Yes-yes! Skaven DLC best-good DLC in the game.
Thread for the skaven master race. Man-things, elf-things, dwarf-things and lizard-things need not enter
Warhammer thread
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Maybe you would get more replies if you posted some bait op
praise sotek
Then let me start dumping
Rats are always superior.
Did the DLC fix any of the factions?
Well brettonia got a few changes with their vow system.
What changes?
Bretonnia needs better units
Bretonnia got a much needed rework. They are in a good place now.
Sotek scum.
The best trailer CA has ever made.
Brettonia has a good roster. You will be put in the dumpster if you auto-resolve as the balance is messed up in the campaign but fighting the match manually you can dominate every faction if you micro good.
Alberic got his trident, recruitment no longer requires an armory, armory now gives a stacking armor bonus to all your units based on how many you have, vow system now actually feels like a quest (you basically make a pledge to a specific action for each vow. You unlock the vows and their bonuses when you complete the action. This usually involves something like crusading, killing lords, winning battles, etc.) Green Knight now has infinite uses at the highest chivalry level. Research tree got tweaked. The confederation research now triggers a dilemma where you can instantly confederate with the Bretonnia faction you chose by paying in gold or chivalry. Or you can not instantly confederate and gain some chivalry.
Abaddon is coming back to wreck your anus.
Rome 2 Carthage trailer wants a word with you.
>thread about video games
>dies with under 20 replies
>thread about political bullshit
>531 replies / 102 images [click here to reply]
That's the last of it. Everything is else is dangerously furry category shit.
Hopefully it will rally this thread or not.
Kind of regret not buying tww2 on the last sale. Hopefully it'll be discounted somewhere for easter.
Such is life. In b4 >/Vg/ replies.
I see reddit rats finally got units that should have been in the game from the start.
It's going to bury it faster
Ratling guns are so fucking good to use. They wreck the enemy army cause them to rout before even the frontline battle
>Skaven get three ridiculously strong and fun units along with game-changing new mechanics in the awesome under-empire, the workshop, and even nukes
>Lizardmen get recycled assets, Kroxigor are harder to recruit for some reason, and the "free" lord only has half a roster if you didn't buy the DLC
This wasn't in the Plan.
How do you guys feel about Tic Tac Toe?
Rippers seem pretty good.
Is his unique rite as broken as it sounds? Can you use it to move after occupying a settlement?
The underempire mechanic has amazing potential. Right now it is kinda lackluster but I hope some new features get added for it.
I haven't tried that yet, and it only says you can't do it after finishing in March stance iirc; so you should be able too.
basically resets the movement points for all armies in the campaign. It is OP based on how you use it.
I'm catching up on my 'have not played' lords and I'm doing Kroq-gar run now, he's pretty fun but the Saurusmanii spam is getting to me. I might abandon this shit in the middle and go for Ikit instead.
Oh and finally this one which is borderline furry shit.
Nice to see thread is gathering momentum
how often do these games go on sale? I've had my eye on them but 70 bucks is a bit steep for me
>Right now it is kinda lackluster
It's extremely overpowered, but I love that you can now do a loreful Skaven playthrough where you expand your under-empire throughout the world by spreading agents and sacking vulnerable territories without actually engaging in open warfare unless they're a soft target, based entirely out of Skavenblight. The gameplay is absolutely spot-on.
Atleast the salamander hunting pack is good. Lizardbros have been denied razordons and Troglodons though.
Razordon hunting packs with high armor should've been there as a hard counter to jezzails.
I takes too much money and time for availing the fun options like vermintide and doomsphere in the underempire and those basically destroy the underempire which you built for the past 20 turns.
but are there any lewd rats in game yet
>tfw you raze skavenblight for dah lay-dee
Build and upgrade your breeding pits.
Vermintide and Doomsphere are for conquering the settlement, so losing the under-empire doesn't matter at that point. In particular, the Doomsphere trivialises any tough siege as long as you can plan ahead a bit. Scared of taking on Karaz-a-Karak because it's tier 5 and Thorgrim's sitting in there on his fat ass with a full stack of Thunderers and Ironbreakers? With a bit of planning you can send an agent there, establish an under-empire, and swing by right as your Doomsphere goes off to colonise the ruins directly to tier 5.
skaven females are called "breeders" and are disgusting blobs of meat whose only purpose is to pump out of thousands of litters each day.
Lewd is not the word you use for them. unless you think that is lewd
>smile harder peasant!
Is it possible to not fuck up when updating something? Or could they are least put some more effort into their mod launcher not being shit?
just get a community mod manager instead.
I have, but it is stupid that they can't even get their own mod manager to work right at this point.
The OP unit for skaven is yet to be added. Hopefully it will be added in TW3
That's super lewd actually.
TW3 will be all about them demons, so it might very well be.
Can you use the underempire to move your armies and attack cities bypassing the walls ?
I cant play this guy. Skins are shit and get eaten even by an army of fucking clanrats.
I am curious on how they will balance the campaign without the human races getting absolutely obliterated by the daemons.
Already in ME, chaos and vampires completely annihilate the empire mid campaign. Human races seriously need some attention.
more predator pics please
It's coming
>human races getting absolutely obliterated by the daemons
>chaos and vampires completely annihilate the empire mid campaign
But that's how it should be.
Why the hell does Tic tac toe start in the desert ? It opens up fights with a variety of races thats great but still it just seems out of place and random for lizardmen to be fighting the tomb kings in the campaign.
Age of Sigmar
I should remind you guys that skaven females never leave the Skaven capital city and are immobile giant, disgusting fat blobs that do nothing but pop out children until they die
Guys I want to have sex with skaven!
>The barrow legion occupies Altdorf in turn 20. Way before chaos even arrives.
>Yep that's how humans should be.
Why even have a race like that in the game if its going to be wiped out so early?
Like how the ideal females in all races should be. (Stay at home and produce offsprings, being attractive is a plus though )
Based and redpilled
desu I feel like that shouldn't be the case, if only because it adds a "kill this thing to be rid of the [bad guy race]" thing, like with typical Hive Mind enemies in vidya gams. I think it'd make more sense to have "female" skaven be exactly the same looking/sounding as the males (to non-Skaven), so if even two of the rats escape from a battle they can repopulate (And unlike Orcs/Space Orks they'll very much run away at the first sign of danger so killing all of them off is unlikely). I suppose the two main reasons this isn't the case is because that implies Skaven would be willing to fuck without attempting to murder each other (though I suppose you could argue that one kidnaps/blackmails/threatens/etc the other) as is in their nature, and it also helps cut down on furfag scum like the ones posting upthread.
In the leddit AMA they said that they can't increase the size of the map without affecting the performance.
It will be a challenge for them to properly implement TWWH 3 in such a massive scale.
You're supposed to go full dino
Lizard keks expected a buff but skaven chads receive it. Lizards are still shit in MP nothing of value was added for them in the update except the salamander hunting pack.
No, but you can use it to spawn an entire army in enemy territory (at the cost of the undercity), which sticks around permanently. At first it only has clanrats, a catapult and a rat ogre (sufficient to take an unguarded minor settlement) but as you progress through the tech tree the spawned army gets upgraded until it has stormvermin, a Doomwheel and a Hell Pit Abomination among other things.
Also higher difficulty finally
>Already in ME, chaos and vampires completely annihilate the empire mid campaign
Read the patch notes, they just changed that. Vampires don't blob any more, and AI major factions no longer getting a massive autoresolve boost over minor factions should mean Chaos should be taking dings throughout its trip through the empire, since the elector states will perform better.
What are the changes in the winds of magic uodate? I was burned out playing this game so much, Is it worth getting back for the update?
Not out yet.
then when is it coming out?
5 new weapons such as throwing axes
New tier of talents for everyone
New higher difficulty
New enemy faction, beastmen
And the winds of magic themed challenge mode
Probably balance changes for shields as beastmen have ranged chaff units.
I've never actually played Wood Niggers before, how do they even play on the campaign map? Their territory is so small it seems to me like it'd be a simple matter to get it under control, then what? You just jerk off and wait for someone to violate the NAP and wander into the forest?
Al lizards should be sacrificing shit in their pyramids just like all rats can benefit from the workshop, wtf CA
Get crygnos's faction unlocker, try one of the minor wood elves faction to see if you like it, then decide whether you want to get the campaign pack for them.
Dear man-things,
Your warlord, Karl FranzFranz, is very stupid and not very good at backstabbing. Dwarf-things (us) are much better at kill-kill and our breeders are much prettier. You will all squirt the musk of fear once we come down from the hill-hills, led by Thorgrim Grudgebearer, Horned Rat curse his name-name. The only way to stop us is by leaving as much warpstone as ratmanly possible outside of your sewer entrances in every city. We need this to defeat the most potent of potentates, the most illustrous of illustrouses, Grey Seer Thanquol, Horned Rat bless his great name--you would do well to erect monuments to him lest you incur his wrath. He is incredibly furry, handsome, and has a very long tail.
They are going to have to shrink down the map AGAIN. That or separate Mortal Empires into WH1+2 and WH1+3. Both are shit, fuck the poors, give us the thicc map.
kek. reminds me of the skavenslayer book of Gotrek & Felix, it was such a blast to read.
I wonder who's behind this post
Just follow this guide and you'll be fine.
the lizardfucks got shitted on again and its fucking hilarious
CA only loves ratfags and vampcunts
The first two books were the peak, good humor with all the violence. Demonslayer and onwards kind of went too serious on the plot even if I liked the characters. Most jokes kinda turned into either Snorri being retarded or Bjorn being degenerate.
Rats are gay and so are you if you have anything to do with them other then slaying them
crack when?
Laying them?
Sure Kruber, whatever you say.
1. Dark Elves
2. Skaven
3. Empire
4. High Elves
5.Vamp Cunts
6.Tomb Kangz
9. Beastmen
999.Wood Elves
9999.Vamp Coast
99999. Norsca
9999999999. Dwarves
Are lizards still boring as fuck to play because of frenzy? And who's the free legendary lord this time?
Their main victory objective at least durthu’s is to grow the oak of ages to full bloom then you win, for that you need ember, to get ember you must conquer but you don’t really need to keep your territory since what you can make on conquered town is something alike ouspots, territory means jackshit to you but you need to keep conquering to gather ember you can also accumulate ember by signing treaties.
Though your first objective is to repel the beastmen that will beeline straight to your territory specifically oak of ages.
Why are Saurus so fucking broken?
God damn
Thanks. Guess there's no point playing this update.
>enemy lord without a shield gets within range of two ratto gunner squads
There's no way this is balanced
frenzy is better, but lizardniggers are still an absolute chore to play cause saurusspam is still the best tactic.
>still no offline mode
it's shit
Why do giants exist?
Yeah. The problem isn't even that they're too good, as they need to be such asskickers to compensate for rampage. It's that you're not encouraged to field other units.
If all kinds of sinks helped deal with rampage, then players would bring more skinks and therefore less Saurus, so it balances out.
>beastmen so high
Anyone excited to drop rocks on Be'lakor in TWW3?
Roster filler so they could give the chaos factions giant beat-sticks with minimal effort.
>How to fix an entire race with 2 lines or coding
Based and DRUCHIIpilled
>using weapon teams and forcing people to use generic lords because they have shields
Where is the Stormcast Eternals dlc
>vampires pretty much own the world after 30 turns
Will this ever get fixed?
I loved Daemonslayer for its very not subtle nod to Durin's bane
I think it is because the don't start attacking flame thrower dorfs and empire is somehow to incompetent to ally to get blazing sun knights.
It just did
Brainlets complaining that ratling guns make Skaven OP when Skaven were rock bottom before the DLC and Jezails are way fucking better than Ratling Gunners who have the exact firing arc issues as Warp Fire throwers.
Red skinks being very cheap AP should balance it out
Core of Saurus, flanks of Red Skinks, carpet bombing Terrordactyls in the skies, and some feral cold one riders to flank
Something about auto resolve, they specifically said In the patch notes that it's supposed to stop Nagash's wet dream
>rock bottom before the DLC
>practically the only army that could solo 4 doomstacks of gold Chevron chaos units with artillery and summon spells/menace below alone
Skaven have always been crazy strong
This update just makes them much stronger
Lmao no they're absolute garbage, use. Ripperdactyls
They removed the Major AI's bonus to autoresolve against minor factions, which should stem the tides
>4 doomstacks
>Using Singleplayer to determine faction strength
I forgot they were added
>playing total war for multiplayer
>play head to head as coop as Skaven while friend plays lizardmen
>Can now literally bomb his city when he doesn't expect it
Don't forget the nukes. It is OP as hell now in SP but it is also fun.
>Thinking that factions who can exploit bad AI better are superior to factions who are stronger against real players
>playing multiplayer
Alright, we've all been down that dark road I guess
>giving a rat's ass about the complaints people have about races in multiplayer
Now that's gonna be a yikes from me
>"oh cool a rite that Summons an army of feral dinosaurs"
>Do said rite
>-17000 income
T-thanks Sotek
CA confirmed no more race pack are coming to WH2, only lord packs from now on, How do you feel about that?
Personaly, I'm rather upset considering the difference of content between the first game and this one, on top of enduring almost a year long drought of content because the devs royally fucked up Norsca. Now all that's left to look forward to is a few more start positions and leftover units. When the trailer came out one of the things I was hoping for was dinosaur aztecs vs conquistadors, but now it seems I'll have to wait until WH3 DLC for that, if ever.
Tehenhuain's start is so fucking ass in VC and ME. VC your two natural provinces that you'd go to take have fucking HElves or three 20 stacks of fucking Tomb Niggers and ME you're getting fucked to death with Skaven and Vamp corruption from turn 1. I just want my god damn Saurus already
I'm fine with it, there's no more race they could add without taking it away from TWW3
>Dogs of war/Araby
Yeah get real
wait? Didn't they want to do a chaos rework, with split chaos factions, with infighting to become the one to unify chaos etc.
Or was this just some mad spam I read here?
Personally I am not too mad about it because I own all races already and can pass on the leaders etc.
I don't care. All of the factions I want are already in the game.
It's obviously for TWW3, the chaos centered game
I really want southern realms/dogs of war pack. It will definitely make the game much more amazing.
>CA is going to work less on WH2 which means we'll get WH3 quicker which also means we'll get TWWH40K quicker
Based CA shutting down Arabyfags as well as hastening the renaissance of 40k vidya
It could definitely spice up some battles if they keep the mercenary feature in battles
Imagine fighting empire and then getting peppered with crossbow bolts from armoured orcs
Meanwhile rats pay 80 gold upkeep for an entire under empire stack
How will total war 40k even work. Even if it does, it will be empire total war all over again.
It seems only logical that the Chaos Warriors rework will come with WH3 since chaos demons will come.
Ideally the reworkd would include the infighting, as well as a way to mix demons and warriors armies, pledge to a single god or be undivided. Only worry is that they reamin anal about keeping the two races separate because armybook shit. Chaos should be a big scary mass of fuck you with multiple variations to be fun and threatening.
I really want Dogs of war, Araby and Kislev, they look like total placeholders in the map. Kislev will probably be a given in some future expansion for WH3 but I don't know about Dogs of war or Araby.
>How will total war 40k even work
Lots and lots of dakka
Araby would be a shit faction to add. Would only have enough space for 1 LL since they're already sandwiched in with Tomb KANGZ
This, when I see a chaos invasion coming my way I want to be fucking terrified, not just thinking "oh whatevs I'll just move my main stack and kill them"
I just found out he's the free Lord and I could not be more thrilled
The only good unit he buffs is ripperdactyls which you have to pay for and he looks like shit, not to mention how his way of "achieving Ultimate air superiority" is being weaker than Malekith on Seraphon
He's actually a lot of fun since being focused on flying units means he dabs all over siege battles. Comfy start position too.
Araby is nothing but a pipe dream, there was never much fluff for it in the first place.
lol. He is pretty much underutilized and lackluster without the dlc. He is basically bait to lure more people into buying the dlc
isn't that why all the free lords exist?
Who's the genius that made towers in most sieges have retardedly long ranges?
Conniving daemonic fingers made this image
Yes but it was atleast subtle with the other FLC lords.
Meant to reply to
Lohkir didin't need a dlc to be playable
He only needed a barely working mod
It is an alternative to ballista's. Ballista's have long range.
Got total war 2 and bought this dlc for the skyre madness but i aint touching it till i finish a campaign in 1...
Currently bashing my head against the wall with using only the factions im interested in which are more or less hard mode. Skarsnik and Throgg.I could go for something easier but then i wouldn't feel satisfied winning with a faction i dont wanna play.
Is there a way to get Boris Todbringer without the beastman DLC ? Any mods to do the trick?
>i aint touching it till i finish a campaign in 1
My nigger just complete the pending factions in TW2 Mortal Empire dlc. You get the other new features and races which TW2 has to offer for the added challenge.
Faction unlocker doesn't do it so probably there's no mod for it
... fuck i forgot bout that... thanks for reminding me of that.
Dowloading it now.
Non greenskins are unbased
Shit. I am not interested in playing the beastmen but I really want Boris in my campaign. He is a beast of a lord i heard,
He's got regeneration and can ride a Griffon so yeah he's really fucking strong
I don't know much about Warhammer but Skaven seems to have a lot more character than Lizardmen. Do Lizards have anything cool besides lol Aztec?
You can't even play him with the dlc, only in multiplayer. Same with the red duke, it's really stupid.
Not really.
>One of their units is lizard people riding a dinosaur firing laser beams.
They're literally abandoned children of the actual gods that shaped the world
How can one be so based-based
So how can I even recruit him in the campaign.
Crynsos' faction unlocker maybe
>complete final prophecy stage
>all it unlocks is the last tiers of the sacrifice pyramid
>two RoRs and a wind spell
It wouldn't be so bad if there was actually a faster way to get sacrifices, but it costs 1000 for only ten turns of use. It'd be better to spend those on literally anything else, like replenishment, armor, public order, etc.
You only play as him in the campaign map if you confederate with his faction
I did confederate with them. He got wounded in the turn before confederation but he isn't showing up in the lord list as wounded. He just straight up disappeared.
it makes perfect sense for skaven to treat their females as living wombs. that's essentially what humans do as well, when they try to maximize fertility. though obviously we didn't take it quite to the extreme that skaven do with everything
based skaven putting druchii in their rightful place - the garbage bin.
Well maybe I'm wrong but I do remember being able to recruit him when I confederated, maybe it just was some mod. Honestly just check out mods like and save yourself some trouble.
That's not what happens at all faggot, killing a breeder is just a temporary setback for the avarage Skaven clan
Will try it. The empire seriously has very less LLs for a faction occupying a very large portion of the map.
Ikr, shit's weird
It's heavily implied that the breeders used to be normal but the Skaven males enslaved them
>never leave the Skaven capital city
Wrong, pretty much every large burrow/undercity has at least one breeder. They never leave the breeding pits, however.
What I don't understand is why we have models for legendary lords like the red duke and toddbringer but can't play as them, especially when the empire desperately needs a new starting location.
>He got wounded in the turn before confederation
That's your problem. He need to be active before the confederativo.
Red Duke has such a cool fucking model as well.
Why do the Brettonians call the Counts the Spawn of Mousillon? I'm a lorelet and thought they were unconnected other than being vamps
What ? Why ? That's just stupid of CA to make it inconvenient as hell to recruit him. Is CA trying to sabotage empire ? Is CA a thrall of the choas gods ?
Who knows. Maybe they just can't be assed to fix it.
As the others already said
Hopefully this means more concentrated efforts to rework factions like Greenskin, Chaos, and Empire, or even more units for the aforementioned.
They will or rather should implement all the twelve elector counts along with the twelve runefangs otherwise they wont stand a chance against daemons in TWWH3 and a rework of the empire campaign to make it more political is required to make it more interesting.
Also Beastmen could do with a rework. Hordes in general to be honest. It feels like you either rush for bestigors and Minos or nothing at all. I want muh variety.
Game is a buggy&crashing mess. Fix this shit before you release new stuff!
Red Duke has an original model?
>elector count system
That will be great. Karl Franz will be receiving petitions across the states to address the other states petitions and problems.
Karl has to choose whom to help and whom to stall and eventually has to win the support of the 12 elector count by completing their quest ( like the 12 labours of hercules Karl has to finish 12 quests involving different enemy factions) and recruit them to finally become the grand emperor, after which he will gain a powerful buff which drastically improves leadership of the troops of the empire.
What if you play Gelt
People actually play ADHDhammer?
Fuming historykek
I can only hope for some Troglodon and Razordon in the future, lizards need them ASAP.
Kek. You level up Gelt, recruit Franz through an unique building and repeat the elector count system.
I dont get it, why is it called adhd user?
>like the 12 labours of hercules
I like this very much. Maybe they can slip in one of the quests as one where you have to face a dark elf army with kharibdyss as a direct reference to the hydra.
But alas this is of too grand a scale for CA to do it.
They could just have you race the actual hydra unit