CoX; Heroes and Villains Lets go home together edition

>Where can I play?
You can't yet, but it's going to happen very, very soon.
>How do I into Paragon Chat?
>How do I plan my character?
use Mid's Hero Designer
>How do I watch what's happening with the server creation?
>What the hell is going on?
A fuckload of drama about a secret private server happened, we got the source code LITERALLY TODAY, work is now being carried out to create public servers.
>Is Leandro still a faggot?

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Other urls found in this thread:

YES new thread. New edgy villain to start her off.

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Leo went to work.

No one in discord could provide him a server

Thats because he left out verification files to host or connect to a server

>Leo is ready to help just provide a serb
>all we do is shitpost and blame him for everything
yall fags aren't deserve shiet, get fucked for 7 more years

To take the piss on Leo? Correct me if I'm wrong but all you did was join the server, ask for source code, get told where it is and where you can look to get more information on it, went silent for a minute and then called them bootlickers.

Leo wasn't even on the server, you essentially got laughed out of it and then booted. People like you are unironically why 4channers aren't threatening and are just seen as incessant kids.

Already disproven.

Go back to discord dick sucker, people already know Leo needs another visit.

I didn't realize I played exclusively male characters way back when I played CoX all those years ago, now I just make girls. Man the game still looks cool.

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Are you the "I have coding experience" guy from last thread?

>[16:27] Normal Guy: It's not pertinent to the current discussion and I apologize for it, but on behalf of myself and a good handful of others, Yea Forums and Yea Forums aren't looking for blood, or to hurt or threaten anyone. Please ignore their association with us, as they are extreme outliers to the collective interest in seeing City of Heroes in the hands of the community. I saw someone earlier being hateful and a comment about Yea Forums and felt the need to chime in - obviously a lot of us have very strong feelings regarding things that may be drastically opposed to others' feelings here, but that is entirely aside from the progress you all are making towards making City of Heroes playable again. Thank you all for that, as well as for you all in the community maintaining a positive, bright atmosphere for its development.
some of you guys are alright, don't come to argentina tomorrow

>leo defense force is in full strength ensuring we'll never get to actually play
Fuck you faggots, if you want to keep sucking his microdick in hopes he'll let you swallow a drop of his cum it isnt worth constantly arguing with you for another 7 years.

To anyone else who has a brain and sense of pride, call leo out for being a bitch and still hindering us from hosting it ourselves.



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I thought Leo already covered that

>normal guy
>speech sounds identical to the one blizzard apologist made
What makes these people think sucking up to someone willing to fuck them over for 7 years will work?

Ribsu, they only kicked you for screaming like a 10-year old, you can rejoin the discord at any time and shitpost till they ban you.

How do you take screenshots? Don't see the option on the character creator.

'Did you ever hear the Tragedy of Destroyer Stroyer the Unstoppable? I thought not. It's not a story the Normies would tell you. It's a Yea Forums legend. Destroyer Stroyer was a Beard Lord of the Neck, so powerful and so wise he could use Wizardry to influence the memes to create potential new communities... He had such a knowledge of Wizadry that he could even keep the franchises he cared about from dying. The Neck side of the Beard is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. He became so powerful... the only thing he was afraid of was losing his community, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he blew the whistle on everything he knew, then his admin banned him in his sleep. It's ironic he could save others from destruction, but not himself.' - Sheev Pepetine

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>it's a Yea Forums legend
i'm pretty sure his leak started on facebook or reddit, lmao

so much for Yea Forums legend, you kids are so fucking lost it's unreal.

to answer your question on to "why 4channers aren't threatening and are just seen as incessant kids" is just because although i only made my temp account look like retard, I actually went on this shit chat app to tell them something, unlike you who just whines about everything anonymously.
You can whine in discord using some temp account too, yet you here, in the place where people did nothing of value. Well, try to do it better than me, can you? how+to+take+a+screenshot+on+pc

he made videos on tube

Dumb frogposter

you mean back before you became desperate?

Can you stupid pieces of shit stop fucking around

We aren't any closer to playing

cute attempt to defend your shattered ego. lots of laughs going your way, a true manlet attitude.

you know you gotta share them or else it's not leaking right? how many people out there search up "stroyer private server" every day? not me, bucko.

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and yet here we are

Ive been telling everyone that but theyve either become complacent because they don't understand that we need EVERY single file related to the game to make a functioning private server, or they fell for LIDF spouting endless "leo gave you enough to set it up, leave him alone" posting. 2+6ch has the right idea.
Yea Forums has become too docile.

I personally just like the look of girls, although it's fairly even in CoX, the game's customization is still top notch.

As someone who never played the game back in the day, is there any videos I can watch that can get me into the lore/story and some general overview of how to make a character?

>currently the only thing we might not be getting is our max level characters
I don't even fucking care, I'll gladly experience the adventure for all 9 of the characters I want. Even if I get my 50s back, I'd delete them anyway, expensive enhancements and all. I honestly hope they decide to wipe our old data clean so everybody can experience the game like it's brand new.

Who fucking cares about characters kist give us the ability to make a server and play. Itd be boring if we started at max level anyway.

It's borderline impossible to get you up to date on the lore without just telling you to go read up on it. Go to Paragonwiki, it was updated with everything about everything about the game, even years after it had finally shut down. If you want to make characters, just go download Paragon Chat and make it yourself. Youtube videos of the character creator will be 90% of the youtuber's favorite costumes and 10% gameplay of some retard who barely puts effort into it and calls it "my own creation". It's much easier if you just play around with it yourself.

I don't want them for max level, I want them for the costumes. I was pretty good at winning costume contests when it wasn't a "make your character as edgy as possible" one. I saved screenshots but deleted them about two years ago since I figured it was a lost cause, and never dicked around in Paragon Chat. Be nice to see them again.

This. To start a new and experience this game all over again is a good thing, it's like these people hate fun.

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i don't think there is much of that stuff, it's mostly all in game. you could go to the paragon wiki and start reading about the factions you will encounter.

Yes, this. I want a rush of fresh wave heroes and villains, lets all work together to grow stronger.

How do I get the client program for this?

still I'm not sure why won't this guy just dump everything he got, making only bs excuses?
>ugh guys i had no sleep for 4 days
well just dump the fucking code and go to sleep, you wasted 4 days to save your ass and try bullshit your way through, so who cares
>ugh guys I don't want to dox the original leaker
yeah unlike every fucking versioned code project in this fucking world, this one does contain signatures from only the one dev from bunch who touched this game in 8 years, and accidentally this is a leaker's signature
>ugh guys mission data is interlinked with player's characters please let me untangle this first
yeah sure it doesnt use variables for player's names in missions at all, sure fag
>ugh guys character db is not gonna make it, someone doesn't feel comfy at all knowing that everyone can play their precious character
who fucking cares
>ugh guys im just gonna release other stuff later bye
>last seen: 7 years ago

Post em

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Just woke up, Leandro supposedly gave the NPC/mission/etc shit to someone but there still isn't anything public?

Build would just be easier if I dropped Weapon mastery, but as a Neckbeard character I NEED exploding shuriken. Tried to see how much I could reduce the cooldown of Kuji-in Retsu, at the global recharge cap it's a 270s Recharge with a 180s Duration. I can't remember if the Recharge rate Alpha enhancement further reduced this or not, I'd probably just go with the damage one anyways. Also I realize how expensive this build is, I'll probably map out a placeholder build using way cheaper sets.

Stalkers apparently got a bunch of good changes in the later issues and aren't shit anymore

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face it, you're a one trick pony and a lost cause, bub. better put on as much black clothing with red straps as you can and learn to embrace it

download the paragon chat installer+downloader called tequila if you're on windows and install titan icon through it and wait for the server we should be getting later tonight.

it's already out there. just ignore the people in the thread like this @459109606 schizo retard

The waifu bait is endless here. I hope some one mods the game and bumps up the graphic style. Imagine what those nerds that mod Skyrim can do with this and enough autism.

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Correct, we are also missing client verification files despite what his goonies say.
Theres also an issue of his server running on I25 but he didnt give out a I25 client, and he also didnt give out all the I24 files so its impossible to make it complete for either version.
Protip: to spot his drones look for reddit spacing

>download the paragon chat
You fags have been misdirecting people towards this since you got your shit kicked in.


That looks horrible

I've never played CoH but as someone who lost characters on multiple WoW private servers due to shady events I am happy for you anons. I hope you enjoy the servers once they are out.

I feel like this is one of those things where reading about it or watching videos about it wouldn't suffice, I just really have to play it to understand anything. The game itself rather, not this whole conspiracy.

You're right in that it won't work with the i25 servers that are supposedly going to go up first, but you're wrong in that it doesn't download the i24 game client. How do you think it works without the game files retard?

Thanks friend, hope I can make a corruptor daughteru

I'm the guy who told you about the stalker changes because I've been no lifing them since around issue 7. Some tips when using Mids', go into Options -> Configuration -> Effects & Maths, and change your Chance of Damage to "Ignore Extra damage (Show minimum), and under "Suppression" on the right side check the "Attacked" tab. Your desired Defenses should be 45% for Melee/Ranged/AoE, any more is overkill.

Right now your defenses look super bloated but that's just because it's taking into account your max defenses when you're fully hidden, but it's too hard to tell what your defenses are when you're in the middle of combat. I'll give you some build tips in another comment

I just wanted to say that's one of the coolest costumes I've ever seen and I'm legit jelly. I might even steal it

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Perhaps this is more to your liking.

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better off ignoring them, they're either newfags who didn't even watch the leak videos or being misleading on purpose.

I wish this game had custom poses

Just let "4channels of 2019" jerk a bit more their ego.
This whole thread is full of "gimme gimme" crying without literally doing any work.

but we don't have client's source code, user. And it seems we'll never do. Everything in the client is set in stone.








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i dont want that fag to be in charge I want him to release his code then fuck off

We never will because of leos crew, they've completely taken over the threads.

whatever server gets spun up first will probably only have a few hundred slots and will be a giant shitshow, I wouldn't expect to be playing for days or weeks.

Bring Hasten's slots down to 2, if you check the stats window for that specific power you'll notice that the third recharge IO is barely saving you 5 seconds, and the fourth IO is most likely doing absolutely nothing at all. Another thing, DO NOT take the Fitness Power Pool in Mid's. Fitness Power Pool was added to all characters automatically in an older update because it was just so good, so when you take the powers in Mids' then the program will read it as if you're making a Legacy character, which is a much older character than what the game was at/will be at. You're basically missing out on free power slots because you accidentally took the fitness pool. Unselect Swift, Health and Stamina and you'll see that all 4 of the power pool powers will show up on the lower half of the window, in that space between Assassination and the Prestige Power powers.

yeah it seems bullshit started to come back once discord got filled with "hyper-empathic" individuals

Literal samefag. You are intentionally lying to people making them think that what you're linking them to is the real server.

I24 Server source
I25 data

All other issue data
All mission data
All NPC data
All map data
Server verification data
Updated server source


Oh okay so just stop caring then right

This. The SCORE server could only hold 200 people at a time. I don't see why'd they'd like about this one, as it's partially admitting that he doesn't have the expertise to make things better.

do you think they have client's source codes too?
Man, I just wish original leaker to step out and btfo these niggers

The issue 25 data has missions and npcs


the client source is in the leak retard

For issue 25.

I thought mission, NPC, and map data was dropped this morning?

ignore it and keep focused on the game, they will get bored eventually.

.... which is just a modified issue 24

That sure is useful but its too bad we have no way to actually USE IT

In the 453 mb one? or is it still being held as hostage?

>literally who drama
>literally who shitty 90's videogame
>10 autists circlejerking

can't you fucks just keep this bullshit on your tranny weirdo discords and not post here? what the fuck is this PS1 superhero videogame anyway

isn't /vg/ made for anime autists like you

The code is useless because he hasn't released all the necessary data that goes with it. These threads are filled with shills trying to fuck up the threads.

There was a claim that they were but there has not been a single link to it.

In the source leak yes, the client code is in there.

My God you sound like an absolute fucking retard

>Trying this hard to fit in
Fuck off, newnigger.

why you care just go watch your usual thread zoom

shoo shoo zoom zoom


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So dont let up pressure. Keep these threads goin. as much as I hate to do it, we need to stay on reddits ass too.

Their thread was already moved to /vg/, but they started new one.
They are just a bunch of faggots, most of them reddit/facebook boomers.

oh, right i see it, Game folder.
That's great.

We got gas though so let's pour it all over the Americas and burn it all. Either he releases it because we burned down a shitton of countries, or they burn him alive.

Holy shit fuck off

Hopefully the jannies will move this shithole to /vg/ aswell

Just remember that over half a decade of gaslighting wasn't done by one person alone. There are actual shills out and about in all areas of discussion.

>1000 smash threads and thinly veiled fapbait threads are fine
>genuine discussion about restoring a game to be playable by everyone

Yeah that's how you know those people are fucking retarded

nobody said neckbeard cunny threads are fine, but neither are circlejerk dramas that involve like 5 people about weirdo third world venezuelans and shitty online games from 15 years ago

off to /vg/

Video games are not allowed on Yea Forums.

You expected anything else from Nintendogaf?

just ignore all posts that aren't discussing gameplay or are not genuine code questions. clearly the people screaming about gaslighting are trying to do it themselves. it's kind of awkward how they see leandro as bad for doing it but don't mind doing it themselves.

You're a fucking moron

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>5 people
Make it 6.
Never played that thing but always wanted to.
Currently toying with that character creation tool to shit how much /mlp/ autism I can cram into a character.

>stop discussing video games on my video game board

Kill yourself.

its not gaslighting faggot multiple people are trying to make servers but they physically cannot because the files are missing or dont match up with the versions he gave us

>see leandro as bad for doing it but don't mind doing it themselves.
Nigga what? Did you just seriously acknowledge gaslighting has been happening on Leo's side then try to deflect with "but they're doing it too!" Jesus man go take a nap, clearly you been up too long.

Some other stuff, Tough can be ignored entirely. Ninjutsu is all about defense and utility, so having Tough active for a pitiful 19% smashing/lethal resistance isn't worth it when you can focus more on improving your already high defenses, or focus more slotting into attack powers. You can keep the +3% defense IO and +4 knockback IO, those take effect even if you never use the power. The other 3 slots in Tough can be put into other powers.

Stamina doesn't need more than 3 slots. 2 slots should be a generic +end mod IO, and the third slot can be the performance shifter chance for +end proc, but that isn't as important unless your Net End Recovery is worse than 2.0/s. Physical Perfection should be brought down to 2 slots, and those 2 slots should focus more towards End Recovery. Regen is very minor if you aren't a regen focused powerset like Willpower or Regen, and you already have Kuji-In Sha for healing quickly.

I suggest moving the Stalker archetype IO to something like Sting Of the Wasp. If you assassinate somebody and your Chance for Hide proc goes off from it, the enemy now knows you're there and your assassin's blade is on cooldown. If you put it on sting of the wasp instead, you'll periodically get stealth during combat and you'll can assassinate for free bonus damage. You can also skip out on the archetype IO's damage/recharge. Your damage and recharge are already reading diminishing returns without it, and you only need the 5 piece set bonus. The sixth piece is a pathetic 2.5% smashing lethal resistance on a powerset that doesn't care about resistance.

I search city of heroes at least once a month to find music. His last vidoe popped up for me just a few days after he uploaded

>has been happening
no, it had happen. it's stopped.

you're not trying to do anything outside of whine on this board.

a smash thread died for this

Fuck off LIDF

>it's stopped.
>it has been going on for over half a decade now but they stopped now. Promise
Fuck off.

Minmaxers will destroy this just like classic WoW.

>spam away general threads for few days
>literally 5 people interested in this
You have to go back you reddit scum.

Any swtorfags here?

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>5 people
>38 posters
Might wanna go back to discord and ask for more pointers to better defend daddy Leo fag stick.

i like the helmet, i want the green gas to be brown

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It's way more than 5 you fucking retard. CoH is a beloved game, and for good reason. Who gives a fuck, regardless? This entire board is comprised of barely on-topic bullshit, go complain about that instead of one of the threads about something genuinely interesting. You must be such an insufferable faggot.

Make a Darth Baras so I can find you and infuriate you in this game as well.

>Acknowledges it had been happening
>But no we're totally not anymore pinkie promise
Fucking kek.

Minmaxing always existed, you could just ignore it if you wanted. As long as you aren't a lvl 50 with no enhancements of any kind, you'll be useful in even the end of endgame.

Random posters != people who interested in this old shit.
>beloved game, and for good reason
No one cares about it.
>Who gives a fuck, regardless
Me, so fuck off. You literally at this point are same as discord trannies.

currently downloading paragon chat.
That's basically the character creator right?
I've heard it's pretty robust. how long can I expect to spend in it, if I like to go full autism in creating characters?

>being this mad about people not giving a shit about your old ass mmo drama
No, you fuck off faggot

Yeah I'm sure tons of Yea Forums users are interested in tranny discord nerd drama and MMOs abandoned decades ago lol. Have sex freak


Port Oakes ... home ...

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>how long can I expect to spend in it, if I like to go full autism in creating characters?
I've been going full autism in it since 2004 and I'm still finding interesting new costume combinations.


I NEVER made a single female character in my time playing. Then, when I turned 17 1/2 8 years ago it's like a fucking switch flipped in my brain and now every character I make in every game is female, what the fuck

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>Issue 21 increased the number of character slots to 48 slots per server for VIP Players, and 36 slots for Free and Premium Players.
>Private servers might allow for even more
Not having enough character slots for all my ideas is one of my biggest gripes when it comes to MMOs.
I've never played this game but I'm pumped after fiddling with Paragon Chat. I hope private servers work out for everyone.

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Don't let your dick control your life, user.

St. Martial was always my crib. There's a great little rooftop in the northeast.

Rent free.
> so fuck off.
Nah. We're gonna keep talking about this video game on this video game board and there is fuck all you can do about it. Not gonna respond to any more of your posts by the way, just gonna watch you give me a (You) for this one while you throw a hissy fit like the pathetic little faggot you are. It doesn't even matter that I've told you that's exactly what I want, you'll still do it, you can't help yourself.

I'll believe actual coders, and they said it's enough to make a server (and they're busy making a server)

God made a miracle, i'm happy.

>people not giving a shit
Clearly you do because you're in here feeding us attention.

don't forget that your god is called Leo

You're going to make me get my ass back into gear after i had shelved this case and considered Leandro placated?

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Ive never understood why people make so many characters instead of focusing on one or two and maxing them out/getting more efficient with them.
In every MMO I've played it takes actual dedication to max out one, why would you try to balance 21 at once?

that's the devil user

You mean Destroyer Stroyer the Unstoppable.

>suddenly no urge to play as a female
>urge comes back after an hour

I can't fap every hour of my life bro...

Theyre TRYING to make a server and hitting roadblocks your lover set up.

>Excited to play again because it was the only MMO I've ever fucking liked.
>Try to forget that I spent half of that time roleplaying in Pocket D.

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So you don't care about this board.
Fuck off you nigger faggot.

>He didn't enjoy making Baras have a conniption fit
Playing light side Sith Warrior is only great because of how seething Baras gets over everything you do.

Half the fun of CoH is coming up with neat new character concepts.

He's a fuckup, no one should be praised for fixing his own mistakss

Have sex.

Man I just want to do a comfy run through the sewers while simultaneously jacking off to a liveleak video of an argentinian being beaten to death with a wrench, is that really asking for too much in the current year?

Join the Military.

Well there's your problem.
I don't really care if the space wizard works, I just want to play him.

>So you don't care about this board.

Nobody in their right mind cares about this board, it's trash.

I was making fun of you liking big burly men you homo

Because a Street Justice/Fire brute will feel completely different in every way compared to something like a Broadsword/Shield brute. You could play 2 of the 14 archetypes and still have 10+ characters who all feel completely different.

You first incel.

Oil check

Have sex

Holy shit now I definitely feel retarded, completely forgot bara is a thing.

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Yvan eht nioj

Anything new? Has he released the npc datas?

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I wanna play like a brawler kind of guy. how does this look?

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I cant have sex every hour of my life either though

Not with that defeatist attitude.

Anyone else got a Paragon Chat that freezes at "Waiting for Client Startup" or did I just fuckup somehow?


You and I.
We're the only people who have fantastic taste around here.

Making characters was half the fun, because CoH actually had a fucking awesome character creator.
It was helpful too, it guaranteed that early levels would always be active with players creating new characters to level up, if only to get capes and auras.

Then we strike

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Brainlet here, how do i use Mids' Designer??

I never really understood the point of the Fighting or attacks in power pools, they barely do any damage.

yeah he did, but it's for issue 25, while the source code is issue 24, there is also fuck ton of stuff missing according to

Ive never played this game before but I want to because the character creator is great and I want to shoot death lasers at people

i love the joy that i get from getting those first bunch of levels and getting some new attacks. i don't really like the end game stretch because it starts to take a while but can really enjoy the slightly more complex encounters.

the pipeline is looking good, i'm really hoping we get a server in the meantime though, call me crazy but waiting a month would feel like murder after these past few days of anticipation.

we got it, a slightly newer version than the one all the codemonkies wanted but it's still something they can make use of for the long term and something we can play in the short term.

Be a robotics mastermind user and you and your robot minions can shoot all the death lasers

couldn't really say I never played this but they seemed like the most straightforward, no nonsense, no magic/superpower, just a guy punching shit way to go.

What some are saying is that certain things have been released but the problem is they're for different versions and don't work together. Can't confirm or deny because not at home to check myself.

That's the plan

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Street Justice is literally "the brawler power", just use that.

Everything we need is out there but it'll take work to make it all compatible

Meanwhile, Leandro has stated he's ready to spin up a server if anyone has the hardware he can remote into.

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What site is this

Is it possible to make anything close to my boy Tin Tin in this game?

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If you want ungabunga punching, brutes and tankers have super strength. If you want street fighting/fight club, street justice is for brutes, tankers, scrappers and stalkers.

I never got to play it originally, but I hope to play with you faggots soon.

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I was looking at that as an alternative, both look cool.
in the OP my dude.
>If you want ungabunga punching
I want as much ungabunga as possible

Yeah I'll pass on letting him be involved beyond finally doing what he was entrusted with all those years ago. He doesn't get to suddenly try and be the good guy in all this.

Mids' Hero Designer, it's an old ass character planner from like 2007 but it was updated by the community until around 2013. It has everything but the issue 24 powersets that never made it to the beta, which might get updated when the private servers are up.

I made this, you can probably make him too

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Leo already ran a server. The fact he didnt release the code he is using is the reason why he's a fuckup

cool, what projects are you involved in? oh wait, nevermind!

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Fuck, I can’t decide on a character

Nice argument faggot.

So you admit to being a leo cronie
Fuck off

I don't know about coding so call me dumb.
If he remotes into a server to setup his shit, what kind of server would that be
A copy of his own server?

What kinda powers would fit being able to phase through shit at will or am I gonna be stretching my imagination which I'm completely ok with?

because it's more fun

not an argument, get pooped on

No. He's offering to set it up so it's playable now and then people can get to work on their own

Teleportation is the closest youll get

>I want as much ungabunga as possible
super strength/invulnerability is as ungabunga as it gets. It's straightforward, there's no gimmicks, and it was really commonly chosen by brand new players. Brutes do stupid damage with it, and tanks are immortal with it.

Leandro isn’t releasing the character database, right? Right? I really want to see everyone teaming up together to level up. I really hope he keeps that to himself.

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What fucking work is there to do if he just releases the shit he is using. Instead of piecemealing it out like its his work

why would you skip the best attack in your primary? The last power is usually good.

>super strength is ungabunga
wtf delete this! super strength is wholesome backyard american wrestling moves

the way it looks no, but that also will not matter for the i24 server because the guys who are putting that together said they're going to do something that will stop that stuff from getting imported.

There's an invisibility power pool where the final skill literally makes you phase shift for 30 seconds. Nothing can affect you during it, not even your own ally's heals.

I can live with that, any abilities that give pseudo invulnerability even on cooldown and melee ability?

This guy gets it. Just fucking give us the files you cunt.

Perfect timing


invulm is the worst powerset in the game

Hows regeneration? I was thinking of using it for my character

but i25 is his work at least, also only he knows how to get everything together

If he dumps everything he owns then the rest of the internet has no more use for him. Why would you expect a megalomaniac to relinquish his power easily?

Thanks for the tips boys, I'm looking forward to whenever this finally releases

>immune to every damage type except one really uncommon one used by 2 enemy groups in the entire game
>a heal that almost doubles your max hp, and can be slotted to be active 24/7

Can be pretty powerful I used it in PVP back then. Thorns/Regen Stalker.

What was the game like post City of rogues? I heard they changed a lot of the early zones in paragon and the rogue Isles? Did they do a SWG NGE and fuck it up?

It's pretty shit unless you plan on being a generic DPS that will never lead the team. Scrappers are DPS focused but sometimes if the rest of the team is support or blasters, you'll be expected to charge into battle first with the worst survivability out of all defensive powersets.

Sounds dope, I'll keep my eye out for when more servers go live, thanks m8s.

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What are the good builds for scrappers?

I don't plan to pvp. In every mmo I avoid it like the plague because I suck at it.

I think they just beautified a few of the early CoH zones like Atlas Park, nothing material was actually changed like available missions or anything like that.

I enjoyed Claws/Invulernability

I really hope they don’t import that shit. I honestly don’t see the appeal of getting this shit after 7 years, not to mention it would absolutely ruin the economy right off the bat. The whole fun of the game is growing together with others.

It's a low priority issues right now and I think the current stance is character data won't be released until there's a good way to vet and distribute the data to the correct people who's characters they were. The way they did it on his server is you just provided your account name and that's all they needed, but they'd also ask for what your global handle was and the names of some characters to prove it was yours. But I've read some people say they aren't comfortable even providing their account name(maybes because it's their name or something idk, for me my account name is some xXxedgy shitxXx) The current thinking would be to write a tool that could pull the data for people automatically.

But also it's low priority and I honestly couldn't give a shit about most of my characters, I remember the ones I played the most and I'll just remake them.

>childhood is making massive hulking strongmen
>adolescence is making cute or lewd women
>adulthood is making grizzled old men still fighting for what they believe in

Attached: Golden Boy.png (1024x768, 756K)

it's time to read it all

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Big fan of the double DoT aura scrappers, so Spines/Dark or Spines/Fiery Aura. Fiery Aura on scrappers was pretty new and it was also beast for farming AE fast fire farm missions.

Can I import my costume from pargon to the main game when its released?

Immune? The resists weren't even that high. Dark armor and electric armor were far superior to invuln towards the end of the game. The only time invuln was good was in the first couple years of the game when you could have unstoppable up permanently.

Good taste

They changed Mercy Island and made the progression and music there pretty shit, but it's still just a lvl 1-6 zone. They destroyed Galaxy City (literally destroyed it) and the remains are the new tutorial. The new tutorial is a generic hero tutorial where a woman's voice screams at you to use your WASD keys to move, very complex stuff. Atlas Park was revamped graphically and musically and while some people miss the old one, it's considered an upgrade in every way. You can even visit the older zones in Ouroboros.

The also changed Dark Astoria dramatically, but it went from being a fucking awesome looking Silent Hill theme, to a fucking awesome "Elder God apocalypse" theme.

You sound like you only played before enhancement diversification. Dull pain (the HP boost) can't be perma with slots alone

What if this is a ploy by NCsoft to see if there is still an appetite and release CoH2?


Attached: assim-fs1[1].jpg (433x188, 17K)

Yes if you save it to your computer on the character edit screen


based, also even any niggers say to not SB them because they "don't like running fast" do it anyways, they don't know what's good for them.

Where does it save them to?

what's all this?

I miss Mercy Island, I wonder if that can be restored eventually

>they changed mercy island
Noooo. I loved that place and the prison breakout mission

Honestly, I don’t actually remember, I’ve never downloaded the chat. But it was a thing in the game before it shut down.

Someone give me a theme for another character design, I'm having fun with the character creator.

Attached: Patrioteer.png (1452x1086, 2.34M)

>tfw when you hear the Atlas Park theme again for the first time in years

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It is there in your folder under costumes I think

Evil gnome

The Rocketeer

Yeah, they removed the prison breakout, which is a shame.

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The last survivor of an underground extinction event.

Is this game good? How did it compare to other MMOs? Is there end game content like raids?

but wheres the folder

meant to post this, lol.

Attached: neat.png (1248x596, 74K)


Everyone is defending him and calling him a poor dude in the discord

Dude who lives in his parents' basement and suddenly got super powers or something

In Paragon Chat. I'm pretty sure a folder is created. I have one for mine.

>Lets go home together edition
CoX cucks can't even make their own slogan, gotta copy classic. Just kidding anons, I'm happy for you guys even if I never got into CoH.

Of course they are, they're doing it here as well.

Medieval animal person freedom fighter

Can’t wait to kick some hero butt

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Gun Knight. The only character I remember making.

I said he's not a poor guy and got attacked by like 6 people

Wow classic fags are dramatic faggots. They have had access to the game the entire time. They've always had the option of going home, whether it's a private server or retail. We're the ones who were homeless.

Fun Fact: City of Heroes came out before WoW

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After this is all over and everyone can play I think people will go back to harassing him. Now is the time to play his game of lying and pretending.

Invuln could softcap s/l resistances on even scrappers, had tons of extra hp with dull pain, came with both defense buffs and enemy to-hit debuffs, and after all that it still had 30-40% elemental resistances. Dark armor was only popular because Dark Astoria's incarnate enemies shit out so many different kinds of elements. DA has worse defenses across the board in everything but energy and negative energy, like 3% defense at most before you had to dip into pool powers, and still had a ton of endurance issues. This is coming from somebody who never even liked Invuln.

>tfw they were reworking all red side missions on i24 and NCSoft killed the game

Fun Fact: unlike WoW no one cares about CoH

not everyone shares your illness, you could probably get prescribed medication for your struggles if you really wanted to. jesus saves

Honestly, I don’t really care. Once he releases his shit I no longer have a reason to hate him

Most mmos that hosted more than 100,000 players have private servers.

By slots I meant set heavily slotted set bonuses, stuff like LotG 7.5s and obvious the 10% global recharge from purples.

It was easy to get soft capped on dark armor with invention sets. The amount of self sustain from the heal was insane compared to dull pain. And it had more -tohit than other armor sets. Electric armor was probably the best though.

Make Paragon City Great Again

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sb pls
sb pls
sb pls
pls sb
sb down again
/tell Hey, can I get SB

LIDF kys please

What should his powers be? I'm thinking Titan Weapons.

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Server when?

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Make him comfy and loved so he doesn't mind sharing his stuff. Bad cop but then good cop. Jesus man your ego, you'd rather have your fun instead of getting the data?
But you're saying the truth, it doesn't matter fagass, get the data.

Oh ok. Every powerset in the game could be good if you had a good build. But I still think invuln was the weakest defense secondary all around. It deserved to be buffed a bit. Invincibility was too inconsistent because you didn't always have enough enemies around for the full buff.

a big weapon or energy melee

imagine the smell

probably smells like poop. Ass fetishists are just fags in denial

>Driving to work
>Just thought of a character to make
>Can't make it for another 8 hours.


Fun fact: City of Heroes is about to get its CoH Classic, While WoW "classic" will get a butchered mess.

>Implying a faggot like Leo won't just become emboldened by dick riders and start dragging his feet more
Tards like you are why we don't have nice things anymore.

DA has 1 -to hit power, cloak of fear. It's only 5%, and the toggle itself costs .52 end per second default while basically every other toggle in every other powerset in the game costs between .20 and .28. That's double the endurance cost for 5% better effective defense and a magnitude 2 fear that can barely affect minions. I agree that elec armor was strong as fuck, though

Well it's actually more like CoH Modified edition and then CoH right before shutdown. A CoH "classic" would be like SEGS or something working off of Issue 0.

It's easter weekend you pleb, don't tell me you're working in fast food.

meant for

That's it Mcguire! You're off the case.

I always thought dark armor was shit on everything but a tank. That heal was just too good with higher HP. Even against a single target. The recharge was so quick. Having a damage aura was a big plus too. Invuln should have had damage added to invincibility.

So I just download the Tequila thing and it will download the CoH client and chat?
Is it safe.

Dark Armor also has no knockback resistance without the -knockback IOs, which is dumb as shit for a resistance focused set.
>at 70% hp
>get hit and knocked down
>now at 30% hp and can't heal for the next 3 seconds

Retail at a thrift store.

Tequila was made specifically to be a launcher for Paragon Chat/Leandro's secret private server by him and his friends. It doesn't do anything other than what it's made to do.

>Is this game good? How did it compare to other MMOs? Is there end game content like raids?
I'm sure it's probably aged badly, but it was really fun in its heyday. It's main problems were how content got pretty repetitive after awhile, and arguably some balance issues.
There weren't many other MMOs at the time to compare it to, and those were fairly different beasts.
At least at first, the closest thing to a raid was this huge cell monster. Since it appeared in the open world, it was more of a public event, I guess, though that's not the terminology used at the time. I can't remember if more stuff like that was added or not.

>builder doesn't have anything about newer skills
This is going to be harder than I thought

Hey guys....

So what do I download? I don't have i24.

Seeing all the FS stacks in my buffs still makes me hard to this day

God you're dumb

>Diarrhea Dad

Attached: 1554834232270.jpg (556x1024, 85K)

>have to work Easter Sunday
>at a grocery store
>one of the only grocery stores in my town that will be open that day

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for soft capped, are we talking about resistances or defense? Invuln can reach s/l resistance softcap for like 85% resistance with no effort and all and with almost no effort you can get 35-40% defense across the board without skimping out on damage. Dark Armor sits at only around 60% resistances on average, gets no defense at all unless you slot every single one of your powers for +defense set bonuses, and even after all that you're going to have really bad endurance issues.

What should I expect if I start playing for the first time?

When can we play or do we have to keep doxxing leo?

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There were plenty of other world bosses that. Lucia the Kracken, the Ghost Ship, Adamaster, Eochai and Jack in Irons..etc


It says right there in the Paragon Chat download page.
>if you have the issue 24 files from back when you played, download paragon chat _HERE_
>if you don't have the issue 24 files, Tequila will download it for you during Paragon Chat installation. Download _HERE_

Don't give me bullshit answers and give me an actual reply you retarded faggot

Keep pushing. Hes still biding his time and only giving us bits and pieces.

I'm sure none of you here believe in Sally, right? There couldn't be a prehistoric sea monster living in the lake in Croatoa. That's just absurd.



have sex

Not him, but I don't know how to answer that. It feels like a 2004 MMO like WoW, but the artstyle isn't shit. I don't know what vanilla WoW was like so I'm not going to compare, but the game is a tab target MMO like most early 2000 MMOs were, but without an auto attack and well mocap'd animations since you can't move and attack at the same time.

Resistance does not have a soft cap, only hard cap.
Defence soft cap is on the assumption that vast majority of attacks have 50% base hit rate.
Enemies can not have lower than a 5% chance to hit.
So +45% defence gives majority of attacks the minimal chance to hit.
That is the defence soft cap, because further investment gives no further damage mitigation against common attacks.

Is the news anchor talking about Deathstroke and he's frustrated because the wide variety of guns he has is reduced to just "an assault rifle," or is she talking about someone else and he gives up his guns for some pussy SJW reason?
The former would be funny, but it's a comic book so nowadays I have to assume the latter.

How will the naming system work once the game is released? In paragon chat you can call yourself whether you want, will this apply to the main game?

It's a private server I really don't think it's going to matter.

Im hoping its the former.

>tfw was about to try ot CoH for the first time ever
>never got the chance
>until now

Hope. Such a mysterious word, isn't it?

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Where my leotard wearing lewd heroines

I never was that into stats or being efficient back when I played. Nowadays I am. What's the most debuff-heavy archetype? Anyone can kill an opponent but it's real fun slowly stripping them of any ability to fight back first.

Fuck I completely forgot resistance's hardcaps were actually just referred to as "hardcaps"

>Try to close paragon chat
>Crashes my entire PC
Is this the Argentinians fault?

God it's like I've opened up a deviantart account all over again.

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How hard is it to find Sally

Is getting floating body parts possible without editing files

Lots of powers debuff

Nah this was made after the gay nightclub shooting so it's about that.

There are some names in Paragon Chat that can’t be used. I tried using “fart” in my name and it said the name was invalid.

Probably the same as it did in the full game. You can name yourself whatever you want aside from obvious shit like "Nigger Faggot", you can put spaces in your name like any proper MMO, and I think the character limit for names was 20. You can even do stupid shit like get 7 other friends, all name yourselves different variations of Capital i's and lowercase Ls and run around with an 8 man team of "IIIIIIIIIII"

>mfw playing non-Empathy Defender and get kicked from most groups

Attached: 4am.gif (500x288, 744K)

In depth character creator. Kind of a dated UI but there's a ton of options when you find your way through the menus, there's so many pieces that it's kind of aids if you're looking for a specific piece. Character models are aged because well it's a MMO from 2004. Expect lots of classes and even within those classes many variations because of how many powersets there are. Bulk of the game is Mission running with a team, missions are basically the "quests" of the game and point towards generated instanced maps. There's also instanced raids, open world raids, pvp zones, arenas, SG(guild) base building and even base pvp where you invade another SG's base. A bulk of what to do in the end-game is farming to get IO plans and money to kit out your character(s). Also everyone kind of stopped caring about pvp after i13 so don't expect pvp to be a super lively thing. Also there's like 8 years of extensive lore and many enemy groups and types. Probably a bunch of other shit I'm forgetting.

Doesn't this guy kill people all the time? Why would he give a fuck about some shooting?

Why would Deathstroke even care about someone shooting up a nightclub?
Fuck I hate modern comic book writers.

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>A group thinking Empathy is even that good
Not worth being in desu

Can't wait to go back to playing as a Mastermind, staying in the back taking pop shots at high priority targets, assigning each henchmen to a certain enemy, that pre-mission upgrade any MM in the group did slowly summoning and upgrading everything they had.

Yeah but which ones are centered around debuffs and afflictions?
I remember controller was a crowd-control style archetype.

Empathy is shite mate

Yeah the problem with these type of comics (like the 9/11 marvel one where Doom and Magneto Crying offer the twin towers) is that writers seem to use villians as also caring about these issues but it doesn't work because Deathstroke uses guns that's one of his main things having him "give up guns" because of a shooting he would probably commit if paid enough doesn't send a good message

Do you only care about debuff or do you also like buffs? Kinetics is strong as unholy fuck for both buffs and debuffs, but mostly the buffs. Dark Miasma/Dark Affinity (Hero name for it) is debuff focused with some minor buffs and an AoE heal. Radiation Emission was the king of pure debuff, but it also had a weak AoE heal and a buff or 2. Cold Domination was another debuff heavy set but I never played around with it.

I have a Kinetic/Electric defender planned for release, it sums up "stripping them of any ability to fight back first" pretty well. You can steal enemy endurance so hard that they physically cannot attack in any way because they can't afford it.

Did they not even try to spin it by claiming that there was a good chunk of mutants in the towers, and that Magneto was upset because he thought it was a targeted attack against them?

Nope just a guy whose canon body count was higher then 9/11 crying about 9/11

He is basically a disembodied soul in a suit.

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A Defender calling themselves a healer was always something of a red flag for me.

So Freakazoid?

Oh man, those guys were the worst! I remember having a macro keybind to help target specifically those guys on my controller.

Fiddling with this excel spreadsheet or whatever, so there's a shield thing but I'm guessing you can't go Captain America where you just smack people around with your fists? I need to look at a wiki for this, this game has so much shit it's so exciting

Can rogues commit crimes? I never delved into that portion. I was thinking of making a phantom thief character but I dunno if I wanna go full villain, and hero wouldn't work either.

I made a similar idea, a rich warlock kind of character who lost his body so he's a jar with a fancy suit and a big ass cape. The jar head option is super cool.

From a Lore perspective, Rogues are Villains who do shitty things for a greater good, like robin hood. From a gameplay perspective, you're basically just a Villain who can also travel to Paragon City and "sample" the quests there. The only downside to being a rogue compared to a pure villain is that you can't get alignment merits.

You auto learn the entire fitness power pool at level 2 now. Drop them from the power pool selection and you should see all four powers appear where the LEGACY BUILD is. This was done in Issue 19 and beyond.
It's still in Mids' as a power pool as you needed a full respec to drop legacy Fitness for inherent Fitness incase you hadn't done it yet.
You've got three more power choices, fren.

>tfw playing Storm defender
>crowd control out the ass plus a heal for emergencies
Storm was the shit

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Rogues can play both villain and hero missions

Dang. I'm probably going to scrap the build and start over. The thing is I don't really *need* any more power picks so I'll probably just pick up stealth/invis/phase shift and just slot LotG global recharge in their 1 slot and change a lot of the sets I'm using.

Is there a downside to being a rogue/vigilante? Does it just open up more content with no strings attached?

So have we completely given up on getting the last bits from princess lea and you guys think you're actually going to be able to play?
See you in another 7 years when he has a fucking mansion built from his web of lies.

You can't earn Alignment Merits, which is an effective way to earn really rare IOs for lategame building. If you don't care about minmax, it doesn't matter.

>Heroes who reaffirm their alignment (including City of Villains archetypes who have become hero alignment) by doing Hero Alignment Missions and Hero Morality Missions are granted access to a special lounge called Fort Trident, where they can spend Alignment Merits to purchase Invention Origin Enhancement Sets, including "Purple" sets (previously only available very rarely through defeating enemies of level 47 or above). Fort Trident has copies of most of the Signature Heroes, allowing characters to teleport to their location in the "real world" to start their Task Forces.

>Likewise, villains who reaffirm their alignment (including City of Heroes archetypes of villain alignment) by doing Villain Alignment Missions and a Villain Morality Mission are granted access to a special lounge called The Crucible, where they can spend Alignment Merits and teleport to the villainous Strike Force contacts.

Don't be a dumb nigger he knows if he pulls a fast one he's going to get physically hurt

>So have we completely given up on getting the last bits
No, it's just the reseterafags shilling hard to make Leo the new "holocaust victim that dindu nuffin".
Guess we need someone to go knock at his door again ...

If there's filler powers I'll usually just pick up the leadership tree and only pop 'em on if I know there's some endurance recovery in the group.

I've never played CoX before but if a server materializes I might. What's the best way to go fast so I can make Sonic Man from Sonic 2006?

Nope you aren't allowed to play if your gonna make faggot shit

You can go fast at lvl 4 and never stop going fast. There are entire powersets built around going fast, like Kinetics

>bruh just let me get a server and I'll run SCORE on it for you
>what? no i won't lock you guys out or like put child porn on it or something
>pinkie promise

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Oh boy you're in for a rude surprise when the erpers get their hands on it

The majority of the community is over 30 years old, it was a lynchfest if you were anything other than a catgirl or succubus. It was so comfy, like living in the 50s through a game.

Waste your power slots on dumb shit like 6 slotting swift and sprint and superspeed for speed. Be kinetics and also slot Siphon speed for the same. Stack IO sets that give worthless +movespeed bonuses.

I'm gonna make the most faggoty shit possible just to spite you.

Attached: Average furfag.jpg (480x480, 41K)

I have absolutely no idea how to use this builder thing because I've never played. Should I just wait until we actually get a server to worry about it?

Yes. In fact you can wait until your max level to worry about it.

Lets all make our Furry guild! The server would be ours!

just, submit to us ;D

What you can respec?

Stick with the basic enhancements since that's what you're going to be using for your first 50 levels. Play around with shit until you find something you like. When you mouse over a power that has enhancements slotted in, you'll see grey, green, orange and red numbers. Just make sure you don't push too far into the red when you're enhancing a stat. You can go check out the wiki for really in depth shit about the game's combat if you really want to learn.

>tfw the entire community is going to be broke as fuck struggling to buy SO's from vendors while leveling

I can't wait, it's gonna take me back to the first few issues of the game.

Yeah, you can get respec tokens by running certain mid level """dungeons""" and you can even get respecs as a really rare drop sometimes.

Yes, there's multiple ways to get a respec "token." I think might of also added a dual spec system at some point but I can't remember.

>times haven't changed at all
>everyone is gonna think exactly like me!

The respec system was really, really, really, really, really, really awful.

>When the source code is completely released and private servers are made, a mod is developed to replicate the nemesis system and vehicle travel powers like from Champions Online
Would you be cool with that?

I don’t think I’ve ever seen an albino croc

>furries are acceptable now
Sorry faggot but you're still going to get napalmed.

Cool. How hard is it to get into the combat itself? how hard is it to solo stuff

The only part that sucked was how you could only save 10 of your most valuable IOs if you didn't want to slot it right now, and everything else just gets fucking autosold for the price of a bottle of water.

You can’t change your primary/secondary pools though, just the powers you pick from them

The game is entirely soloable minus the world bosses. Combat is very straight forward as well it's very old school MMO


Never played CO hows that work?

Anyone fine it ironic that a superhero game had a shadowy underground cabal who was plotting and planning against everyone else this whole time? And it had an abbreviated name?

The combat is surprisingly basic, and the only complexity comes from some of the later released powersets and some endgame raiding stuff. You can play literally the entire game from lvl 1-50 solo, but the best exp comes from Task Forces/"Dungeons" which can only be started with at least 4 members.

You can usually solo stuff at first, but things get harder as you level. It’s generally a good idea to do missions with others because you really have no reason not to.

It's a supervillain game, too

And then when you're like me you carry x8+4 all boss missions and powerlevel people with your immense strength.

So the cool thing about the game is you can actually tailor the difficulty for yourself. Because most of the content is instance by default all the missions you do will be generated at your level with mob sizes for 1 person. But if you're feeling strong you can set it the size to up to 8 people (max group size) and +1-4 of your level. Increasing the rewards and difficulty of the missions. You can also decide to encounter arch villains/heroes(big bosses) when solo or not. You're solo experience is going to vary drastically depending on what class you are.

The Combat is the tab target affair, but unlike most games there's no auto attacking, everything is ability based. The gameplay itself it's very complicated, most powersets are just a priority of using your abilities as they come off cooldown, but the min maxing can be in depth.

Im only asking about soloing because I suck at communication in games and would end up alone 90% of the time

This is the best feel

I meant to say isn't very complicated, I haven't slept.

I forget the specific level, but at some point in CO you unlock the nemesis system, which allows you to design your own archenemy, with a small handful of options after designing their costume and power set, and afterwards you will randomly get involved in quests that involve fighting your nemesis and his goons (the guests aren't unique, as every nemesis seems to have the same kind of missions, and sort of act the same), and this happens a few times, before you finally finish them off and toss them on jail, and then it repeats with a new nemesis I believe. And if you're on a team I think there are special missions where everyone's nemeses team up to face your. It's a really neat concept, even if CO kind of doesn't do anything with it.

It's one of the most solo friendly mmos

I always love you faggots talking about how great the 50s were, if people in the 50s saw you talking about super heroes or cat girls they would think you were a fucking loser and embarassing.

People already think that about those things.

stay salty furfaggot

You won't be forced to communicate outside of "lvl 23 troller lft" or "I'll join if there's still room on the team". There's even a player search menu where you can set your status to "Looking for team". If a leader is looking for players and sees your name on the roster they'll just outright invite you.

The difference is now we have online communities that include people of all styles and tastes and inclinations, EXCEPT furries. Imagine their seething.

shit he's right

And the way to make justice for it is being more villainous than them.
At the end all are fucking vigilantes.

>tfw if I play this I'd have massive trust issues stumbling across old friends I had, not knowing if they'd been playing the secret server all this time while sadposting about how much they miss the game.

Ah well, at least they're not the fucks on Titan who you can see in their post history were engaging in misinformation and gaslighting campaigns despite playing the servers themselves.

I forgot they had a working LFG system.

To the other guy, if you just want baby's first easy mode socializing, just do Rikti mothership raids when you're high enough.

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There's people I knew who played this game like "Jump Man" on the champion server who had that character purely as a Soloist. He was a Martial Arts/SR scrapper and his whole character concept was being solo and he'd test himself to do hard stuff like solo Arch Villains.

If you're looking to play Solo I'd suggest the MM class, it's probably one of the strongest at doing it, and if you go /Dark Miasma or /Poison you have pretty strong debuffs that'll make soloing Arch Villains easier. Obviously you could choose to disable AV enemies, but it'd be more fun to build around soloing them.

>there are no furry online communities
also user sorry to break this to you, but the general public is far more accepting of furries than you incels.

Theres no content I'll be locked out of for being alone will there? I saw bases and guilds being mentioned before.

I never got very far in this game when I played it, always wanted to hit 50 but only got to the high 30s because of how fucking slow it got. I'm so confused by this builder, but I think this is the general set up that I liked best, I remember it doing some crazy damage. Are there any super powerful builds to try out? Also, from what I understand there was a system put in place to allow Heros to become Villians and vice versa? So I can be a Hero Mastermind?

Attached: Hero_Designer_2019-04-19_10-35-45.png (1056x722, 139K)

>EXCEPT furries.
>what is discord
>what is second life
>what is twitter
>what is entire furry websites
>what is the fgc

Are you just wrong about everything?

It's a very solo friendly MMO but the true magic of the game was that the community was incredibly welcoming and team friendly too, both in content and socially.

>you incels
COPE harder faggot

Does this feel overdesigned? No? Okay cool.

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I'm not saying they don't have their own faggot furry communities, you absolute drooling chimp-IQ retard. I'm saying they're excluded from everyone ELSE's communities, which is what they deserve.

You can swap allegiance yes, but also in going rogue they made you able to start out as a Hero MM or a Villain defender if you wanted.

You could just say "yes" it's a lot easier.

Aside from actual raids and world bosses? No.

>get proven wrong
>s-stop blowing me the fuck out, j-just concede...
Oh the whine

that's not what you said at all though user, maybe you should learn how to speak.

>this was Leo's plan all along
>for all of us to become vigilantes
>for all of us to become a cabal of our own
>to become this unstoppable juggernaut that can do anything provided we all band together

It's precisely what I said, head back to your ESL class, border jumper.

Whats the recent update? Last I checked in yesterday people had the source code but no npcs/missions.

I think bases maybe? I can't remember if Individuals can have bases or not. I also believe there are group missions that you actually can't do alone?

what was everyone's favorite travel ability?
If it's not super speed + super jump then you need to get out of this thread.

That’s pretty cool user

based moron

You either die a hero or live long enough to become the villain.

Nigga you're a super villain, go nuts

I don't intend to go constantly solo, I just end up doing stuff alone because of bad timing and lack of friends

There are Supergroup bases (Guild Halls) and Supergroups (Guilds). There's no content that's exclusive to SGs, but there is content that just can't be accessed until you have enough players on a team. Neither of those things are important at all, you can play the game just fine without joining a supergroup.

If anything, joining a supergroup can hurt more because half of the Influence (Gold) you make goes towards funding your SG's upkeep costs, and the costs increase based on how big or detailed your SG base becomes. Even if you join an SG, you can choose not to "Represent" them until you've made enough of your own money.

>LIDF still trying to paint him as some misunderstood martyr

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Dunno if it counts but it was cool when they released that hoverboard on their cash shop.

But teleportation made travelling a ton easier, only needed one TPer in the party to get you wherever you wanted.

Flight because its the quintessential super hero power. It may be the slowest but its the most kino

Doom was crying because those innocent people died before they knew the full glory of Doom. And that's a fate worse than any terrorist attack.

maybe with private servers the owners/admins can make it faster. it should have been the best.

Shit I forgot about that, you can switch up your costume to your SG's colours too right?

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That'd work really well on CoX honestly. Make it like a randomized version of the mission architect system
>get to create nemesis the same way as heroes
>customizing their power sets, and even choosing from hidden NPC sets
>assign them an NPC group like clockwork, arachnos, freedom corps, rikti, whatever
>based on their origin type (magic, science, tech, natural, etc) randomly gives out missions to make a storyline
>like a magic based villain might be summoning a demon, or a natural hero is training with a powerful monk and you have to go wreck his shit

exactly. be careful.

Fuck no. Let's not start fiddling with every last little thing to match a melting pot's idea of what would make it "better".

Flight is my favorite just for convenience, but I always pick travel powers befitting my hero. Like if I'm a Kamen Rider style hero, he'll have super jump @!$ maybe flight after he gets his super form.

So if I want to make a minion class, what should I be rolling?
Like, I want to be a veritable one man army, even if it makes me completely useless doing anything except swamping enemies in minions.

Which choice offers more XP, though?

super jump alone could do 90-95% of super speed on top of being able to bypass large obstacles that speedsters would have to run around

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What is that picture trying to convey?

I never fought whatever the giant floating mystics guy is. What content is he from in the game?

Yeah, you can select an option to make your costume change into your SG's colors while you represent them. If your costume has chest space you'll get your SG's emblem as well.

Mastermind or carefully specced controller/dominator

But MM is literally the class made for that

That's Rularuu. Ever go to the Shadow Shard? Pray you don't.

>Go to sleep way too late making heroes
>Wake up and make more heroes

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Shadow Shard raid

Mastermind summons pets and is built entirely around supporting your pets while they wreak havoc. Many mastermind's don't even take attack powers and build around standing back debuffing the shit out of enemies while they're mauled to death.


There is no reason to make it faster, each travel power has its pros and cons already. Flight has the best verticality and precision and you’re the best at fighting airborne enemies without needing to ground them

Mastermind it is then.
Whats the most amount of minions you can get in this game?
yep, that's exactly the shit Im looking for. There's something cathartic about summoning a shit ton of guys and just sitting back and watching them maul everything for me.

Best zones

Anons i don't get the drama but i loved city of villains. I hope we get playable private servers soon

I mean Architect already had custom villains

Yeah the thing with CO is that it was far more shit on CoH's closure but now its been 7 years and they've updated with a ton of new travel powers and costume types and general powers and such so CoH is now lagging behind

Granted they're all behind cash shops and lootboxes.

Can I make a character that shoots energy beams from his hands and regenerates?

One big flaw of CoX was the lack of mastermind minion customization. I imagine they probably had that low down on a checklist someplace but never got around to it.

So like for example if you're a beasts mastermind you can get like, two little wolves and one big cat or something. But you can't have all wolves or all cats or anything like that, it's static what you get.

>he didn't autorun to the mish 7000 feet in the air
>he didn't take a break between flight times to piss or grab some snacks

Pleb tier, flight was kino for absolute zero babysitting like the other travel powers

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yes it's called radiation


>Whats the most amount of minions you can get in this game?
quite a few. check the mastermind archtype article, i loved using the thugs:

gangwar gets you 10 minions for a limited time for instance, in addition the ones from other powers

At max level you can have three basic minions, two middle minions and one super minion. The Mastermind class has a variety of minion "categories' that alter how you play and use them. Like the robotics minions are heavy duty, tough as nails and the medium robots can heal and put Shields on the others. Also the minions stay out indefinitely until they die or you call them off, and you can control them independently. It's literally the best pet class in any MMO

Yeah that was for sure something they probably we're planning with all the power customization system there doing. All I wanted to do was to be able to edit my Ninjas into waifus and a demon oni waifu

i24 was going to add a lot more power customization, it’s a shame NCSoft killed the game. The game was rapidly pacing up with new interesting content in a way it hadn’t before

>The game was rapidly pacing up with new interesting content in a way it hadn’t before
Definitely this, the quality of updates and content was accelerating in a way I've never seen another MMO do.

>thugs, robotics, demons, ninjas, necromancy
Fucking christ why did I never play this game when it was out? This looks amazing.

All this excitement has made me wanna try champions online in the meantime.

What am I in for?

>Whats the most amount of minions you can get in this game?
The average mastermind gets 6 pets. Some get more, some get less.

Beast Mastery gets 6 main pets
Thugs have 6 main pets, and "Gang War, which spawns another 8-10 really weak pets for a duration.
Mercenaries get 6 main pets.
Necromancy gets 6 main pets, and a power that lets you rip the soul out of a recent killed pet to turn them into a ghost, and you can then resummon that killed pet for 7 total.
Robotics gets 6 pets.
Demon Summoning gets 6 pets + their own version of Gang War that summons little 3-4 little fire elementals.
Ninjas get 6 pets.
Dark Miasma is a secondary powerset that can summon a 7 foot tall shadow monster at lvl 38, adding +1 to however many pets you have.

Don't bother, it's shit.

Cell shading, an admittedly good character creator, ugly UI, and micro transactions.

*crack* *sip*
yep, that was a good game

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Leo only every did anything for the sake of his own ego and only when people showed up at his door did he flinch, and even then reluctantly and with people still running into issues. Takes those glasses off and see the situation for what it truly is instead of trying to paint some tragic hero situation for a cock sucker like him.

Mastermind still feels like the most unique pet class I've ever played. It's literally perfect you can sit there and do nothing and still beat everyone

That's what I'm saying, extrapolate that into a base part of character progression
I loved how the tier 2 robots had support abilities. The force fields and seeker drones were so cool.


Oh yeah, I forgot how they updated the customization UI. I remember when all those color swatches were circles.

>Super speed btfo
Teleport all the way

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Acrobatics fixed that

I just want to make an actual stickman

Super speed + combat jump is the real shit. You could bounce off window sills and leap from roof to roof as you zipped through the cities.

make his skin white

Monster Boomer

Each minion has unique summon animations as well, it's great. If you're a robotics Mastermind your low tier minions drop in from the sky in crates that pop open and the robots unfold from inside, I forget what the mid tier minions get, but your super minion robot just flies in. With the thugs, the body guard minion rides in on a motorcycle.
Also they all have unique upgrade powers like the thug Mastermind throws guns to his minions, and the robots calls a piece of machinery out of the ground to upgrade your bots

So like.. what happens when people beat all the content? Is there a dedicated dev team to make fan expansions and shit?

Really wish super speed could run up walls

That's the one thing from CO that I absolutely want

>tfw playing super overpowered main
>battling mighty supervillains and gods and demons and destroying alien motherships and shit
>switch to low level alt
>running through the back alleys of King's Row without travel powers
>barely taking out a group of thugs and hiding behind a dumpster to lick your wounds and hoping a boss doesn't find you
>every bit as fun, if not moreso
I'm getting nostalgia chills just watching youtube videos showing off the different city areas

>just take another toggle to improve the endurance hungry powerset with 9 toggles

How do you have your always staff out like that, is there some option for it I missed?

I’m pretty sure there were a lot less color options too

It very much went from "We could do that but its on the bottom of our list due to the time it'd take and how difficult it'd be" to "Fuck it, we're doing it."

A lot of people were dreading FTP because it means all the negatives that come with FTP games but it really did benefit the game. Cause they had to add veteran rewards and incentives to subscribe and stuff for their cash shop and their motto was "No nickle and diming" so that meant a lot of purely cosmetic stuff and a TON of new costume sets and Archetypes and dance moves and stuff like that. A lot of the costume sets were just modern hairs and fashion at the time to bring the game from 2003 style to 2012 style fashion. Of course its now out of fashion once more.

They were turning a profit too if you saw the numbers, they made a big jump, but NCSoft killed it because it doesnt do well in Asia. Fuck western markets.

So Im tossing it up between a Merc-Mastermind by the name of "Commander Conquer" since Im basically playing an RTS game.
Or a Necro-MM that goes by NecroDancer for the full on memes.

Im loving this shit already.

Combat jumping up windows was the pro shit. Bonus if you stacked it with Ninja Run to get those sick flips.

You’re making me want to make a robotics mastermind and I already have another character in mind

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Furry erp.
When you get to Millennium City. Check your map. Go into somewhere called Club Caprice. Read the descriptions of everyone there.

You make another alt like everyone else
Or you erp in pocket d
Or you fuck around in mission architect
Or beat up baddies in lower level zones because its fun

There's the architect system which lets players build their own story arcs
There's raids which you can repeat to try and get the best loot
And generally just hang around with the community because they're not (or at least weren't) horrible like every other online group

We will definitely get a lot of people willing to develop content, but we need to get the server in the first place. Given the mission architect is already a thing, I don’t think it should be that different to make actual missions in the game.

Most of the people that played this game never even did close to all of the content. That's why so many people had like 30+ lvl 50s, they weren't concerned with end game progression, many people just leveled alts and made characters over the course of 8 years.

I actually have a sick Merc/Traps MM planned because it seems like a blast. Forcefield Generator is a huge AoE defense boosting drone that just follows you around buffing your nearby pets, and you can place shit like acid mortars on the ground that automatically spit at nearby targets to debuff them. Traps can also summon 2 small drones that work like flying flashbangs, they follow you until they detect an enemy and then home in on them to stun and debuff them.

Long slow Incarnate leveling progression.
Trying to get non-retarded groups to beat Tyrant.
Beating up the BIG DOG in the Lambda Sector.
Relaxing with Rikti mothership raids.
Emoting in Pocket D.
Juggling 50+ costumes you've designed for your character.

FYI costume designs can be manually saved and loaded and are stored clientside.

They also made all classes available for both sides which was cool as it meant MM heroes but got rid of some of the uniqueness. Also made Vigilantes and Rogues pointless as now there was no real need to side switch as much since you could just make a Hero Stalker.

desu I think the only reason the CO character creator is good is because it's had more time to release more costume sets than CoH has. At the time of CoH's closure it was shitty. Its still shit if you play it as a non-subscriber who's just joined. Of course now you can't subscribe EVERYTHING is microtransactions. So you gotta buy a lot of the parts now.

It is good if you have most of the stuff unlocked already anyways. So there's no need to engage in the microtransactions

First name has to be unique so you'll have to get in fast with that one, before some faggot claims and inevitably does nothing with it.

Any confirmation on whether the source dump really does contain the character database? I'd love to not lose those 8 years worth of badges I worked my fingers to the bone collecting.

Do what
says, I've never seen this shit before but I want a laugh.

I feel like CO always had the best travel powers. It had tunneling and swinging and ooze travel and all kinds of stuff.

CoH had the better character creator. At the time of CoH's existence, CO didn't even have auras and I think they still don't have trails either.

So probably not Necrodancer then.

as a furry, I have no idea how Champions got so popular with furries, the majority of the furry heads look like shit with 0 customization options. Literally the only good options were the leg and tail selection.

*thabom... thabom*

Attached: CoH-2.jpg (900x520, 149K)

>mfw I'll finally be able to be a Kheldian again.
I'm so fucking ready. I know they aren't the best but I fucking loved them.

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Anyone else getting bad frames in Paragon Chat? I get that it won't work perfectly with modern hardware but it seems odd to be getting 30-40 frames.

I always wanted to play this game but mummy wouldn't pay for a subscription fee. Is it okay if I join you guys? I don't want to keep playing DCUO, it's boring.

Need new thread faggots

kys furfag

I still remember when Tanks only had 4 defensive aura options and Rock Aura's "Rooted" actually fucking rooted you.

Honestly alting is really fun. I was never too interested in the endgame content, the most fun is the earlier level stuff. You'd always find low level alts around.

You can't join what doesn't exist

I've been flying around as the squid again. The memories are coming back and it's great

It's great how the upgrades also show cosmetically too, like the thugs get body armor, the robots get little lights flashing on their bodies, it's amazing the sheer depth to the design choice in the MM class

If you had Group Fly your robots got rocket boots.

Jesus, naming was a fucking nightmare in the official servers. I remember taking literally hours to get a decent name in because everything imaginable was taken

Well..when it does exist can I play with you guys? Please, this is suffering. I'm tired of being a glorified henchman.

I think its because a lot of the userbase were in their 30s and 40s and like mothers and older guys so they were more mature. Anyone notice that? CoH was certainly the most welcoming and helpful community I was a part from.

Only downside to me was Infinity was super cliqueish, they also patrolled the forums as a big clique too. Hey, guess who were the admins of the cliqueish private server?

I remember when they did some thing to "archive" old characters that hadn't been logged in in years to free up old names and everyone went nuts.

No, fuck you and your characters.

>tfw we all crash the server
>everything blows up
>the game is lost forever
>everyone that's also logged in blows up

Another thing is that aside from being able to name each pet, every time you "upgrade" one with the lvl 6 and lvl 32 power, your pets will change cosmetically to look more and more equipped. Mercs will start wearing bandoliers, helmets, or get a new assault rifle. Thugs will get face masks or a new jacket, Ninjas will carry a katana on their back, or get a naruto-tier plate headband, and your Oni's eyes and body will catch fire.

Before we get too exited are the Private servers going to be free or are they going to try and pull some shit?

I'm new to the MMO scene so I don't know what the standard operating procedure for these things are.

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It's how I'd like to go out.

I was one of the richest niggers in town though. Capped out on INF to the maximum allowable integer size on multiple accounts, had to store my wealth in ultra expensive unique archetype enhancers playing the trading market, filled up supergroup base tables with them.. had all those passive bonus meta badges.. fuck I was loaded.

>stone armor goes from "fuckhuge" to "jesus christ now I'm actually physically slower" to a 10 foot tall abomination of solid rock that can't even move
What an absolute gem of a game


I dunno what came first, the furries or the furry content. I dunno if a furry joined the dev team and started releasing a ton of furry costume stuff and that caused them to flock to the game, or they flocked to the game already and the dev team capitalised on it and made a bunch of furry costume stuff as microtransactions but at one point there was a year of just monthly furry costume microtransaction releases. They just released a fuckton of furry content after a specific point.

The goal here is to disseminate the whole thing so anyone can run a server if they want to and have the setup for it. Obviously this is prospective, but supposedly an individual should have no problem hosting a server capable of holding a few friends.

If the source truly gets released and working then anyone will be able to establish their own servers. I highly doubt anyone's going to be stupid enough to try to charge money for it. These sorts of things are already "illegal but if you're lucky they'll look the other way". Start taking credit cards and you fuck yourself hard.

To give a comparison, there's a team that has a really good working Asheron's Call open source emulated server now, it's truly emulated/built from scratch but it works astonishingly well, even with all the quest/NPC/etc data being recreated from clientside dumps created before the official service went down. They have three "official" servers up with a 500+ population around their discord, but anyone who wants to can download the source, modify/compile it, and run their own server.

Most of them have a donation system to help with server stuff. They can't directly charge to access the servers out of fear of legal action. I think.

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No one is stopping you my man

>The Original Dark Aura, Dark Embrace ability completely hid your model and made you just look like a shadow blob

pretty sure there gonna be servers of both types

>new server, high capacity
>oh boy this is gonna be great
>a single speedyboi goes way past cool and clips through the ground into the abyss
>server crashes
>your character lost the last 5 minutes of gameplay
Get ready for a lot of these scenarios.

SS + combat jump is the best, some days I would just dick around jumping across maps instead of actually doing shit.
Only time I took flight was with my Robotics MM, having rocket boots and group flying with your minions was awesome.


ded thread

>NCsoft claps and goes back to snorting coke

Odd to celebrate a resurrection with a cruxifiction, but you do you.

One thing that never stopped bugging me was the hard 95% cap on accuracy. No matter how high level you were compared to what you were fighting, a literal walking god beating up a gang of teenage thugs, there was still a 1 in 20 chance that your apocalyptic world-destroying move would miss one of them, and you'd have to clean them up with a dinky bolt in the back. Embarrassing! I can understand why that's important for fighting on-par content to keep you guessing and never let you have complete control over the situation, but I honestly wished it would have turned itself off once you were, say, 20+ levels higher than shit and it was mathematically impossible for them to ever harm you.

Everyone pouring into one private server at once should be fun.

I just want a wurm online situation where I can spin a COH server up for my bros

But having some decent pub servers might be cool too. I don't think we'll ever actually have the old CoX community in one spot again.

I don't remember ever falling through the map much, collision seemed pretty stable in that regard. I think I do remember getting stuck unable to move once or twice in certain office building tilesets, though.

its up

Yeah I was planning on making a shit ton of alts I was just wondering in the long term, there was apprently a guy on the discord willing to design and make new costume pieces so I was wondering about actual content

I can see a server popping up just for dedicated RP. There's stuff like that for SWG and WoW.

>CoH even had a /stuck command for specific situations that rarely even happened
This fucking game

Is there any builds that are absolutely crap?