Cirno is now in the last game you played! How much cooler is it?

Cirno is now in the last game you played! How much cooler is it?

Attached: Cirno_TPDP_render.png (470x730, 174K)

She's an ice fairy so it's colder no matter how you slice it.


litterally nothing changes

Very cool.

Attached: wanna play soccer.jpg (1100x1200, 277K)

la vaca

Cirno was already in the last game I played

Attached: 1552708375031.jpg (280x280, 12K)

>PCB Extra stage
she's a stage 2 boss anyway it really wouldn't change anything

Yo dawg I herd you like Cirno so I put Cirno in PCB so now she's the stage 6 boss.

Jokes on you, I just played 12.3.

Fuck, now I have to play Winter orb

Would she be a party member or boss in DQ11?

only if she has the powers of best girl
if not thanks for the free 1cc

Attached: Saigyouji.Yuyuko.full.1295891.jpg (818x1000, 1.06M)

>Saya no Uta

Attached: Saya_Infobox.jpg (493x598, 104K)

>With Cirno

I'll buy 10

She shoots ice cubes instead of butterflies. I don't think Cirno has the auctoritas to get away with ordering Youmu around and stuffing her fat face all day.

thanks, now my game is FUCKING STUPID

>Counter Strike Global Offensive
I'm not even sure.

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Smarter than raymoo.

Attached: 1544112168011.png (600x800, 352K)

>arma 3
i dunno, you tell me

>Paper Mario
I fucking wish

Attached: 868.gif (531x333, 3.2M)

>Saya no Baka
10/10 i would play this every single time.

it was a danny phantom porn game so alright i guess

Cirno freezes stuff. ezpz git gud scrub.

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I miss doing touhou hentai sprays in CS

I'm here playing the updated version

Attached: paper cirno.webm (780x444, 2.91M)

they removed sprays? wtf?

>user chosen custom sprays in 2019
user, this is an important monetization vector. You get to pay for your favorite pre-determined stickers now!