straight fan and player feedback
>Because Tags
>Because Valve fucked the tags so devs can't get backlash anymore
>Because Market
>Because Market gives the devs / publishers dosh too
But Steam takes a cut of that too so let's ignore that
>Because Steam Chat
>Because they don't have to give a single fuck about digital distribution
>Because they can shove all the DLC jew practices they want
>Because they don't have to pay to send an update
>Because they can beta and alpha test
>Because Steamworks is a shit DRM but at least it tries
>Because Steam Workshop support

Yes? Whats the point of a 'botnet' if it doesnt have features? The whole point is to improve user experience and not JUST collect data.

>available on steam in a year or less

>Steam users are dummies for choosing digital games off of a central servers
>Use our central servers instead

Attached: 1544316926202.jpg (638x1000, 87K)

What about games that don't use those features?

>What is reading comprehension
That's what the base fee is for

He can sell it on its own store via FastSpring or the Humble Widget if he sees the 30% share unfair. However, he only sell the games in other stores as Steam keys despite the fact the first two games had DRM-free installers in Desura.

You do use Steam features because your game gets distributed, promoted and delivered by Steam.
Bandwidth isn't free. Processing payments, refunds and resolving disputes isn't free either.

>don't use those features?
Sucks to be them, there are hundreds of tools at their disposal but they're using steam as a game dump.

What do you want? Steam Developer Bundles™ where the fee changes depending on how many services you use out of steam?

See: I see Epic doing it first though

>I see Epic doing it first though
That's not really worth shit, Steam can just add it to the gorillion other features it has.

Competition leads to improvement, Epic having the balls to release a launcher and store just means there's another launcher and store in the market.

What I want to see is devs that went with Epic exclusivity get analragnaroked when no one buys on Epic at full price in their exclusive year but buy on Steam at sale price.

Attached: epic birds.jpg (640x662, 110K)

I'd rather they didn't. I like cloud saves, the workshop and the forum is useful for day 1 issues and I don't see any dev opting for them if they don't have to.

Because i am addicted to icons and badges.

That's the opposite of how the meme works though. Try again.

When will we be free of these EGS-shills, both ironic and sincere?

>how can you not love valve

Attached: 115080.jpg (250x250, 10K)

>hehe I want my petty revenge against people because they aren't my steam slave!!!1

At least try to not sound pathetic


yeaap that is going in my cringe chinaman shill compilation

Attached: finnasnap.png (229x256, 88K)

Did you know you can host servers for free through steam if you're a developer? They also have a p2p networking API, with free relay servers to fall back on if direct connections aren't possible.

because publishers/devs accept giving them a 30% cut. this is how the free market works you fucking commie

Didn't we move on from Steam vs Epic store threads?

Even if you don't mind playing a year old game when the majority of players have crafted a meta and abandoned it, don't you think a huge chunk of players are there almost solely for the novelty? As we see with flavor of the month(s) games constantly changing. No big streamers will make an effort to bring attention to literally old news either. Video games that sell well are always fresh on the market and this isn't the same as releasing on different platforms.

Does steam take the 30% of the first millions until they hit the mark, and then start getting 20% after?

That's like saying that communist Russia was free market because people accepted buying everything from the state. Freedom is smashing monopolies anyway, dummy.

no. Steam is, if anything, a monopsony. They can always sell on other platforms

The problem is that there are other options for both devs and customers.

Everyone in steam and epic should be killed, so GoG is the only digital store on PC.

Attached: 33d7.jpg (576x499, 54K)

>muh steam
>Muh useless features
>Muh consumer service

It's. A. Fucking. Monopoly. They were parasites trying to forever coast on being the first in the game. We must celebrate that this is ending. Gabe is fat enough as it is

Anyway my personal hope is for valve to get absolutely crushed out of the market.

Nobody would consider it an exclusive if it was on a console in a console war environment.

I don't give a damn about a cut that doesn't effect me. Steam is better for the consumer.
>Fat discounts regularly and typically only a few months after a game releases
>Multiple storefronts selling the games at varying prices
>Features like built in mod-support, built-in communities, controller compatibility settings to make every gamepad just werk
>Selling those stupid trading cards I accumulate from playing Steam games gives me money to put towards games
I'm not a chinese shill so I have no interest in the Epic Games store beyond their ability to acquire games that would have never come to PC otherwise. And they're only doing that to drum up buzz while their new.

There are now. But it was an absolute monopoly (de facto) until very recently. That's why they could extort 30 %

Whatever you say, Zhao


June 4 Tiananmen Square massacre

>Anyway my personal hope is for valve to get absolutely crushed out of the market.
Just like how Origin killed it with their EA exclusives?
Or how GOG did it selling the same games as Steam?

Even if Epic survives, it'll be another launcher trying to keep up with Steam's gorillion features. And if everything else fails, Steam has porn.

>bugmen saying good things about Steam
try again

Why are you so invested in defending valve. I hope you are paid for it and not a retard. Anyway seriously hoping the megacorps will crush the valve parasite out of the Market soon. First time I've been rooting for megacorps

Gorillion features. Pathetic.

All take 30%
because physical stores take more than 30%

Why are you so invested in defending megacorps?

But I'm not a chinese insectoid.

Attached: 4zzhjo522wq21 2.jpg (640x640, 103K)

They don't. This is the most autism I've ever experienced. Yea Forums just wants to fight and not conform.

I don't I hate them. Just hope they crush this fucking rent seeking parasite Valve

>conform with a shitty launcher with no worthwhile games and such shit security that makes the 2011 PSN hack look laughable
that's gonna be a no for me, nigger.

Not Chinese still insectoid in spirit. Re read your post, carefully

>I don't I hate them
>But I'll root for them because there's no one way a megacorp wouldn't abuse such trust
Fucking burning down your house because you found a bug in it, brilliant plan.

Except not. There was, Desura, Direct2Drive, FastSpring, et al. Never was a monopoly.

They could always sell on their own site rather than relying on a third-party platform

You do realize Steam allowed devs to cut them out of loop by generating Steam keys then selling them on a third party site right? Or is that a bit of pesky information you conveniently ignore because it makes you look retarded?

And bonus points for Steam here, if you sell on your own site, you can give out Steam keys along with it as long as you are also selling on Steam. So you can get you're full cut *and* your customers can still put their game in their Steam library.

Because between consoles they are all different platforms compared to a PC buying from STEAM or EGS? With a PC you can always get it at any time like this but you literally cannot get it for Xbox if Playstation has a 1 year exclusive. too.

How is steam a monopoly?

Attached: monopoly-Market.jpg (500x372, 55K)

the main problem is people think the competition between epic and steam will be some sort of race to the top situation where they have to improve to survive when in reality it will 100% turn in to a exclusives war

They monopoly as Steam's Money > My Money

Steam only pays dev to avoid being exclusives.

>steam asks 30%
>devs/publishers say ok

I don’t give a fuck I’m just going to buy it from where it’s cheaper, anyone who says otherwise is a shill.

Defending Steam = Defending 10 years worth of games you've purchased

Defending epic = Defending china and the claim that devs (actually its publishers) will get more money

I wonder which one the consumer will pick
Only people defending epic are literal shills
People have a vested interest in defending steam, because all their games are there
Nobody other than shills have a vested interest in defending epic

Attached: 1555281612727.png (1008x720, 505K)

>People still think Epic's tactic will lead to better competition
You fucking faggots are so far up your own asses it is amazing. Epic themselves have spelled out that their cut is unsustainable, which immediately means this is an attrition game and not a competition. Epic is hoping enough devs are willing to gamble of consumers being the exact type of mouth breathers thinking this will lead to competition, while Steam just has to keep doing as it has with sales, ways to completely bypass them, and throwing a little money to keep games non exclusive.
Not to mention fucking discord takes 0% so why aren't devs sucking discord's dick and been using them since forever? This never has been about cut, it's been about publishers wanting guaranteed sales, which Epic does do through their deal, and a handful of devs thinking the reason their shitty games failed was somehow the Steam store's fault and not their own incompetence at marketing.


>because all their games are there
Just shows how deep Steam's cock is up our asses~

>actually its publishers
You know that a share still goes to the developers if the IP is owned by them, right?

Uhm the consumer doesn't matter, devs will decide this issue sweety. Tim even said so himself, you're irrelevant in this discussion :^)

If 30% is too much for Steam then 30% is too much for Origin, Uplay and GoG too. But I forgot, it's only a problem when Steam does it according to you braindead fucks.

Might want to pay a bit more attention in class Chang.

Money only goes to devs that self publish
Developers working under a publisher are employee's they get paid a basic sallary regardless of how much money the game makes

Potenital bonus's for review scores at the publishers discression

Well put user. This is exactly what is happening. Epic promises to pay some kind of reparation if the game doesn't sell x amount of copies. Obviously developers would want that. It has nothing to do with the cut. Can't wait until indie devs will start crying about not being treated fairly on Epic.

Indie devs are the most entitled people in the industry (paired with journalists). Not sure where they find the gall to use that word to describe their userbase.

Why weren't you using Discord if 30% was too much? Can any dev or publisher answer this simple question.

That only applies to publisher-owned developers and when indie devs work on third party IPs.

>Epic promises to pay some kind of reparation if the game doesn't sell x amount of copies
All games shall get equal sales comrade

Attached: gommunism.png (224x224, 3K)

Nobody knows how the Discord store handles games

So can you explain why indie devs deserve special treatment above all other devs?

>Epic promises to pay some kind of reparation if the game doesn't sell x amount of copies
Somebody should post that copypasta of an user working in the chinese steel industry.
That's how good a chinese companies "promises" are.

Who does deserve 30% according to you?
Probably nobody right?
Fuck off, nobody forced you to go on Steam. Could've sold your game yourself on your own website, but you wanted to use Steams traffic as free marketing for your game. Nobody cares about your 70% cut. By all means, go to Epic, see how well your game sells there.


>We got cash money for the exclusivity deal

It's a good thing Epic is an American company

American company owned by the Chinese

So it boiled down to laziness and wanting to utilize the established user base? Sound about right or wanna give it another go?

>Chinese puppet
>""American company""

Why is it okay for
Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, Google and Apple to take 30%
But it isnt okay for steam to take 30%

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Wait so they get cash no matter how well their game sells? I'd go to Epic then as well if I was a game dev. Fuck the consumer, that's free fucking money if your title is known enough to sell well regardless of where it's sold.

>people who prefer steam over epic tolerate botnets
>epic actualy is a chink botnet
really grinds my gears

tencent (the bitch of the chinese communist party) owns 40% shares

40% owned by Tencet which gives them the ability to vote people onto the board who are under no illusions why they have those seats. It's a good thing for Chinese Americans are mostly retarded.

Until you run out of ways to just state the opposite and calling them a retard instead of actually countering the argument and backing up what you say.

Because steam took a shit in sweeney's cerial, that's really the only reason I think off as to why the guy is attacking valve like a rabid hyena.

Because Epic guarantees x amount of sales or they'll pay out of pocket to match that number.

Because that’s the terms you agree to when releasing a game on steam.
If you don’t like those terms, you can find another storefront/make your own site

I love Steam too, but why do I have to defend every stupid thing they do?

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Because they are a behemoth that defends their property and help communities grow

>I'm a white male and so that means I don't get harassed as much as anybody else

Wew good thing I don't buy their shitty RPGs

They deserve whatever they've made because they singlehandedly pioneered and created an industry that didn't exist before them

They also deserve competitors that will drive their market share down due to who vastly successful they've been

It's all business. I don't personally see myself switching to Epic unless their prices are cheaper though

>Anyway my personal hope is for valve to get absolutely crushed out of the market.
This. They make billions of dollars doing fuckin nothing and then sleep on it all in seattle. The only thing other launchers need to compete is a chat system, as everything else on steam is largely abandoned bloat """features""".

Hope you make enough for retirement on that one game or that Epic will continually have the same offer for decades to come because there will be no good will if you ever step outside that circle again.

They won't ever be because 12% is unsustainable per Tim himself. Enjoy games never going on sale until the deal expires.

because 30% is much less than every other publisher
good thing i've mostly stopped playing pc games and ror2 is already on steam

Here we go again

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Legit? Good on them.

Epic makes billions of dollars and they do nothing other than play catch up, your point?

You don't have to. All we're asking if you don't go full retard and start mindlessly defending a clearly worse option solely because Steam is not perfect. When Steam is the only thing people argue against they lose the bigger picture and how Epic compares to all the other options on the PC market.

I'll never switch. I have my games on Steam. I don't like DRM at all, but Steam I can tolerate. I just want to have DRM free games. I fucking hate the entire games as a service idea and I will never fully support it. If Epic allows DRM free options for their games, then and only then would I switch.

I am incredibly interested in the amount of people that make these threads that just want to stir up shitposting and the amount of people who are actual chink shills.
I always assume the former is the larger group

I don't care if they do or don't I just want my games co

They can charge whatever they want, no sweat off my back.

Because they didn't cucked themselves to deal with a publisher nor work on IPs not owned by them?

*consolidated into one launcher or without a launcher at all

>I assume the former is the larger group
More like the latter, entire thread is damn near a template at this point. Shitposter normally mix it up a little.

dangerous driving is DRM free.

I'm allowed to defend who I want, especially when fellow Steam users are outright lying to defend it

>oh Epic doesn't allow third party key sites to sell keys!!!1

Oh look, it does

Attached: gmg2.jpg (1381x990, 135K)

Congrats, you made a game just like the devs working under a publisher, now why do indie devs deserve special treatment?

FUCK. Not gonna lie I think all this shit with Epic is going to get worse and worse. I don't want Steam to lose but they can't compete with the Chinese government. My guess is Epic Store is going to be on par with Steam in 6 years. I think Steam has too much to handle right now with scammers, fraud, hackers, etc to pay attention & combat Epic.

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Because they soak up the additional charges and taxes for EU and other regions. Hence why most games for them are more expensive on the Epic Store than on Steam.

Other than that... because it's better than retail?

Basically every argument for Epic Store exclusives I've seen can be boiled down to "its not about you or how much money you spend, its about the developers and how much money they can make from you."
I'm not your fucking paypig, you chinese bootlicker.

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On Epic? Too bad I don't care for that game. Call me when any store has major releases DRM free. Steam also does it from time to time, and GOG always does it, but they're usually not games I enjoy.

Reminder that this guy literally got a job at capcom over that game.

Based retard

I don't think working at a soulless corporation is anyone's dream jo-

*gets zapped*

Oh yes, I sent my application to Capcom and I'll be working for them right away!

*thumbs up*
*winks at the camera*

Being another cog in the machine is what I've always wanted to do! Forget having my own successful game!


Working with a publisher signs away your game and all profits made from the game in exchange for a wage slip and funding.

99% of games on the epic store will not make devs a penny more, only the already mega rich publishers will ever see that extra revenue

what's "downward sloping demand curve"?

Recommending games to their users based on common tags. Want more sales, make a game worth looking into.

Nice argument

And those games only exist because the publishers paid for them to exist

Came here to post this.
I don’t imagine Epic can sustain the amount of cut they give in the new future even if their store stays afloat.

>We are friends with Humble and for some games there are GOG keys already. Still the final decision is on the developer's side. From our side we are always glad to provide devs with GOG codes that they can use on other platforms.

>If Epic allows DRM free options for their games, then and only then would I switch.

>No, there’s no store-wide DRM, though game developers can add their own.
You still need a launcher to download the game.

Because you make the deals and marketing by yourself. You control how it gets distributed and you control the IP. That's the good thing of freedom.

steam deserves 30% so i dont have to download epic.

And to think that I got DMC5 deluxe edition for 50 european dollars from that site.

>That was after they were told by lawyers that multiple companies were leaving Steam.
why would that task fall to lawyers?

Its just a disingenous arguement to say devs will make more money on the epic games store, because they wont, most games have a publisher, so that extra revenue goes to the publisher.

Epic shills understand that nobody gives a shit about the publishers profits though so they lie and say the devs will make more money
when making the arguement say publisher or the arguement is invalid

>this next generation isn't going to be good
Don't forget the Race for Specs is back in full force and we will see another dark ages of performance/framerates outside of PC. The very fact that Sony is emphasizing 8k for PS5 (when true 4k is already a huge issue for them) makes it clear that many flagship games will be glorified tech demos or movies first and foremost.

Ok, that still doesn't explain why they're deserving of special treatment. Everything you've told me sounds like a devs problem, not me a consumer or why I should support a storefront with a fraction of the features, didn't even launch with a cart for fuck's sake, and with such shitty security that it makes PSN look like Fort Knox putting my information at risk unless I jump through hoops. You're not very good at this you know that? Since if indie devs won't make more either way, then they aren't really deserving of special treatment.


INDIE devs will def make a lot of money on Epic Store

Phoenix Point devs literally said that even if everyone refunded, they'd still be in the positive because of the Epic deal.

That sounds positive in regards to game devs to me

Good on you, and if it succeeds you'll get a bigger share of the profit because you're not dealing with a publisher. Now, why does that mean indie devs deserve special treatment?


It's called nothing is free in your life.
Your labor isn't free either and yet you're ok with that chinky

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You're trying to obfuscate the issue; those devs need to either make their own game or unionize their industry.

They provide access to the largest PC gaming audience in the most feature-rich store.

Of course this doesn't translate to "deserving" 30%. There's no such thing in capitalism. But they can demand it, and epic has to pile on a ton of cash to make their store seem like a better deal.

Im not pro epic
Im making the point that the epic store only offers benefit to a very small subsection of developers those who self publish and other devs wont see a penny of the extra revenue because it goes to publishers instead

Make sure to specify Indie devs (No publisher) and Publishers of all other games will be the one to get the extra revenue otherwise the arguement is invalid

>why does that mean indie devs deserve special treatment?
Because the developer and pubisher mutually agreed that the latter will do all the not creative work like marketing and distribution for a limited period time?

And don't you try to confuse self published indies like Satisfactory as opposed to soulless made games like Borderlands 3

Having a fair discussion is key, and let's be real here, Epic store does have it's positive points as well, and Steam is far from perfect in itself. That being said, the fact that some people are completely fine with the shady exclusivity deals that Epic has been signing should be worrying in itself, and you should not be stooping to that kind of level if you ask me. Try to keep it civil, is what I'm saying.

Borderlands 3 has a publisher so gearbox wouldnt get any of the extra revenue

Satisfactory self published so they will get the extra revenue

but most games have a publisher

No I'm asking a simple question, why do indie devs deserve special treatment. All I've seen so far are people citing devs taking on the risk themselves which is their freedom to do but doesn't mean special treatment is required. This shouldn't be so fucking hard to answer in a way that doesn't require me to be a dev, I'm the customer, fucking sell it to me dipshits.

Given how much Randy shilled for Epic on Reddit, I seriously doubt it.

Their shitty 88/12 share is more problematic.

I get that, and I'm citing why people feel indie devs deserve special treatment. The best I've gotten is all shit a dev has to deal with and doesn't impact me as the consumer outside using a shitty storefront.

Ok, so the dev agreed to an arrangement where the indie dev decided to take the risk themselves, which was of their own choice, so why does that suddenly mean they deserve special treatment?

You have 30 seconds to explain to me why publishers deserve an extra 18%.

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Not just 18%, but a guarantee on x amount of sales.

>That being said, the fact that some people are completely fine with the shady exclusivity deals that Epic has been signing should be worrying in itself,

It's not that I'm okay with it, I just realise it's the reality: Epic is willing to pay, Steam isn't. It's actually kind of crazy how Steam probably hasn't paid any third party devs as long as its been alive.

I want that Spider-Man game on Steam; but it probably won't ever happen because SONY wants it exclusive because it makes the PS4 more appealing.

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Fine if the alternatives were relevant but they aren't.
GOG is lightweight by design. The EA/Ubisoft/Blizzard stores are just closed protectionist markets.

Epic has come along and it can't offer anything except exccusives, which come with DRM just like Steam, but are not all made by Epic unlike Origin/Uplay, which are still as expensive as Steam games, with none of the features of Steam. Epic isn't just worse than Steam, it's worse than Steam's current competitors.

Anyone who calls this competition doesn't understand the extremely basic idea of capitalism.

They dont deserve special treatment, they just dont get screwed over by a publisher, because there is no deal with a publisher that signs over the profits of the game for funding

>Epic isn't just worse than Steam, it's worse than Steam's current competitors.

Except uPlay and Origin don't have user reviews, meaning Epic will be better than them when it's added.

In fact, in one years time, Epic Store will be better than Steam was in 6 years

Attached: epics road map.jpg (1646x917, 78K)

Randy will get his bigger bonus. None of that money will go to the devs

Which will help keep Gearbox alive and keep those devs working

> >6 months
>Shopping cart
It still blows my mind everytime I see it, also reviews are 100% optional so don't expect any publisher to actually allow that.

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That assumes Epic's user reviews will be free and open and we can all assume that won't be the case.
Following the issue of Steam being "too" hands off when it comes to user reviews, and Epic courting new companies, we all know Epic will entice developers with the knowledge all their games will be 5/5 Star hits

It's another reason Steam wins in terms of consumer value.

all that should have been there on day 1

>That assumes Epic's user reviews will be free and open and we can all assume that won't be the case.

Steam reviews aren't anymore

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Thing is, the 6 years it took steam to hit its stride happened before any other online games marketplace managed to get off the ground.
EGS has around 14 fucking years of steam history alone to draw lessons from, yet their storefront is still fucking backwards.
There is no fucking excuse for lacking such basic features as a search function and a shopping cart in the launch of your online games marketplace

>Not understanding development+testing+user testing

You can disable those. Thats why theres a *. In all honesty what they did with the reviews make sense. Try to imagine yourself in a position where you do not know anything about this shit show. But you are interested in buying Borderlands 2. If you see mixed reviews you will of course think that there is something wrong with the game - but there isnt. The reviews are unrelated to the current game. So with the new system a new user will be able to make a better choice.

Because in a self-published game, the company that makes the distribution is the developer itself. In a published game, the only company that has the responsability of distributing the game is the publisher. Ergo, the developer can be completely ignored since they agreed to avoid having a say in the matter.

you have 10 seconds to tell my why people should be allowed to have more than 10 million dollars

Nigger, shopping carts and search functions are so fucking basic even fucking chinese takeout joints have one on their sites.
There is no excuse to lack functionality that even shitty chinese takeout restaurants have

This isnt an issue with steam or epic, its a society wide issue of people seeking to censor everything online
All speech online is being curated in order for those in control to create the context for all avaliable information

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That still doesn't matter as they're still competing with a past version of the Steam store rather than how it is today. If they want to compete they'll need all the relevant features of current Steam in a year rather than the stuff it had six years after it launched. Do note I said the relevant stuff, I don't expect them to implement useless crap like trading cards or achievment highlights, just that they give us the important shit like a workshop and some basic support forums.

Those sites use basic bitch, drag and drop, webkit addons

Stop lying cunt, all the games I've published there have about 20% fee from valve


>start phone company
>release shitty phone that is years behind the current tech
>"yeah well my phones better than the first ever nokia so BTFO"

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