>An SSD, 8K and fancy lighting
It's totally different from my PS4, I can totally see why I need to drop another $400 for a new console...
>An SSD, 8K and fancy lighting
It's totally different from my PS4, I can totally see why I need to drop another $400 for a new console...
Other urls found in this thread:
>constant struggle to do 2k@60fps
>muh fucking 8k of absolute diminishing returns 'n shit
have sex
literally just got done fucking my bf
Masturbation counts as sex, get a better insult
I care more about charge times than load times. Where's the controller?
Have suicide
>no more load times
Is anyone actually going to believe this?
>but we need a new ps console so it can keep having no games like the last one
>no load times
It's gonna be a revised version of the DS4, but fully compatible with the DS4.
We'll be lucky if the PS5 can even do 4k at 30fps in a majority of games.
It's a sign of technological maturity that "the next" whatever isn't a revolution. Compare to smartphones. A few years ago the new releases were exciting because that year's phones were actually a lot better than the last. But when you think about it, that pretty much meant that the old phones kinda sucked to begin with. The PS5 won't be a revolution because they finally did it right with PS4 (and One): x86 hardware, few technological gimmicks and just focus on what consoles do best, being an unbeatable value offering. The PS5 will be a very competitively prices mid ranged gaming PC that goes under your TV and that's a great thing.
I don't even believe in the backcomp right now
>so much fog censoring that it doesn't have to render anything
That's the secret they're not telling you.
that outdated piece of shit will somehow launch at $500 with gay last of us 2 "4k version"
cant believe anyone would buy this censored trash console with paid online
Stop having sex.
But my PC has had all of that for years...
oh sweet summer child, add $200 to that at least.
I can't wait to buy one lol. I was going to upgrade my video card, but there's no point now.
But pc doesn't count because poorfags can't afford it
why are they even bothering with anything less than 16k?
But I'm a poorfag. I live off of $65 a month after i've paid all of my bills and I can still afford a decent gaming PC.
According to the pastebin leak it's priced at $499 with a $100 loss on each console sold.
i did, it was with a boy
what do i win?
>with a $100 loss on each console sold
Good ol' sony trick
can't wait for game price and PS+ fee increase
What's with fags playing primarily on PC?
The leak also alleged that there would be premium ps+ service for things like early beta access and private servers, so you're not far off there.
>Console: $499
>DELUXE Dualshock 5 controller: $150 each
>Required always online PS Plus: $20 a month
>Video games: $70 each due to """"larger development costs""""
This. Anyone who buys a PS5 is a fucking idiot. Sony cannot be trusted anymore. They're in a sort of EA style jip the consumer manner of operating right now.
>Falling for all these buzzwords
That's a yikes for me.
Someone post that twitter screenshot of the playstation guy saying all games will support 1080p60fps for the ps4 please
>has backward compatibility
>only for ps4 games
>blast processing 2.0
Controllers are $60 at most, as always
PS+ is literally $40 a year on any sale
>8k when not even pro can do 4k properly
imagine announcing backwards compatibility for the only playstation that has no games
I'd jump on ps5 if they fixed the controller and had constant 4k@60
So this... is the power.... of gimmicks and sœy..... on the gaystation 4.5
>Masturbation counts as sex, get a better insult
It had to be an imbecile frogshitter
consoles boldly entering the 2010's
are they retarded, who need this?
Original content frogs > generic frogs > > > > Wojacs of any kind > > > > > > > > > > > (you)
Also, not an argument
The majority doesn't even have a 4k telly. What a waste of tech
try reading the leak you fucking retard. the controller has vr tracker in it and ps+ is a fucking scam no matter if its $40 on sale or $50 or any cost at all, and it also is anti-crossplay.
consoles will fuck up the pricing range for us all this gen
epic will jump in to spearhead it on pc
He said have sex, not to be a fucking fag
If all you've been doing is fagging it up, you're still a virgin
I'll take the PS5 over the Shitch for a next gen lead desu
Probably won't even be full compatibility. "Oh it's up to the devs if they want it to be compatible" Cue dozens of remasters with fake 8k support. The only backwards compatibility will be for the titles that launch at the same time as the console.
I just got a 4k TV why do I need 8k for? Am I going to need a 16k TV after finally having paid for a PS5 and a 8k TV next? No fucking thanks
I can't wait for more censorship! Please save me from having to see anime titties!
No one likes those shit anime games.
Frogturds don't deserve any argument. They just deserve a bullet.
>4 TIMES the 4k
don't be a fool it's gonna be 4k 30 fps for games, they just "support" 8k displays, it's just an understatement calculated for buzz
Feels good to not fall gor the 8k meme
Congrats on your consumerism revelation
Wow your 20k$ pc run bloodborne in 8k?
Oh wait it run it on 0k 0fps
literally one game
the ps5 won't even have that for years
Yeah it will technically support 8k.
Games will still be 1080p 60fps or dynamic 4k 30fps.
Death stranding is a ps5 exclusive
but kojima is a hack so who cares
>for mass produced APU system
press X to doubt
They're only pushing 8k to sell TVs
The last thing they want is for you to buy something that actually lasts for more than 3 years
*also on PS4
*also a shitty moviegame
The majority of people either STILL don't have 4K TV's or just spent a shitload of money on them. Are 8K TV's even a thing? If so, I've never seen them advertised and nobody is going to buy a massively overpriced TV when they just bought one a year ago. What a shitty gimmick lmao.
>he paid $400 to play 1 game over 6 years
oh wait those other from software games released on pc and I never gave a single fuck to try them
No u
4k TVs are going down in price, sony needs to push something new to get idiots to buy their overpriced 8k TVs
moviegame > no games
>vr tracker
You mean a gyroscope, like the current DS4?
Besides, look at the amount of tech added to DS4 in comparison with DS3, wnd despite that the controller wasn't $150
What games do you play?
we're talking about pc not xbone
After the Pro scam, I'm just so fucking done with consoles.
PC also got no games
All those touchy little fags that cant make a purchase decision without regret like you should fuck off
pc has all the games
What games are you playing on your PC right now?
>paying money for a console when streaming is going to to look better, play better, and be cheaper
literally none of this is true
They're putting an NSA spy cam and most likely a mic in it too, big fucking red flag if it happens, a device thats internally powered and cant be turned off constantly watching and listening and sending data to unknown data centers
Just another Alexa being covertly used against the population stupid enough to buy it, not to mention the other fact is that the battery life will be worse than a DS4 and you'll be lucky to get an hour out of it
If they are stupid enough to do the CIA/NSA's bidding im not going anywhere near this dystopian shit
Not him but too much for me to handle
total war: warhammer 2. the new dlc just came out.
Scientifically untrue
I think the most telling thing about all these leaks is that when they mention CPU, they always say "same old story" meaning no meaningful improvements.
>people actually believes this in current times
Eh, I'll believe it when I see it. There's no point in frothing at the mouth over these reports right now.
>tfw have a SSD for years on PC already
>this is supposedly new tech for consoles
What did you expect? Sony always lags one step behind.
Why are you crying, at least now your can say you've had sex
Ha ha ha, science has lost to social definitions and according to society, sex is more than just intercourse
remember what a revolution it was when consoles got 8GB of (unified) RAM? It's that all over again.
You know, I find it ironic that a tranny's first defence is to say have sex when they mutilated themselves in such a way that they can never have it again.
Well unless you're ftm which is a rarity in an of itself.
Imagine defending this hard just to feel better about your virgin self.
A reminder that at typical viewing distance and screen size, 8k is pure placebo. Don't be an idiot and buy that shit just because the number is higher.
All new gen consoles are a fucking scam you shill
ive had an SSD for years in my ps4 too
ps5 is only getting an SSD out of the gate because prices are coming down and you can bet theyre gonna be the cheapest bargain bin SSDs possible just like the shitty laptop HDDs that came with the ps4s
Pretty much just the ps4
>because prices are coming down and you can bet theyre gonna be the cheapest bargain bin SSDs possible
Problem is the cheapest ones are still 100 a piece which is way too expensive for a console.
maybe that's why they're sitting at 40%
at least you tried
for a consumer sure, sony could easily cut a deal to pay a fraction of that price for all the older ones sitting in warehouses that nobody will buy
>play better
>no load times
topkek, even nvme still has load times.
>sony could easily
Yeah no, especially since there's a growing demand for them and its only going to get worse now that Sony themselves have made a big deal of it.
The small size of the SSD will be used to "encourage" people to sign up for their streaming service, since you'll only be able to install a few games at a time.
>consoleniggers think an SSD means no more load times
fucking kek
They thought PS4 was better than a 2013 gaming PC.
is this one of those things where we're supposed to think bluray movies instead of games. just like in current gens when they launched.
Absolutely based.
>4 * 4 = 8
Pretty appropriate image considering you're an actual retard who doesn't understand resolution.
a 8k screen fits 4 4K displays...
Oh no baby
>console niggers think a sata is as goods as a nvme
You mean sonyfags. They're the only ones who buy consoles without knowing what they're getting
FYI load times are 2-20 seconds using m.2 drives
vs 5-30 using a sata SSD
vs 30-120 on a standard 7200rpm drive
or a year if you are a dribbling retard and installed games onto a eco sub5k drive.
m.2 is far to expensive, hot and non standard for console manufacturers so if you are lucky you'll get a standard sata port for regular drives.
never go full retard.
>believe sweet snoy lies and buy new console
>sub 24fps cinematic slideshow experience
>get rekt dumb faggot
>every fucking time
This deserves a sticky. If you think the charge times on the current controller are bad, this will need to be plugged in non-stop. Watch as Sony fails to give charging cords in individual controllers for a second generation, when they are absolutely crucial.
the ps4 pro comes with a 5400rpm 3.0Gb/s drive standard
sata SSDs are a massive fucking improvement
the ps4 also uses some bizarre and horribly inefficient interface, which is why ssds don't improve load times on the ps4 as much as they should
I seriously doubt even 3rd grade kids console warring right now believe that it will have no load times
Load times are mostly a dev issue though. If a game like TW3 could have no load times on console, anything can.
Took me so fucking long to get to the 4k meme. 4k tvs are affordable now.
So will it be a slow SATA SSD or an NVME SSD? The latter will confuse casuals who want to upgrade their capacity.
>tfw you can already get better load times with an external ssd on xbox one and ps4 on usb 3.0
Thread song
>psx was also a cd player
>ps2 was also a competitively priced dvd player
>ps3 was also one of the first blu-ray players
>ps4 pushed 4k as a way to sell overpriced TVs with no 4k content
>ps5 will push 8k to sell more overpriced TVs with no 8k content
ps4 and 5 are a mistake
>it's a water/mud section that artificially slows you down section again
>manage to jump over water and the game actually freezes whilst it's still loading the next area
God I hate modern open world games.
You know the best part? If they shove an SSD in it developers will only get more complacent with their optimization meaning those load times will be just as long if not longer.
Proprietary SSD, you remember what happened to proprietary Vita cards?
its back compat,cope
The only thing they can't do worse is installation size.
To be fair the problem there was that they were sold separately
Too bad the ps4 doesn't have games. Also I can't see developers making new patches.
The bigger mistake with PS5 is no PS1,2,3 BC, nearly all games companies have gone rogue and are now producing marxist sjw microtransactioned unfinished shit, games sales are collapsing
Therefore the PS5 needs some very good reasons is which to buy it if there aren't any new games worth buying, 2 good reasons are...
>Full BC with PS 1,2,3 and 4 games
>4K player
So far im hearing nothing about a 4K player and all im hearing is BC with PS4 games wich is fucking useless as i have a PS4 and am not wasting 500+ for another PS4
Sony have fucked up badly unless they confirm/add these features
To add about the pic,Polyphony Digital is one of the companies thats gone rogue which is why they're sales numbers show it
Bend over
>nearly all games companies have gone rogue and are now producing marxist sjw microtransactioned unfinished shit, games sales are collapsing
Gets to the point where you've warned everyone for years and for so long, you just don't give a fuck anymore. Let the greedy companies burn. I agree about BC, but you already knew they'd never give up PS Now.
Remember when the PS4 dropped without BC and everyone kept saying they "don't buy new consoles to play old games"? Remember how many people bought re-releases of those old games? Look at how hype everyone is now for BC. Gamers are liars.
Consoles pulled off no load times 30 years ago, why not now?
You first gaylord
Bad optimization caused by excessive internal storage
>Give devs faster hardrives and duplicate the storage they can use
>Just watch as they dont give a crap about optimizing and compressing assets and games would wegiht the double and take the same time as older titles to load
Because back then the amount of data required for a game did not cause a bottleneck via cartridge transfer speeds.
With SSDs you're lucky to get a 25% reduction.
>Mr T. Never Owned a Commodore 64
Someone redpill me on buying consoles, seems like a colossal waste of money.
I haven't paid for a console since the PS2, and looking back I even sort of regret paying full price for it. Lately I just pick up old games (Shining Force EXA CIB for 3 dollars, sold for 33 incl. shipping) and use the money from flipping them to buy the games I want to play as loose discs because they're usually half the cost.
At this point I've got about 2 grand from flipping games and consoles slowly over the years sitting in my paypal and I've essentially never paid to play games.
Yet people save up paychecks to throw at some PS4 or XBONE monstrosity and end up with 12 games to play over it's lifespan, my little 5 dollar CRT from a garage sale and my chip-modded PS2 are literally laughing in profit.
Nintendorks and Xcucks are literally shaking right now they know it's game over when PS5 drops
just buy the cables yourself, they're a few dollars each at worst.
normalfags don't know that you can replace the internal storage at all, if you didn't get that from the "games are big to keep you from playing other games" article a while back
average joe leaves in the tiny 5400rpm clunker that comes with his console for the whole generation and thinks "ugh i wish i bought the one that comes with a bigger hard drive"
It is a colossal waste of money. The redpill is Sony and Microsoft are fomenting vidya idpol, spending a lot of money on "marketing" aka fomenting this us vs them culture. Consolefags don't actually like videogames they like to worship those soulless corporations. You can't talk sense to them because consoles are this point are a cult.
people actually paid $400 for the PS4? christ alive
aids apparently
>Consolefags don't actually like videogames
So. Fucking. What. Are you a criminal? Why do you care otherwise? If you have nothing to hide then you have nothing to worry about
God forbid people actually have some fucking privacy in this day and age.
what game is this?
How is it possible that we're still in the PS3 era? Why don't new consoles bring anything substantial to the table anymore?
Does this mean some retarded flash memory shit like the nintendo swtich has. Doubt they are going to pay for a 1tb ssd.
Nobody is forcing you to buy products with a thousand cameras or microphones in them. Go off the grid if you care that much, but of course you won't because you love your comfortable modern life, so quit complaining.
>if you didn't do anything wrong you have nothing to hide hehe
Big whoop my 4k gaming pc can do 100hz+
It also cost 4 thousand dollardoos and is a 400watt space heater
kill yourself you ball-gargling defeatist faggot
>Someone redpill me on buying consoles
They are cheapter price to performance compared to PC. Unless you absolutely need the strongest and fastest shit, Consoles give you pretty good shit for at least 300$ than the next closest thing on PC. The strongest PC will always absolutely stomp consoles, but at what cost?
Consoles typically also get a lot of pretty good exclusive games, although Microsoft has failed at that this gen.
I'm an Idort with 1400$ PC (not counting my 800$ G Sync monitor), a PS4 Pro, and a Nintendo Switch. I don't regret buying any of them, but the greatest value was actually my Switch. I play games on that more than anything else. PS4 is currently the lowest value out of the 3, but that is only because it has so much cross over with PC. That said, it is hard to ignore that for those that don't care about hitting the absolute highest frame rates at the best resolutions, there isn't really any compelling reason to dump 1000$+ on a PC over a PS4.
That's literally what I said, yes
Brilliant idea, just go techless in an age where you can't live without it.
Want to meet up with friends? Can't communicate with them because no phone.
Want to apply for a job? Can't, have to apply online.
Want to entertain yourself? Well fuck, you can't do that either because smart tvs.
Awesome, can't wait to load into a game in less than a second followed to play movies and walking simulations in 16 fps and fake 8K!
Sony wins again!
>gay tracing
Oh boy more 30fps
Sony are the current market leader and they have absolutely no idea what they're doing.
The only one that even attempts to try something new is Nintendo.
>Consoles typically also get a lot of pretty good exclusive games
Nowadays that's not really the case, since 90% of the exclusives that aren't shitty AAA movie games on PS4 are on PC now.
I had one, but oddly we actually used it as a computer
being this ignorant.
Even if you are not doing crimes, if you are a public figure you will get screwed.
>Consoles typically also get a lot of pretty good exclusive games,
Only with Nintendo really. Sony themselves barely make games let alone good ones and their third party ones usually get ported.
Here's a thought, stop yelling nigger in your bedroom when you're feeling edgy and you'll be okay
>White people try to tell me what I can and can't do
How about you eat a dick?
Well then, I guess your future in public office will be threatened because you're an idiot
Nah, I don't play on platforms for children and cucks, so I'll be fine.
God of War was extremely good.
Persona 5 is still Sony exclusive as of now, although that may change soon.
Yakuza was also Sony exclusive until recently.
Spiderman was very good.
Horizon:Zero Dawn was also fun, a solid 8 out of 10.
These were all within the past 2 years. Not a bad set of exclusive games.
Nintendo does do exclusives better than everyone else, but for anyone who doesn't feel a need to drop 1000+$ on 60fps at resolutions higher than 1440p, Sony is a perfectly fine deal.
How old are you? 14?
How do you not understand that privacy is more than saying nigger?
>God of War was extremely good.
Not really, I played that on my cousin's PS4 and that game is horribly overrated.
And 4 games over the past 2 years is pretty shit.
And let's be honest, no console is doing 60 FPS at resolutions higher than 1440p on anything other than sports games.
Hell, all of those games you mentioned can't even maintain 60 FPS at 1080p on the PS4 Pro (like God of War for instance).
Sorry user, but Sony has very little to offer anyone who isn't a brand loyalist or an idiot.
Privacy is not a right, it's a privilege, you're not owed anything in life
PS5 all digital edition 399USD
PS5 HDD edition 499USD
PS5 SSD edition 599USD
OH shit, better get them to return all the awards then because some faggot user says the game isn't actually good
>God of War was extremely good.
>Persona 5 is still Sony exclusive as of now, although that may change soon.
>Yakuza was also Sony exclusive until recently.
>Spiderman was very good.
>Horizon:Zero Dawn was also fun, a solid 8 out of 10.
Dude that's 4 games that are staying exclusive with only one that's decent and not reviewer bait.
Think about that, 4 games over almost seven years and the threshold for most people is five.
good bait
>It was praised by critics, that means it must be great!
Isn't it funny how GoWtards never discuss personally defend and always deflect to """professional""" reviewers?
Absolutely pathetic. You may as well be trying to defend call of duty because muh popularity.
As opposed to some faggot who said it was award worthy?
These games aren't even rated as games anymore and GoW in particular was a straight downgrade from the previous games.
Dying Light
That's because GoW2018fags know they can't argue with people using the original trilogy as a basis for the series' quality.
all of those games sucked and persona wasn't even ps4 exclusive
bloodborne remains the only ps4 game worth a damn
>tiny >500gb SSD
>each game is 100-200 gigabytes, takes an hour to install from the disk
>devs will eventually try to bloat their games to compete for harddrive space even more
Count me the fuck out
>And let's be honest, no console is doing 60 FPS at resolutions higher than 1440p on anything other than sports games.
>Devil May Cry 5
>Resident Evil 7
>Re:Make 2
>Kingdom Hearts 3/Kingdom Hearts HD collection
>Yakuza games on PS4 pro
>Last of Us Remastered
>Titanfall 2
>Metal Gear Solid 5
>All of the big multiplayer shooters except for Pubg
>And 4 games over the past 2 years is pretty shit.
4 exclusive games, yeah, that is pretty shit. Like I have said every post so far, PS4 is a great value for those who do not feel a need for the highest framerates at the higher resolutions. If you are already at the point where you dropped 1000+$ for a powerful PC, the PS4 loses a large chunk of it's value. It's not like Nintendo where they are barely even competing in terms of power and are all about exclusive games and being the absolute best and most convenient device to run low spec indie and budget games on.
the sad part is, the original gow games aren't even that good
user, the only ones there that can maintain a solid 60 are the last gen ports. I shouldn't have to tell you how pathetic that is.
most of these are last gen, or even 6th gen ports, fuckin lol
>PS4 is a great value for those who do not feel a need for the highest framerates at the higher resolutions
Or, you know, they could just get a PC that will last longer.
>>Devil May Cry 5
1800p checkerboarded on PS4 Pro (sub-1440p), 4k checkerboarded on XB1X
>>Resident Evil 7
1800p checkerboarded on PS4 Pro (sub-1440p), 4k checkerboarded on XB1X
>>Re:Make 2
288x1620 checkerboarded on both PS4 Pro and XB1X (sub-1440p)
>>Kingdom Hearts 3/Kingdom Hearts HD collection
KH3 runs at 2304x1296 on PS4 Pro and 1440p on XB1X, neither maintain 60 FPS
>>Yakuza games on PS4 pro
Not PS4 Pro enhanced outside of Kiwami 2 and 6, both of which only run at 1080p on PS4 Pro.
>>Last of Us Remastered
Last gen game
1440p30 for UC4, the rest are last gen games
>>Titanfall 2
Checkerboarded dynamic 4k on XB1X, checkerboarded dynamic 1800p on PS4 Pro (sub-1440p)
>>Metal Gear Solid 5
1440p on PS4 Pro
>>All of the big multiplayer shooters except for Pubg
Most of which run at sub-1440p even on PS4 Pro, and the ones that don't run at sub-60 FPS.
It's kind of sad that this is all you have after 3 years of the PS4 Pro being on the market.
Just stick to mentioning sports games, they're the only ones that can feasibly come close to 4k60 on PS4 Pro/XB1X, mainly because they can do the same on low-end PC hardware.
Get a load of this fucking faggot
>will play the same games as PS4 until 2022 like with PS3
There will be no reason to own a ps5 until 4 years after it comes out like with ps4
Next-gen backwards compatibility won't even upgrade most current gen games to 60fps unless they "remaster" them
Im happy with a locked 30. Theres nothing worse than playing a game at 20fps
it's fucking 2019, raise your standards
At first, we got information that we'll be able to play games from PS1, 2, 3 and 4!
...and a few days ago they said PS5 will run PS4 discs. No word on digital games and/or DLCs for those games.
Which brings this question: if I buy a game for PS4 and put it in my PS5, will I even be able to download basic stuff like patches? (not to mention DLC)
Because if not... Fuck that backward compatibility.
>he literally doesn't know
People have already emulated Bloodborne you cretin
Oh fuck off, Xbox One X is 6 teraflops and can easily manage 4K30. PS5 is expected to be 12-14 teraflops, so 4K60 shouldn't be an issue, even with an increase in graphical fidelity.
>and can easily manage 4K30
Fucking kek, not really.
Most games on XboneX can't even manage 1800p30.
And PS5 isn't going to be 12-14 TFLOPs, I know you consoleniggers are still somewhat new to the AMD hype machine but they literally never deliver.
You'll be lucky to get an 8 TFLOP mid-range Navi GPU.
On the other hand it'll mean they'll have to make their games more optimized to save on space considering how small SSDs tend to be, especially if they're going to come with the system itself.
Don't kid yourself. Games are only going to get larger.
>1080p 60fps
God I wish.
They're going to hit a point where installing a single game is going to take up 70% of the drive if they keep that up if they don't already, and I sincerely doubt there's going to be anything higher than 256GB, 128GB seems more realistic.
Do you think they care when most consumers know what filesize means? On top of that it wouldn't be the first time these companies pass the cost to the consumers.
>PS4 could barely do 1080p 60FPS despite the fact that it was the "promise"
>expecting 8k and no loading times
snoy cucks will defend this
Problem is that devs have long since figured out that while us weenies on here care about 60 FPS, most people don't. They want pretty graphics. So it really doesn't matter how epic the PS5 will be when devs will inevitably use the extra power for pixels, foliage, explosions and so on.
>muh teraflopzzzz
It never gets old watching Yea Forums brainlets try to talk about technology.