>the absolute state kucktaku
The absolute state kucktaku
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So what does it supposedly include? Something retarded like "Spastic"?
Please tell me they mean when Ryuji calls you a loser
She mistook Retarget for Retarded
some retard tranny misheard a lyrics, thinks it was using the word "retarded". rather than editing or removing the article it still is up and the tranny "left" twitter "for a while"
>Laura Kate Dale
makes sense that a disabled man would write about this
My understanding was that the Kotaku author in question misinterpreted the words 'Retort it' in the lyrics for 'Retarded' and went off to write an outrage piece on it.
I'm waiting for the claims of gamers harassing this creature.
There's a line (or 2) in the song that sound like the word "retarded". The tranny writing the article did 0 research in trying to find out what the word(s) actually are and assumed the worst. It mostly due to the fact the singer is Japanese and cant pronounce English so the article comes off as very racist
Well the break from Twitter lasted about 5 hours
>for a while
If only he'd never return.
lol what am ableist to assume it said retarded
How did they even hear that but not the part of Last Surprise where is sounds like she's saying "FUCK YOU"?
To be fair it really does sound like "retarded", and "let's play retarded, I can say it" does make sense as a sentence
I mean, I'm an ESL but I can easily tell that the song is Engrish, so I am not expecting it to sound "right". That tranny assumed and went forward with that garbage.
>but I can easily tell that the song is Engrish
It was written by an American guy just like the rest of Persona 5 songs and unlike the previous games.
My god I'd hate for him to come to Australia if someone who doesn't speak English natively, fucking upsets him.
The minute he walks into a clothing store and hear someone asks for a pair of Knickers, he'd go ballistic.
It doesn't really matter. Journalists should be held to a higher standard than your Average Joe and mistakes like this reflects poorly on them. It seems not even a cursory investigation into the lyrics was done in favour of rushing out an article for political correctness brownie points. Also
>Running damage control for some Kotaku journo
"The term retard is commonly used when describing music.
Definition of the word retard:
verb (used with object)
to make slow; delay the development or progress of (an action, process, etc.); hinder or impede.
verb (used without object)
to be delayed.
a slowing down, diminution, or hindrance, as in a machine.
So in this case the vocalist would be suggesting that the tempo of the music be slowed down (or whatever activity it is that they are describing). The author of this article should apologise to the vocalist and songwriter for insulting them with this false claim."
Written, not sung.
I can't wait until every Kotaku employee is mass murdered in the baptism of blood they deserve.
The whole point of being a "journalist" is RESEARCHING then writing your article.
It's quite clear that he misheard the lyrics and instead of researching and investigating he instantly wrote a hit piece in order for clicks as fast as possible and to ride the cote tails of smash joker hype.
Everything wrong with modern day journalism.
True, though there's not really much research to be done here.
>>Running damage control for some Kotaku journo
I'm not doing damage control, I'm just not jumping on a bandwagon. The article is retarded and even if that was the word used then I don't really care.
>may be another explanation
>may be
This makes me so fucking mad. You were wrong. Say you were wrong. I swear fucking SJW journos think they're incapable of wrongdoing because of the moral high ground they believe they have
Even the VAs are shitting on this varticle
They're video game journalists so they can do whatever the fuck they want, lol. Nobody cares anymore, they slandered gamergate through propaganda and connections and now anyone who questions game journalism gets called a neonazi.
Joining the forty percent?
What a ritardendo.
>I-I don't even care
Then shut the fuck up you retard. Why do you think anyone should value your opinion if you don't fucking care? Or are you just backpedaling cause Somone called you on your shit?
woah-- so this is the power of Journalism, spread a lie and suffer no consequences
Based Magilou doing the support
Singer is still Japanese.
>Check mark
>Blue haired cartoon
>Cal arts
It's like these fuckers live in stereotype world
lmao bad day?
>Now I face out, I hold out, I reach out the truth all my life seeking to cease all the homo men to now break away! All the lesbians, can you let out, can you set me free from dicks back in the worldsafe, in the last bit in asshole!
Jesus christ
It's kinda cringy to get upset about dumb foreigners who write dumb and mildly tone deaf English lyrics, but it's even more pathetic to pretend that the song doesn't say "retarded". It does, but you shouldn't care. Not this much, anyway.
>four separate men tried to proposition me for sex
Dude has a better facial hair than I do
gas all trannies and journalists when
No one takes them seriously at any time. Only publications worth a damn are held accountable for what they say.
and then theres the level beyond that where you post this
I really hope this continues to drag the site's name and article writer in the mud, but sadly this is the age of internet.
>four different men
after we gas all politicians and establish a new world order where we can actually get anything done
Are you going to buy his book?
Gamers can't get shit done so never.
>gay trans
So he could have been a cishet white guy and enjoy all the privilege in the world, but chose not to...?
Fucking Sora Sakurai posted a damn Snap meme
"I'm going to cut the pie super thin to show everyone how special i am."
Warner Brothers owns and operates CNN, said news site tells a blatant falsehood or lie, nothing happens to either warner brothers or CNN
Disney owns and operates ABC, Vice Media, said news site tells a blatant falsehood or outright lie, nothing happens to either Disney or VICE news, etc
Amazon owns and operates The Washington Post, said news site tells a blatant falsehood or outright lie, nothing happens to either Amazon or Washington post, etc
Comcast owns and operates NBC, Telemundo, MSNBC, CNBC, USA Network, said news site tells a blatant falsehood or outright lie, nothing happens to either Comcast or MSNBC, etc
look at its dead eyes
it's almost scary
>random white people
never heard or read any english dialog while playing persona anywhere. do people on Yea Forums not know japanese?
It’s Retort it
Do you people fucking nothing about music?
>labels are so bad
>makes up a dictionary's worth of names for everyone else
>literally the very definition of a weeb circa 2005
Fuck off
No but I have a friend this book needs to meet
Day of the rope soon
careful, Yea Forums, she's gonna get ya, love
>complaining about weebs
>on Yea Forums
Would you believe you if I told you that most lyrics aren't mere parroting of musical lingo? Sure that might be a word for nerds who make music, but I don't see how that proves or substantiates the claim that it's what is said. Retarded is
1) What it sounds like
2) Fits with the line before unlike "retort it"
3) That's all there is to it
I don't know what your point is here. Typically channers aren't afraid of the r-word and Japan is based for not caring about SJW concerns like this one. Isn't it a lot better if we just admit that it is retarded but that we don't care?
Fox News is owned and operated by Rupert Murdoch. Spreads blatant falsehoods and lies, nothing happens to either Murdoch or Fox.
Stop raping the English language.
If they're gay and trans, they get double the LGBT brownie points.
Even though they're, you know, still just a guy that likes women.
Even REEEEEsetera users were calling out Laura for shit journalism so the mods had to step in and lock the thread.
I know someone who is like that. it's like they want to have their cake and eat it.
But that's not what it is. You know this song has been around since the original game right? No one fucking brought this up until now. Because it never fucking existed.
>isn't it better if we just accept what's wrong?
If this gets more than 10 sales worldwide and at least 9 of those sales aren't youtubers buying it to make a video shitting on it I'll be surprised
>it's current year and weebs are still acting like they aren't the oppressed minority on Yea Forums
When will Europe nuke the UK? They're basically the California of Europe.
>fail to do the most basic fact checking imaginable
>whine when people rightfully call you a fucking retard
>spend thousands to cut your dick off
>don't do anything to fix obvious facial hair
I guess because no one noticed this non-issue before? What's your point here.
user... you scrolled down his twitter to find this... are you, per chance, a masochist?
that site is such a fucking joke, who the fuck is actually posting on resetera. i feel like i'm missing a joke or something
Just looking to be offended. I wish I could get paid for that.
WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH NINTENDO, Hope they all get sued for this!
Transsexuals that are still attracted to women are more likely to be sexual deviants who experience autogynephilia and who only claim to be trans because pretending to be a woman literally gets them off. They are typically NOT people who have an actual medically justificatiable reason to want to take female hormones like having a physically more female brain structure.
Source: archive.is
Pic related, the author as a lad
Laura Kate Dale is an infamous individual. Its not the first time this /thing/ made headlines on fucking up.
>The lyrics sound like this one thing
>That might be the case but they aren't actually that one thing
>How about we just accept that it's that one thing, huh bud?
>that part of Persona 3 where Minato broke a social link when he found out he was friends with a lala prancing homo man
What the fuck, Atlus?
>Running away from the truth
Kinda like his gender
>that lynching scene afterward
It was a different time
Retard is an actual word though. It doesn't just mean people with learning / mental development disabilities.
Would they throw a hissy fit over calling a literal bitch (female dog), a bitch too?
He's a girl fetishist. He gets off more to the idea of having a vagina than to putting in the effort to try to not look like a fucking goblin.
Literally just outright asking people to be racist.
>who the fuck is actually posting on resetera
kotaku writers
>song has been out for years
I hope they didn’t write a review on a game they never played.
so this is the power of contrarianism
She very clearly says "Restart it".
The only ambiguity is from EOP retards like yourself. I'm not gonna go all the way to call you a racist, but you clearly have no clue what Japanese accents sound like.
It just sound like "retarget" to me, never played persona before but doesn't Joker use a gun? Seems fitting to me
>Trying to circumvent an insult by smugly using logic that has nothing to do with anything
l o l
There's an s in "restart" that is strangely missing from the recording.
There's 2 kinds of trannies: Autogynophiles and Homosexuals. The former kind are this guy's ilk, the usualy low effort 40% creature you find on twitter who gets off on crossdressing, takes hormones and are unusually still attracted to women. They fetishize the look of being women than actually being gay. The latter kind are the ones you usually find in Thailand and the Philippines, these are attracted to the same sex, so they transition in a fairly convincing manner.
At what point did the word retarded to become a non-medical term? For hundreds of years the word retard it was used to describe not only mental state but even wait or height. Something that was retarded was just stunted his growth.
That's actually Brussels, though London is certainly the California of the UK. Everyone in the UK, especially England, would be extremely grateful if somebody wiped London off of the face of the map. We'd even forgive you for the radiation, Londoners after all are a worse illness than cancer.
>taking mentally ill people seriously
kotaku writers masturbate on that site, it's practically a haven for vidya "journalists"
shitendo trannyfans aways ruins everything.
Kill a toodler today!
>four separate men
more like four separated men, as in a penis, both testicles, and the rest of this tranny
>mentally ill trannie with dyed hair and calarts twitter avater
Guys this is it. I'm gonna FUCKing say the R word
Apparently asking journalists to do research before writing their stories is an alt-right tactic.
Japanese singer, remember? They have trouble with consecutive consonants so restart would be pronounced 're-su-tah-tu' which wouldn't fit the music, so they probably just shortened it to 're-tah' and blended it into the 'it' afterwards so it flows better.
But the previous line is literally "Let's play", it makes much more sense if it's some musical lingo.
The song is much funnier if she says "Retarded, I can say it!" though.
Jason Scherier who despite some faults is an actual journalist and this dumb bitch is not "The same journalism "
I don't understand why so many trannies are into anime when Anime is the antithesis of their idea's on the world
Most anime are about hard working, believe in your own skills, and the ability to better yourself through your own means
Like I don't fucking get it
Why do they insist on making up words
yeah but they watch mostly battle shonenshit and fantasy/isekai anime aka the anime that actually melts your brain.
their favourite anime could be summed up as being as far from japanese culture as they can possibly be since they don't understand it and don't have any desire to do so
god that site
Play as in pretend. It's a song sure but that's not an argument for it being about songs. Most aren't.
This doesn't make any sense because Japanese people would sooner over-pronunciate the s than omit it, but it's also not in line with the rest of the song. The singer has no problem with the s elsewhere.
Retort it is literally 2 beat
“Slow it down now”
How fucking stupid are you nigger
Does getting your peepee snipped actually make you feel more like a girl? I imagine you would be better served using that money to get extensive facial reconstruction surgery.
>the word I know means something!
No shit, retard. It's a fine word and you are smart for knowing it, good job, but it's not in the song.
How does it still have a job if it can't even do basic research
This faggot is equating what kokatku writes to politics
There are so many many levels of retardness here, that I have to think it's irony
But that's the thing, Even fucking popular shit like battle shonen don't promote their ideology, fuck they even shit on it.
For example I was reading OPM not to long ago and Garou is basically the epitome of Chan yet these same trannies will wear OPM shirts and in the same breath talk about how good it is to conform to a socialist world view
Like am I a fucking idiot for thinking that you should take something out of the media you consume? like some idea's on a different world view or perspective?
Do these """"people"""" just sit down and turn their fucking brain off and just watch the flashy colors?
Because 1. They don't care
2. If they fired him they'd get sued for discrimination
No. The current methods are literally genital butchery and objectively bad medicine.
I think we just reached rock bottom
Nothing can top this level of retardness
Phew! gald it took a chance to update the shiny pokedex during it's break!
Fuck, Autistitc trannies need to be eradicated
How exactly did they get away with that one?
I will admit I thought she said retard as well but if I was going to write a fucking article on it I Would do some fucking research first.
It wishes it had a cloyster
>Even fucking popular shit like battle shonen don't promote their ideology
even heard of "yuri googles"
it's like that, they will cherrypick something from the anime and claim it's progressive and made them come out to family as gay or cut off their dick
To all the retards saying it's "retort" because it's a musical term. Link? It's not in any dictionary.
>remember the fallen
Isn't that a pedophile site.
Choose one
It'll be back tomorrow.
What the fuck did he mean by this?
No, honestly, I don't fucking understand the Kotaku response. What the fuck is he trying to say?
is that randy pitchfork? my god ...
imagine if there was article that claims nintendo is homophobic because of "UR MR GAY"
These people are out of touch racists.
that's Laura you BIGOT
I'm just waiting for the day we raid resetera and/or twitter
>Let’s spend 10K on bottom surgery!
>Bro I can’t afford 400$ for laser hair removal
it's a lolicon site you uncultured redditor
who? the incels or journalists?
Lmao you are a fucking nazi if you spend more than 2 minutes to research information
HAHAHAHA HOLY SHIT I didn’t realize it was this dude
swj will just call garou unredeeming evil, just like they still call Jaime Lanister evil
He's trying to deflect.
He is saying chimps are far more closely related to humans than babboons
Men even other country fags do it better
You don't need proof to fight against the Nazi's.
resetera mods being extremely defensive about the article should've clued you in
Smashfags need to be gassed. Notice how this was never an isssue until the song was in the game.
They can't because Garou is the MC and the best boy
And how would "retarded" make more sense in context? It doesn't go with "pretending" either, if you want to believe that's what they meant by playing.
the thread if you want to see retardation
And yet Australia is about to send a bunch of journos to jail for reporting on something the government didn't want to get out.
Fucking clown World.
Retardera is big no since you can't simply register and post
And you can't really "raid" Twitter
Seems like a lot of work and money for something that barely functions
Ichigo fucking sucks
I’ve been looking at anime tittles for as long as I can remember
Pretty sure my 1st unsupervised computer google search was
“Naruto Sakura boobs no shirt”
I’ve never been to that faggot site
yeah better ignore them they will go away
Get this cancer off my screen and off my site
I'm hearing "re-target," but it's so hard to hear it anyway it could be any number of things.
SJWs have to work so hard to find things to get mad about they make shit up. Just ask Jussie Smollett.