Why does this game get so boring after your first playthrough?
Why does this game get so boring after your first playthrough?
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No skill switching on the fly is a killer for me.
>Can't equip ashina cross and one mind together.
Too fucking bad.
This is why I didn't even buy Sekiro, despite beating every souls game and buying them all day 1, aside from Demon's Souls because obviously I had to play that first to become a fan.
Is he unable to just git gud?
From the gameplay and shitposting I've seen about the game, it's all just reaction and pattern recognition. That's it.
It doesn't look particularly pretty.
I couldn't tell what the art direction is, nor if any of the screenshots were from different areas in the game.
No customization, no weapon switching or variance.
No in depth combat, just react with the right button and it auto plays the animation for a moment.
No real strategy involved on approaching enemies, again it's just recognizing the moveset.
Don't know what the fuck the lore is about, and neither does anyone else it seems or that it's non existent since no one talks about it. And if there's minimal story then it's not expressed through environment or items from what I can see.
Still, I wouldn't make it easier, the game needs to be better in all the other aspects instead.
Can someone who actually played the game tell me how wrong I am?
I am not even considering pirating it, nevermind buying.
but playing without kuros charm is more fun
If you’re into superficial bullshit like armor and build variety then Soulsborne is for you.
If you’re into pure, lean, refined gameplay then Sekiro is simply unmatched.
It's a different kind of experience and a more tailored experience. Because of the limited skill set, the fact prosthetics can't be spammed, the game was more tuned around a singular build.
I enjoyed it more than Souls because I didn't have to think if I was underlevelled along with possibly simply being shit. It was simply being shit and then learning.
>6 Hours
I haven't played this, but didn't From explicitly say Sekiro was going to be far more linear, being about gameplay and story rather than RPG elements? Didn't From explicitly state that the game was going to be more difficult and unforgiving?
What do all of these retards expect the game to be like, having been told that it's going to be more action and less RPG, more difficult, and more unforgiving?
I can understand some fans thinking that means the style of the Souls games could disappear and this is From's new focus, but they've made games other than Souls before.
your description of the game makes you sound like you're posting from the mental health ward. you know, because it's retarded.
It doesn't. The gameplay kept me engaged through a number of gameplays. Usually I don't play the Souls games into NG+ since you can get every move and weapon without much trouble in NG, but by the end of Sekiro NG, I didn't even have my skill tree maxed.
Did he finish this yet? Last time I checked he beat Owl so he was already pretty close.
I love Sekiro for exposing all the summoning shitters
I've noticed something about these people that call Sekiro difficult for the sake of difficulty; almost all of them are people that overleveled in games like Dark Souls and Bloodborne so that they were shit like SL250 by the end of the game. Sekiro requires you actually be able to play and even then you can still abuse dumb shit like
>divine confetti that gives you a damage increase even on non-apparitions
it's ironic because the game isn't even that hard, genichiro is literally harder than the final boss.
I enjoyed it but I probably would've played on an easier difficulty level if there had been one. I don't care about stroking my gaymer epeen, it's just a leisure activity to me and there were times where sekiros difficulty was grueling to the point of tediousness for me. More so than any dark souls game imo. I think From pandering to the hardcore difficulty crowd is going to hurt their sales ultimately
I refuse to believe he beat Isshin in two tries.
lol there's nothing more refined about sekiro than any other soulsborne. The only difference is the lack of customization means the extremely shallow combat gets boring faster
>harder than the final boss
Shut the fuck up you jobber. Go cut yourself so your grandpa can show up and beat up a one armed cripple that you lost to three times.
>I have never made a conscious effort to see what this game is about, and have no plans in doing so
>here's a list of the assumptions about this game I've made based off of this
You may want to just get off of Yea Forums for a while. Too much contrarianism is bad for your well-being.
>genichiro is literally harder than the final boss.
not really
It doesn't. Sekiro is very much replayable, in the same sense that Zelda II is replayable.
Just doubling Wolfs health so he can withstand 3-4 hits instead of 1-2 would improve the experience without altering the difficulty too much. It's weird how much fucking health every single enemy has compared to you desu
I think only notable games they did before Souls was Armored Core and mecha are normie repellent, there is nothing normies hate more and not a more normie thing to do but hate mecha for literally no reason.
I'm not being contrarian you inssuferable defensive aggressive twat.
I'm asking what's good about the game and kindly asking how I am wrong so to reconsider even approaching the game.
Fucking hell all of you are insufferable, taking any criticism or praise in either direction as some sort of personal attack which must be answered with insult before an ego or two gets hurt.
I don't think it's really designed to be as replayable as Dark Souls
For some players. But I guarantee whenever sekiros average play time gets posted it's going to be a lot less than any of the DS games. I'm fine with the decision to exclude builds and multiplayer but that's going to result in it being less replayable for the average person
Ok what NPC is that?
The average person doesn't even finish these games so how would replayability even factor in?
Remember that you CAN pause to dump sugars for a boost can help.
I was very surprised to learn they now own Tenchu as I used to love that series.
I liked Sekiro as a more refined Souls and I liked having a boss where my options were mastery, or nowt.
Helps the pacing if levelling isn't an option, and I do understand there are ascended human beings that can beat Dark Souls soul level 1 and all sorts of other cack, but Sekiro has what I felt was a reasonable bar of gitting and gud.
The play hours can almost certainly be primarily attributed towards the multiplayer more so than the different builds.