Risk of Rain 2
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>Fell for the meme shrine again
Host WHEN?
you know what to do
I'm glad burning was nerfed (because it was dumb for a single tick of a titan laser to apply a dot that a single tick of killed you) but I feel like the game is a bit too easy to reach a near unkillable state in now.
New enemies when
i know that feel
Has hopo said anything about future updates yet? I need my fix
survive a couple runs and you'll be swimming in reds
Here's a vanilla compatible assembly that just adds bandit & sprinting after using commando/huntress/bandit utility
>sprinting after movement skill on vanilla servers
Thanks, I actually needed that.
Slow projectiles should home to a certain degree, that would make dodging slightly more challanging at least.
Other than that, its not much different from the first game. Same shit where you get to god state pretty fast.
>got like 8 sticky bombs early on
>this is the god run
>straight up immortal
>see a shrine of order
>get this
Why did I do this.
Yellow affix elites are scary
Do you think they will add little imp shrines back in again?
As if wisps need to be more annoying, jesus.
can you give them a blink?
Hard to chase after multiple enemies going multiple directions in 3D space, so probably no.
Could do a bubble like the teleporter that the imps can't leave
So I had some ideas for an artificer buff/rework, why not make attack speed scale with her M1 recharge rate and her M2’s charge up rate, additionally instead of an ice wall she has a pillar in a circular area that keeps enemies frozen for its entire duration, remove the execute from the kit and make it so you can attack the pillar with single target damage to damage all of the monsters frozen inside of the pillar, or near it even. Finally instead of a fire spray with little dick range make it so the spray is a ray like a stone titans so it’s single target and gives her a more viable range option. The ray would deal 2100% damage to compensate for the lack of aoe inherent to the ability.
>Wake of Vultures x 15
Can't wait!
Shrine of Combat sort of serves the same purpose but altered similar to how blood shrines don't pay out with items anymore.
not sure exactly how well that would work & it'd likely be a ton of work to set up since I'd have to make a new entitystate, a new skill, give that skill to enemies & then somehow make them use that skill at appropriate times
I keep saying it, he needs to make enemies that adapt to players builds.
>and her M2’s charge up rate
already does
they need to make her wall collision, not make it a fucking worthless pillar
What a generic looking boring game.
Bye then
They fixed it though
sequencer should only be used if your run is total shit and all you have is garbage
>finally get a fantastic run on rainstorm
>stack attack speed and crit on stage 3 3d printer
>2 shrine of mountain spawning on depths
>bleed proccing basically every shot melting 5 imp overlords before the looping begins
>fire rate so fast that I go from get reminded twice in a row because I forget that I have dio, die to riffraff while trying to recover
fug, at least I've finally unlocked the last 2 items so I can stop worrying about it. All that's left are wurm log and gold titan log.
is this a reddit/discord post copypasta?
With that many crowbars do you just 1 shot anything that has full health?
I'm ok with this if they do the taboo thing and allow players to drop and trade items at the shop zone. a game adapting to a minmaxed team is fine but making it harder while RNG-ing me with items is just an unnecessary kick in the dick
or if all your items are good and would all benefit from being sequenced into
fuck off
3/4, get in
if you have 20+ different items the chance of you getting 20+ of one good item is not very good
doing this while you already have a good build is foolish gambling that will probably lead to buying lots of glass at the next store run
Not even fucking close.
oops, i did it again.
At the point where you reach critical mass the game isn't that fun anymore. I hope there'll be a way to decently end runs without destroying yourself soon.
I really want thoes ninja claypot heads to come back.
How can you even play on Rainstorm? Shit's so easy and boring.
>engineer healing at incredibly high speed
that's why I said ALL your items are good
sometimes having 8 of one good item is better than having 8 different good idems, for example sticky bombs
>this is what discord niggers call a "survivor"
Have you beaten an elite on monsoon yet, user?
But Artificer is good now. I played few monsoon runs with her today and she's just fine. Her ice wall is actually really useful to finish elites and elder lemurians, if you get item for 3 ice wall charges you can just fill battlefield with freezing bombs. With fixed proc rate she triggers shit like crazy.
Blazing Claystrider pre-nerf as speedy engineer
Nah they’re my legitimate personal thoughts on the subject, I think a circle is more intuitive to aim than a slender line, that’s just my opinion though, when half of her kit becomes unusable the further into the game you get then there’s an issue especially with no mobility and slowest base move speed, I thought it would be better to keep her identity as slow and hard hitting while addressing bizzaro weaknesses in her kit that shouldn’t really exist.
What does it look like to you?
dude haha what if a survivor was basically a boss ripoff lol
Why would this be a character and not an enemy.
Taking away the execute on her wall would kill her.
Overloading Worms are not elite enemies.
In favor of more AoE damage and increased proc rate? Nah, while I agree proc meta isn’t that fun this is a design to make her better within the game as it is right now, if they ONLY made her R range longer than it is then I think she’d be in a good spot
I just want to kill aurelionite already
They're not?
Elite worms when?
I never played much of ror1, what were the other metas?
Stone titan punch.
>get 15 keys
>open box
>get white loot
Worst item in the game.
I want to see what you guys think good & new custom Survivors would be. Really though, I want to see custom survivor ideas they're usually pretty cool.
I pretty sure there is a possibility of a blazing worm unless that screenshot i saw was fake.
i legitimately cant think of a time i had this much fun with a video game
maybe in school on halo 3
>pick huntress for the first time
>want on hit items and attack speed, keep getting fucking hopoo feathers
>find a bear printer - print 20 bears
>open a chest - get the headstomper item
>next chest gives me the black hole active item
>one shot every boss for the next 3 cycles by jumping 6 times and goomba stomping half the map into oblivion
god this fucking game
Yeah, overloading worms are their own type of enemy.
Now that you mention it, I don't think I've ever seen elite worms. Seem like a bug where overloading should replace regular as elite but don't get elite buff.
>But Artificer is good now.
She still needs tweaks. She's the only character that can't deal with loop 2+ elites and bosses without very specific items.
Crowbars for big dick damage
Becoming immortal with infusions and turnips
Literally looping for 4 hours with just a single ceremonial mask
elite wurms are as far as I know the only enemy type that can't be elite
there is a specific flag made to indicate whether enemies can spawn as elites or not
this most likely means elite wurms are never coming
stop being a dumb shit
shrine of order looks different from the rest there is no reason you should be accidentally turning it on
already been posted
>has a reason to be on the contact light
>uses tools available to him as weapons to survive
>cool design that isn't too cluttered
>interesting playstyle
>do a run with the intent to get just the [REDACTED] achievement
>end up also getting Long Road with 34 god damn syringes
>M1 & M2 are very similar to merc
>1300% R move
I'll give you 100 lunar coins to fuck off
>m1 drains your health and deals increased damage
>m2 causes a fear effect where enemies run from you, maybe does damage and heals you in an aoe so you have to chase them
>shift lets you fly for a short time
>R deals damage based on missing health and heals you based on damage done
>m1 is melee attack
>m2 is a grapple that anchors you to an enemy and gives you armor so you ride a monster around attacking it
>shift is a grappling hook
>R causes the enemy you are grappled to to rampage and randomly attack nearby enemies
I know what Shrines of Order look like faggot, I'm upset because of the shitty items I got retard
how does glass interact with transcendence?
this is often resolved by encountering a 3d printer with the item you want to stack, a much preferred method to the sequencer
feel free to roll the dice though if that's how you like to play, just don't complain about getting 20 bristling fungus on a commando or 20 crowbars on mul-t
Throw rolls of bandages as a projectile. These apply a special debuff on enemies which slows them, growing stronger with every stack. Stacks last several seconds and this timer is refreshed every time they're hit with a new stack. When this reaches a certain stack amount, the monster is stunned for a few seconds, after which it loses all stacks and takes %maxhp damage.
Hold to create a field around them that restores health to allies and deals damage to enemies
Syringe shot, gives attack speed, crit chance and movement speed to an ally or themselves
Toss a hooked bandage that pulls an enemy towards you. Enemies are stunned while they are pulled towards you. The stun duration & pull distance is reliant on the bandage stack count.
>artificer has a 1200% normal move
>this is perfectly fine
>Hit the teleporter on hell in 2nd loop
>Get shotted by a hermit crab and die as I'm supposed to teleport
I am beyond mad
I like the concept, but his M2 and R both knock enemies away. Since he's a melee character he'd probably be chasing after enemies most of the time.
His M2 should probably be combined with his R and his R made into something else. At least imo. I like the bonus damage to fire elites.
Is this like a blood mage archetype? Some better description of the abilities might be needed but it sounds interesting.
Riding around golems and beating them to death while they kick the shit out of everything sounds fun.
The shield you would have is halved
EU 4 players monsoon - NA players welcome
>takes quite a while
>short range
>slow while using it
>terrible character
>Is this like a blood mage archetype? Some better description of the abilities might be needed but it sounds interesting.
honestly its just a vampire but I wanted the name to fit in better
>its another one guy buys out the lunar shop every single stage episode
If you jump, will you hit the moon?
EU Lobby
Testing out Yellow affix enemies
Don't need anything to join, but if you want yellow affix elites to look different & see the buff icon, you'll need this.
Language file to make pings work:
>Monsoon Commando
>3 red items by level 4
>"Oh shit is this finally going to be the run"
>Elder Lemurian spawns inside me and I die instantly
Am I the only person here that plays with a controller?
perhaps the game would be fun and challenging if you didn't take 8 shells
>Elder Lemurian spawns inside me
I used to, until i realised that controller limits you greatly unlike in the first game
Where the fuck do I get lunar coins? I've played for like 10 hours and have not received a single one
Kill yourself ingame
They're random rare drops from enemies, or you can obliterate yourself.
Unironically obliterate yourself, my man
A support class like this would definitely be a lot of fun to play. M1 might be hard to balance, too little damage and it can't kill enemies, too high % damage and it would destroy bosses and elites too quickly early on.
I like it because, right now, the only high risk high reward playstyle we really have is Merc, and that's not quite the same as a health sacrifice character.
I think I saw an erotic image like that once
I just can't play third person games with kb+m, just like how I can't play first person games with a controller.
How do I obliterate myself
Celestial portal, usually opens on the snow level round 2
a survivor who is totally gimped while alive but turns into a powerful ghost on death that can still collect items but counts as a death-slot (so if you have all of this kind of survivor and you all enter ghost mode it counts as a game over)
a survivor that can piggyback on other survivors shoulders to temporarily boost their abilities with equipped gear and items, maybe debuffs the ridden survivor with some sort of exhaustion effect afterwards
a survivor that has an ability to merge any turret or drone into its body akira-style until it becomes a horrifying mass of flesh and guns late game, has an ability with a significant CD that fires everything at full dakka for a few seconds
a flying survivor that can pick up and drop enemies and other survivors and also find the teleporter at the edge of a level under a rock with a survey ability so the team doesn't waste 10 minutes going "where the fuck is the teleporter"
the shopkeeper as a survivor who can trade items between players for a cost and create item chests on demand (you still have to pay to open them and he doesn't get the money)
Well I could've said "on top of me" but I doubt that'd have made it better
I think the only one of these things that's true is that it takes a while.
hmm, you do you but the mouse response in this game is pretty good for a third person game
bosses would be immune to the stacks, since they're immune to stuns (and slows) as far as I can tell
the maxhp% isn't the only damage, the projectiles also do normal damage, but obviously they don't do as much normal damage as say commando or bandit would do
uh, what? that's unironically actually a decent build, especially considering how early into the game you actually are. none of the items you had before were all that good really and can be easily replaced, and stacking old war stealthkits is OP as fuck
>7 old war stealthkits
>get hit
>turn invisible for 12 full seconds, giving you enough time to stand still and let the 9 mushies heal you back up to full health while enemies can't see you
then if you can find a 3d printer for any useful item you can just trade the mushies for that. you're early in enough in that run where you're going to get a fuckton more useful items in that stage and the next with already a solid base for survivability
dumb faggot who doesn't understand what a "bad" shrine of order build really is
for vagrants & greater wisps you often need to hop around while using it to try & hit them
how is she not slow while using it
how is she not a shit character
Okay, I cannot do this stupid fucking crab cheevo for the life of me. What file do I edit to unlock this shit? Its the last one I need and failing for like 4 hours to push crabs that refuse to move even after I hit them has broke me.
It's probably cos he has no damage and he's about to head into the abyss on Monsoon
I don't get why people have trouble with that one. My only problem with it is the fact that I have to gimp a run for it
>how is she not slow while using it
Not him, but you can literally sprint while it's charging up and there's no movement penalty to begin with. She is shit though.
get in
cmon brehs one more
come on lads 3/4 last guy
>playing a duo with one of my friends
>run is going great, best commando run I've had yet, just all around insane item RNG for one of the most OP builds I've ever encountered
>14 stages in, never been farther
>having an absolutely easy time steamrolling everything that comes along
>essentially just flying around holding m1 and watching everything on the stage die while I take no damage because I'm at 20 tougher times teddies
>friend dies to a boss on current stage, just me left
>still easy as fuck, my proc damage clears out all the mooks and other boss spawns and the only remaining boss has just a sliver of health left, just about to kill him
>all of a sudden the game boots me back to the main menu
>friend clears his throat
>"uh bro... you're not going to believe this... but I wanted to adjust my settings and accidentally pressed "quit to main menu" instead of "settings" because I thought it'd let me go back to the main menu to adjust them and return to the game without closing it"
god I'm so fucking angry fucking why. never ever playing another game of RoR2 where I'm not fucking hosting. just fucking WHY WHY WHY I'VE NEVER SEEN OR PICKED UP SO MANY GODDAMN GOOD ITEMS WITH SUCH AMAZING SYNERGY FUCKING BEFORE
my previous fucking record for max stages was only 8 and my fucking 14 stage run was ended by something this fucking dumb? we could've kept going too I still had multiple dios and was absolutely fucking deleting bosses. fuck
For some reason whenever I hit the crabs, they go underground and never move again. I was told they were supposed to run, but they don't.
It was in the prismatic trial a week ago
EU 4 player monsoon NA players accepted
there still is an overloading magma worm
that was an experience
>cheat yourself infinite lunar coins
>open every lunar pod and use every newt shrine
>complain that the game isn't fun
1 spot left
try getting yourself a black hole
>being friends with retards
now that you can get 10 for a celestial suicide it's easy to do that a couple times then have a string of really op builds just hunting for gesture. fuel cells, alien head and catalyst only add to the frenzy
>not having the self control to do completely vanilla runs or special stylized runs even with infinite coins
Do they resurrect somehow? Maybe going to the next level? Would be really fun if they had two different skillsets, one for alive that centers around being reckless and taking damage, but with an absurd amount of health. Then when they die they have a modified skillset with much higher damage.
So like an Abathur type of survivor that jumps onto another and gives them their items?
He might need a passive that specifically spawns a drone on the map to keep him consistent, but someone who basically has an alternate progression outside of just getting items would definitely be interesting. Will his love put an end to the world?
Could be like a plunderer archetype that can find everything on the map more consistently. Being able to literally carry other survivors would be great support for the less mobile classes.
Not sure how I feel about this one. A built in Captain's Brooch sounds fun, but the other abilities seem to multiplayer-centered. Need more info.
>no self control to keep yourself from cheating
>modifying game files to let you play in a different style is cheating
I bet you think modding is cheating too, faggot
It's not like you need a lot of coins for it, all you need is gesture and glass, and maybe transcendence if you're on a survivor that can use it
Space Monk
>1, 2 punch combo that extends in a rectangular wave in front of the player. Keeps you airborne for its duration. Has a random chance to grant Form stacks that cap out at 4 and grant 5% damage increase each.
>An axe kick that sends the player straight to the ground, creating a shockwave around them that tosses enemies in the air and stuns them for a short duration. Negates fall damage.
>Dashes forward into an enemy, on the ground or airborne, and uses them as a foothold to leap into the air.
>Unleashes a chakra blast that hitscans to an enemy and explodes into an aoe. Expends all Form stacks and does 20% more damage for each one consumed. Deals 50% more damage to airborne enemies.
>giving yourself something you would normally have to earn isn't cheating
I bet you are always the banker in monopoly and always take free money
>M1: punch punch kick combo, similar in execution to merc
>M2: throw a fireball that bounces along the ground
>Shift: longjump
>R: Invincibility, speedboost, and contact damage to enemies for a short amount of time
>Passive: Each successive jump gains more height, up to 3 times
shut the fuck up nigger this shit looks kino
That's ruining other peoples' games.
Giving yourself lunar coins is literally just saving yourself farming time and expanding your options for all of your runs, not just every 3-4 runs
>cheating in resources to make the game infinitely easier is modding
I'd like to buy this game but I've never played the first one, is it fun?
I have no one else to play with and I'm not doing quickplay lobbies with dumb niggers who don't know how the game works nor am I playing with greedy jews on Yea Forums who steal your items and then die right after stage after stage.
The guy I play with is usually good, just happened to be a retard this one time.
eu monsoooon
The difference with your analogy here is that one thing is within rounds and the other is between rounds.
Roguelite babbies cannot comprehend how separate rounds should have no bearing on eachother. Hence, the whole design behind lunar coins is shit.
If you enjoy eating shit go ahead, just don't think you're any better because others don't wish to shove shit down their throat.
Can The Long Run challenge on be completed on medium or hard? It didn’t work for me on drizzle
cheating is still cheating even if it is in single player. The only difference is a file was edited instead of doing something else like a console command or chat command
Do you get both bands each time you do the aqueducts with the switches?
Yes, a file is edited instead of spending real time doing something that would give the same result.
It can be completed on Rainstorm for sure, not sure about drizzle
sure do
the pilot
he has a weak m1, maybe melee or a generic pistol, m2 is a basic stun/aoe, shift is his assemble mechanic
R is when he builds his fucking fighter jet with its own moveset and you go to town on the map
it should I think the only thing that is specific on difficulty is deicide
Can he be wearing chaps and have a huge bulge too?
This guy actually sounds really fun. Launching off enemies to punch the shit out of wisps and then kick back down into the ground would be great.
Actually not that bad for a meme-y character. Jump height would be fun to mess with.
So you hit Shift every time it's up to build a fighter ship one piece at a time until you can get into it and just carpet bomb the map? Could probably use a bit of refinement but it's inventive and shooting down bogeys would be a blast.
>shields now recharge instantly
especially people who cheat in lunar coins & claim it's "just for fun"
>consistently take runs over the hour mark
>complain that the game is boring because it's too easy to kill things
>have an infinite supply of lunar coins giving you access to free items that make the game significantly easier
>took me 55 hours to get more than one mountain shrine to spawn
>get 3 on one stage
>then get 2 on the next 2 stages each
this game is mocking me
Way to miss the point completely. If something is badly designed by the developer, in this case lunar coins being persistent between rounds, then you as a player are free to change the game however you want.
Using your monopoly example, if you wish to change the starting money or give every player an option to buy a property beforehand or even make jail last longer then you are free to do so.
>dude making it so everyone gets the same items is just a mod
>dude making it so huntress can sprint all directions is a mod
>dude giving myself infinite money so I can open all chests is just a mod
if you don't like lunar coin system, don't use it instead of cheating it
I just want a janitor for the memes, Can't think of a kit for him other than smacking shit with a mop
im like 99% sure thats a bug related to the wake of vultures fix
which is also fairly buggy
that item is fucked up
only you'd be changing just your starting money and not anybody else's
he could look like a viscera cleanup janitor
>waiting for lobby to ready up, check the other tab on character abilities
>commandos phase round goes through walls
Excuse me when the fuck?
Bucket kick
Garbage cannon
Bad touch
Cheaper drone costs
More locked crates
Could do a dustforce sweep dash thing
>If something is badly designed by the developer, in this case lunar coins being persistent between rounds, then you as a player are free to change the game however you want.
No matter how you're trying to talk your way out of this, you're a journo-tier cheater scrub and you know it.
Imagine the memes if this got in.
>tfw join a room
>not terrible at the game
>somehow start spaghettying everywhere and accidentally grab an item meant for someone else
>engie gets apocalypse tier assblasted and spends a solid minute calling me shit
>happens again with different people over something minor even though I apologized
>when it happens once to me I tell the guy politely to be careful and then he spends a whole level following me and trying to steal all my shitty until I leave
I think I'll just stick to playing with friends.
t-thanks user.
Actually it might be related to the fix they made to have overloading enemies shields charge instantly.
Monpoly is a bad example
It's as simple as everyone can farm lunar coins but it takes alot of time to do so.
Giving them to yourselves means you can move on to actual runs where you can spend lunar coins rather than hoarding them for a run you "might" be able to spend them on.
Please do tell me what the difference in skill exists between choosing when to do a lunar item run whenever you feel like it and doing normal runs otherwise and doing lunar item runs after 5 normal runs or whatever times it takes to grind out coins.
best run so far
tp almost activated
killed by a fucking crab
long road never
I have literally never had a problem with any of the dudes on Yea Forums and everytime I quickplayed it was filled with greedy fucks or retards.
and now you can just celestial yourself a few times for a decent bank but the lesson learned that you should just have some patience is entirely lost on you
>just killed an overloading stone golem boss on monsoon
>no deicide
what the fuck? it's literally an elite boss, what the fuck is this bullshit?
golem or titan?
i'm pretty sure it has to be one of the standard bosses, like wandering vagrant, stone titan, clay dunestrider, etc.
If you mean titan I agree that's bullshit but I've had 4 overloading stone golems spawn on the first teleporter so you don't deserve it.
It needs to be a teleporter boss.
Also it needs to be an elite boss enemy type, things like Horde of Many doesn't count.
cause most people that lunar coins "choose" to do a lunar run every single game
guy in current run has 3 drowned & 4 transcendence and activated every single pod & newt altar
2 more
I hate roguelikes, and I didn't play the first one but I love this. Got it free, so no bias here.
It's broken, you have to try it with a shrine of the mountain and hope it works. If not just unlock it manually since you earned it.
109775240995989102 EU MONSOON NEED 2
25 keys is only a 50% chance to get a red, not really worth it.
Best dps for use with the Crab unlock?
I had a Preon launcher on a 30sec CD but disposable missile on 4 sec CD felt much better
6 is 15%, more than worth it
it was a golem, I've been trying to get this for hours and suddenly got "lucky" on the first stage
>don't deserve it
oh fuck off with this gatekeeping, it's a sp/coop game and it's literally a teleporter boss
golem can be a teleporter boss
Bogg call. a.k.a talkie walkie.
drones dont scale, meme answer
Lightning comes out faster than either of those, you can use Mul-T and activate one of the slower ones and then switch and use another so you can always do that
Missiles with items tops preon since you don't have to aim
RoR2 is a cool game, but it does not have enough content for playing it beyond the first 20 hours
capacitor. fuel cells + alien head + catalyst are bonus that lets you kill things by looking at them
It's still in EA
Golems are regular enemies, like I said, Horde of Many (where regular enemies spawns as teleporter bosses, I forgot to precise that) don't count for Deicide.
Is this game fun if I plan on never playing co op? Looks cool but also maybe too complicated. I want a comfy looter that I don’t need to read a guide to have fun in.
but user, it isn't
it's a miniboss, just like greater wisps, bizons & antlion guards
>he hasn't played more than 10 runs
are there any character tierlists yet?
Definitely works on drizzle, I did it
Singleplayer is fine but it's easy mode
Engi > commando = mult > bandit = huntress > merc = artificer
It took me something like 40 hours to get Ascendent. I only play solo and apparently two mountain shrines almost never happens except on multiplayer.
how do leafs works exactly
does it basically double the effect of any proc items you have?
Yeah it's really fun for a while, you feel like a god but can still fall if you don't mind your steps, eventually the lack of content get boring but it's still Early Access so it'll get updated and there will be a reason to come back afterward.
and how are you supposed to know this? it's a teleporter event with a boss-like health bar, and "bosses" start spawning as regular enemies when you get further. sounds extremely arbitrary
It's a rare event where a map will be entirely comprised of one enemy type (wisps, jellyfish, titans, etc.). This one indicates that the entire map is imps iirc.
cause it's supposed to be hard
then they should specify by simply having a description of the challenge.stone golems can be bosses and that's the end of that
My understanding is that it gives you a free reroll whenever a proc chance is rolled and you don't proc.
The achievement is a bit unclear, true, it's meant Boss Type enemy, which are Beetle Queen, Claystrider, Stone Titan, Magma Worm (but it'll never happen) and Wandering Vagrant.
Yeah 5 or 6 is pretty good. I was just saying that a giant stack of keys kinda blows, serious diminishing returns.
Join Cliboard Lobby is greyed out? Why?
beetles can be bosses and that's the end of that!
>and how are you supposed to know this?
It's pretty poorly explained. I don't think anyone would disagree with that.
Some math on the wiki indicates that it's multiplicative. Dunno how accurate this is. What's certain is that it's really fucking strong, my favorite legendary.
steam might be dead?
clipboard does not contain a valid lobby id pattern
>14 bears
>10 stickies
> 5 glasses
> 1 shot
Oh huh. The power of technology these days, going into my clipboard.
>pick up item to become a god of death
>also immediately pick up meteor
You soared too close to the sun
but they can't. prove me otherwise and show me a screenshot of a beetle boss
Sorta. It just does another roll attempt. It's not quite doubling the odds because iterating a probability is multiplicative rather than additive. Your chance to fail normally is (1-%) but with clover it becomes (1-%)^(n+1) where n is your clover count.
You blow it all in a run, the end result is the same. Nobody wants to farm lunar coins.
only one of those would prevent him from being one shot user, he's just unlucky that bear didn't save him
or maybe the crabs were angry that he got a hermit crab monster log
most of the fun i've had with ror2 is getting new people into it
sure a diehard with 100 hrs in the game already has hit the ceiling for what the game can provide them but for everyone else it's $20 and plenty of hours of fun
I really don't like the shading in the game, it's should be diffuse because right now it just make geometry really fucking ugly.
Nice glitch. Apparently using the crown and killing an electric elite now gives you the shields instantly, then when the effect fades, the shield stays.
This item just doesn't work.
Royal Capacitor with GotD breaks the game. You literally can't lose.
you're not really farming lunar coins if you make it to an hour+ and just wait to get a celestial portal
I like to think this isn't a bug, just a really ugly UI glitch. Wake of the Vultures is so much more helpful with this "bug" in effect.
reminder to appreciate your rusty keys!
>No item RNG in any Roguelite but Monolith
>RoR2 is boring as hell on all difficulties due to the "LOL NO ITEMS" way of my fucking life.
>Natural scaling will not save you.
That probably makes it much better, but the item still kinda sucks sadly.
>6% chance for a legendary
>it's tesla
thank mr rusty key
is rusty key stack + scanner a good combo?
does the scanner find the rusty key chests?
the scanner does find them
It's like N'Kuhana or H3AD-5T now imo. Situationally helpful, better on certain classes than others. I think WotV is great on Merc, because the shields save you from getting fucked in close range, and the fire trail obviously helps out a lot when you're up in the enemy's face.
Yeah but honestly the box is easy to find on most maps.
who cares
I'll answer backward
>does the scanner find the rusty key chests?
>is rusty key stack + scanner a good combo?
Not really, there's only one chest per map and once you are a bit used to the look of the box it's really easy to notice, so you are pretty much wasting your item slot.
so even if you have multiple keys there's always only one chest?
>It's like N'Kuhana or H3AD-5T now imo.
i had n'kuhana earlier with a bunch of healing stuff and i swear it didn't do anything
but headstompers are actually quite good either earlier on or if you have at least on hopoo feather
still nowhere near as good as the top tier reds though
No because it doesn't identify what anything is.
He says while I, and probably many other itt, have over 90 hours played already
Yeah but you are a genetic freak
Yes, more keys mean you only increase the chance to get rare items in the box.
And like someone mentioned, having something like 25 keys means you only get like 50% chance of getting a red item.
ah for some reason I thought each key spawned a chest, that's too bad
I wish I had that excuse, I'm just addicted to it, though I think I'm hitting a ceiling
N'Kuhana is LITERALLY only good if you have fucking stupid levels of healing, so basically just Engie with Fungus or Mul-T with a fuckload of leeching seeds/harvester's scythes. It's just a worse version of Ceremonial Daggers otherwise.
Example of how good it is if and only if you have a stupidly good amount of healing:
>Cheat enough coins to purchase 8 gestures
>wtf the game isn't fun
I don't understand you lot.
>cant press ctrl after using skill
just kys. there's already an easy mode pleb
you tell me
>"Look how OP I am!"
I've never played the first ROR, but it looks like it could be fun with my brother; how is ROR2? Is it good? What do you do? We're looking for a co-op game
I always describe it as Binding of Isaac + Doom
And yeah its excellent co-op, got almost all my friends to get it and we always have a blast
you attack shit, get so strong you break the game or the enemies got so strong they break you
the game is enjoyable without getting sucked into the progression meme
it's fun for what it is
game is dope
Not my vid, fag. It's the only video evidence I've found of N'Kuhana's Opinion doing literally anything at all. Fundamentally, this build would do just as well on Rainstorm or Monsoon at 40 minutes in.
capacitor only works wiht it once you get 4 stacks, missles are only better if you have a bunch of stickies since all the missles have a chance to proc the stickies.
Has Hotpoo added more melee classes? I need Big Homie Loader in my life
More Serious Sam than Doom, desu.
Really? I like the extra damage it provides in endgame. On monsoon you're killing elites like constantly so the burn dot/volt bombs are pretty rad.
reminder there are like fucking 50 smash threads up so stop deleting ror threads jannies
a beetle spawned once and it was REALLY HARD to kill
that means it's a boss
that's the end of that!
They leave it if the op isn't making it a general and there's no pseudo porn. It's a new game, we're discussing + playing it with each other, it's fine.
fair enough. Basically a fast horde-shooter
loader is never coming
he's been datamined at least
>a beetle spawned once and it was REALLY HARD to kill
Imagine being a virgin commando instead of chad merc
>hopoo adds kleer and beheaded kamikazees
Prove it
You have not known fear until you've dropped an engy bubble right as 2 dozen brass contraption spikeballs slam into it inches from your face
shit sorry, was thinking about the robot, gomen
EU hosts where
I just did an EU game user
Most of the melee classes would need to be significantly reworked. Loader would probably need to make a lot more use of the grapple and pylons because of the added dimension, he'd essentially be a different class.
A new Miner that focused on speed and rapid-fire drill moves would be tight, basically like Lagann.
I mean, you could just refit loader in a new loader mech.
>most australian isp's blocked Yea Forums
>average idiot is too dumb to get past a dns block
>never any aus lobbies
at least single player is still fun
>dns blocking
Doesn't that just mean using any other dns instead of their isp's immediately cancels it?
>M1 & M2 are very similar to merc
I see your point but I'm not sure how else a melee character would work. They kind of need to have a wide area attack so they can hit many enemies at once.
>m2 combined with R
what do you mean by this?
aussies are not smart
the average idiot doesn't know computers at all
i've seen a total of 1 aus lobbies here since the game came out and i don't think it's a coincidence that Yea Forums was dns blocked shortly before
>australians got banned from Yea Forums by their own government
oh yeah that happened. Poor aussies. not only is their internet shit, they can't even shitpost anymore.
I honestly think melees would work better in this than in 1. You were basically just jumping into a ballpit of death in 1 to get a few hits in, while in 2 you can actually kinda dodge attacks and strafe out of them
Yeah I got a case late into a run where several elite bells slammed their balls right as I put the shield down while focused on something else, thank god that wisp got my attention or I was dead.
I guess moot finally got what he wanted
You guys have it rough down there, can't even jerk it to flat chested women
>Dashing around with a pickaxe and huge-ass drill
Hopoo you better be reading this, bud
US East Vanilla
is there an overview to the unlocks and stuff somewhere?
all i've done is playthrough without looking around much, i beat the giant gold robot and obliterated myself, will most stuff just unlock through playing or do i need to do weird stuff
Are you intentionally being retarded?
I don't know why I like this game so much.
I've seen quite a few oceania lobbies
one guy kept bragging about how good his australian internet was
Look at the main menu you ADHD fuck
Visit the main menu.
the unlocks are the challenges that (mostly) explicitly tell you what to do
Slow down, I was joking about the fact that Commando does take a long time to kill beetles in early game.
>Just stop having your good run and kill it so you can have fun my way
>M1 - Clean Up!: Dash forwards in a cleaning frenzy, mopping all enemies for 110% damage. Can be used to move through enemies. Killing enemies fills the tank with remains. Can store up to 5 remains at a time, elites have special remains that grant elemental bonuses.
>M2 - Trash Can-non: Fire trash from the tank for 200% damage to the first enemy hit and half that to surrounding enemies. Will fire a stack of remains for double damage.
>Shift - Off-Duty: Leap backward and throw three wads of trash for 180% damage. Will consume a remains instead of going on cooldown.
>R - Kick the Bucket: Slam a bucket full of trash onto the ground for 300% damage, then kick it, knocking back all enemies hit for 600% + 150% for each stack of remains you have.
Found an old screenshot, if anyone still gathering the "SEQUENCED.COM" folder.
only wanderers, titans, beetle queens and MAYBE (we can't check yet) worms count for deicide
what a stunning build
overloading worms doesnt count iirc
They need to make Overloading Worms spawn in levels outside of 3 and 4 during late loops.
Worms don't have an elite version because it spawns an overloading worm instead which is its own type of enemy rather than an elite.
Also you forgot Claystrider.
Already exists.
Overloading Worms replace Magma Worms when the game tries to spawn an elite Worm.
well we finally got an answer to what dio's best friend is. it's not what I would have expected
fuck i forgot about that user who was making a compilation
this gives me an excuse to ruin my builds that will probably go nowhere anyway
So you're saying we're getting Blazing, Frenzied, and Glacial Overloaders eventually?
Thats adorbs yo
wake of vultures is unironically one of my favourite reds now, ice isn't the best but fire and thunder are so much fun to get
I want miner too but I also want fireman. Trying to make him different enough from miner is tough.
eventually the only enemy spawns are what's there at the start of a level and chests will get so expensive you won't be able to open them.
Once you do that once or twice there really isn't any point in going that long
>hopoo said in an interview once that overloading worms were going to have the same aspects of a normal overloading enemy (ie 50% hp as shield)
>they don't
I'm scared that he'll change his mind and give them the shield back. that sounds terrifying
Ah no I thought you were the same guy that was saying Blazing Stone Golems were bosses, sorry.
now we're gonna need someone to make another reaction image
maybe back in the day but it's all discord now
>finally get a run where I'm playing commander and find a syringe 3d scanner
Holy God bros syringe 10 with on-hit procs is fucking orgasmic
Yeah, I think that's a bug or just not implemented yet.
It's alright user.
>it's all discord now
Overloading overloading worms when.
I think the problem with implementing them for Distant Roost or Titanic Plains is the possibility that they'll fall off the cliff.
People felt the same way about vent and xfire
>greedy jews on Yea Forums
Are you the guy that told me to kill myself in chat then ragequit when I accidentally picked up a second boss item and apologized, promising to drop a good green if I get one?
How do I edit my Lunar coins, Yea Forums? I'm retarded and don't give a shit about farming, I just want to buy blue shit if I feel like it.
How do I stop dying to elemental mobs?
screw hoppo, post your cat and rate others friend
I'm fairly new to the game so maybe I'm just looking at things wrong, but does Merc fucking suck or what? He either dies like a bitch in 3 seconds, or can't do shit for damage. He's fun as fuck to play, but Jesus some of this feels like such horseshit compared to everyone else I've unlocked.
That's how it was in RoR1 and it was great fun.
he has high damage potentia and good movementl but yeah sucks, mainly in comparison to the other good characters
he gets shit on too hard by blazing and his early game is straight ass unless he gets some sick items
Why don't the brass contraptions get stunned properly? The get the stars over their head and shit but it doesn't interrupt their animations at all, if that worked well it would avoid a lot of unwarranted Merc deads while attacking them, because they hit for massive damage.
>glass run
>OW first boss on stage one
i miss that feel
what if I don't own a cat
cute crab!
Fucking this.
cute rat
We actually knew this already, it was in a blog post during the development of RoR2.
Holy shit Hoppo fix Huntress' R so I can actually hit flying bosses already FUCK
>bosses regenerate health if you dont stay near them
Well there went that run. Woulda been nice to know that shit sooner.
i dont get it
everyone said engi is super op because you stack fungus and sit on your turrets and cant die
i had 4 fungus and both turrets stacked on top of each other and an imp overlord just came and absolutely shit on me
>only four mushrooms
user you need at least 10, ideally 20
>people unironically defend Huntress as not being shit
>shit attack speed
>shit damage on everything other than her M2, which only works if theres a crowd around otherwise it still does shit damage
>R can't even hit air enemies without retardedly precise aiming and/or luck
>her Shift only dodges forward, can't go straight back
>takes a half hour to solo any boss because her damage is such dog shit
>auto aim lol
If Huntress wasn't a waifu you fags would be hating her just as much as you (correctly) hate Artificer for being the worst class in the game.
If I recall with my 90 or so hours, Imp Overlords used to regenerate. This was patched out. Clay Dunestriders will regenerate upon reaching below 1/4th hp, but that's not what you're talking about. Elder Lemurians I think are the only ones that still regenerate openly.
BUT, you might be talking about how when the difficulty jumps up, all enemy health increases which gives some health back to bosses.
>Several backup mags and procs
>Clay fucker starts to heal
>Throw glaives
really? I tried using google to search his blog and there's no result for dio, and the only posts mentioning cats are the one from christodoulou and a deadbolt q&a where he says reaper pets his cat until he gets bored and goes back to work
but user, atrificer is a waifu too. she's just even worse than huntress.
also you forgot to mention huntress having one of the lowest health pools in the game. her shift is fine btw, if you want to shift away from shit just turn around. learn to flick, fag
>maybe back in the day but it's all discord now
IT's a shame because his mods are either absent or unironically tranny mlp loving faggots. The community there is fucking retarded too, it's like the dumbest mother fuckers congregate there to stop the game form improving because "IZ HARD GIT GUDDER" even if it's a fucking bug or is actively terrible.
all characters are shit until you get some items to make up for their shortcomings
huntress is pretty cool once you stack some magazines
I like her old R honestly.
Arrow AoE bomb was the shit, long range and it keeps going till it hit something.
Guess Arrow Rain is better to most people.
How the fuck do randoms suck up all the spawns and chests, every time I quick play we head in different directions yet I end up with 2/3 items to everyone else's 5, I can't open shit because all the enemies spawn somewhere else
everything you said is true, but she is still pretty good at early game and when she has a few certain items
her late game is actually good but the biggest flaw is her shit health. i agree though, and she does need those thing addressed but maybe with a toned down M2 so she's not busted
Don't sit and farm a chest in quickplay. Just keep moving and eventually enemies will spawn around you and you'll be near a chest.
shit the new magma ai is pretty scary
and definitely and improvement over the old one
I'm trying to find it, but I remember an user mentioning it here well before he tweeted this. Someone joked about it being a Jojo reference and an user said "actually it's about his cat".
maybe that user WAS hopoo confirming that here before confirming it anywhere else
>play as Merc
>clay starts sucking you in
>do nothing because you're merc and you still get hit during your cds
I like playing as him, but he needs more durability, or more damage to compensate. Half the time I do a run I'm not even using his cooldowns or m1 if I get far enough.
>all characters are shit until you get some items to make up for their shortcomings
Except everyone else can make due with whatever and have better overall move sets and damage (other than Artificer, who is a wheelchair bound drooling cripple) than Huntress' slow, shitty attacks.
>what do you mean by this?
Just make his M2 his R and then make his R some kind of mobility and/or mid-ranged nuke. As he is right now he's going to be knocking shit away and then running after them.
She had low health in the first game too.
Her dps and range was what was good about her, she could keep her distance.
This game has her more low to mid range, so I guess she might need more health for encounters.
It'll have to get addressed, there's no way around it. When facing Worms or clay fuckers Mercs are forced into extremely passive modes of play since proximity equals death.
You only get 5 per obliteration. Still think it's too much tho.
Getting a clover with shitton of stickies and seeing a worm absolutely plastered with bombs is pretty creepy
Nigga are you stupid? Literally just dash away from the succ aoe. Merc avoids Dunestrider easier than literally everyone else. Always airborne so he avoids the rolling balls, can dash away from the succ even with no items at all, and in the late game you can face tank the succ damage and just fucking dash through the pile of enemies the dunestrider is creating for you to proc gasolines/will o the wisps.
what if I just remove the knockback from his R ability and also give it damage falloff so it doesn't deal 500% in the whole radius and only in the center.
I like the idea one dude had of a disease-obsessed plague doctor to inheret whatever of Acrid's old skills still work in 3D— like Epidemic and Festering Wounds— with the lore justification being that it's the crazy bastard who ordered Acrid in the first place trying to find where he went.
Wait for your secondary to charge and become a beyblade
fyi if he has nothing to suck the animation ends early
so if you kill all the trash then get out of range he just stops
unless more than one spawns, then youre fucked
a lot of the bosses have mechanics that people arent noticing i think
like the big nig golem has a laser lock-on mechanic but because theres no visual distinction from him being locked and him not being locked everyone just hides
Yeah it was a double fight against rhe clay dude. Kept regenerating health when I ran away to heal up.
you guys missed the prismatic trial with a blazing magma worm? it exists but you can't run trials in monsoon hence my uncertainty
could have sworn it was 10 and yeah even 5 is still too much should be 2 or 3
Prismatic trials always spawn an elite boss so I imagine it override the requirement for spawning elite bosses (like for instance replacing elite worm with overloading worm).
im not as into all the details as you guys are cos im pretty casual, but if i were to ask for changes
>8 way sprint for huntress
>abilities not cancelling sprint in general (super noticable on Commando after roll)
>buff other items/playstyles in some way so that 'attack speed plus on hit' isn't the meta for absolutely fucking everything
>bring back miner/acrid
pretty sure hopoo were just taking the piss before nerfing both worms and fire enemies to the ground
all the trials are seeded
So what's the survivor tier list? From my limited experience, Engineer seems far and away the best, and D-Walker and Artificer seem the worst.
Guys I started getting into this game recently and I keep getting romp stomped in normal mode, and easy is too easy. What do I do?
way sprint for huntress
sorely needed she feels like shit to play
>>abilities not cancelling sprint in general (super noticable on Commando after roll)
pretty sure hopoo is gonna do this eventually, it was one of the first things he acknowledged after launch
>>buff other items/playstyles in some way so that 'attack speed plus on hit' isn't the meta for absolutely fucking everything
that's not the only good endgame build user
>>bring back miner/acrid
you mean sniper?
Without the knockback I feel like it's just Flamethrower at that point though. The sweet spot idea is good though.
I do miss Acrid.
>someone gets meteor + gesture of the drowned
>most of the game is now spent dodging meteors instead of fighting enemies
get gud
way sprint for huntress
>>abilities not cancelling sprint in general (super noticable on Commando after roll)
mod makes huntress bandit & commando sprint after roll, you however can't remember it
>>bring back miner/acrid
not happening for like another year at least
clovers are broken as shit on mul-t.
I had 4 in one run thanks to bazaar, and It actually caused every single one of bullets to trigger stickies. and ukuleles. and meat hook.
>that's not the only good endgame build user
fine there's also gesture of the drowned 5 fuel cells + any equipment
or 20+ wisps
>God Tier
>High Tier
Mul-T, Commando
>Mid Tier
>Low Tier
>Oh Shit Fucker What Are You Even Doing Tier
Only reason Merc is mid is because he tends to eat shit in certain situations because he's a melee dude. Huntress is low because she all around sucks and has moveset issues, and Artificer is just terrible in every aspect, genuinely broken because her moveset is that terrible.
Put on some Benny Hill and go fast.
Clovers are broken as shit on every character if you have four of them. The two bands become your main damage source.
>best in MP
mul-t, engineer
>best solo
mul-t, commando, engie
>meh MP
huntress, commando, merc
>meh solo
huntress, merc, artificer
>bad MP
>bad solo
none, game's easy
now u got it
(also any build at all that stacks tesla + ceremonial dagger + wisps)
Plebs status = filtered
Artificer is godly if you know how to play her, but incredibly difficult to play for shitters who can't aim
It's less that they're broken and more that you had four user...
US vanilla host WHEN?
wanna go play a monsoon game right now & see how much damage you do in comparison to something like mult/commando?
Try to WWHHIIIRRR a dunestrider
Stop this meme. Artificer is good solo (just like every other character) and I've gotten several three hour runs with her on Monsoon, but she IS shit in multiplayer. She's so reliant on items compared to other classes. You basically have to steal everything from your teammates to pop off.
I'd say they're pretty broken considering I'd never not throw all my greens away to get clovers.
I had 100% crit with 3 or 4 glasses, shit is cash.
If you're talking about their health, Worms always had the lowest health in the first game too. They were a bit tanky in this one. The only thing that made worms dangerous was
>They can transverse the map anywhere, they are fast and can go to your exact location
Just in this game, their AI is kinda shit and all over right now. Also they didn't implement indicators for worms.
Leading the bosses into chokeppints to be able to use the Rain of Arrows is the funnest part.
Also, you fail to mention her upsides. You don't need to bother aiming with Huntress. You can focus all your efforts on mobility. Speaking of mobility, all of her moves afford a little mobility, better than can be said for any other class. Rain of Arrows gives you a psuedo double jump, teleport goes in any direction and negates velocity, glaive let's you hover.
Because of these, it's easy to be evasive. Huntress is midtier, if anything. Around the same power level as Mul T, I would think.
>wow I had 4 clovers, meat hook, stickies, ukeleles & crit glasses and I was ripping through shit
wow really
who would have thought you'd melt shit at that point
>Also, you fail to mention her upsides. You don't need to bother aiming with Huntress.
Thats a downside. Her autoaim fucks things up and has piss poor range to boot.
4 clovers will do that, yes.
>glaive let's you hover.
reminder that it also lets you superjump
I think his point is that most reds at a four stack aren't actually that great. Tesla and maybe Daggers are on the same level as Clover, but a huge stack of any other red is pretty underwhelming compared to those three.
>just flame thrower
It's not a constant stream, it's two blasts of water. like this
Yeah I'm p. sure Huntress shitters just don't know how to flick their mouse or have problems navigating 3D space.
i want to sleep with my face on huntress' butt
Switch positions and i'm in
I dunno, desu. I'd say leave it as is until hopoo introduces the rest of the bosses and enemy types. Then those four clovers might be necessary.
im not as into all the details as you guys are cos im pretty casual, but if i were to ask for changes
>8 way sprint for huntress
>abilities not cancelling sprint in general (super noticable on Commando after roll)
>buff other items/playstyles in some way so that 'attack speed plus on hit' isn't the meta for absolutely fucking everything
>bring back miner/acrid
Bro just use glaive to get rid of the trash in your line of sight, the use your arrows on what you want.
RIP leg bones, you will be missed
I don't get it?
I'd quite happily assist her by carrying her around like a cocksleeve
Yeah, I'm not saying Clovers should be nerfed, I'm just saying calling them "broken" is pretty accurate. That's the point of the game though; to break it. If anything other reds might need to be buffed, because as is, at least half of them are actually really underwhelming. The other night I got four reds in the first loop, three of which came from normal ass cheap-o chests, and my reaction to every single one was "meh". That shouldn't happen when my rng is so good that I'm finding top tier items in shit tier chests.
Oh I see, so there's a sweet spot where bolt can hit? That's better than what I was thinking then, my b senpai.
yeah the blasts are fired and hit simultaneously, both have a sweet spot and the damage falls of somewhat from there
If you get sucked inside you can only use a single dash and then get stuck in range till he sucks you dry or you use eviscerate. He never really kills me unless two spawn on top of each other and I get sucked from both ends.
If I can kill the enemies then it's early game enough to not matter, or late game enough to not matter.
cannot believe nobody else posted it
if you glaive at the right moment into a jump, you'll get about 2-2.5x the height as a normal jump
i just did, i got 20 from a printer
then got oneshot by an elite elder lumerian.
seems pointless if you dont have the health pool to not be oneshot.
>If you get sucked inside you can only use a single dash
If you're right inside of him, the first dash will give you some distance and reset the CD so you have at least a second dash to get away. If there are some enemies around, you might get a third.
I have literally never died to Dunestrider's succ as Merc after playing him solo for maybe 20 hours. It's so easy to dash out of.
This thread needs to play more ror1
Yeah shroom engie is kind of a meme build if you don't know what you're doing. You're invincible until you hit one shot territory, then you either need to be very careful or you need to have a big teddy bear stack. By the endgame you need damage over healing because you have to kill one-shotting enemies before they kill you.
Engie is really good in MP tho.
that is almost moderately useful
>that one cunt that refuses to budge from the teleporter so he can nab all of the boss item drops
the gameplay is obviously massively improved but i miss the aesthetic of 1.
it had a more lonely space feel - from the music and the more muted colour pallete and locations.
not a major complaint, just saying
I hate this monster spawn bug
Holy shit the magic woman in Risk of rain 2 is literally dog fucking omega SHIT.
She's literally a glass cannon that cant deal damage; what's even the point?
>can't proc items;
>ult has shit range;
>m1 is shit;
>m2 is average at best
I think they need to increase the proc rate in her R to 100x or 50x. The low range is already awful enough.
Honestly, if I were HotpOp I'd make her like Metroid.
>New M1 has no shot limit and DoT, damage obviously reduced but she can properly proc stuff now. You're now able to charge M1 like Engie, it's exactly like her M2 with a stun and everything. With enough syringes, you'll be shooting charged shots instead of small fireballs.
>Removed current M2. Replaced with Darkbust from Prime 2.
>New M2 throws a poor's man black hole that deals minor damage and group enemies. 15 sec CD.
> New shift is an ice cage box that auto kills low hp enemies inside the cage. Doesn't work on bosses.
> Crystal Flash just like that jellyfish boss' special attack. 50% Damage reduction while charging it. Can't use any other ability while charging it. Takes 1.5 sec to charge. 15 sec CD.
if you take into account the rest of her kit, it's very useful because you can reach very high ledges with glaive jump + arrow rain + blink, wouldn't surprise me if you could jump up on that overhang bridge as huntress at level 1
Is he actually a janitor?
Literally just don't go into the golden shrine when you're that late in the game. The reward isn't even good so idk why people do it in the first place.
How the fuck do you do this more than once by accident? You retarded or somethin?
>If you're right inside of him, the first dash will give you some distance and reset the CD so you have at least a second dash to get away.
half the time the second dash doesn't work for whatever reason, if I can use it, it puts me just far enough away to get minor damage.
>I have literally never died to Dunestrider's succ as Merc after playing him solo for maybe 20 hours. It's so easy to dash out of.
I never play solo, I have too much fun in mp
her m1 is fine, it's just that it's on too long of a cooldown, somebody suggested making all the shots recharge when the counter hits zero and I think that'd solve a lot of her problems.
monsoon i need elite lezgo
What would be the point of cooldowns if they just recharged when she runs out anyway?
a mans gotta get that logbook entry
maybe i'll try some MP then, have avoided playing with you guys because i fucking suck and dont think i'll survive monsoon
also how does MP make up for the fact that you're sharing chests with 4 people? More chests?
i can host on eu if people want to play
got mul t and huntress where my engi bros at 2/4
Shift should just pull everything around it into the cage, make M2 her flame thrower and keep your new R.
Might as well just remove the cooldowns at that point.
>I never play solo
Tell your nigger friends to shoot the clay guy for you if you're too much of a pansy to fight him.
>tfw it's the only logbook i don't have
>doesn't have the mod
it's your own fault famalam
It scales enemies (more money) and chests (more items).
Commando should run and gun
Not walk and shoot
Give him mechanics like
>Running while gunning : Slower shots, but more damage
>Walking while gunning : Faster shots, less damage
Something like that.
The thing about reds is that they mostly enable some builds all by themselves, but can be situational otherwise
Clover is good with everything at anytime which is why its so strong
3/4 we got a merc i guess
cute bounty hunter
>playing as merc
>getting hit ever
lmaoing my ass off at your life.
I really hope they add Bandit soon, because after playing him with mods I just can't have fun with any other character
>tfw never touched risky rain 1
Is the sequel better than the first bros? Or are they both different enough to warrant getting both
what is the point of mul-t's grenade
does his gun fire a flag that says BANG on it
if not, he's bottom on the tierlists
pretty fucking long stun
what's the point of engi's mines?
what's the point of commando's M2
what's the point of merc's M2
what's the point of huntress' arrow rain?
his gun has a chance of doing the bang flag which will fire off as an extra damage shot
It's a complete game, for one. Lots more content beyond endless looping. 2d also means it plays pretty differently.
Give it a try when it goes on sale again.
They're pretty different despite having the exact same fundamental concept. RoR1 is a lot more atmospheric imo, and is honestly a better game overall even though RoR2 is arguably more mechanically satisfying. I'd consider them equally good once RoR2 is out of early access.
RoR2 is 1 in a different genre, it's more of a remake than a sequel. It still has it's own appeal. It's also a finished game, so it has more content for the time being.
>played one mercenary game
>got the Frost Relic, Afterburner, Wake of Vultures and a shit load of movement speed/crit
>feel like i forever have an unrealistic idea of how good he is
I still fight him, I just don't like getting hit during my invul phases, it's apparently a bug. I feel in general as if his main dps sources and his defenses are kinda shit, the latter because of cqc and how spammy enemies are late game.
afterburner on merc makes him feel real nice, if you're in a mp lobby you always give the afterburner to merc like you give the healing shit to engi. Crit is pretty essential on him, which sucks because everybody wants crit.
>Speaker of the Dead
>Does no damage, instead attacks demoralize enemies and fills their health bar until they give up on fighting you and give you money for the trouble.
M1: Reason
>Reminds the enemy that their duty is to their family and if they were to fall here there would be no one to protect them. Limited range, deals 60% moral damage per logical point made.
M2: Question
>Point out that by killing you the enemy is contributing to the larger cycle of hate and injustice in the world. Ask them if they are really okay with the brutal laws of this universe and what can they do to change them? Deals 100% moral damage in a cone in front of you.
Shift: Pacifism
>You become immobile, but damage taken is reduced by 70% for 5 seconds. Each blow against you increases damage resistance by 5% and does moral damage to the enemy that inflicted it scaling with the potency of their attack.
R: Ruminative Speech
>If the dead were brought to be once more amongst the living, would they make the same choice to fight and die again? Death comes for all, but to hasten its arrival is the height of foolishness. Deals 300% moral damage in a donut around you.
>great for crowd control
>great for interrupting elder lemurians and stone golems attacks that are about to fuck your shit up
ModAnon, since that poll any consideration into doing that command update?
Of the two ideas being: TAB menu into a 3D printer or doing what that other user did and making it a gui on opening the chests (sorry I don't have a link)
I think the TAB menu is great since it would require you to have the item before you can start melting everything down.
Lastly, how did you get into this editing? Where did you start? Any suggested tutorials?
This reminds me of when I had capacitor and Ocular HUD.
I was doing max damage every time, it was fucking stupid.
Fuck off Brittney
Enforcer when?
someone else made it so I've pretty much lose all desire to do it
My plan was to grant you a token every time you picked up an item, rather than actually giving you the item. When you were to press tab, instead of your own items, it would show you all the items of the item type you have credits for. For example if you had 3 white credits, it would show all the white items & nothing else. If you had 1 white credit & 1 green credit, it would show all the whites & greens.
Each icon would be clickable and you would spend 1 credit to buy that item.
So basically it would be like his system but you could choose when to actually "buy" items, rather than having to do it when you open the chest, which seems clunky, especially since it's keyboard only (apparently?)
>Lastly, how did you get into this editing? Where did you start? Any suggested tutorials?
I learned how to program when I followed game design at uni, got into game modding with SCPSL
Soon jk never
interesting but it would encourage lobbies to avoid picking the survivor entirely unless everyone in the room is going as them. Would be annoying to effectively be a man down every time the team tries taking on a boss, god forbid if half the lobby is going as this dude.
tfw on a good run, healing all the damage faster then I get it. 10 tougher times, insane crit tate. I had it all. Then a stone titan spawns next to me when I warp in, fists me and then a beetle guard hits me at the same time. It was over in an instant.
Can't you use Huntress blink
not exactly, since huntress blink seems to be purely forward
I don't exactly want these fucking inbred beetles & wisps to start teleporting in random directions if they're not looking at you
I appreciate the honest response, but honestly user I just thought the idea of lecturing a beetle queen was really funny. I wasn't thinking about balance.
Any lobbies?
EU preferred
>there are people in this thread who still take damage
You ever get those games where you're at a good pace, but the portal spawns at the absolute worst spot, and now it's ruined because you gotta focus on the bosses, enemies, and still have the charge the portal?
Everyone who claims artificer is god tier ends his run before her issues start becoming apparent
something tells me wake of vultures is a bit glitched right now
No, i have had runs end because the game just told me "not today!"
>those items
did you cheat this run or do you just have the literal best luck in the world? literally nothing but good items
Where the us host at?
>"did you cheat this run"
>big MOD in top right
But, user, I've been playing RoR1 for five years.