I think we can finally agree that botw is the best free roaming open world adventure game ever made.
I think we can finally agree that botw is the best free roaming open world adventure game ever made
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is mater mode any good?
mater mode...
no, its just "new" thing for toddlers like you
This game is already over 2 years old. WTF
yeah it makes the game much more fun if you want to challenge yourself a bit instead of just fucking around
Depends on how you play. If you just try to fight everything normally you will be frustrated because it will either be very difficult, or it will feel very grindy and HP spongy. If you try to Master all of the game's mechanics, then you will find it very fun as you are constantly using creative solutions to overcome otherwise difficult foes.
Once you get some Champion abilities and Upgraded Armor the game becomes easy to play traditionally with normal fighting again.
I totally agree with you OP. I used to be indifferent towards open world games before nintendo made one, but then ninetndo made one and now I really like the idea of open worlds if they're made by nintendo
Great game, but there is no underwater content, what a shame.
there's no other game that's like botw
First truly open world game on consoles. Turns out truly open world games are real boring.
Does anyone have a good BOTW + CEMU packaged download or torrent? No dolphin porn, please.
I disagree.
Red dead redemption 2 has a better open world
It would be amazing if it had more good content instead of koroks, shrines and shitty side quests to fill the otherwise empty open world
What is the diference between rdr 1 to 2? I remenber it was the first game i played in my ps3 and it just didn't click on me, the most fun i had was lacing people around.
RDR2 is a frontier simulator
RDR1 is a Tarantino movie
The game look better with the vanilla filter. That looks too dark
I like Tarantino movies, i don't like RDR1.
You better come up with a better analogy
yeah pretty much, gayboys will argue, but being able to actually climb that mountain you see is pretty amazing. The game has it flaws, but the open aspect to the game was phenomenal.
2 has a better everything pretty much, RDR1 is just looked at through rose tinted glasses. Seriously, play the first game after 2 and the differences are fucking huge. Story, world, animations, and gameplay are all better and overall a lot less janky.
lmao it's brighter than vanilla
>climbing and walking sim
Can i still lace people, drag their living body with my horse, tie them on the rails and see their body explode in gore when the train goes cho cho on them? :)
xenoblade x also had a better open world, i feel that a botw2 with more time spent on sidequests, settlements, encounters, actual temples etc etc could be GOAT
Haven't tried, but you can still hogtie people so I wouldn't see why not
In my opinion, what kept BOTW from being great was that Nintendo did not have balls to do something that was really difficult.
In the beginning of the game when I did not know how the mechanics worked, I thought the only way to reach that frozen area was by preparing the right food that needed the right ingredients.
This forced me to go hunting wild boars which, at first with a bad bow and few arrows, is not such a simple thing to do. Then I had to catch the right kind of fish. I found this very rewarding and thought the whole game would work this way.
But with a few hours of game you begin to realize that exploting the game mechanics is very simple and with very little work you can overcome any challenge trivializing just about everything.
Nintendo will never make a really difficult and memorable game because it needs to do something that is appropriate for children and extremely casual gamers.
>Nintendo will never make a really difficult and memorable game
>Ubisoft, EA, Rockstar, etc. have been making open world games for a decade or even longer
>genre is stagnating
>Nintendo shows up
>having no background in AAA 3D open world development, they decide on a whim "Here, let me try that"
>right off the bat, Nintendo make the best open world game ever made on their very first attempt using a fucking toaster.
This will never not be hilarious.
There's hardly anything to do in it, though that can be said about most open world games.
It's a decent tech demo at least.
Your autism will never not be hilarious, BotW-kun
No argument.
>t-t-tech demo!
Yes user. Its all tech demos. Everything is tech demos. Life is a tech demo.
he isn't wrong though
I want to freely roam Zelda big smelly butt!
He is, BotW is nothing special. And it's not even the dev team's first time making an open world since that aspect was developed by monolith
Damn, that's pretty sad. Why are Nintendrrones like that?
Because you keep getting triggered by it lol
What are the best mods?
Are there any pictures of what all the different outfits look like on Zelda and Linkle since I know they modeled entirely new designs for them?
It's not just Nintendiedrones, there are autistic spamming sony fanboys too
Why isn't Dragon Dogma and Capcom being praise here?
>botw is the best free roaming open world adventure game ever made.
Probably yes. I had a good time.
Why would anyone play with those shaders jesus
Rent fucking free
I have a PS4 though. You can own a console and like its games without being on the spectrum and filling the board with garbage wojak posts every day
Says the sonyfag who has been in total meltdown for mre than two years now.
for change it looks refreshing instead of going with the forced muh as intended autism, also it looks good
This. I have two PS4s. And BotW is better than everything on it.
but is it good?
Its not the best simply because of a few glaring flaws but i definitely think its extremely good and one of the most innovative open world games made
yet you immediately deflect to Sony when Nintendo or its fanbase gets talked down upon
Damage control
It's not even the best open world Nintendo game for Wii U, that's Xenoblade X.
My dad works for PS4 and I have three Sonies, and BotW is the best game I have ever let my wife's son play.
RDR2 is still a Tarantino movie. Braitewaith Manor is taken straight out of Django
Yes ... yes we can.
I enjoyed ac origins more and that was a mediocre game
so? asscreed is also climbable to the max
Why are Nintenfatlard toddlers like this?
I played BotW to completion, and it was okay for an open world tech demo, but it's no Zelda game.
Literally nothing wrong with that.
>hey guys breath of the wild is the best game heres me standing in a fucking field
why do people keep posting this shit? learn to take screenshots
lmao at random ass gatekeeping
you take your epic battleshots with five enemies on some some little wooden camp if it makes you happy
Because most of the game is spent walking across empty fields
based and accurate
cringe and inaccurate
It's boring like all Nintendo games after 2010
No, I don't agree. It's decent and good at times, but a very far shot from the best open world game.
>2 years old
Good god no, RDR2 was horrible. It's literally every Rockstar game ever made except with even more restrictions than usual.
>botw is the best free roaming open world adventure game ever made.
Pretty much yes.