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I tried playing spyro and it's boring af


LOOOOLLL if you swap these then it becomes 100% accurate

Mario 64 fucking suck, get over it faggots.

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lmao, imagine being this delusional.

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Spyro was literally just a worse version of Mario 64. Ape Escape is better in every way and is the only 3D platformer of its era that even comes close to Mario 64.

It was kinda boring then too. There were many better games on playstation.

what a retarded post god damn

You know I'm right, Ape Escape was innovative for making the collectables varied and engaging to collect. Spyro is just another collectathon but with shitty controls.

I never understood why M64 got so much pandering online, because all of my friends and people I knew at the time thought it was shit.

You and all the people you knew are snoyboys

I've never met a heterosexual person who hated sm64

I've played both and I can easily say what the fuck was the big deal about Super Mario 64. Maybe good for its time but Spyro rapes it in the ass.

Literally because of Nintentoddlers and their fervent devotion to their tried and tired IPs.

based and redpilled

Mario 64 has the best controls in any 3D platformer and much better level design.

Hello, I'm hetero and I hate Mario. Good day.

>faggot baiting OP can't into blankposting


>faggot tripfag paying the gook to ruin Yea Forums
Yes. OP is the faggot here..

let's not forget that spyro was one of the first games to have a dedicated guy to develop the camera. then look at the trash fire that is the mario 64 camera

Spyro literally just copied SM64's camera AI along with everyone else because it was a good idea. How retarded are you?

that's just a lie. spyro has full control much like a modern game, mario 64 rotates in chunks, and can only be rotated one direction a few times before you can't turn it anymore, like a fucking steering wheel. i'm nearly 30 and i've played a lot of video games and mario 64 is one of the worst cameras in all of 3d platforming

Seinfeld effect

You forgot about the level horrendous level design of Mario 64. None of it is intuitive or interesting it's just a mess of geometry thrown together.

>i've played a lot of video games and mario 64 is one of the worst cameras in all of 3d platforming
See the problem is you're mentally retarded.

Attached: Mario 64 walking.webm (640x480, 2.92M)

>he does free work for the internet Jew

Not the previous user, but the camera in this clip is exactly as he described.

makes me angry just to look at it, it's so frustrating not having direct control

Attached: soul.png (433x268, 163K)

>no unified visual style or theme
oh, first point and already wrong

spyro is a shitty collectathon

Why do nintentoddlers feel like they're entitled for playing nintendo shit? I mean you can love any game you want, but nintards think every game they love is an undisputed masterpiece and everyone should recognize this. Fucking retarded.

>what the fuck was the big deal about Super Mario 64
The movement, and how the stages were crafted to let you make the most of it.
The game is such a joy to play when you git gud

>dude, I should be allowed to spice my own food, it's not like the chef knows anything about cooking anyway

It’s playstation. They’re all boring.

crash or spyro is the real question

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Dude, I love spyro and all but it was a pretty fucking empty game but M64 had a lot of mobility so even its dead space didn't feel as bad as it did in spyro

In Mario 64 your goal is literally to just collect stars to advance

This is the most Reddit shit I've seen
You tribalist nigger cunts and your fucked opinions. Literally hang yourself

>food analogy

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Actually there is no question, the objective truth is Spyro>Crash>>>>>>>>> Any Trash Nintendo ever saw fit to spay out of their rancid unwashed shit pipe

fuck off, they're both shitty collectathons


that should be tomb rider and sm64
and tomb rider is the better platformer by far.

I appreciate it for what it was at the time, but it has been outclassed by much better games since. I still think 2D Mario is more fun.

mario's only collectathon is the collect 8 red coins and the secret 100 coins stars. Everything else has different goals/objectives. in other words you're stupid and should kys

Mario64 aged like milk, if you make a kid play it today they will shit on it, Spyro on the other end managed to stay fresh because it controls so much better, any kid would like it.

Spyro’s God Tier Copeland Soundtrack>Crash>Spyro. I always preferred the cast and world of Crash over Spyro. Crash wasn’t nearly as large in scale level wise either, but there was much more precision in his level design.

Spyro doesn't even have momentum.

Kids don't like autistic mechanics.

Spyro's just a knockoff of Epcot's mascot

Attached: Figment_(Disney).jpg (220x321, 13K)

low iq detected

>spyro is good because retarded children can comprehend its shitty simplistic controls and movement
Quite the argument.

It does retard.

Played through the entirety of Spyro on the new HD collection, and thought it was fine; nothing really special personally. Crash is better.

>spyro only has momentum on a slide that can easily break the game

This, but with Super Mario 64

>moving goalposts
Nintendies everyone. Also, it's not like momentum is the holy grail of gaming mechanics, only autismos like you care so much about this shit because it's on your favorite game. You're a bunch of entitled brats.

Why are you trying to stir up shit about two games that are 20+ years old? They're so old they even both have remakes to shitpost about instead.

That's not moving goal posts. Spyro doesn't have momentum outside of slides. Also momentum is important in pure platformers as it allows for more advanced movement options and just feels better to control.

Fuck off pannenkoek

what new tech did spyro do. also m64 had more textures but spyro is the definition of comfy

Speed Runs and Hacks are based asf

It is, you said Spyro didn't had momentum but it does, so you're objectively wrong there buddy.

Saying Spyro has momentum because when he's on a slide for 1% of the game he technically has momentum as he goes down a linear slide is disingenuous and you know it.


LOD tech that allowed very far draw distance instead of the typical playstation fog.

>mario 64 is one of the worst cameras in all of 3d platforming
Aside from you being an idiot, Mario 64 was pretty much first and did it shitloads better than everything before it and somehow better than things released years after it.

what the fuck do you want me to use, can't use sex analogies since none of you ever get laid anyway

It's just a fact, it does have momentum, end. But seeing you can't accept a simple truth like that really shows how mentally "mature" you are.

both games are good and much better than their remakes

Spyro the Dragon makes use of a 3D panoramic engine, being simultaneously developed by Alex Hastings, that could display far-away objects by utilizing varying levels of detail, a method of rendering which was new and unexplored at the time. The developers believed that the engine would be fitting for the game, as it could allow for more expansive levels that could take advantage of the character's abilities, such as gliding.[10] This dynamic system, used to compliment the large and sprawling environments, renders two different versions of a level- one version is rendered in high detail, while the other one is a simpler, textureless render. Objects close to the player's vicinity are drawn using the detailed render, whereas distant ones are drawn from the simple render. This system allowed objects to be displayed from far distances while adhering to the PlayStation's limited RAM capabilities, and was one of the first video games to make use of such a system.

I should have known that resorting to sophistry to win an internet argument is peak maturity.

Attached: buying remasters in 2030-11.jpg (1256x582, 216K)

I'd say it's exactly the other way around. If anyone unironically thinks spyro controls well or that the game holds up he's lying. The bets real 3d platformer on ps1 (crash doesn't count) was ape escape.

LOD is only revolutionary in a Playstation context.

Attached: Mario 64 lod.jpg (375x245, 28K)

So is being a functional illiterate who asserts something he didn't have knowledge about.

>that could display far-away objects by utilizing varying levels of detail, a method of rendering which was new and unexplored at the time.
LOD was used frequently in PC and N64 titles before Spyro.

>Mario 64 DS.
Just no. Controls with a touch screen, you run automatically after some time?

You know full well that when I said the games don't have momentum that I meant the base movement of the character. Bringing up something unrelated like you did is simply childish semantics for no real reason.

seething playstation fags ITT
get fucked dragonfags

No matter how you run from it you are wrong, and I couldn't care any less about the mechanic by itself. Momentum never was and never will be a must element on platformers, it's just the classic entitlement nintenyearsold feel about their loved bingbing wahoo games so they exaggerate every little simple shit like it's revolutionary. Really pathetic and a sign of mental instability.

I agree Ape Escape is better but everything else is wrong

>Really pathetic and a sign of mental instability
Did you try summing up your own posts in this thread? Because that's a good job.

I'm actually falseflagging, we're on the same side, I love Mario.

Are you sure about that?

Give me some good spyro tracks because I remember 0 music from that game

Same thing with Mario 64. Maybe because i not played it for 100 times, like you.

you can't be serious

Who cares? Any N64 platformer by Rare was better than these two.

Imagine, not everyone played Mario 64 for 100 times. I remember 0 music from it.


I'm not even gonna get into the shitposting, I love both games, but Mario 64 has a total of like 6 songs. Spyro has like 30 levels and reuses a single track.

Banjo-Kazooie maybe.
>Dong 64
All sucked.

I didn't even own a N64, sonyfags really are pathetic

Is it really that surprising for you?
I'm over 30 years old, but never was interesting in Mario games after first one.

yet Spyro somehow interested you?

No. But still, I do not remember even single music piece from Mario 64, aside WAWAWWAWA

What kind if comparisons are these in the first place? Games are all about fantasy role playing, in spyro you play as a literal baby dragon, it fulfills that role perfectly, there's nothing you can't do that a dragon couldn't do. That's the appeal, it's not a run of the mill platformer.

Mario 64 is mario but in 3d. Once again it fulfills that purpose. Comparing them doesn't do anything, these threads are a waste of everyone's time.

so what the fuck are we arguing about again?

This retarded statement.
>Give me some good spyro tracks because I remember 0 music from that game
Implying Mario 64 has good music.

explain to me why saying that Spyro has 0 good tracks makes you mad then?


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unironically BASED

I wonder if there's a single person alive who would genuinely claim Bubsy 3D is a good game. Even Ulillillia recognized that it was shit and said he was only fascinated with it because of his autism.

Shut the fuck up, Donkey Kunt.