I have no experience with soulsborne games and 80$ should I buy Dark Souls remastered or Sekiro?

I have no experience with soulsborne games and 80$ should I buy Dark Souls remastered or Sekiro?

Attached: Sekiro_22.0.jpg (1200x800, 218K)

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Pirate both.
Buy Bloodborne.

Dark Souls remastered is a masterpiece, Sekiro is decent

This, but unironically

Get dark souls 1 and stop hoarding games into your backlog.


Attached: World-War-II-Death-Toll-by-Country.jpg (850x656, 83K)

>buying PC games

Pirate Dark Souls, get the free trial of Playstation Now for bloodborne to play on your PC and buy Sekiro

If you have so little money you have to actively think about spending 80$ you should just pirate.

for 80 bucks you can a decent hooker

Souls if you want atmosphere and role play

Sekiro if you like Punch Out (learning patterns and countering with acute timing)

Attached: 20190306_143104.jpg (1351x1031, 732K)

PIrate DS Prepare to Die Rdition and put dsfix. the remaster sucks.

Buy Bloodborne.
Pirate the rest.
Not very hard.

Not OP but should I buy Sekiro, DSIII, Nier: Automata or Dragon's Crown Pro? I've already played Bloodborne and it was fucking amazing. Easily my favourite game of all time.

Sekiro is a good game. DaS1 is legitimately the most overrated game ever released. Half of the game is even the lowest point in the whole franchise and fanboys just completely pretend it's not there.

DS3 but don't expect Bloodborne

Does PSnow have the dlc for Bloodbourne?

Nier: Autómata if you’re looking for a good story, while Sekiro if you just love Soulsborne gameplay.

180IQ post

>completely pretend it's not there.
I genuinely FORGET it exists, actually. It's my "Oh, right. That was a thing." DeS is better anyway.

if you liked the fast combat, learning enemy weaknesses and being aggressive then try Sekiro.
if you liked the character customization, the build variety and rpg stats, and the big spooky monsters, then try DaS3. also multiplayer

>I've already played Bloodborne and it was fucking amazing
Go for Sekiro

>fanboys just completely pretend it's not there.
Can you blame them? trauma usually blocks your memories.

Don't buy from games
I've bought all From PC games up to Sekiro day 1 and what I got as a reward for this loyalty was confirmation that From is making a new SNOY exclusive game for the PS5 in the leaks even though they already completed their three game contract with snoy

Fuck japanese riceniggers, they're the kikes of the east