Reminder that it's not ok to willingly play as elves in any game
Reminder that it's not ok to willingly play as elves in any game
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based tin can poster
The story of Morrowind practically demands that you play as a Dunmer (or possibly an Altmer, as the closest option to what the Chimer were like).
I play female elves and you can't stop me.
Dungmer and altmer will get whats coming to them in the purge of Pelinal 2.0
Alandro-Sul, Vehk and Nerevar Indoril destroyed Wulfharth and his shitty demon Chieftans.
You might have the Thu'um but us Mer have the intelligence.
Fuck you.
It's a shame that you only get to kill Aurorans in KOTN, instead of the actual Ayleids themselves, with exception to Umaril of course. It's fair to say that the Aurorans are close enough because the Ayleids used them a lot back in the day, but it just isn't the same as caving in mer skulls.
Fook elves. Where me dwarf bros at?
Reminder that you are eternally wrong.
Based, but elf-haters are too butthurt to respond.
Waifufaggots can eat a dick too.
You have some snots and food crisps in your filthy beard stunty.
Seething Elf-haters.
imagine being an elfnigger and not the be(a)st race
Hows your dear morrowind nation doing now?
>fucked by nature
>fucked by big nord dick
>fuck by druggy lizards
>by the time of skyrim, left in such a weak state that it's a country in name only, completely irrelevant to the grander events
The Altmer are the only strong mer left, and the day will come when those filthy foreheads will face the mace
No, but the cock can
Hi, I'm here to ruin the thread and say that elf women are meant to bred by superior human cock.
>constantly seeting elf-haters
All the cancer combined is here to ruin elf threads forever.
Would you breed your elf waifu and take responsibility for your cute autistic halflings?
I don't listen to gay time travelling robots.
So elves are the source of all cancer.
No, shitposters are.
Only one elf is allowed to live.
morrowfags thinking the dungmer are still relevant are the biggest shitposters of all
Yeah, I'd make sure to have them harness their retard STR while my waifu meticulously tests their autistic INT.
>not always playing nords
You like to dance close to the fire dont you?
You like to be paralyzed by witches don't you?
>ywn create female clones of yourself and call them your daughters but also marry them and sleep with them
Extremely based
>My own clones! Now neither of us will be virgins!
So whats up with todds naked slave kitty in the test room
Is todd a furshitter
Lord Nerevar canonically had a mohawk
The helmets of ordinators are the face of Nerevar
If I see one more comparison of Orcs as Mongols I'm going to fucking kill Todd Howard with a fly swatter.
Yer on yer honour, dont press yer luck
Dunmer are based and are the only elves that are acceptable to play as.
This artist doesn't really get how Mer in general look. But it's still good quality.
Contrary to what you are trying to establish here, it is totally okay.
>demands that you play as a Dunmer
it doesn't matter what you are, that's the point of the nerevarine prophecy
you're a filthy outlander and will be treated as such regardless of race, gender or creed
The story of morrowind does the exact opposite of that
The nerevar is an outlander, it makes more sense if its anything else than delf
Try and stop me faggot
And Colonel Custer had short crop hair prior to his death, but American history only remembers him as pic related. The meme overshadows the man.
>Snownig nigs out and attacks several civilized Bretons
The only good non-human, is a DEAD non-human!
Serious question: Does Dagoth Ur still count as an elf? He's technically not even real.
Or let it die and make an actual good on-topic thread.
These threads in a nutshell
>HumanityFuckYeah Posters
>ElfWaifu/slut Posters
>Butthurt Dark Elves who want elves to be taken seriously
Yes. He was a chimer
>>Butthurt Dark Elves who want elves to be taken seriously
Just tone down the shitposting, that's all.
Hey guys
Voryn Dagoth was a chimer.
Dagoth Ur is a hivemind abomination echoing the will of a mad, fallen chimer lord.
I had a dream last night i had a dream with an elven whore who looked like one of my friend's wife except she was a brown elf
>hate outsiders in morrowind and call them N'wahs
>move to skyrim in massive hordes
>complain when the nords don't welcome them
kek, the irony
Bold and based.
When you turn off your pc and go outside, only humans remain.
>be elf
>can't even exist if you tried
I'm not even an elf and I've tried. It's just not doable unless you were born real.
Aren't they currently unable to touch since Alleria is void and Turalyon is sort of Lightforged being?
>You might have the Thu'um but us Mer have the intelligence.
This sounds like some katana-wielding neckbeard quote
Who here Knight of the Based Gauntlet?
elves are good depending on the game, they're great in wesnoth and warhammer. Hating elves no matter what is just /pol/-tier retarded.
found the thalmor agent
that's a girl
>The story of Morrowind practically demands that you play as a Dunmer
Wrong you stinky lorelet. Alma cut Nerevar's feet off specifically so his spirit would wander and be reborn as something other than a fucking Dunmer. And Morrowind makes much more sense as a complete foreigner (N'wah) adapting to the unknown alien culture.
Playing as a Cyrodiilic born Dunmer N'wah is fucking moronic.
>or possibly an Altmer, as the closest option to what the Chimer were like
Just because they're genetically similar doesn't change the fact that Altmer culture absolutely despises the Dunmeri one and are demonizing them at every turn.
Man just shut the fuck up.
I would play as elves more often if a single fucking game could get their aesthetics right.
>try to play as an elf in Divinity original sin 2, I am now a character who enjoys BDSM
>try to play as an elf in Skyrim, end up gouging out my own eyes with a fork
>try to play as an elf in Inquisition, end up looking like a 12 year old anorexic girl
I swear to fucking god these developers keep trying to reinvent the wheel when they should just stick to Tolkien aesthetics
>M-MUH /pol/!!!1
>hates elves
>like short manlets
Dwarffags are the worst.
Loved these elves, my favorite faction.
>humans call them "elvish heroes"
>it's actually just a good elf fighter
>Mer have the intelligence.
Oh please! Dunmer history is a compound of bad to not say retarded decisions.
disagree desu.
in TES Elves are supposed to have a more animalistic look (except for bosmer females, which in the lore are stunningly beautiful) and I think it works well to make them different, instead of just taking the pretty boi look ala LOTR.
What is that higher state of being that some elves achieved that always end up deraling these threads?
How come hating elfs is ok
but hating manlet drunkards is not ?
There is nothing lower than a dwarf
>animalistic look
Having gaunt and long features isn't animalistic. Fuck is wrong with you. Only male Bosmer should look "animalistic" due to their glamour wearing off but that's semi-canon.
Imagine being a cuck who wrote this lmao
God I fucking hate dwarves. A race so disgusting their women aren't even rapeable.
That depends on game.
what if I want to be boring and play as the humans
I get to be foreign to both dw*rves and elves
t.khajiit dick sucker
BASED, elf women prefer white BVLLS over feminized elf "males"
how's skywind these days?
honourable, righteous humans, stout and faithful dwarves along with wise mercurial wood elves is the most kino alliance against the forces of evil
You bumped the thread for more off-topic shitposting.
Shut up you elf larping nigger. Get out already.
I want brass daddy's magic hat
Go back
Why do people insist on posting TES alongside worthwhile settings?
At least it's not a retarded angel sack of shit.
Blessed Miraposter.