Need tips on playing the first DMC

I got the HD remaster collection and I want to start playing it. I played maybe half of it when it first came out but I didn't like how enemies seemed to attack me off camera all the time.

So basically looking for tips on how to get into the combat system and what to upgrade first.

Attached: 46eaf-devilmaycryhdcollectionphantom.jpg (610x343, 54K)

Well first you should gitgud____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

For the small handful of enemies that can actually hurt you in the game learn to roll. For everything else just mash buttons.

Upgrade health. Jump for iframes. Git gud.

I remember being confused by the pistols because they didn't seem to do much damage I guess they were kind of there to give you a breather until you can use the sword again?

I only really use the dodge for when it’s one on one combat, try to use jump for dodge

Ranged weapons generally fall somewhere between not really worth it and absolutely fucking useless. It's style over substance shit.

yeah I wasted resources upgrading the pistols the first time I played

link your thread here user, many will help you

Are you guys talking about DMC1? Because the guns in that game surely aren't useless as you make them out to be

Yeah I am talking about it. I don't really know they just didn't seem to do much damage but I feel they must have been important I just didn't know how to use them effectively.

Get Stinger first
Always get Stinger first

Use sword canceling a lot
And when you have the Grenade launcher use roll canceling a lot

I understand what cancelling is but how does it work in this game
this is helpful thanks

Roll/jump to cancel shotgun and grenade launcher animations and shoot faster
Shotgun are extremely useful against Sin Scissors

The guns are helpful, they could kill pic related with like 2 shots at tops or something
And you can parry a sin scissor and head shot them with the guns
You have to use the guns against shadows, since you cannot attack them with the sword until the their core is out
And for other enemies just shoot at them when they're far away
They're more useful than you make then out to be

Attached: image.jpg (500x444, 55K)

Everyone seem to be onboard with the idea that guns in this game are great but I still maintain it's quicker and easier to stick with melee.

thanks I wasn't trying to downplay them I was trying to say I didn't understand when to use them

To sword cancel you need to input a 360° with the left stick while using a sword attack
You do 2 sword attack while using a sword cancel then you wait a little and then you do it again
It's very useful against a lot of enemies and some boss like Nelo Angelo
Ah and don't lock while doing this

I should have been the one to fill your dark soul with LigHT! (LigHT!) (LigHT!) (LigHT!) (LigHT!)

technically you only need a forward and back input, but that's with respect to where dante's facing

Yeah but the biggest thread I have faced when I have done the game on DMD a week ago was the camera so i think it is more easy to do it like this when you are beginning

They build up devil trigger, the most important resource in the game. Also, taunting is actually important in this have, because it builds up a lot of DT. Also, when you unlock Ifirt, the charge punches do an insane amount of damage, but it's very show, so try to find places where it works. And the grenade launcher is absolutely busted.
>Getting hit
There is no reason to upgrade your health unless you are a casual

The sad fact is most nuDMC fags haven't actually played DMC1, so I doing they would be of help.

Gun damage while in DT is insane.