I have a feeling this will be better than Touhou 16.
By the way, what's up with the thing on the lower left corner?
I have a feeling this will be better than Touhou 16.
By the way, what's up with the thing on the lower left corner?
Other urls found in this thread:
Game is probably gonna have an UFO-esque gameplay gimmick
Yeah but it seems we'll be collecting extra shots instead of bomb/lives so it'll be better.
Take what I say here witha grain of salt because I can't be bothered to fact check at this hour, but there are 3 of the beast collectibles, one boosting focussed shot, the other boosting unfocussed shot, and the last one boosting bomb
Reimu's cat dress is very cute.
For me is very lewd.
Still better.
It's good for beginner who want to collect resources normally but it's also good for scorefags since shots is more crucial for scoring.
I haven't been to hell in 13 years, but Konngara won't give a shit.
When is Reitaisai? May?
Fourth deva soon
Is it me or her gohei is getting even longer?
>hermit Kasen summons animals
>oni Kasen summons skeletons
Playable oni Kasen when?
Too cute to be intimidating
is the fourth playable character
>she got cuter
how does she do it?
yeah i cant wait for same protagonists shitty scoring system boring patterns medicore music boring accident that ends with status quo shitty newhus on glorious UFO engine
but since the gimmick is revealed to be ufo-like i can already say that its just reskinned UFO just like VD was reskinned ISC with removed content
The demo will be out on May 5.
There is an English one already, you know.
>VD was reskinned ISC
It most definitely was, not that it matters at all since nobody should give a shit about the engine besides the people who hack the translations in.
She is cool, though.
Definitely final boss material.
Too bad the "game" is shit.
Imagine being this much of a bitch
I hope if she's in, she gets a banger of a theme. Threshold wasn't bad after AoCF fixed it, but she needs something more intimidating.
I demand to be taken seriously!
Let's hope ZUN isn't being lazy despite taking care of two children.
Who's ready for the most fun shottype in the game/series?
Looks like another Marisa C MoF
Fug I mean A
I keep forgetting how god-tier Battlefield of Flower Threshold is.
>The only revealed the lighter trumpet section for the trailer.
>Everyone was caught off guard when the full version started playing after Kasen rips the border a new one
There is a serious lack of black hair between them.
More like Ex Boss I'd say.
This shit is only marginally less autistic than speedrunning
Begone, unpopular one.
to be quite honest with you my friend i'd rather be an autistic retard who shits his pants than a guy who posts pepes and wojaks on Yea Forums
>Speedrunning autistic in 2019
Get with the times
Yes, it's transexual now.
Seriously, I'll be really disappointed if the 4th oni isn't in the game.
This is the perfect setting for it. If not now, ZUN might end up not revealing it at all until he close the series.
Needs more arranges desu, it's really underrated. Fits right alongside Necrofantasia and Hidden Star in All Seasons.
What happened to 2hu cosplay and fumo during speedrunning streams?
That is a man, right?
She looks better as an oni.
Dunno but I feel more hyped for this one than the precedent games.
I have some favorites here.
These are great IMO. I feel like the theme was made for epic vocal arrange.
>yfw 4th deva extra boss.
>It's Konngara
She is not even trying to hide it anymore , to over.
Shit we space marine now?
They got rid of fun a while back, like 2 or 3 years ago. Been a while since I've watched one but I heard this past GDQ was actually decent (compared to the shitshow of the past couple at least)
I'd love that.
>In hell
>Has a horn
It's obviously Konngara.
I miss cute hermit Kasen. Oni kasen is a giant slut and sucks.
You suck
I wonder if ZUN still remember her.
>hermit Kasen in charge of not being a slut
I wish too user, I fucking wish
>Bringing a PC-98 back
Don't put my hopes up user I'll be sad if it doesn't happen
Am I wrong to expect a darker game from 17 Yea Forums?
>reimu goes back to the PC-98 style of fucking murdering everything she fights instead of 'exterminating' them
no? ZUN literally said it's gonna be darker than usual
In what way is he gonna make it darkere than usual?
Marisa is going to die.
I always wondered why was Konngara beeding from her horn or it was something jabbed into her head.
>marisa finally becomes a youkai
>reimu murders everything
>youmu gets possessed by the ghost powerups
How good is Touhou 6? I've never played Touhou or any other bullethell game before (unless Isaac and Undertale count kek), but I really like Stage 3's soundtrack. Is it worth a playthrough?
7 is a better starting point
And? And literally says that every fucking time.
EoSD is shit since it's the first Windows game (and it shows) but if you have never played an actual bullet hell game before, you should give it a shot anyway. Keep in mind that both Isaac and Undertale are piss easy compared to Touhou games.
It's a start. Hold shift for a focused movement.
Yes, start with 6
If you want to play it then just play it. Some will swear by it and think it's the best in the series, personally I think it was okay.
I wonder if he's gonna release this on Steam the first week it comes out.
All the offical touhou games are boring bullet hell games.
I like the doujishi, fanart, hentai, music of it but the offical game is just boring.
Ignore these faggots
6 is one of the best games in the series and the best starting point.
>>marisa finally becomes a youkai
You already have 2, don't need a 3rd one
EoSD is complete shit and if you actually played the games instead of parroting what other retards said you'd know this.
What's the difference between human witches and youkai-turned witches?
Kasen is cute and I hope she doesn't kill me
EoSD is actually a great starting point because there are no complicated scoring or power up systems to worry about. You just shoot, dodge, and collect points.
And it's friendly for secondaries who want to get into the main games, because it has all the characters and music they'll recognize.
you mean magicians? youkai magicians like Alice do not need to eat, sleep, and do not age. human magicians like Marisa just practice magic but can become youkai magicians by doing the three things above. Patchy was born a youkai just naturally good at magic.
Okay thanks anons
Woah... so in the end... Kasen was the wild and horned hermit all along....
>Japanese MLP
Then how are youkai magicians and other yokais any different?
Well yes but also no.
If anything, MLP is the Western Touhou.
most normal youkai do actually have a lifespan of a few thousand years or can fade from existence from lack of belief/fear while youkai magicians are self-sustaining.
EoSD is fantastic and if you actually played the games instead of parroting what other retards said you'd know this
Seriously, what the fuck is it that makes your retarded tiny brain hate 6 so much? The art? The music? The bosses? The spellcards? They're all far better than those of most games in the series, except the character art which is still servicable and not that big of a deal
It's an actual hell. There will be actual murderers and man-eaters that will put Hannibal Lecter to shame.
So "youkai" part of magicians only means their supernatural existence\lifespan and derives no other meaning?
Well we went to hell at least twice (11 and 12) and the scariest things we got from there were cats and tigers and MAYBE a Buddhist. Hecatia and Clownpiece are the only TRULY scary ones from Hell that we've seen so far. Most youkai are man-eaters by default, so they'll still be cute girls unless ZUN wants to go the Giant Catfish route again.
>he doesn't play in canonical order
It's just you.
youkai magicians are still youkai. The thing is that the term youkai is a giant catch all for hundreds of different types of cute girls.
I personally recommend th 4 and/or 5 before 6 because bullet density is lower (aka more easy) keeping the shift for focus and not visible hitbox, but (again) they are pc-98
EoSD has a hidden dynamic difficulty on top of the static one. PCB has it too but it only affects stage 4
>wily beast
>not wild beast
I know ZUN has a reason with his titles but come on, wild beast and weakest creature sounds way chuunier.
You forgot to mention the gameplay which is obviously the one thing you'd ignore as a dumbass casual. The stages are crap, there's no mechanic besides grazing, the hidden rank is SHIT, there's no visible hitbox and it has wonky, inconsistent bullet hitboxes compared to the later games. Compare it to any of the other games and it's one of the worst gameplay-wise. I bet you liked TD because of the music and characters too, retard.
He hates it because he's a hipster. It made the series, it's popular, and he can't stand liking something everyone else likes.
>there are people on this board who have such shit taste they hate EoSD and call others secondaries for liking it
It has overly popular characters so we're shit outta luck, can't go around saying we like it
>that pic
It's like you are a child once again: every woman invites you to treat tea and sweets but you are too shy and got told not to speak with strangers.
>The thing is that the term youkai is a giant catch all for hundreds of different types of cute girls.
So it's like calling any non-angelic creature a demon I guess.
we went to Former Hell in 11, after the Ministry of Right and Wrong left, so there wasn't much left there, and we went to Makai in 12, which is the demon world, separate from Hell (Jigoku)
this'll be the first time since HRtP that we go to Hell itself
bone goast and shinki confirmed
>there's no visible hitbox
Stopped reading there. What an asshat.
>You forgot to mention the gameplay which is obviously the one thing you'd ignore as a dumbass casual
I mentioned bosses and their spellcards, idiot. Those are the main appeal of the gameplay.
>The stages are crap
>there's no mechanic besides grazing
You mean there's no dumb gimmick that nobody really gives a shit about besides turbo-autists
>there's no visible hitbox
>being such a casual that this is a problem
So..... Sex with the Raccoon?
Youkai magicians are supernatural creatures just like every youkai, except they rely more on magic powers, I think.
Okay so I just died to the Stage 3 boss. Am I supposed to pick up those red blocks or the blue blocks?
I understand that you are retards that have never played another game within the genre but most of these games have some visual cue of where your hitbox is, it's not a big white and red dot but there's one. And given every other Windows game has one and people cared enough to mod it in, it's a design flaw instead of something ZUN did on purpose.
All of em.
Red blocks are your P for Power, they let you shoot better. They have a MAX power at around 128 then you get to full, which clears the entire screen of bullets. Blue blocks are for points, they get you 1UPS at certain point thresholds. Also good for scorefags who want to get the highest score.
red first, they increase power
each death will drop some, so make sure you keep stocked
blue is score, pick it up if you want, but don't risk your life for them
when you have max power, going to the top of the screen will automatically collect everything on screen
EoSD is a good game but it's true that it's lackluster compared to the subsequent releases.
>You mean there's no dumb gimmick that nobody really gives a shit about besides turbo-autists
Mate you're fucking retarded, stuff like IN's teams or PCB's border add some gameplay to it, don't have to be a turbo-autist to like them. EoSD would be better if it had those.
If you don't care about chronological order I wouldn't recommend EoSD as the first game, it's way harder than 7 and 8
Any good Touhou danmakufu games?
Those shots look really ugly
Hollow Song of Birds
Use a mod for EoSD that gives you a visible hitbox, it's a feature present in the later games, but missing in EoSD. Other than that it's a really good starting point, especially if you have some piece of soundtrack that you love.
There's also MoF, another good starting point.
What a fanboy. EoSD is a good game, but PCB and IN are much better and the jump between EoSD and PCB really shows ZUN's evolution as a game developer.
>Well we went to hell at least twice (11 and 12)
makai=/=jioku, also they was in makai 3 (2 for marisa) and in jioku 2 times (no, old hell from 11 isn't a proper one anymore)
She's a disciple of Buddhist God now.
She saved millions
Okay thanks anons. I just died on Stage 3 again, so I guess I'll just stop with Lunatic for now and pick an easier difficulty
Alright, will do
>so I guess I'll just stop with Lunatic for now and pick an easier difficulty
Absolute madman. Did you really started with lunatic?
It took some cunning to hide those boobies all this time.
Play Normal to start with, user. If you clear the game with 1 credit you'll get to play an extra stage which is between Normal and Hard difficulty-wise.
>started with Lunatic
What the fuck is wrong with you
Of course you're fucking dying on Stage 3 when you're choosing Lunatic difficulty LMAO. Stick to Easy (no shame doing so for now) or Normal if you want to actually get somewhere. On the bright side now the game should be MUCH more approachable now that you know what's up. Be careful as Easy-Normal and Hard-Lunatic are slightly different or contain even more spellcards than usual. But since you're going from Lunatic to lower it should be less for you to worry about.
With EoSD I recommend playing on Normal or Hard if you have a lot of time/interest.
Easy is out of the question though, the game won't let you fight the final boss if you play it on easy.
you might as well finish the game on lunatic now. that's the goal anyway.
Ids modewo time
Well I'm not some casual faggot that only "plays" movie games. I'll just try Hard mode and see how that goes and then go back to Lunatic afterwards.
touhou isn't a moviegame
I would argue that for someone that never played a shmup even easy mode is hard
It will probably take you several hours just to clear normal man. Danmaku is a serious business.
Calm down user, this is a bullet hell game. No need to try and be cool with your big cojones.
you're retarded mate. shoot em ups are nothing like most games, they're not designed to be 1cc'd in a day.
Then shine on, you crazy diamond. I'd still try to get a quick Normal clear to see the extra stage, otherwise it'd be a dissappointment compared to Lunatic.
cute maiden
I meant that I know how to play video games, so I won't play on Easy mode
bullet hells are not like normal games
but godspeed anyway, I learnt that the hard way too
Normal is a fine starting point, there's really no reason to start on Easy since ZUN balances the game around Normal and Lunatic. Funnily enough, Mountain of Faith is harder on Easy because the last attack of the final boss is way, way harder than the Normal (and I'd even say the Hard one too) version.
I don't trust galls who deal with snakes.
LoLK is sorta harder on easy because you have less bullets to graze and Clownpiece's pattern is more random because lunacy lmao
Virtue of Wind God should have been a survival desu.
Amatuer devs, what do you think of ZUN's programming?
Most amateur devs are just unity monkeys, not programmers
Former hell that was abandoned long ago
Makai is different from hell
Clownpiece and Hecatia, while strong, are part of official management so they have more respectable attitude. Hecatia in particular seems to be a responsible person.
Meanwhile, hell residents like demons and sinners could be far more vicious and ZUN stated this game will be darker than usual, so prepare for brutal, edgy characters that will give Zounose a field day.
I go to a university with "Game Design" majors. They don't program.
ZUN isn't an amateur tho he worked for Capcom for a while
Still making games that puts win7 in shit color scheme and stretches when put in fullscreen isn't really good programming.
Other than that, the games are fine.
ZUN made the first five games while he was still at university, and back then he was making the games without even using a real engine
>animal themed game
>but ZUN will never bite the bullet and finally make Genjii a boss
it's pretty known that Zun programming isn't stellar programmer
games are full of glitches
the most popular one is on flandre in eosd, if you damage her before QED you will deal her an huge amount of damage
Remember when HSiFS's stage 4 and beyond were disturbing?
Oh, wait...
Now that's a vintage shitpost.
there's also the VD bug that lets you continue playing and clear scenes ab infinite number of times after you die. And who can forget MarisaBug?
Mai and Satono were disturbing
Just like how this game's tone will be mildly dark. Don't expect fucking Berserk though.
Satono and Mai are slaves and they don't even remember the reason why they serve Okina anymore.
if you don't mind t*mblr this blog has every glitch in the games
>if you beat the tsukumo sisters in DDC Extra fast enough the screen turns red
whoa, that's pretty cool
there's actually a lot of pretty cool trivia on here
ZUN isn't the most skilled programmer there is. The games still has glitches here and there despite being simple.
His true merit is his artistic ideas and music composition. Also, his principle to always make the bullet hells by himself is admirable.
I don't really like fighting games, is Soku fun and or good?
Its pretty unique as far as fightans go, you might find something you like
But at the end of the day, its still a fightan
It's fun, but not very good
Only their assdestroying danmaku was.
Warugaki is on the move again, he took an usual porn doujin theme and turned it into something crazy.
>but not very good
thats where youre wrong kiddo
>SA's midboss quick kill
>StB's character swaps
>SA extra relock
>LoLK "Hecatia's vengence"
>MAlice cannon
>PCB whiteout storage
>Flan extra damage exploit
>PoFV teleporting Reisen bullets
>Marisa laser desynchs
>PoFV last life bug
>SoEW hitbox shifting
>Marisa B(ugged)
>VD infinite retries
Oh yeah, forgot StB boss swap in fun tier
If you were going to get eaten by a youkai, who would you pick
>forgetting Yukari's eternal swastika
If I HAD to, I guess Remilia
what about that one boss that just disappears in practice mode? I forget which it was though.... was it HSiFS stage 4 maybe?
just cover yourself in beanpaste
isn't there a glitch in HSiFS stage 5 (or it might have been extra) where beating one of the bosses first would cause the card to never end?
Never seen it in-game personally, but I've seen the video. Similar to Prismriver's glitch, yeah?
Ha, can't believe I forgot that one.
so was she actually evil all along?
No it doesn't
yeah, english patch fixes it
Don't know what the Prismriver glitch is but that's probably it. Wouldn't be a very memorable glitch if it happened to any other spellcard.
It's fun, but you probably won't like the weather system and decks so each to their own.
What did ZUN mean by this?
Where's the Prismriver glitch?
Discount border between wave and particle
very fun, very good, and the discord community is pretty nice too
That's really funny, reminds me of a similar glitch with Kirby in Melee
It's fun but the weather ruins it
Never seen it live either but it's where Merlin gets desynched and just sort of starts doing her own thing.
KIRBY IS EVEN FLATTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Never unlocked the extra stage huh
>Never played SA extra
He worked for Taito not Capcom.
midboss in extra stage
she attacks literally just because both of you happen to be there
also for some reason a single one of her bullets in her first spell is green while all the others are blue
She just decides to fuck your shit up for no reason.
>she attacks literally just because both of you happen to be there
what a bitch
Secondary detected
I love Marisa!
[Spoiler]SA Normal is too hard
Yea Forums, Shinto, Buddhism or Taoism?
>Getting killed by Hecatia's sprite as soon as you clear the Survival spell
Fuck you leatherman. You never cried the tears of blood I did whenever that happened
Eat shit
I think its time to stop posting for today
Understandable, don't worry you'll make it eventually
Shinto obviously
People aren't allowed to dislike games
Ok user
gods are dumb
Fucking idiot
You know it
Not the right one, but thanks for reminding me Okina survival skip exists.
Will post Hecatia when I get home from work.
Eat shit harlot, Miracles was a gay mechanic and you deserved it.
Taoism is just "live your life to the fullest" and it teach you immortality so that.
Soku is what got me into fighting games in the first place
4, actually
>marisa finally becomes a youkai
Byakuren and?
He made that image specifically for when it got banned.
He made around the same time too for similar reasons.
So what you are saying is its autistic
Kasen is not an oni!
Great Tao.
what got banned
Crazy pole dancers!
Top got banned.
Marisa would look great dancing with them.
Narumi is the most innocent thing ZUN has ever drawn
what the fuck are these controls in soku. It's a piano not a fukken game.
shut up okina
Its only like 6 buttons, really simple inputs for the moves
You can tune a piano, but you can't tuna soku
After all these games nothing still can't top UFO osts overall.
All of the music are great sans IChirin's theme, Shou's theme and Extra stage theme which are mediocre.
>After all these games nothing still can't top one of the most mediocre 2hu osts of all time.
I made this in literally 2011 I love that it still gets posted
Also love how you hate on some of UFO's best pieces.
Pretty good bait got 2 yous from me.
Fuck off, I'm the one who made it.
UFO is great user, but the undisputed Crème de la crème is IN. You can't prove me wrong.
Besides Byakuren's theme I cannot remember a single piece of UFO's OST
>Ichirin pretty much became the de facto second-in-command
>Murasa is a murderer and who is Shou
Then don't post in 2hu threads
That's nice and all but nothing beats LoLK. Its heavy use of synths gives the music a very unearthly, sci-fi feeling that blows every other 2hu away, and Frozen Capital is pure kino.
Let's hear which one is your favorite user, so I can respect your opinion
I'm sure most of the time the stage themes overshadow the boss theme in UFO. It's the same case in remixes as well.
IN or MoF is close second, I admit that.
TD's OST tops UFO instantly, even if it's lesser as a game
Any tips for Mokou's spellcard "Honest Man's Death"?
Shits impossible, I've been trying for like 5 hours trying to get past it, but with no luck.
>EoSD shitter can't recognize th greatness of UFO's OST
Not surprised in the slightest
UFO isn't bad but I don't really think it's even top 5 when gems like LoLK, SA, and PCB exist.
She's just trying her hardest to fit in!
>sans Shou's theme
We cant be friends anymore user
PCB is painfully overrated
>EoSD shitter
You've got that wrong user, I think IN and PCB have the best soundtrack
As someone new to Touhou, I find the casts to be pretty good and interesting overall, but ESoD's cast, UFO's cast, Mountain's cast, and SA's cast are really solid for me.
What games has the worst character designs overall? Ten Desires?
>What games has the worst character designs overall?
DDC had the cast that resonated with me the least, so if I had to pick it'd be that
>I don't think [overrated game #1] has the best soundtrack, I think [overrated game #2] and [overrated game #3] do
TD at least had Seiga and Futo.
Shit taste
>everything I don't like is overrated
I love DDC.
I don't know the details but to me it's like the laser's hitbox is only active once it reaches the position you had when it appeared. In other words, moving just a little bit towards it when it starts moving is enough to dodge it. Once you get that down you'll figure out the rest.
Touhou is overrated
Play Seihou fag
Raiko was the only good design and ZUN wasted it
Eternity is the worst fairy ZUN's made, Nemuno is a stock yokai, Aunn and Nemuno are just pointless and disconnected, Dancers are okay, Okina has way too much overlap with Yukari and a boring motive
The game is pretty fun though
Kill yourself tranny
I wish Raiko was more popular/relevant
despite being good, those three games are circlejerked beyond recognition
Waggysaggy, Sekibanki, and Shinmyoumaru were great too.
Seija is the best and you're all a bunch of shitheads with no taste
Taoists > Buddhists
Shinto is just a weird mix of both with japanese folklore added in anyway
Thanks user, I'll try that out.
alright so how do I play Alice? set up dolls to pound from range and if they close in use the lances to punt them back?
Given the same treatment as Flandre and Nue in canon
LLS and MS are the best, in terms of ost and gameplay. Nothing else comes close, except for maybe IN
Basically yeah, she's a trapper
The UFOs turn a lot of people off it
Hey I love LLS and MS but you can't just go and tell lies like that
Those bass drums kick in just right
I just 1cc'd PCB on Normal lads
Praise me for not being too shit at videogames.
was it with sakuya?
I wasn't talking about UFO
yes, but do both at once while spamming Tripwire and Returning Dolls
No, ReimuA
Based nip drummer.
I like Okina. It's nice seeing a new sage, her stage transitions gave the battle a sense of dynamism that hasn't been seen since HRtP's Sariel fight, and I enjoy her backstory and how her incident is a very "standard" one (something we haven't seen since SA).
I just wish ZUN went all in and made her a cripple. 2hu is surprisingly lacking in characters with physical disabilities (despite having a few with mental ones) and a wheelchair-hu would have made her stand out more from Yukari.
Contrary to what people said DDC cast is very popular, except the tsukumogamis.
Some 2hus from HSiFS are cute, but I feel like they lack certain appeal and depth.
Good job user!
now do it on Hard, fagit
thx bros, gonna play IN later, any tips for Marisa? she's my wall in that game, maybe the same could be said about Reisen.
how do I block? no key and nothing I press seems to work
Okina is great, fuck you
>any tips for Marisa?
Play as her.
Use practice mode so you get a hang of her spell cards, her attacks aren't too hard to dodge
She's actually easy honestly, use practice mode again, when she freezes the screen look for the areas where you can dodge shit easily
any tips for Reimu?
ya I already tried that and it doesn't work.
>they lack depth
>posts kagerou
Amulet hitboxes are way smaller than they look.
Forget about her and play as Marisa.
Best (and cutest) oni
She's a cute cat girl
Are you for real?
Now that's a danmaku if I've ever seen one
Ironically one of her easier cards
Unless you play some high level online, she's going to be too complex for the ai reactions to bait, she relies mostly on setting you up for mixups or beeg damage
Mostly a bad pick for a beginner
Mokou is such a fun fight desu, too bad I'm shit and stuck at
> Honest Man's Death
yeah well, I think I'm going to 1cc the game with the other teams first because no matter how hard I try she kicks my ass
Go through the laser.
I still don't quite get Honest Man's Death
are you meant to go focused to get through the laser or what?
Mokou's really fucking fun though
Don't be an honest man.
Laser hitboxes in early windows take several frames to become "active".
In HMD, it just so happens that the point it becomes active is exactly your position when the laser starts up, so moving toward it is the safest option.
inb4 he makes a brand new character that's basically a konngara expy instead of the actual konngara, despite her not having dialogue so he can do whatever he wants with her
Alice don't cry!
>StB's character swaps
>PCB whiteout storage
>PoFV teleporting Reisen bullets
>PoFV last life bug
What are these?
>blue eyes
Oh no no no
Post aesthetic pictures
>Uncommon glitch that swaps a boss's sprite for another boss's (sometimes crashes the game, sometimes results in things like gif related)
>Quitting and going back to the main menu during the end of stage 6 ending fade to white transition results in the transition continuing during the main menu. Completely pointless but kind of goofy.
>Reisen's Level 1 attacks will occasionally teleport to the top of the screen when the detonate.
>Getting hit while charging your gauge can prevent you from getting the full gauge boost during your last life in a round.
With default lives, I hope?
Here we go.
Solo or magic team?
Because if it's the latter, learn how to use MAlice cannon.
man I'm so glad Imizu is fucking obsessed with guns
it leads to glorious shots like that
the last life glitch only occurs when you use a charge after dying, you can avoid it by holding on to the charge button until you get the bonus
it also triggers on deaths other than the last one but it's not nearly as annoying
Yeah, I don't mess with that kind of options, makes me feel like a shitter.
How do I go solo? I can't find the option and it makes me feel like an idiot I swear.
I mean, i'm still going to play Reimu/Yuckari but if I can play solo Reimu then that's what i'm going to do.
>How do I go solo
Ignore user, he's an idiot.
You unlock the option after getting the true ending with every team.
Well, now I don't know if I will do it, I want my chart to be ReimuA only and this is kind of conflicting.
It should be noted that, while they are treated as stand alone shots, most of them just feel like the team shots sawed in half, and generally they aren't as good as the teams.
There are exceptions though, Remilia and Youmu gain new mechanics and Solo Marisa is hilariously a better shot type than Team Magic unless you exploit MAlice cannon (and even then, Marisa benefits from not accidentally using Alice's trash tier bomb and being able to destroy familiars while unfocused.)
Also worth noting is that they don't actually change any dialogue, and story-wise the game still treats you as playing as a team.
Also, if you want to unlock every Last Word, you're going to have to play as every team eventually.
Just get a score.dat with everything unlocked then.
So you can play solo Reimu from the start.
I can give you mine if you want.
Sanae loves you user.
look at this faggot
Might as well cheat in extra too while you're at it.
Everyone loves sensei
A cheater in my touhou thread?
What's Kasen going to do to Reimu?
Doujins when?
Give me a doujin of redeeming Oni Kasen through the power of love or give me death.
Pull the trigger Sanny, I'm ready
So Kazen was always an oni after all. That's cool.
at least she has good trigger discipline
Wanna fight?
>aw man I shot alice in the face
are you okay retard
Shit I really need to catch up on the written material
I still haven't read scrollery or wild hermit
stop right where you are
god I love this video
Will 2hu ever be the superpower it used to be?
name no less than three (3) touhou characters that could eat Marisa whole
Scrollery is pretty good. WaHH is more an SoL comedy which gets better over time.
probably not
there's too much gacha shit and other crap diluting it
this video is fucking great though, took me like three watches before I realised how the gun ended up in the car
Jackie Chan
Jackie Chan
obviously the fat ghost you call Yuyuko
Think they got rid of it back during like 3 years back? Something about Super Marisa Land?
TD had an amazing cast fug you
Man I miss all that stuff
All because of some melted popsicles. I love Touhou MMDs so much.
See now, Sanae, my kid will beat that frog.
>tfw probably going to get sucked up by a tornado
Which 2hu do I pray to?
Aya duh
>yuyuko again
>shouts mcgee
>kogasa again
>dead meiling
>a terrible person AND dead meiling
>angery ghost and arsonist weirdo
amazing cast you got there
>tfw there are more wind-hus than lightning-hus
post hecatia dancing
I wish I had a kimeemaru to keep as a pet. They just have a peculiar appeal I can't explain.
Would Yukari and Okina engage in wheelchair jousting as a sport?
Why you didn't tell me there was a literal touhou Jesus?
please do not shoot my wife
>What if we poorly remade a funny skit in mmd?
>But poorly?
Every time.
MMD is worthless for anything that isn't dancing or porn or both
They're perfectly balanced, user
Aya, Kanako, Sanae
Iku, Raiko, Tojiko
>Would Yukari and Okina engage in wheelchair jousting as a sport?
I need this now
Because her fan game sucks.
Because Byakuren is
You forgot one
>race traitor
Say what you want about her game, but her song is great.
Byakuren is "youkai jesus", this one is "literally 63 jesus"
They started to ban literally anyone that has fun
she killed millions
of sperm
But user the only Lightning 2hu is Mamizou.
Thanks for your shitpost-contribution
Post crying Hecatia
For that user who's stuck on Mokou, here's a fun trick on an earlier card. Good if you feel like humiliating her.
You can't handle this fluff.
I too can make anything sound bad
Are you serious, nigger?
The name is "Unknown"? Never heard of that Zounose doujin but I'll check it out.
Not him but it's rainfall.
One of the few ones from zounose that doesn't involve meat.
You cheated not only the game, but yourself.
You didn't grow.
You didn't improve.
You took a shortcut and gained nothing.
You experienced a hollow victory.
Nothing was risked and nothing was gained.
Play Aya's games
>tfw literally only played sakuya two times in my entire time playing PCB
After you
Already did. They are my favorite games.
I'm bad at it
I'm at level 5 on both Shoot the Bullet and Double Spoiler, they're getting harder and harder
any of joon?
If you give me the link, I have been asking for that aya attorney game for several thread already.
Do gameplaychads pick Reimu B?
Unironically this.
Playing SakuyaB is too fucking fun, piss off.
Well I'm sorry but Youmu was bullcrap.
I’m gonna pick Otter in 17 for PCB Sakuya mode
Having your focused speed be roughly the same as you unfocused pretty much kills any attempt at doing careful movement, yes
Artist: Yassy
>the random moments when STB will crash because it loads the wrong boss for the scene
I mean at least there technically aren't 1CCs for it so it is just simply annoying from time-to-time
*gives her opponents an advantage just to show off*
>Loses miserably
Nice job you ponce. Your boss is dead now.
>Not loving the glitch for moments like
>Your boss is dead now.
Out of all IN teams this was really the most boring one to play
>Seihou is underrated
Go play Len'en you nigger.
Len'en's dev couldn't design a stage to save his life.
>implying all teams aren't equally boring except for Vampire and Meido
user do you remember Illusionary Domianance from MoF? There's a full version of it in Double Spoiler.
Eh I liked Marisa Alice
I mean, she's not an official character.
Fuma best girl
fucking dork
Magic team is great. Solid bantz and MAlice cannon is fun plus Reimu>Marisa for stage 4.
>Implying they don't have the best dialogue.
Youmu actually works as a character when someone far smarter than her is around to fuck with her.
Excuse you, BPoHC has magnificent stage design.
Yes, I am, indeed, fucking with you.
Wait. People actually play these games?
Me too, user.
It's just fun, I like the mechanics, even if they're a bit broken. Stage themes are great and most boss themes are too. Stages 5 and 6 are kino, but most of them are.
Well, I mean, this thread wouldn't be on the video ganes board otherwise.
hum... guys?
Do 2hu people play other shmups?
Gonna join isis now
of course. what else could it have been?
where's this from?
It's conformed, only a terrorist could enjoy UFO.
I played Devil Engine recently, that was fun.
They're larpers though.
>not MoF
I played the Orange Juice shmups, Len'en, ZeroRanger. There's some stuff I should play soon-ish. Maybe Eschatos? Yousuke Yasui is pretty fucking great.
Play Seihou 1 and 2.
3 sucks.
>even ISIS can be united under her game
>unfocused shot is thin
>focused shot is wide shot
>MarisA SA
I'm thinking of playing Maiden & Spell when it comes out.
Does Rabi-Ribi count as a shmup?
>marisa SA B
Oh yeah, I also played Cat Girl without Salad. And some of these days, I should stop being a disgrace and be assed to play Gradius and maybe R-Type.
>every single SA shot types
Honestly I think SA is hard not because of the patterns but because of how fucking trash all the shottypes are besides maybe ReimuA.
Marisa no.
3's kinda fun if you can get past the ass-backwards shot types
Marisa B would be fine if there were actually proper assignable hotkeys to change formation. It being tied to focus is so retarded
>Bump Limit
Today was great.
Aya is great though and Yukari is standard needles