What were the elders so afraid of? What can be more terrifying than psionic monsters enslaving half of the galaxy?
You can always check the original game series from 90's.
Do you mean that story is the same?
how big is the whole of xcom2 with all the extra crap?
any should have mods?
Just the same shitty twist every scifi with aliens uses.
Play it with all the DLC and whatever cosmetic mods look cool to you. After you beat it once or twice and you git gud, give Long War a shot. I didn't like it as much as the first Long War but it's still pretty good.
The same thing but on turbo elder horror steroids I'd guess.
Hundreds of hours.
ancient evil?
Who gives a fuck about xcom lore? Xcom’s lore is more valuable for the aesthetics and fantasy it lends a game. If Firaxis thinks carrying the plot forward would negatively impact the fantasy of playing armchair general on a tech treadmill even slightly than they shouldn’t hesitate to hit the reset button.
My cock
There's a mod called 'stop wasting my time' that cuts out tons of little pauses that interrupt the flow of the game.
I was actually thinking filesize rather than gameplay time
Cant say for sure and 2010's Xcom already deviated from the original with Xcom 2 but Xcom 2's ending shows hints with the purple energy pulsing from bottom of the sea. If you check the original sequels you should be able to form some kind of theory.
Something like that. Sins of a Solar Empire and Grey Goo also did it. Easy motivation to give to your hostile alien race to justify their actions.
50 gigs then.
Thanks mate
Try shotgun blitzing that, bitch
No worries.
Beaglerush is playing with a mod that moves perks from soldier ranks to the weapons themselves, and every soldier can take every weapon. The idea being that it’ll kill the reverse difficulty curve caused by high ranking soldiers having better action economy while kneecapping late game, since busted shit like grenade launchers are completely gone.
His playthrough has made it look pretty fun so far but I don’t think it’s been released yet.
psionic energy clouds lightyears in diameter sucking all forms of energy out of everything, which can only be even slightly influenced by minds far more powerful than the elders'.
Something in the water, apparently. Could be just some other alien, by my theory, based on how TFtD originally played out and trying to transplant that into the nuX-Com, it's a rogue ascended Elder who went all Lovecraft.
Assault Rangers
So in the nu-coms we fight un-ascended ones right?
Brainless critters that have no central nervous system for psionic manipulation
Beaglerush's mod isn't released because he's balancing as he goes and still adding shit, let him finish a campaign or two first in five years
Right. Most of species became energy beings that bond with biological species, while the ones who couldn't ascended, for whatever reason, where left to rot away and die in their useless bodies.
I'm retarded and made too many typos for this to be legible.
Most of the species became energy beings that bond with biological species, while the ones who couldn't ascend, for whatever reason, where left to rot away and die in their useless bodies.
I thought the elders had alien space aids and their bodies were essentially becoming vestigial and fading away, hence the need for the avatar project to create a compatible body to transfer their consciousness into?
Still got your point. Cheers.
The chinks. They already got the would-be saviour of tactics, Gollop.
That's exactly what was happening. It's just that in that XCOM TPS flop of a trainwreck it was revealed that some of the Elders managed to ascend to a higher level of existence, and others didn't. The ones that didn't are slowly dying from space AIDS and are the antagonistic ones we see in XCOM:EU and XCOM 2.
>I almost invested $500 into Phoenix Point
>The only reason I didn't is because my bank didn't clear the transaction for some reason and I only realized it after Fig had closed the investment opportunity
>Been kicking myself ever since because I knew this game would make fucking bank and I'd easily make up my returns and then some
>Then I learned it was an Epic exclusive
Dodged a massive fucking bullet there lads. I still know it will sell very well and pull a tidy profit but fuck the Chinks and fuck Gollop.
>史诗 Games Inc. exclusive
Why do game companies do this?
Release on GOG you fucking cunts
The thing about Phoenix Point specifically is that they crowd funded on Fig, which is an actual investment platform. And on that investment platform, they told their investors that it would be released on Steam. I don't know how the fuck they got away with literally lying to investors.