Here's your Castlevania collection (the first one, a second with the igavania is probably going to happen later this year)
>release on PS4, XBOX ONE, Switch and PC (steam)
>Release on May 16
>20 bucks
Anyone played the arcade collection? how is it?
Here's your Castlevania collection (the first one, a second with the igavania is probably going to happen later this year)
>release on PS4, XBOX ONE, Switch and PC (steam)
>Release on May 16
>20 bucks
Anyone played the arcade collection? how is it?
Other urls found in this thread:
oh shit kid dracula is pretty dope
Look at all those games I can emulate for free.
bloodline also is finally ported, it never was ported in the past and was stuck with the Genesis.
Would have probably bought a Castlevania collection if they didn't split it into two parts, doesn't help that I still own half of these on the original console either.
Who is doing the port
No Castlevania Adventure Rebirth? That was a solid WiiWare game...
>doesn't help that I still own half of these on the original console either.
then this collection is not for you
desu I just want SotN on the Switch.
I'll get them, pretty decent selection of games. I guess the second one will have Rondo of Blood, Symphony of the Night and the six GBA/DS ones.
>no Rondo
>no SoTN
>no GBA games
>No 64
Then why even bother?
Wait for the third collection with the 3D games, CV64, Legacy of Darkness, Lament of Innocence, Curse of Darkness and the three Lords of Shadow. Everyone will love it.
>no Rebirth
>no Dracula XX
>no Legends (no big loss)
>Haunted Castle on the arcade collection instead of this one
I know you're joking, but I would buy that shit in a flash.
wait for the igavania collection.
Konami themselves.
I've played the arcade collection, on switch at least.
It runs fine, but the sound is a little strange, just a little high pitched, i don't know why, maybe because they used the arcade classic ports.
beside that it controls fine and the extra digital book actually is very interesting, it have new concept arts that some thought long forgotten, music tables and interviews with the game creators. they also said they may do an arcade collection 2 if this one sell well.
This is the boomervania games.
Give us Sotn, GBA and DS titles.
Port X68000 and Adventure Rebirth mother fuckers.
again, wait for the igavania collection.
it was already said this collection was for the origins of the serie.
>Adventure on GB instead of The Adventure Rebirth
I might still get it... really wanted some Metroidvania though.
There's probably gonna be a Metroidvania collection.
Wasn't adventure rebirth lacking content compared to the classic one?
Maybe Adventure rebirth had a partnership with Nintendo, preventing it to be rerelease on another console?
>Kid dracula
never played it, is it good?
Kid Dracula is cute tho.
Man it was so easy after the first 4 games were announced. Clearly, they're skipping shit ones like CV2 and Adventure! They must, otherwise why leave them out and start with the sequels? We're getting Rondo, Rebirth, Bloodlines and Chronicles boys, this is awesome!
Oh wait. They actually did just leave out those shitty games for no reason. And they included dingy shitheap joke game that is the least of a CV game possible. Atleast we got Bloodlines, eh? Fucking shit picks the other 3. What a waste.
Can't wait for the emulation to turn out to be absolute garbage.
I think they just wanted to release the games in their original versions.
Considering they said this collection was for the "origins" of the serie, you are probably right.
>include Shit Dankula
>don't include Vampire Killer, the game CV2 is actually a sequel to
>don't include Haunted Castle because it's inthe arcadecollectionlol
>skip Rondo and Chronicles, 2 games that came out before Bloodlines
origins as interpreted by a faggot maybe
it was also lacking in shittyness which was a great trade
literally only a boomer cuck would go dope at the comedy odd out one out spinoff and not the real CV games, kys
>Clearly, they're skipping shit ones like CV2 and Adventure!
>simon's quest
Zoomer faggot. Try playing the games instead of watching AVGN.
Kid Dracula is so good! Ever since watching the Game Center CX episode when Kacho plays it, I fell in love!
Source? It’s probably some shitty team like digital eclipse
What's wrong with Digital Eclipse? I think Hamster is doing these.
>hurrdurr avgn
>hurrdurr zoomer
might surprise you dumbfuck, the game is blatantly low quality, due to being unfinished and unpolished, you don't need a shitty 240p video from 2004 to tell you that
it's obtuse, inconsistent, missing key mechanics from Vampire Killer like a map, which the game is building on, is missing the final level, the final boss is barely animated and has no other boss besides it, while there being blatant locations where there would be boss fights, but all you are left with are 2 dummy placeholders of carmilla and death, all because Haunted Castle's development was a dumpsterfire and needed more people so CV2 was rushed the fuck out in a horrid unfinished state and the staff moved onto HC
tl;dr you're a butthurt fag
I don't give a fuck you ass blasted zoomer. Keep sucking Rolfe's dick. The game is comfy as fuck.
>castelvania collection
>giving modern konami money for roms
lick my sack
>kid dracula over legends
Based konami
classic one had 4 stages that could be completed in 5 minutes each
so i doubt it
>Tilted Retard est. 2004
>you're so butthurt over shit from 15 years ago that you instantly namedrop eceleb when someone is mean to game
>give an entire paragraph of issues with the game
>"reee AVGN zoooomre"
kys fag
>>give an entire paragraph of issues with the game
>literally copy and pasting the avgn script
>Inb4 but muh newer games
should've focused on games that are hard to get:
- Tiger Electronics Castlevania
- Tiger Electronics Symphony
- Tiger Electronics Game&Watch Castlevania
- Cellphone Castlevania version 1
- Cellphone Castlevania version 2
- Cellphone Castlevania version 3
- Cellphone Aria
- Cellphone Dawn
Hey Rondofags, its bundled with SotN already if you want it that badly.
>obvious deductions from playing game
>ree you quote script
based and redpilled
Which should be on there, but, aren't. People getting mad at romdumps for 20 bucks a pop just want more exclusive content. The SNK Arcade collection that came out is the perfect way to do this. It's not jist the games, but, the history surrounding it as well that includes documentation, behind the scenes content, and its influence on the industry. It's essentially a museum tour and that's really cool. When a company slaps a bunch of roms with open source emulators into a package, and even worse if said emulators aren't fine tuned to run said game, it's insulting to be expected to pay for it when superior alternatives exist.
>go play the subpar PS4 exclusive PSP emulation of PCEngine emulation
>thinks this a good alternative
>shitty psp versions
No thanks.
Not interested.
Port this badass collection
>I don't want to pay for THIS shitty rom
>I want to pay for this OTHER shitty rom
Just emulate it on a toaster man, I really don't give a shit.
Arcade collection? I googled it and didn't see anything.
buying for 1, 3, Bloodlines and Kid Dracula
SC4 is exceedingly mediocre in all fronts, including music
Everyone calm down. It's only the first collection.
Yeah but what about the contra collection?
Who cares when Metal Slug exists?
Get fucked. Forest of Monsters is one of the best CV tracks.
Metal slug collection WHEN??
Sorry, I misspoke. The SNK 40th Collection. It's a collection of SNK's releases before the NEO-GEO. This is primarily arcade games, but, includes NES games like Crystalis. It has both the arcade version of the game, US/Jap relases of the games, l the NES port (if it has one), and a lot of stuff from people who worked on the game. It's a real neat collection.
DIdn't digital eclipse asked Konami, and they actually refused?
There's some exclusive concept arts and interviews from the devs , it's already...Something i guess.
Probably going to be released in june, i'm bet we will have more informations about it in may.
second one will focus on metroidvania, meaning Rondo, X68000 and Rebirth are skippeed permanently
and SOTN might get shafted too, thanks to Requiem, so fuck
bet second collection will be:
3 DS
the other Kid Dracula game
and that's if they do 8 games and not like 6
I think the other will have rondo and sotn + 3 DS games and 3 gba games.
Rondo isn't a metroidvania but is heavily linked to SOTN.
Blame Sony for Requiem, it was mostly them (explaining the PSP port.)
It is supposed to be also released on MD mini. Still want to know if both versions are the censored ones or the uncensored
But Rondo/SoTN were already released together
see that's obvious, in the same way it was obvious that the last 4 games in this collection would be Bloodlines, Rondo, Chronicles and Rebirth, you're going for quality, not lazy and terrible
atleast 2 slots would have to be wasted on dogshit, and after Kid Dracula NES made it in the first one, I'm expecting the GB one in the second collection, for "variety", alongside Legends, because that is both terrible and came out 1 month after SotN
also, don't expect SotN, Rondo would have been the capstone on the classic stuff, SotN the start of the metroidvania, it's common sense yeah? well, turns out it ain't so common as these last 4 picks have proven
set your expectations low is all I'm saying
I think they said it's actually the Game Boy version that will be released on this.
it's the NES version, look at the title screen the line up
I laugh because nobody believed me when I said there was no way they're not putting Simon's Quest in this.
more nobody wanted to believe Konami would skip 2 and replace it adventure 2 in the reveal, only to later go loljk
why fuck do they do that
>not even Rebirth
Konami is dumb
Legacy of darkness is great and a HD remaster would be awesome because in some places the frame rate really goes to shit on the N64
get an R4 and emulate them all
>a second with the igavania is probably going to happen later this year
yeah not happening
i don't care what konami said, they already put out a collection with the best-selling igavania
no one is going to buy a collection of handheld scraps and if they did i bet they'd still leave out aria
>includes The Adventure and not The Adventure Rebirth
>includes literally the worst CV game and it's an objectively awful game
Never change Konami
Don't have any system except a PC.
The Adventure truly is the absolute worst Castlevania game, isn't it?
>no Rondo of Blood
>no Adventure ReBirth
>But Rondo/SoTN were already released together
the PSP version is absolute trash, Rondo's have that satanic bilinear filter and SoTN has a memetic new voice for Alucard
It's really really bad, there may be a worse one like that one phone game, but the adventure is the worst I've played
Charging more than $2 for an NES/Gameboy game in 2019 should be a crime.
Honestly, the people still left at Konami probably belong in prison for actual crimes anyway.
I need some informations, why is this game so shit?
Christopher Snailmont
you do realize capcom did the exact same shit right?
It's got 4 levels, the character moves like an actual snail and can barely jump and on some of the levels you have to make pixel perfect jumps with those terrible controls.
Memes aside Adventure was very clunky and the Belmont moved at a snails pace.
Belmonts Revenge fixed all the issues with Adventure.
>MM Legacy: 6 games at $16
Yeah, that's about as bad, though still a better deal than in OP imo.
But at least I know that money isn't going to pay off some Pachinko mobster.
Belmont’s Revenge is the real Castlevania 2 imo, it’s a great game and I like how Dracula is almost a puzzle boss
>it's a better deal than in OP
it has 8 games for 20 dollars + Exclusive concept arts and interviews.
also Capcom is as big as Konami in the pachinko. (well, they were, both removed a lot of budget in the branch because it got fucked by the japanese laws.)
Wow none of the modern ones. Ill wait for more modern ones.
Yeah this and some outright bad ones (the GB ones)
If they wanted to do all Classicvanias, why not the Wii one and the PS1 one?
>no Rondo
>no SotN
>no Aria
>no Circle of the Moon
>fucking GB CV's
>fucking Simons Quest
>CV1 TWICE because Super CV is just CV1 redone for the SNES so why even include CV1 when it's objectively a shittier version of Super CV?
What fucking mongoloid asshole shit for brains double retard made this shameful fucking garbage collection?
>>CV1 TWICE because Super CV is just CV1 redone for the SNES so why even include CV1 when it's objectively a shittier version of Super CV?
Okay now you revealed yourself for Newvaniafaggot with no taste
CV1 and CV4 have literally wholly different physics and gameplay styles - some would even call CV4 casual, but I wouldn't go that far because I like it
One of the worst posts I've ever seen. Low IQ subhuman.
It's still just CV1, except not as dog shit of controls. CV1 was good for it's time, but who gives a shit when Super exists and blows it out of the fucking water. If you're gonna act like people should be paying for 30+ year old ROM's, they better be top fucking notch. This isn't top notch, this is a half assed collection. The best games on it at Super, Kid Drac, and CV3 for fucks sake. Thats just sad.
This level of baitposting deserves a public ban, good lord.
>Castlevania The Adventure
>not Castlevania The Adventure Rebirth
>not even the GBC version that runs without constant slowdown
I agree with you about it being a halfassed collection
A $20 with the SOTN era games would be better just from it being less of a hassle to manage all your saves, etc
>defending a collection that contains three, 3, THREE, T-R-E-S of the shittiest CV games known to man
>and doesn't even include the most influential old style CV that everyone creams themselves over, Rondo
Yeah, sure buddy. I'm the one shitposting here, not you. Keep telling yourself that.
How does the arcade collection they just released run? Just wondering if this is going to use quality or Digital Eclipse emulation.
no X68000
no Rondo
At least it has bloodlines but so will the Genesis mini, and I’d rather just get that instead.
The genesis mini sounds like the best plug and play so far. M2 does excellent emulation work and I'm thrilled it has Super Fantasy Zone.
I have the hope that all the the Rebirth games will have their own Trilogy Rebirth collection or something at some point (They were three, right? Castlevania, Contra and Gradius if I remember correctly)
They use shitty emulators and can not even get the color and sound right, they then proceed to say the game was meant to look and sound this way
Look at m2 with Sega ages they added so much content and features and the games look and run perfectly I would love that after playing street fighter anniversary I never want to see another half assed collection by them ever again
To be honest, is a very decent collection, some of those games are acutally legit good, others are an interesting experience (which doesn't mean they are good), and hey, getting Lord of Shadows 2, so you can get the ending to first game, it's kind of worth it if you get the first game, the PS2 games, and even the 64 games out of it!
We should have seen the lack of Rondo of Blood coming, the Requiem collection just came out! At best we can hope it comes to other consoles.
Rebirth... Is a great game, but looking at this, they are only going for retro classics... maybe the Rebirth games will get their own collection eventually.