Now that the last couple of necessary 360 exclusives are being saved, what are your most wanted back-compats?

now that the last couple of necessary 360 exclusives are being saved, what are your most wanted back-compats?

Microsoft just recently updated the Infinite Undiscovery trademark so, hopefully before E3 it comes through
fucking underrated game

gimme Max Payne 3 and hopefully with online multiplayer again, it would be glorious to see those servers full again
also Stranglehold, Asura's Wrath, Binary Domain, El Shaddai and Resonance of Fate (yes I'm mad)

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Other urls found in this thread:

>NGII and AC6 are now playable on the bone with better performance
I might not need a 360 after all.

>Asura's Wrath
on PC, available on youtube :^)
> Binary Domain
on PC (unironically, no joke, it is)

also considering NG2 coming was somewhat teased by Team Ninja, gimme DOAU and 4, again with online functionality up and running

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could you even fucking dare to imagine to dream to comprehend how amazing this would be

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also why not this too

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I mean an HD trilogy remaster is an inevitability now that THQ Nordic saved the IP
it might even get announced before E3

having online in maps from 1 and 2 would be insane

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The 2010 Splatterhouse would be nice.
The fact that it also includes the first 3 games is also very welcome.

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>NG2 now BC on Xbone
Might be time to finally buy an Xbone X

Almost been 4 years and I'm still waiting for MK9 to get done.

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Did they ever add Tenchu Z and the first Nier on back compat? Those are the only two left for me.

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Gunvalkyrie and JSRF from OG Xbox

i bought this game and have been sitting on it for 2 years now along with a handful of other games like.
>Ninety nine nights1/2
>Kingdom under fire circle of doom
>Armored Cored 4/5
>Soul calibur 4/5
>crackdown 2

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>Max Payne 3
>Silent Hill

Even when Xbros have the fucking chance to resuscitate some of their actual exclusives (I mean can you get stuff like Steel Batallion or Gunvalkyrie on any other system?) they are STILL clamouring for shit that runs better on PC.

Honestly, maybe the death of Xbox wasn't an accident. It may have started out bad-ass but clearly with the 360 and ONE and all the fans of these that just want castrated multi-plats Xbox just became a honeypot to attract the retard gamers.

Damn Xbros, I pity you so much. You are all so chill yet so retarded.

the best 3 Soul Caliburs are on the One X already
Crackdown 2 and NNN2 are shovelware-tier

>Steel Batallion
Without the controller it's pointless

For when 11 is bad and I want to play chess xd

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i'd lo-key love to play Deadly Alliance again

it's more about the simpler times. i have a bigger list of a bunch of games i want to buy and play. i'd just play them on 360 but the pile of shit broke and i ended up getting another one from gamestop and the drive didin't even fucking work

Import Tuner Challenge, Burnout 1 - Revenge, Unreal Championship 2

I've not played it so I can't say how easy it would be to translate the controls to a more popular input device (2 flight sticks maybe, if not just the ONE controller) but it's still clearly an example of the unique kinds of offerings Xbox should be glorifying if it wants to be more than a multi-plat box.

This can't happen. But if they did it (even if obviously they will not be able to sell it) I will buy a xbone in a heartbeat

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I hope that we can transfer our entire X1 library over to the new Xbox on day one. I wonder if MS will update the enhanced games even further with a more powerful console, but I know a majority of the enhanced titles are already running 4K/60fps.

>Ninja Gaiden 2 at 4K on the X

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Armored Core, Bayonetta, and Anarchy Reigns. I honestly don't give a shit about NG as a series.


Bayo is on steam
>bayo 2 is on cemu

i want to play my OG xbox DOAs damn it! Are the Aerosmith songs giving them problems or something? i hope not...

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Did I ask if they were? No. I want to play all of the games I own on one device, retard. Not on my PC.

>i want to play all of the games on one device, not my PC
>Not my PC

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>Xbots celebrating NG2 finally at 4k60
>Meanwhile I've just finished playing the trilogy at 8K 144fps

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Yes, I meant what I said. I don't care about PC as a platform.

tfw i have the old DOA games but my OG box is bricked

you back to your switch then, you are not wanted here zoomer

How exactly?

>I've just finished playing the trilogy at 8K 144fps
interesting choice of words, I see you purposely left out the one that makes all the difference

Big words from someone who can't speak English.

Give me Mercenaries 2 and I’ll be happy.

NES games aren´t very demanding

bayo1 is back compat dummy

And AC4 and AR aren't.

But you can't play them in 144hz. Only in 60 with not fixable slowdown.

AR is trash

>I don't care about PC as a platform.

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>you're a slave if you don't subscribe to corporations the way I do
solid argument retard

Jet Set Radio Future for BC WHEN?????

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>can't play your games without some form of DRM
>can't get them without buying them or pirating them and losing features
nice try

Don't forget to buy new components goyim

Which word?

>Otogi 1&2 still are not BC

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>can't play your games without some form of DRM
>pirating them and losing features
>Don't forget to buy new components

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This. Like holy shit let me enjoy it with out fishing my old Xbox for Christ sake

Nice fantasy world you live in libtard

You would have been a helot, /pol/tard. The same way today that you get trampled upon by the globalist elites.

>Capcom remasters Onimusha
>They fucked it up by remastering the PS2 version
Please, i need my Genma in HD!!

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AC4 runs perfectly on Xenia if you're desperate for it

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I'm serious. Outside of a few glitches in the breifing movies sometimes it's perfect and runs far better than my legit PS3 version (although the framerate still tank in the same situations)

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I thought you just fell through the floor and couldn't do anything?

Fucking PGR, that shit still looks incredible to this day.

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>that prodigy track

is it hard to setup?

I never understood why Square never bothered to re-release Infinite Undiscovery, but considering the weird manuvers they did for The Last Remannt in order to port it on a modern system, i shouldn't be surprised.

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Because most people thought it was shit despite it being cringe-kino

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That's on RPCS3, not Xenia.
Both AC4 and ACFA run on Xenia. ACFA has bugged colors on the mechs though but it's the only bug.

ACV's first level run as well, with unlocked framerate

Easiest emulator to set up, just load the iso and plug a controller. Be sure to get the DirectX 12 version on xenia's website, NOT Vulkan (which has better performances but much more bugs for now)

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It's Tri-Ace, i should expect autistic fuckery for granted in any of their products.

Thanks senpai, time to get assblasted

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I don't think it sold nearly as well as Remnant
also Microsoft owns the license, so it's up to them when they decide to bring it out
but it's looking pretty soon now

its premise is legit kino
it only suffers from all the cringe any 7th gen JRPG does

I'm fine with just a PC port, honestly, but if they decide to go for the remaster treatment, fine by me.

why did they remove DOOM 3 and Deadly Premonition?

Fatal Frames 1&2 for BC damn it

You can still play with a physical disc but you cannot buy them digitally, probably a license issue

It's about choice, user. On PC you can choose from where to get components, from where to buy your games, and if you can't choose and you are not happy, just pirate it.

On consoles either you suck it up or you don't play at all. It's a shitty form of contract with no sidelines to walk in. That's why they suck. That and, of course, paying for the right to use the internet connection you are already paying for.

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So during the 360 era I played Blue Dragon and liked it but with the spring sale I got this game because I see a lot of praise for it. Does it play similarly?

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this hurts to look at

Microsoft gave that game for free when it became BC, you missed out bro

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>Does it play similarly
Yeah, and it's much better. Some of the short stories are legitimate tear jerkers.

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This is comedy gold.

I just want them to X enhance New Vegas. Also, 50 cent blood on the sand.

I thought they already did that along with Fallout 3

Theres no rumble on PC nigger

through BC? absolutely never. if they foot the bill for all its licensed music they would surely port the game to modern platforms instead of just releasing the emulated hueg version.

I unironically want this backwards compatible so it can reduce those fucking load times

Also just the rest of the Sega catalog in general. Otogi and Gunvalkyrie come to mind

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Bethesda did X enhancements for Morrowind, Oblivion, and Fallout 3, ehich all use the same engine. New Vegas also uses the same engine but was made by Obsidian, which is why New Vegas was missing from that crop of releases. The good news is that Microsoft bought Obsidian, so they have no excuse to not X enhance it.

The first 3 splinter cell games would be nice
Even though they play better on pc, having them all on one console is just comfier. SC1 and 2 have missing graphical effects and certain real-time shadow effects on pc that you can only partially mod back in so having the original Xbox versions run in 4K would make them the best available. If they’d make the OGXbox version of Double Agent BC as well, it’d be a dream come true desu.
Also pic related is very janky but a cool game nevertheless. The coop servers are still running after almost 12(!) years so maybe they’re keeping them running for the eventual BC version?

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Yes licensed music is what prevents a lot of games from being re-released. Not to game devs: dont license music! It has long term consequences........

For example Forza Horizon 1 is backwards compatible and X enhanced but the music licenses expired and Microsoft cant legally sell it. The only way you can play is via game disc. Knowing that the future of gaming is digital distribution, it is troubling how many games will be rendered unplayable in the future. Buy your discs while you still can boys.

They did it for Brütal Legend.

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a lot of games work solely using xbox live services and have no dedicated servers from the developer or publisher, and thus will work as long as live for 360 works

I was very pleased that they released the last 3 on BC this week.....shows that the franchise isnt dead.

Thank god live for 360 still works....kind of amazing actually. I just played GRAW 2 multiplayer last night for the first time in over 10 years.....and it was like i never left!

the "they" paying for licensed music is each game's publisher, one game doing something has no bearing on others. double fine is content to mostly release emulated games digitally instead of making new ports, sadly. i weep for people that bought the emulated PS2 version of psychonauts.
sega wants to get their games to as many people as possible, and most people that would buy a rerelease of JSRF do not have xbones. if it happens, i'm sure it will be available for xbone, sega loves supporting it in the west, but it would not be xbone exclusive.

Maybe they can make it BC but for physical only, that way they aren´t selling it but i dont see Sega doing that

>Resonance of Fate

It's on Steam already, and runs in 4K

They are weird picks I realize, but I’d really love for Sonic 06 and Destroy All Humans 4 to become backwards compatible.

microsoft will make disc-only 360 games compatible but not hueg games, presumably because all hueg games are out of print and not profitable but some disc-only 360 games still sell at retail.

I want Sonic 06 too. But getting Sega to acknowledge it is gonna be tough

sega's current PR for sonic games eats up ironic humor so it's a wonder they don't drop it on some april fools day

Bayonetta already is bc user. Has been for ages.

I played both adventure games, Shadow and Heroes but never played 06. It’s like I know it’s gonna be shit but I still wanna complete my collection

I want play dynasty warriors series.

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could've sworn eternal sonata was bc, but guess not, so that please

Based Sunshine poster

You cant be serious.

I swear I saw Morrowind in an Xbone case at FUCKING GAMESTOP a year a go or something. RDR1 is also being reprinted in an Xbone case.

Show me a higher resolution WebM, that shit is not real.

Bethesda reprinted a lot of they game old games and re-released them with xbox one labels when they became BC so it is possible

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Huh, I didn't know they actually did this.


If you played heroes it won't be that bad. The hub world is the only unbearable part, so be sure to use a guide to talk to the right people get through it as quickly as possible

It's not saved until they port it to PC so you can download a version of the game modded to work on Windows 15 in the future when they take the game down after Koei Tecmo goes out of business
I still have a functioning 360 with the two or three Japanese exclusives you guys pretend like you actually played and didn't just download the demo to play once or twice in between your Halo and CoD marathons

I also saw Far Cry 3 and Red dead with the same type of case and label

Shut the fuck up faggot.


>please let me market my useless $500 console in peace

Outrun 2
Renegade ops
Max payne 1 2 and 3
Jet set radio future

Are you some kind of internet super hero? You sound like a huge bitter faggot. Find some joy in your life and never click an Xbox thread again.

>please please please i need to make daddy phil happy

I swear i read one time that Max Payne 1&2 were BC, was it a dream?

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>Outrun 2
Based, which version you like more? There are like 3 on the og xbox

i hope that "greatest hits" shit is a sticker that comes off

I have it on PS3, how good is it compared to the first one? I loved the first Sigma

They printed them on the box art... they did sell a lot of copies tho, quality is a whole different thing

I only had outrun 2 and outrun arcade though i hear 2006 is best version. Currently only have 2 since my xbox with arcade was stolen and i forgot that i bought the game with an ex gfs account and the game is no longer available to buy.

If they wind up doing that, I hope they also consider the combo disc with SEGA GT 2002.

>Saw that the Staircase fight for the X is damn near locked at 60fps
>Decided to see how it ran on the 360, because I heard it was painfully slow
>It runs at a nice 10fps
On one hand it looks cool that they made it a locked 60fps, but on the other hand, it looks like pure kino playing in slow-mo

outrun 2006 is the version most people prefer. It has the most content by far.
outrun 2 xbox is based on outrun 2 arcade, rather than outrun 2 sp arcade. that means some mechanics and graphics are altered. If you never played the arcade versions you won't care. Apart from that there's like two bonus tracks which are missing from the 2006 version.

Grow up bud. We're waiting for you.

Also good luck finding a copy under $100



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Max Payne 1 was ported to PS4 in 2016
that's it
nothing since

what the fuck are Rockstar doing
no one asked for LA Noire again

>I have it on PS3
no, you don't

the staircase never bothered me, since it's only one point in the game
i'm a little miffed they didn't fix the awful load times

Add 999 scanlines before and after and prettymuch every NES game will run at full speed. That said, you still can't play them at 144Hz

It's real. PGR4 just looked fucking amazing.

Bully Scholarship edition as well as grand theft auto IV.