Game is 100GB

>game is 100GB
>nearly unplayable when installed on HDD

what's her name, Yea Forums?

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Path of Exile, although it's not 100 GB but it's quite unplayable on SSD

Blame Denuvo

ATLAS requires up to 100 gb

how many ounces of shit is that?

All games in few years, competing for computer and console space in order to force customers to unistall rival company products is a real thing.

>SSD prices are gonna drop soon, you'll see bro!

Y-yeah man, heh.. any day now.

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Just wait for TWW3 mortal empires

a 32GB SSD in 2008 was $500
a premium 250GB in 2019 is $100 or less


they already have dropped just over the last year or two you collosal tard

I think it's too high and that the HDD speeds are terrible, but you are exaggerating a lot there. Also for Mortal Empires you only need the second one downloaded.

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They have by a lot wtf

are you retarded, you can get 1TB SSDs for the same money you can got a 250GB SSD like 2 years ago.

I've had no problems with TW2 on a HDD aside from loading times which aren't unbearably long

I'm sure you enjoy having a book on hand to read while a battle loads

Dude you can get a crucial 3D NAND SSD for 95 dollars on Google Express in some states. I live in a communist shit hole state so I'm paying 110ish.

Forgot to mention it's 1TB



>new Warhammer 2 dlc release plastered all over Steam's front page
>think this means the base game is on sale
>it's not

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Instant gaming is your friend, it's about 14 shekels now

Game ran so bad it totalled my HDD. I guess I should thank it for forcing me to upgrade to SSD.

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>when one of your favourite characters gets put into the game FOR FREE

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Any bannermen, officers, or musicians yet?

just wait til g3 + all its dlc, you are going to need a dedicated ssd solely for twwh

>looks cool as fuck and has great voice
>his buffs are shit

Did they fixed syndicate interventions? Last time I saw it it was freezing so bad it felt like game is on some pre-historic busted HDD despite it being on SSD.

just pirate Warhammer 1 and ignore 2, 2's shit and not even worth pirating the 100 gigs something you need to download

If it actually was 14 shekels i would have bought like 5 copies of it for friends

>has regen on his helm and gets a fucking dragon and is unbreakable

he doesn't need an army he can distroy people by himself.

Nope, at least not for me. Honestly the last 2-3 patches have ruined my motivation to play the game at all, probably wont touch next league. PoE has become way too easy

No. POE has so much bloat that even "fixes" for shit are still bad. They need to trim the fat

So what exactly makes up most of those gigs?
models? Textures? Soundfiles?

I don't understand how a l4d style game with only a handful of maps and a handful of unique models needs to download 75 gigs of space onto your hard drive.
It just fucking blows my mind, how? Has the art of compression been completely lost to western devs? It's not even like hard drive space is expensive anymore but it's still infuriating, games shouldn't take up anywhere near this much space especially ones that are so shallow content wise.
It feels like the only developers still trying to play it smart and help out consumers by trying to think of ways to compress their games are nip devs. Look at sekiro, shit is only 15 gigs and it's way fucking bigger than anything else in vermintide 2, and vermintide 2 still somehow manages to take up nearly 5 times as much room on a hard drive.
fucking confounding, why can't we go back to the days of devs trying to squeeze as much out of the space they were given as possible? hard drives and RAM becoming cheaper and cheaper really has made programmers fucking lazy

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it had two bigs sales not very long ago, speing sale than then the total war sale that ended like a month back, picked up both total war warhammer games and all the dlc

Vermintide 2 is one of the worst offenders of lazy art optimization i've ever fucking seen.

I literally don't have it installed simply because it takes up such a ridiculous amount of space and i'd rather have a bunch of games installed taking up the same amount of space.

Rainbow Six Siege is fucking ridiculously huge for a shitty hero shooter that doesn't even look that good and Monster Hunter World got a HD pack that's 40GB on it's own.

Vortex is kind of shit, but Mortal Empires is the best way to play.

Just pirate the Vampire Coast DLC. Optimization is pure trash so it's not worth the money.

>not a horde faction based around Black Arks
>fucking golden mask is made out of rubber
Fucking Trash.

This game is such a buggy&chrashing hot mess. Its surprising that even NPCs eat up all the DLCs.


lmao at u spacelets

pretty sure the vermintide stuff is basically hardcoded into the maps, which means there's no reusing of art assets and you have to download the whole map again if they make any changes

>Is so low quality and effort that his entire theme falls apart with his campaign
Let's not even talk about the retarded ass dragon he gets out of nowhere

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TWW2 is objectively superior even regarding TWW1 races

Swedish coding

this. I love PoE, but as of the last two leagues it's pretty much unplayble because of how long shit takes to load

>tfw got tww2 on a ssd but my cpu is shit
>90 second load time in ME and that's just the first turns

>I literally don't have it installed simply because it takes up such a ridiculous amount of space and i'd rather have a bunch of games installed taking up the same amount of space.
Same. I was thinking about reinstalling it recently because I wanted to play a few runs, saw the size, and decided against it. Fuck them and fuck their retard coding
I think you're absolutely right about this. I recall when the game first came out there was some horrendous issue with ratling shooting collision and the patch basically forced everyone to reinstall the entire game over again because it turned out to be a map issue on every single map.

>buy ssd to play this exact game
>ssd corrupts after a week and constantly corrupts after repairing
man I love pc gaming

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250gb isn't remotely close to the capacity required to install games you fucking retard, unless you're going to uninstall and reinstall juggle 2-3 new games everytime you want to play them.
call me when fucking 1tb+ ssds are under $100, then we're into the realms of actually being worth a damn beyond using just for your os.

>ssd corrupt after a week
>repairing an ssd
Nigga what? Did you just get scammed?