:Great games Yea Forums never talks about
It's a great game, but doesn't deserve Yea Forums's "grace"
Indie games now are not so hard to make and there's a lot of people interested on it so many of them will never get any traction if no famous person talks a about them of it the not extremely innovative
I hated Anodyne.
It meandered on for too long, and I got bored after 2-3 worlds/levels.
There wasn't really a pay-off since the gameplay felt sub-par, and it tried to wear its Yume Nikki influences on its sleeve.
Tree of Savior
Samefag Nitrorad.
he reviewed this anodyne? I never heard of it
shitty shilled tranny game nobody cared about
Anodyne's gameplay is really disappointing. For a game that looks so much like link's awakening I was expecting a lot more upgrades, but there's only the jumping shoes, some useless broom upgrades and that's it. The block swapping thineatin the end is neat though
Top tier taste user. I played the hell out of the demo for the first one back when I was in middle school.
Actually surprisingly decent but the community for end game is cancerous as fuck.
>a random guy reviewed the game so we're not allowed to talk about it on Yea Forums
here's one
probably horribly dated but i rarely see this game brought up in monster raising game convos. used to love breeding my team into elder god tier monsters
Hol up, Anodyne is a tranny game?
I'm not buying it. I didn't see any tranny propaganda in the game whatsoever.
I'm kind of impressed they made the graphics a bit prettier without also making them a visual clusterfuck. You can easily tell what's a forest, what's a road, what's a river, which units are what types.
Not a bad game, definitely has enough going for it to make it decent, but the issues are hard to ignore. Gameplay doesn't really improve/change that much over the course of the game, and it doesn't help that the story/writing feels a bit too self-important. The tile-swap upgrade is interesting, and using it to discover hidden, out of bound secrets is nice, but it feels like more could have actually been done with that. Another user mentioned Yume Nikki, and honestly yeah that and the other DreamSim games feel like they do that whole aspect much better than Anodyne. Unsure of the sequel, style for it looks somewhat bland, and it doesn't help that their previous game (Even the Ocean) looked like absolute trash.
To the topic at hand though, I suppose pic-related. Is it the best game? God no, has it's issues too, especially with things such as story/dialogue/gameplay upgrades, BUT at least the core gameplay is solid on it's own, and it to does the whole out-of-bounds thing pretty well. Knytt Stories is probably better, but I don't think that makes Underground a bad game by default.
That’s because it’s not.
He was probably thinking of Even the Ocean, made by the same devs. Less specifically a tranny game, but definitely a "stronk" game (which, admittedly, makes the character look like they're in the middle of transitioning)
Never played geneforge, but avernum was fucking fantastic.
I loved how the game pushed you to do required tasks in such a subtle way it felt like you were doing it of your own choice.
The flying orb was a perfect example. I kept hearing occassional rumors from npcs about an artifact that let you fly. Never got a waypointer or was told outright that I had to grab the orb. It was always just little hints and teases that eventually made me go hunt the orb on my own.
Got to the end of the game to find out the orb was needed for all the endings. It was a kino feel to realize that the game had subtly pushed me to go get all the required items long before I was actually forced to use them. I wish more open world games were designed that well.
what now tranny
playing wesnoth right now. Honestly surprised how bro-tier elves are for the most part.
That game was fucking weird. I'm pretty sure it takes place over multiple nights right? Why not just go out during the day?
>Call me a Tranny
>Even when I agreed with the notion that the developers are
What the fuck, why do me dirty like that?
Wesnoth elves are surprisingly practical. Not all faggy ass Muh Nature hippies, not all preachy ass Muh Superiority faggots, but instead they're woodsman well adapted to living in forests and they realise that the forest is not defended by biodiversity, or racial purity, or by a document, or by unstable equilibrium in carrying gold over from the previous map. The forest is defended by WEAPONS.
If everyone is tranny
then NOBODY will be.
Been on and off playing Wesnoth since 1.2.8 and this game is just fantastic. Every version is more and more impressive with just how much polish is put into the presentation and graphics. What's equally impressive is just how balanced the default factions are in multiplayer and how simple to learn but difficult to master the combat system is. Not a big fan of the % chance to hit though.
Would thoroughly recommend to anyone who fancies strategy games. It's free and has extensive community content.
>mfw /pol/tards have been manipulated to normalize transgenderism by seeing it everywhere and ascribing disproportionate power to it
>this is your brain on /pol/
why doesn't Yea Forums do a multiplayer game of wesnoth? only requires like 2-8 people.
cope tranny
Dunno. Haven't played with Yea Forums in a long time. Plus very few people know about this game or how to play it on Yea Forums.
I haven't played it in ages. I remember RPG maps were all the rage back in the day.
That’s just how asians look in the US, no confirmation that it’s a tranny.
>am trans on shirt
Super Smash Bros
Such an underrated gem
I would, desu