Who is in the wrong here?
Who is in the wrong here?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Kotaku UK
Why? Because of article 11 & 13?
you for posting this
Jesus Christ
A "journalist" said one words in the lyrics says retarded and it wasn't certainly the case
>Make an article saying bullshit about the lyrics
>Actual Asians who go to Kotaku tell them the are the ones being racist
Fucking kek
Jewtaku, obviously.
Yet another suicide-prone retard wrote a click b8 text, and is now crying out loud for the fact that people noticed its bullshit.
Ah, it looks like I made it to the correct world line.
Kotaku is always in the wrong
>the normies are turning against them
>we're the good guys for once
Everything's gonna be alright
Everything went better than expected
>the normies are turning against them
>we're the good guys for once
Don't push your luck.
>>we're the good guys for once
who's we?
you and your tapeworm?
You got that from them being accused of racism?
Fucks wrong with you
is it finally over?
has the day of the dilator finally co.e for kotaku?
>who's we?
Gamers, the most oppressed minority of them all.
One day they'll truly rise up.
Kotaku for writing this shitty article, OAG for existing. next question
>we're the good guys for once
I'll have you know that tapeworm -kun is a good person with good taste.
Nice. I don't know why this shit was posted on Yea Forums so much.
Better learn to code Basedboy Kotacucks.
>wanting to be the good guy
lol fag
My tapeworm tells me what to do.
That retarded tranny.
What was the song and which lyrics were they offended by?
Does he tell you where to go?
Kotaku has always been fags. I can't believe people are retarded enough to read their shit.
Yea Forums
Only until I pull him out of my ass.
Maybe our tapeworms could be friends?
He's very shy though...
what did he mean by this?
>Democrats and liberals are the actual racists
Is this going to be the only time the alt-right acknowledges the truth that their entire movement is just an aggressive and horrendously massive bait campaign, not actually pushed for any beliefs held by it's participants but just to watch the world burn?
And that's a good thing.
Lying piece of mentally ill tranny shit
>In the track 'Wake Up, Get Up, Get Out There', if you skip to around 1:48 into the track, you'll reach a section of the song where words are softly spoken rather than sung. At around 1:57 it appears the term "retarded" is used, and followed up by the assertion that "I can say it." The official lyrics for the song, curiously enough, does not include this spoken word section. This is our transcription of what's said.
>Oh Ah Hi
>Are you ready?
>Ready to pick up the pieces
>Let’s go, let’s play, retarded
>I can say it
>Are you ready?
>Uh Huh
The singer isn't actually saying "retarded".
The singer is saying "retard it".
As in, to retard the music.
To slow it down, the actual literal meaning of the word.
The entire thing is, obviously, just another clickbait.
These people are paid to shit out 6000 million clickbait articles a week so they just latch onto anything that can even remotely be controversial, or if there isn't anything, they just fabricate it.
Yea Forums, /pol/ and other alt-right hives make threads like these.
In turn, this gives the site views, and clicks.
And the cycle continues.
did jimbo cuckling redact laura for being a racist yet?
Democrats were the main force behind black slavery, so yeah they are.
Weebs for ruining smash with their low-t faggotry.
can i get the source to OP's pic related please?
The article was obviously awful, but in their defense, it wasn't racist. It's easy to misunderstand what the lyrics are in any song in Persona, and it's to be expected native Japanese speaker is probably not going to speak the best English. The article is still awful and no research went into at all, but it's not racist to mishear something like that, it's just stupid to go on a tirade about it.
>website with otaku in name
>filled with sjws
democrats were the ones butthurt the most when slaves were freed and in fact were highly against it.
/pol/ has embraced accelerationism.
this laura guy
is he who posted: 'i have a vagina *smiling*' post op photo?
racism is collectivism and democrats and liberals are collectivists.
Gone for a whole 10 hours?!?!?!
The association with otakus and right wing individuals is relatively recent.
Digging back, most otakus weren't very political, and generally centrist when they showed any interest in it.
The shift is mostly a recent kneejerk reaction.
Who is "Yea Forums"? Do you mean Yea Forums?
Jesus fucking Christ why do people still pay any amount of attention to game journalists
I haven’t been to a gaming website in over a decade
Otakus are japanese, japanese are majority liberal
correct also is bffs with jim sterling
>This post
Laura Kate Dale can't retort it
Ok whoever made that critism is dumb but how is it racist?
I didn't know Kotaku turned into /pol/
Jump to 1:50
so what happened this time? quick rundown?
I mean you can eat as much as you want and not get fat.
Underrated post
There is no alt-right you dummy. It's a media made label for broadly categorizing people with "problematic" opinions.
>this retard thinks that the "alt-right" exists
??? How do they hear Retarded?
Well duh
They invented an entire soft language to hide behind
Stupid faggots
The tranny has an axe to grind with nintendo since he got blacklisted for leaking Switch shit.
This really was a win-win-win in every possible outcome.
Either he was right and Nintendo gets in deep shit for the word or he was wrong, gets harassed by G*m*rg*t* and gets to play the victim for more donations.
Outstanding 3D chess move by the tranny to rile up the reactionary alt-right crowd
>be an advocate of censorship under the guise of justice
>it blows up in your face
This is so pathetic, it's comical.
>weeb song released
>actual low-t tranny is flagged as a racist
There to weed out the weak
I'd say it's racist just because they took no effort to think about it from a different perspective
I always heard it as retarded but I just chalked it up to japs loving engrish and not understanding the word or maybe they just cant pronounce something else. He just automatically assumed the singer/songwriter said and looked at things the same way as he did. No effort in actually looking at it in a different way
Japanese are majority fascist, wtf you on a---oh right, fascists and liberals are unironically the same
>both collectivists
>both hate capitalism
>both want big govt to help make their ideal society
>both believe the state is an engine of virtue
>both advocate for arbitrary hierarchy
Probably because that's all they hear people call them.
>the progressives are racist towards asians
in other news, water is wet
this guy was pretty OK a few years ago when he appeared on Totalbiscuit's podcast. What happened to him?
Awesome! They deserve it fucking racists against asians.
>mock asians because they can't pronounce english terms like a real english
>get fucked in the ass
Totally deserved. Sorry so fucking much if not everyone can pronounce "retarget" perfectly.
Of course they are. They go to foreign countries and try to make it like America. Leafs are guilty of this too.
If anything I hear “re target”
I mean joker does have a gun
How do you not hear retarded? Are you pretending to be dense?
She says "retard it", which is a perfectly normal thing to say especially in the music industry, that's the point.
Is Mario a homophobe?
>Ann VA calls them out on their bullshit.
I thought the line was "retard it" but it was the musical term "retard" as in slowly.
The people criticizing the article are pushing the angle that the staff involved either unintentionally, or intentionally misinterpreted the lyrics because of the pronunciation of the singer.
Because they're singing in approximative engrish, and the pronunciation isn't the best.
Thus, they link this with "racism".
I don't think the intent here was to be racist in any way, but simply to create a weak and lazy clickbait article.
Because the site is famous for stirring up controversy over racism in video games/racist behaviour from people that play video games, obviously this is too good of an opportunity to pass up for most people here, they can finally say "no, YOU were racist all along".
As actually smart individuals such as are pointing out, this was all part of the gamble.
He's currently "offline" wich means he's gathering all the tweets being shot at him from all angles and this will eventually free him from any responsability AND allow him to make yet another clickbait article using all of this as additional follow up content.
>The entire thing is, obviously, just another clickbait
LKD hates Atlus after the trans shit, it's more part of a vendetta. When you hate someone you hate everything they do, so she's probably just looking for an excuse to throw shit at them.
What an ignorant bigot.
Kotaku is already throwing him (it?) under the bus for this one. Gonna get sacked sooner rather than later I'd imagine
That lack of effort, especially when you're going to to go to the bother of writing an article about it, is why he and the article are retarded, but I really doubt his lack of effort was out of any kind of malice or hatred for the Japanese, it was just understandably mishearing something from someone who's English isn't entirely clear, and then making a big deal out of it because it would get a lot of clicks to write something reactionary about P5 considering Joker just got into Smash.
Something something Nietzsche, something something fighting monsters.
fucking lel
I hope this is just the 1st domino in a line of completely ruining them
>Kotaku got BTFO by normie
Fucking KEK.
Futaba's did as well, IIRC.
nintendo for not making that crossdressing joker outfit playable
I read the comment yesterday, I think it was something to do with asians struggling with R/L sounds
No? They clearly aren't saying that. Hell in the context of the song it makes no sense. It's like calling someone a faggot in the middle of Jingle Bells.
oh nonono
Yea Forums on suicide watch
the Japanese one?
They are eating each other
>Kotaku is already throwing him (it?) under the bus for this one.
Any proof?
Not Kotaku, since they will make hundreds of thousands from ad revenue now.
Do you people understand how their business model works?
That's impressive seeing how these mentally ill people are addicted to twitter
Tapeworm-kun introduced me to my waifu
nigga what are you on
>retarded liberals killing each other
Oh I actually proposed somebody made a headline like that in a previous thread. Is this real? Absolute MADMAN
>ad revenue
I use adblock
I can't believe Persona 4's battle theme tells you to break away from the homo men.
>The tranny has an axe to grind with nintendo since he got blacklisted for leaking Switch shit.
How would he get a response from Nintendo and Atlus then? LKD claims to have sent them email for comment.
>"Let's go, let's wait, retard it"
That's what she says.
The song isn't even a Nintendo song, it was in the original game which is a PS3/4 exclusive.
Also since when is the "alt-right" anti-racist?
>Says she got kidnapped in an uber
>People believe it
>Says some xbox presenter called her it
>Video footage disagrees
>Comes up with a bunch of fake leaks
>Only one of them was correct
>Says Atlus are ableist because she misheard a lyric
>The lyric is something completely different
How can someone continually fuck up this hard. Lunatic just wants to be the centre of attention like some obnoxious arsehole.
It’s just as racist as the song is “ableist” or whatever buzzword they used to slander the song. Kotaku deserves all the backlash
Pretending to be retarded is the business idea Kotaku is running on
>post a bunch of insulting/badly researched articles and opinions
>people get mad
>kotaku gets attention
>and therefore ad money
The site could be dead but sadly humans are retarded and keep giving those clowns attentions.
>Racism against Asians
Did they just lump-in Japanese people with all other Asian denominations?
That's racist.
And this another
What else did you expect from a tranny?
> How would he get a response from Nintendo and Atlus then?
He wasn't. He was well aware his e-mail was going straight into the garbage as soon as he hit send.
This article was meant to be put out and let the chips fall where they may. Either outcome benefited the autistic tranny in one way or another.
ok since your hearing is apparently perfect, what is she saying then if not retarded?
>working where someone else edits your work and publishes it without your input
They are, look at how they treat minorities in that they're too dumb to register to vote themselves, or how the whole Southern Strategy was their own way of shifting the perception of who was racist. Hell take a look at any number of policies they champion and how they feel minorities are so oppressed and unable to fend for themselves that they need special guarantees of entry instead of strict enforcement of non discrimination. That's not to say Republicans haven't become racist over the years, but the truth is both sides hate everyone not part of the elite.
That's a long time when your life expectancy is 26
I agree, and I don't mean to defend them, I'm just saying I don't see it as racist. It's only as ableist as they claim the song is because they're retort it and call shit that isn't racist or sexist or anything else some kind of -ist all the time.
Damn, that sucks.
But then again that's the risk you run into when you write for a shitty site that survives on terrible clickbait.
Now they're completely at the mercy of the wolves here.
I guess that's just how it is on this bitch of an earth.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but Japanese are Asian, no?
>my boss is responsible for this not me
Someone is getting sacked
>i-it wasn't me, it's my boss
he will now get fired for blaming the guy who pays him money
>Submitting an article that has yet to be finished
>it’s not my fault it’s THEM
This is some victim baiting that it always does when things get blown up
She wrote the article. She mad the choice to submit it to her boss. She has just as much blame.
>Also since when is the "alt-right" anti-racist?
I mean, it's obviously insincere.
It's just the perfect occasion to use against leftists the same terms they use towards them.
It's the most effective tactic.
>all it takes is to pretend you’re a “disabled gamer” or an LGTBQ nut job and send an email to Shitaku complaining that you’re offended by [Thing], and they’ll shoot themselves in the foot
Goooood to know...
It’s not actually racist, but this is just two groups of liberals playing their offended cards. Have you been asleep the last 6 years?
I feel like this would be better of use of people didn’t already completely ignore kotaku anyway
My only fear is they come together and form a much stronger cancer like /mlp/ and /pol/
/mlpol/ was a nightmare when we thought they would just kill eachother
>kotaku ran an article for clickbaiting purposes because Smash DLC just dropped saying that Persona 5's OP theme has the word retarded in it
>it doesn't. the old moon lady that sang it just knows engrish also within context of the lyric it's "retort it"
>asians call out kotaku for being racist
>the writer Laura Dale a blacklisted Nintendo leaker, friend of jim sterling, and tranny goes social blackout as a result
>tried to throw "her" source and her boss under the bus by saying that all "she" did was take the sources word for it and that "her" boss insisted on wording it differently for clicks
>not even resetera and reddit are 100% behind her on this shit
>see you in a few days when it is going to claim that it was harassed by trolls like always with cases like these
>fags write a clickbait article overreacting to some shit no one cares about
>Yea Forums fags pretend to care and overreact about the article
God I hate the internet
If you think the average person on Yea Forums falls under your "alt-right" umbrella you're sorely mistaken.
I feel like it's genuine from retards though.
No, but I was just throwing it out there seeing as everyone was saying its racist when it isn't really. It goes without saying that the article is retarded though which everybody else is already saying.
>Attempting to feel bad for I HAVE A VAGINA thing
They deserve it for mutilating their own body, to be honest.
>gaming """journalists""" are too retarded to google official lyrics
not surprised in the slightest
Take responsibility instead of blame shifting you ignorant faggot
Nintendo for this shitty DLC.
we're just laughing at retards bro don't take it so seriously
Yeah. The royal she which refers to a he.
>Blue hair
>Garbage journalist
If this is how 2020 Olympics turn out and they kick out the fucking ironic weebs who hate sex cafes, lolis and other Japanese culture then Its going to be all right bros.
>>see you in a few days when it is going to claim that it was harassed by trolls like always with cases like these
She was gone for a few hours.
Notice how this fallout happens AFTER the website is sold? We'd have never seen this happen on this scale if it was still in the possession of the previous owners.
Futaba's voice actor even brought attention to it.
I actually thought the song said "retarded" when I first heard it, but knew Atlus USA would have edited it if it was the case
It’s a mentally ill he, not a she
Absolutely based
Fuck those racists at Kotaku
>the normies are turning against them
>Normalfags believe they're not normalfags
>Letting someone else edit your work and then publish it under your name.
Deserved everything that happened. Have a fucking backbone and don't let people use you.
supposedly their are no official lyrics for that part, not that it would make a huge difference
the negative connotation around the word retard (including people mishearing its usage, I'm of the "retard it" camp but "retarded" in a similar context seems fine) all stems from these like-minded individuals to find problems from nothing
Damn I didn’t expect to see a shitshow this Big this early in the morning
>she was gone for a few hours
first off
second off it crawled out of its' dilation station to damage control/blame everyone but themselves
/mlp/ is normalfag kryptonite. If you want twitter/reddit/neofag/resetera gone, lift GR15.
Hulkamania still running wild.
Hopefully he kills himself
Even if it did say Retard it who cares?
>when you virtue signal so hard you become the racists
the writer for making an article that they knew was false
>Damn that sucks
No that's called karma user
>trusting a tranny
Hope you dont do this, he is obviously lying to get out of this
If it wanted to wait for the response why even submit it in the first place?
Wait, that article was real? I thought it was someone here trolling.
You are all retards to me Yea Forums
Does Q even have genitals? She's some weird alien, right?
I'd say there's about a 40% chance of that happening.
>Have normal fags rin the site into the ground
>Let pony fuckers have their way
I hate both of these options
Are we the baddies?
Wouldn't it be amazing it he had to quit journalism to make up for being a racist?
>This is the Kotaku UK Writer
Thanks for explanation.
Eh, LKD has been on a bit of a vendetta against Atlus for years now I think. And naturally it is trying to save itself, or at the very least farm as many pity points for donations as possible
>end up outing yourself as a racist by flogging a non-native english speaker for a pronunciation of a word that she didn't even say, just because you were looking so hard to start a controversy over something
>proceed to not listen when people call you out on your bullshit and refuse to believe that it can't possibly be anything other than retarded, which doesn't fit any possible theme of the song or the game
If only he picked at his beard when nervous instead of his nails.
>Be a journalist
>Editors can edit not only grammar, but the entire meaning of your words
>They can publish your work without you giving the OK while your name is on it
Nah, this is bullshit. I hope (s)he gets fired for lying about this bullshit.
It's your choice. Just remember that twitter screencap threads will continue to proliferate if they aren't stopped.
I'm fond of you too you humongous faggot.
Isn't it weird how Yea Forums is one of the most safe space places on the internet because it's pretty much impossible to insult or hurt people's feelings here because we use retard and faggot and nigger as greetings
>thinking trannies would ever abandon their social media safe spaces
>Laura Kate Dale
I hate trannies but Kotaku are quite the piece of shit for throwing their employee under the bus.
I'm not hearing retarded at all. What the fuck is Kotaku talking about?
>Banned from talking about it publicly
>Does it anyway
Blacklisting here we come!
>Cathing something that resembles a thing he will never get
>Hoisted by their own "retard".
I don't think Kotaku UK is ex-gawker ex-univision. Pretty sure they just use the name like a franchise
Q's a boy, but Larry's still wrong since he identifies as a boy
>Isn't it weird how Yea Forums is one of the most safe space places on the internet because it's pretty much impossible to insult or hurt people's feelings here because we use retard and faggot and nigger as greetings
On that facet, yes, people get very uppity here if you insult their taste in any subject though.
I thought it was "Restart it" or something
As in, replay the opening parts, because that happens immeditly afterwards.
NO user
You're either deaf or intentionally trying to not hear it. The words are "retard it", so if you can't hear 'retarded', you might actually have a hearing disability.
actually based
Not sure. Maybe some liberals like to pose as actual fans of niche content in an attempt to convince creators to "get with the times"?
Good for you? How often do you go on kotaku
It makes warped sense if you subscribe to the "all traps are transexuals" argument which LKD clearly does considering she was central to the whole "are traps gay meltdown" TB meltdown.
Kotaku doesn't have editors. They use a peer-review system where you basically post your articles on the company's shared server, and whoever is in the office or online has a responsibility to check for grammar and leave a detailed review.
It's also impossible for anyone besides the original uploader to publish any given article.
I used to intern for Kotaku and my entire job was grammar-correcting everything before it went final.
I mean, I kind of hear it, but I find it hard to imagine it's in that song given it would have nothing to do with the rest of the lyrics. Probably some shithead just posting clickbait, which isn't newsworthy beyond people actually giving enough of a shit.
Also, surprised to see anybody actually care about racism against Asians.
But if you lump traps in with transexuals you are actually misgendering them, since traps identify as men, otherwise they wouldn't be traps
>japanese are majority liberal
Yeah thats why the conservatives have been in power for ages with Japan going through a new phase of nationalism and Abe attempting to lift the ban on Japan having a military
Sounds very liberal to me.
TERFs are unironically based and /ourgals/.
>merely pretending
This song isn't very good.
now if they can just get rid of censored vagoos
>my boss forbid me to say this on Twitter, so I’ll say it on Facebook
>it was all my bosses fault not mine LOL
This nigga is getting fired lmao
>lift the ban on Japan having a military
I'm actually for this.
There is an issue in Japan right now where young people have zero national pride or desire to start careers.
If Japan had a military with required service for all citizens who choose not to attend a university it would essentially fix these problems, as it did for Korea.
Please fix your country before Nigerians take it over, Abe.
jesus christ
imagine identifying as a woman but still letting your beard and moustache grow
Retarded, starving, fallen angel poster.
Well done, gentlemen.
>Get called retarded so much think the songs are coming after you now
Kek all they needed was to put journalist in quotes and it would have been even better
>Trusting a retard for information
>throwing your "boss" under the bus
>at Kotaku
How low IQ do you have to be? This retard is about to get blackballed so fast they'll have to learn to code to pay for all those avocados and their premium mexican apartment standards.
Japanese OTAKUS are majorly liberal. Japanese PEOPLE are moderately conservative.
>Also, surprised to see anybody actually care about racism against Asians.
I don't think anyone really cares that much. I think it's more about beating them over the head with their own weapon, outrage culture.
So is P5 coming to switch? Otherwise this was a strange inclusion to smash
It's really just an issue of no one wanting to be the politician that pulls the trigger
It's restart it, retard, they just have a thick accent
I imagine part of the conservative views are caused by history and Akihito sorta still being there as a symbol of the old order. It will be very interesting to see what happens once he kicks the bucket since the princess gave up claim for the throne if memory serves
>Laura Kate Dale
>that date
what the
>"dude I am the victim here too even though I have journalist as part of my work title but I just didn't bother to fact check the sources or have the integrity to deny writing this piece!!!!!!"
why are trannies so pathetic?
That's a fucking lie. The article itself says
>We have reached out to both Nintendo and Persona 5's European publisher Deep Silver for comment, and will update this article with any response.
If this wasn't intended to be published yet, this bit wouldn't be there, and the tranny wouldn't have even bothered to send the article to Kotaku until getting a response.
LKD is a massive liar, narcissist asshole who hides behind having a vagina whenever he posts retarded shit.
To be fair Yea Forums has been more chaotic neutral with brief lapses of chaotic good.
>It wasn't me I swear!
wait this is too good to not be an edit
>otaku are liberal
Yeah. That's why all anime heroines have to be pure maiden who save themselves for marriage.
And if a girl even thinks about boys other than the MC they will get called whores by the fans with them writing angry letters or at worst they shitpost the series so hard everyone responsible has to apologize publicly.
Hello you retarded nigger faggot!
>tranny gets BTFO
>"n-n-n-no it's literally just 5d chess just like your alt-right drumpf memes you are still the losers here incel!"
You do know they do send in drafts of articles, right? And then sometimes they do things called “revisions”
Gee maybe instead of running to your boss with dumb bullshit you should listen to the song and then find out what it actually says. Maybe, gee I don't know, take five minutes to find out the truth because you're supposedly a journalist
I smelled something really bad when reading this post.
I think the dilation pictures have hijacked my fucking senses.
Japan rise up
dont forget not owning their mistake and instead blaming their boss for "forcing" them to do this shit all half-assed.
Anyone can be a journalist now so the title is useless
hey gayboy hows it going
How was this not posted?
Fuck off Laura
Go dialte and drink bleach
This. /pol/ is straight chaotic evil though, and it sometimes seeps to here, but in general Yea Forums is chaotic neutral/good.
Nigger I don't give a flying fuck about your politics
>by Billy D
based Lando
Screenshot it you retard
They used to kill socialist faggots, but they’re unfortunately being overrun with them now
>over-compensating by giving yourself TWO female names
Based and trannypilled.
Big oof mood. I might have to self harm.
glad this thread is still up, I guess the tranny janitor has fallen asleep
That's the most feminine he's ever been
Honestly it's a mistake to even try and put the Japanese on the American political spectrum. There's shit that even conservative Nips support that would make you a raging commie in the US and vice versa.
Kill it with fire
Tranny discord in full damage control and it is fucking great.
Was the ResetERA thread closed? Why?
>That dry, frizzy, thinning hair
not him but done, as a bonus: the tranny's cartoon avatar
the stab that saved Japan from the gommies, would visit his grave/10
Get fucking real retard. Nobody's defending the tranny, but there's no need to actively act like a retard. Obviously you can hear 'retarded' in 'retard it', but a logical thinking person would realise it doesn't fit the song and come to the conclusion they're saying something else.
There's no need to pretend you can't hear it, you absolute faggot.
you know that "retard it" can be used in a musical sense right? to slow down? where do you think the use of the word for describing someone as "slow" came from?
Different definitions of safe. Yea Forums makes you safe to say whatever want as long as you're okay with getting told to KILL YOURSELF NIGGER for it. You're anonymous; nothing follows you home. SJW "safe" spaces restrict your freedom to say almost everything, but at least you're safe from "harmful emotions".
We may all be humans but sometimes it feels like we have different brains. If the worst thing that could happen to you is being forced by have specific beliefs, and the worst thing for someone else to have massively hurt feelings, then I don't know if anyone can ever really get along or understand each other.
What was the song in question?
Of course he'd have a fascination with asses
Because its all he can access
Absolutely manipulative, guess there is indeed a woman trapped inside of that thing
Eh I would’ve preferred more nocturne songs
If they just remixed out the demonic screeching this sounds like that’ll fit in smash perfectly
I hate white people culture. Why are you white people so fucking shallow and retarded?
i thought they had to lock multiple threads on trannyera because some people weren't stupid enough to believe the known bullshit artist
I could see this being partially true, but then the blame still falls on this faggot for not having a backbone.
>Nobody's defending the tranny
>but I am defending the tranny for not even googling the song's official lyrics that's just 1 second away
day of dilation soon man-in-drags
Why do people mentally register anything Kotaku has to say outside of Schrier's insider talk?
Good job you figured out that every place has its own political climate
Honestly, this is why I don't like using left or right as a general insult, we all know even Europe is vastly different than the US but yet everyone still lumps the left and right together
I dont even hear "Retard" I hear "Restart" because I know japs who slurr T's and D's bad because of their accent. The R and Ls also applies to enlgish Ts and Ds.
Reminder that's the little faggot who lied and created this shitstorm.
Are you dumb? That's not what I said at all. I'm saying it takes no effort to imagine hearing 'retarded' in 'retard it'. Doesn't mean it was insulting or whatever bullshit they tried to spin, but you are actively being obtuse if you're saying you can't even hear it.
Yeah basically confirmed by Best Buy
>tranny fucks something up
imagine seething this hard
A few years ago, I was a believer that the world was heading towards the future we saw in Idiocracy. But it's so much worse. Mental illness and self mutilation aren't just "ok", it's fucking encouraged.
It's like the dystopian futures you sometimes see in cyberpunk, where it's a never-ending arms race to have the most implants and cybernetics until you're no longer human. Except instead of rocket fists, laser eyes and sex robots, we all just rip our dicks off.
it's the Persona 5 OP Wake UP. The line is about 1:40 in. Also it's different in the live version because it's an improvised part of the song. It's not that uncommon with jazz singers.
>Actual Asians tell him it’s Retort it with an accent calling him the racist
>even youtube comments are memeing about the song
>that photo in the middle
Wtf? He looked like he could have been a chad, or at least somewhat handsome.
Can't you read either? I'm not defending the tranny, I'm saying there is no need to actively pretend you don't hear a word in the lyrics to call them out on their retarded shit. Fucking READ what I said, you humongous mongloid.
>The Hulkster's Deathblow is slowly killing the rest of the company and its cohorts
>Mental illness and self mutilation aren't just "ok", it's fucking encouraged.
Imagine if your entire social movement was predicted by a britbong comedy, literally unreal.
there is no definitive lyrics though user. The singer pulled an improv. Laura is still retarded for not doing a minute of research on google to find this out.
You what? He looks like a sun-starved British gremlin made out of recessive genes.
I’m actually having a pretty good day thanks for asking you fucking noob
How your day gits gud since you won’t
Yeah I thought it was that as well, but it's not hard to recognize 'retarded' if somebody mentions it. There's entire channels on 'misheared lyrics', yet people here claim to not be able to hear something so obviously similar. I think they might actually have a hearing or mental disability.
>The tranny has an axe to grind
Of course, don't want to chop off your willy with a dull axe
>Gamers, the most oppressed minority of them all
No that would be autistics, most of whom are gamers.
Normal gamers get along just fine with everybody else.
Nobody gives a shit about autism.
Not everyones ears are broken
More people seem to be hearing other R words than retard
This isn't like "Wrapped up like a douche" at all.
It doesn't even have to be retort it, retard is fine. they don't own the fucking word or whatever meaning is chosen for it.
SJWs eat their own in order to be offended. The free speech people sit back and laugh and poke fun. Kotaku got what was coming to them.
Kotaku never ceases to amaze me. They're even trying to defend themselves against the games actual fucking voice actors by saying no lyrics posted online state it as saying "retort it".
The funny part is he thinks there he did absolutely nothing wrong, and believes he isn't responsible from any sort of criticism from doing something so illegal in the context of pinning the blame on someone else.
What does shitaku do? Ruin their already shit credibility even more by having someone THIS FUCKING INCOMPETENT on their staff, or deal with complaints from getting rid of this blue haired man?
>people are actually defending it
Good fucking lord
You fucking retard. I'm talking about how shallow the tranny white people are. Ya'll white people can't take responsibility for your actions and admit when you're wrong.
No white person in the states cares about minorities, they care about using them as a tool to enforce their will over the other white people
the day they uncensor vagoos is the day thousands of artist will cry out in pain due to having to learn to draw genitals properly
>no u! I am one of you CISfolks!
the left literally can't meme
>there's no alt-right
>the guy who invented the term flaunts with it
> Kotaku BTFO
> Trump totally cleared
> At least 2 leftists actually committed suicide over Meuller report
Lmao, all coming up roses
so you're saying it would actually improve their output...
Didn't I say to a person in a previous thread is all you have to do is wait for SJWs to paint themselves into a corner or fuck up by their own action? If you guys kept letting them fuck themselves over we wouldn't still have been in this mess this fucking year but idiots prolonged it because they wanted to 'argue rationally'.
Honestly even if they did say retard, which I don't think they did, I don't really see the big deal. There's been major songs using the word for the better part of a decade like "let's get retarded"
>we're the good guys for once
We're lucky to be the anti-hero/rival who joins the party on the path to the final boss.
isn't most race bait and feminism targeted at japanese games? why doesn't kotaku uk get a pass?
>Can't hear clear homophones
>I'm the one with bad hearing
You might have problems with your hearing if the words "restart it", "retard it", and "retarded" don't sound similar. Certainly if you add the way the words were pronounced.
You're just doubling down at this point because you got called out on acting like a retard. Think before you post
Racism against japanese people is politically correct because they aren't racially inferior
>the guy who invented the term flaunts with it
the termlt-right was publicly coined by Hillary
Is this going to be the only time the DEMONCRATIC LEFT acknowledges the truth that their entire movement is just an aggressive and horrendously massive bait campaign, not actually pushed for any beliefs held by it's participants but just to watch the world burn?
There, just a tiny little change and you are --->THIS
Bruh. It's mostly you white folks who turn into a self hating tranny. Not my fault if you dilate one day. Fucking cracker ass bitch. White people should all fucking die.
most of them would probably just draw shit without genitals since they can't hide being a hack anymore if they do
>Trannys have gone so far off the damn range that they have to pull the Paul is dead, back masking shit from the music industry.
What next you brainlets? Gonna tell us how you hear a speech from the christchurch shooter if you play Zelda's lullaby theme backwards?
"DALE" in the Pitbull sense.
Cant wait to see articles blaming Meuller for not doing what they wanted and as such is now guilty of indirectly killing people somehow. Kind of like how fast people turned on Obama's dickrider when he was outed as a really grabby dude.
You're trying too hard to fit in, newfaggot
Isn't there a thing they can do for facial hair? Like don't most trannies leave the actual surgery for LAST? Because that's like a no turning back kinda thing.
This reminds me, I always thought the singer of the Persona 3 opening said "Drink and fuck" when she was saying "ticking clock"
Language was a mistake.
Nope. Richard Spencer did.
>AOC moves to impeach Trump, only two democrats bother signing
I can't here you over the angry steaming kettle noises, protip: cutting off your dick doesn't make you non-white bro.
Maybe I just listen to the music pretty loud since its not that aggressive so fuckit and can hear low register whispering better. I dont know bro.
Formerly it did
trannies also believe in looks not mattering
Imagine thinking in the future we'd have flying cars and jetpacks and laser rifles and robots but instead all we got was social media and people paying to have their genitals destroyed
Being a tranny is a mental disease, Other religions would torture you before death for it
All of them would now, you can’t just pretend they wouldn’t now because HURR 2019
Get help and actually fix yourself instead of thinking changing your gender would do anything but make you a Frankenstein monster
Once again, not everyone who calls you out for being a retarded fuck is a tranny. Trannies are subhumans and need to off themselves. Doesn't mean regular anons get a free pass to be retards as well.
or not draw genitals at all and call it ecchi
their censorship is so hit and miss. I've seen fully detailed strap-ons, assholes up until the frame something penetrates them, sometimes entire fucking frames are censored, very conservative censorship
it's all over the goddamn place I don't think even they know. they could probably stop censoring and nobody would find it a problem
>tfw used to be trans but eventually guided myself to work with nature rather than against it
>always feel some sadness for trans people that are stuck in their pain and delusion
Its so much easier to come to terms and accept the gender you're born with than to try to be something your body isn't.
Just be the best man/woman you can be tbqh
Here's your (you) hope you die you tranny white faggots
It's not a matter of looks mattering but more of not making a massive decision early though. Like I know they definitely do shit for facial hair and voice. Why the hell wouldn't they do that shit first?
>troy fell cause some wife cheated
I literally hope he gets AIDS
Not to kill him since AIDS doesn't kill people anymore but more to inconvenience his life even more after the dilation and shit.
Doesn't it hurt yourself to talk badly about your own kind? Don't overdo it lest you become the dreaded 40% sweetie.
>At least 2 leftists actually committed suicide over Meuller report
>Who is in the wrong here?
Kotaku really had no reason to think that the singer mispronounced the word because English wasn't her first language. yeah, they could have done some research and found out immediately, but they were just lazy and not racist. they should be called out for being lazy and careless but not racist
have sex trancels
Guys we should start a movement calling for ethics in gaming journalism
Why the fuck would you write an article filled with "seems to be" statements in the first place when LITERALLY 2 seconds on Google confirms that you've heard the lyrics wrong and it's just a Japanese woman trying to sing in English? I guess then you wouldn't have your clickbait article, you fucking hack.
Imagine being a little chinklet pretending to be black on the internet.
At least something fucking happened in that situation. Like somebody had to go out of their way to affect the physical world.
All that has happened here is that a WORD was typed.
That's it. It doesn't matter.
I can't wait for the day that these kind of people start getting the shit kicked out of them, they'll be begging for words that aren't even directed at them to be the worst of it.
could be autogynephilia
The idea of having a vagina is more attractive to them than actually being a woman
Even when they words are articulated perfectly, they would still sound similar, that's what homophones are you brainlet. You are being obtuse if you're saying you CANNOT hear 'retarded' if the words are 'retard it'. So please, stop acting, nobody's buying it. Doesn't mean the tranny isn't a massive retard and clickbaiter for writing that article, but again, no need to start pretending.
Only 2?
He'll probably get gangrene first.
It's hard to remove yourself from those thoughts if you surround yourself with nothing but voices that poisons your mind, you are blessed to have saved yourself from such a fate.
most of the shit that has tiny bars or whatever at the tip of the clit are usually done by the artist themselves since they aren't commercial art pieces, it's different for VNs and animes though.
He wishes he had a shiny Cloyster, but all he has is a gouged out mutilated Onix
I actually meant the one closer to the left. The one where he’s being interviewed. My bad.
>have sex trancels
I wish I could. But having anything in my new vagina could cause internal bleeding.
They didn't "mispronounce" it, they have an obvious accent you insensitive prick
I'm starting to wonder whether you're the selfloathing tranny who's trying really hard to fit in. It's not working. Go back to your discord.
I mean, they are the type who colors their hair with the usual colors. That's already a tattletale.
I was referring to mostly hentai ovas, it's still ridiculous
I was thinking kidney failure so he would have to go on dialysis for the rest of his life. Extremely painful and treatment is anywhere from 3 to 8 hours per day, every day.
They misheard Retort it as Retarded and wrote an entire article about it, saying the game includes an ableist slur.
>Other religions would torture you before death for it
Depend on the country.
Iran for example will make sure you transition ASAP to be sure you won't reproduce and will let social pressure do the rest.
really? I'm talking about the original p3 opening
I never said no one couldn't hear it, just that there are people who didn't and still dont. Stop acting like an assmad clown you clod
What's with ya'll white folks being racist on other people's cultures? Can't ya just go about saying how Trump ruined America?
The K stands for kill. Kotaku's mission is to kill otakus
have penile sex
It has constantly lied. Do not pity it.
>delete this
Democrats were literally lynching black men in the 1960s and still filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Yeah keep doubling down. You're not fooling anyone. Guess you're a special snowflake who cannot hear homophones.
I don’t get it please help
Did you guys see AOCs video about what she plans to do after being elected President in 2038?
are you a smashbabby? it's Arsene down b.
Even if it was retarded there shouldn't be an issue. Poor word choice maybe since you know people are going to take issue with it.
Why are they bringing this up NOW Persona 5 has been out for 3 YEARS now, they don't give a single fuck they just want to bring attention to themselves what a bunch of fucking shit. They don't care about games, if they did this would of happened 3 YEARS AGO ALREADY!!!
>OneTubbyShill thread
>400 replies
for fuck sake, get it together you cunts
it's a reflect spell in the persona games
Ah my fault.
I assumed it had something to do with the SMT skill.
Tetrakarn is a skill that lets the user reflect the (physical)attacks done to them to their attackers. I guess user its implying the japs used Tetrakarn on Kotaku
and now you're part of them
Tetrakarn is a skill in megaten that reflects physical moves.
Today's a good day
afaik LKD has autism and her psych said she was traumatized by puberty so her desire to transition was less to do with being a woman and more to do with reversing puberty and attempting to become a genderless state or some shit like that. Which would explain why she makes no attempt to pass
not watching this garbage but what's the TL;DW?
1. Persona lyrics are fucking word salad anyway, the fact that the editor was wrong about this is almost beside the point in the face of what a stupid hill it is to die on.
2. That said, this is capitalism's fault, personally I'm glad that this author was able to buy groceries because of this shitty article. I'm a designer and illustrator and I spend all day making useless garbage that nobody actually needs, but in exchange I get food and shelter.
Tetrakarn is a reflect spell.
It is though, it is a reflect spell. In Smash it's implement as one of the down b move during Arsene.
no you didn't you fucking nintendie
What a bunch of dumbasses.
>Kotaku UK
England fags still keep reeeeeeing over Trump and brexit.
I mean to be honest it does indeed sound a lot like it says retarded, but it's fun to see kotaku get shit on and called racist regardless.
Why you do this? Why ruin a good thing?
They don't care about games or they would've looked up the fucking lyrics first
nah he's a smashbabby otherwise he would have played other smt games
make sure you're web archiving all the fun stuff
the more mirrors the better
A lack of malice is not a free pass, and neither is ignorance., especially when you’re going around writing hit pieces.
I don't buy this shit at all. Persona 5 has been out for fucking years, the lyrics are all online. 2 minutes of research and this article would have been debunked before they even started writing it. This is a fucking awful attempt at saving face.
Dude watch it. Its hilarious
I couldn't find the spoken word section of lyrics either desu
Makarakarn is the reflect spell.
>This is games journalism in 2019
Christ what happened? Are magazines like Game Informer still sacred at least?
he has both
One is for physical skills, one is for magical, both are reflects.
>I'm still not sure what the lyric says. Our mistake was to put the article live in a form where it sounded certain of our interpretation, when we should've waited for comment back, and tailored the piece to reflect peoples' confusion rather than being definitive about it.
Love how he is still on the fucking word.
The only other thing I'm forced to wonder about; the misheard word was "retread", right? Which is a verb. So even if the word WAS "retard", it's being used as a verb, which has nothing to do with the pejorative noun "retard". How was this allowed by an editor? Do they HAVE an editor?
based but I think he's older than 26 though, I have seen his ugly mug on Yea Forums back when he did that piece about being insulted by a xbox guy.
Not really up to date on American politics, but I heard that the report basically said Trump was obstructing justice and that they definitely did not exhonerate him, nor found him guilty? That's the tl;dr I got from our international news reports.
how retarded
I don't think it works that way.
she has a cute voice
might just be my three months of nofap but would fuck her while blindfolded