Games for this feel?

Games for this feel?

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Why would you want bigger women to overpower you?

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i want to be the girl and subjugate the shota

Just give me the doujin source

Please give me shota bf

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/ss/ is just beta male insecurities manifest.

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>Are ya winning, son?

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She's a futa nigga

Because they're virgins, they want someone to do everything for them because they don't know what to do themselves

Games for this feel?

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Changes nothing

Because then I can feel more of my body be enclosed when I cuddle her. And what can I say, I've yet to meet a woman who can outdom me

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>Faggot sees a dick where there is none
>Automatically assumes an image posted is the edit

But what if you're a girl into /ss/? What is manifesting there?

/ss/ is men whose mothers didn't love them.

Based and redpilled
True alpha chads go for gay shota.



>the edit

>the edit is the futa version
user I...

Literally who cares about what women think lmao.

see and thats why fetish like rimjob exist too

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>Not even as a kid were you cute enough to be violated by an older degenerate girl
>You blew the only chance you had to have contact with a grill and you didn't even know you were blowing it
Why are we destined to suffer?

My mom loves me. It was my older cousin having constant nipslips what got me into this shit.

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Pedophilia really

/ss/ is the alpha male's secret fantasy, not that your kind would ever know lole

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>Not wanting to dom a bigger woman
Bunch of slacked jawed faggots the lot of you.

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>An alpha male's secret fantasy is to relinquish control to a woman
I don't think so Dwayne.

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>Not even as a kid were you cute enough to be violated by an older degenerate girl
I don't care about /ss/ but this is still true and it's a little disappointing.

>/ss/ is the alpha male's fantasy

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You're a frustrated beta male who desperately wishes to be alpha. Therefore you would never understand. Stop pretending. Drop this whole facade and admit that you will never understand what alphas really want.

Being molested as a child isn't as fun as it sounds, even if you thought she was pretty. It's one of those things anyone who actually experienced it wants to forget with all he's got, because it's usually someone they respected the hell out of

Wrong way to look at it, it's more about being lovingly overpowered by a larger, physically dominating woman.

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>new poster

The Greeks did everything wrong, if only lesbian versions of this was thing. We would have less gay posh men and priests, and more gay posh women and nuns.

>when i was 6 the neighbor girl and her friend used to babysit me and constantly tease me
it just made me uncomfortable at the time, but now i look back fondly

I don't know why you'd want disgusting roasties to hog the attention from cute shotas.

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>here's what ya get for winnin', son!

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>Being molested as a child isn't as fun as it sounds, even if you thought she was pretty. It's one of those things anyone who actually experienced it wants to forget with all he's got, because it's usually someone they respected the hell out of
Fuck off with this meme, I would've loved it and you would have too.

>it's more about being lovingly overpowered by a larger, physically dominating woman
See, the funny thing is, /ss/ is my one weakness because I wish that would've happened to me, but if the scenario is me being an adult then I only like girls younger than me and feel absolutely nothing for older women. 100% flaccid.

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Oof, mommy's little alpha boy is a bit jumpy today isn't he?

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Are you a girl?

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So what do men whose mothers loved them too much get into?

Details. NOW.

t. butthurt Persian and yurishitter

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It's the alpha curse that when they do find a woman, the woman will let you do whatever you want to her, and will usually only act in submission.

She just never considers that maybe you bought the collar for her to put on you during your birthday, and instead poses to be put on herself. Broke up the week after, even though she was my longest relationship at about 3 months or so. And it's also certain that finding the "keeper" is a huge fucking meme and that men and women will never understand each other... maybe for the best

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Cuck shit and interracial

Xenoblade 2

No one wants to be molested. The problem is that being molested wasn't even an option. Anyway, it's only "molestation" when you're really young or the person is ugly. If you're 12 and your big titty fresh out of college teacher wants to bang, it's not molestation, it's nice.

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>this feel

Im not even sure what is actually happening in this image. Does he need to shit? Why are they poking him? Who are they?


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stop thinking with your dick for a second. no means no regardless of gender, if you are so deprived of sex that you want to be raped that's one thing, but a child is incapable of consenting.

Fuck off I don't and I do my best to pretend it never happened.

I wish I could say I didn't like this. I wish I could say the thought of being treasured and cared for dosen't appeal to me.
I would be lying

Spoken like a sub bitch

im 5'2", discord

Phew. I'm glad my mother didn't love me, then.


Fuck you I would've never said no.

Stop being a faggot.

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Except most kids don't even understand the concept of sexuality at that point. They trust them. And to have their trust taken advantage of is NOT nice.

>tfw raised by very loving single mother
>Main fetishes are maledom, on both sexes, and feminizing other men

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>She just never considers that maybe you bought the collar for her to put on you
She can't read your mind big guy.

no it's a tranny like all "girls" in these thinly veiled erp threads
fuck off

I am outside the whole alpha/beta dichotomy.
I want my waifu. Together, we will eradicate the enemy and become strong. And also fuck.