The last video game character you played is going to fuck you. How do you feel about that?

The last video game character you played is going to fuck you. How do you feel about that?

Attached: 845.gif (540x303, 505K)

Other urls found in this thread:

but I played FIFA like the filthy britbong I am
am I going to get gangbanged by 11 footballers?

That would explain some things.

Attached: 2996317-adol.png (938x960, 869K)

>my own created character in an online game
feels good man.

Yes, please.

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how huge is the cock of a tauren shaman?

I'm legit curious as to what brain damage causes the FIFA craze. Is it just all yuros culture or are you a mud race?

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Attached: ne be32122222.jpg (636x900, 439K)

>How do you feel about that?
pretty based

Attached: TravisTouchdown_TSANMH.png (967x1252, 752K)

Well, it won't hurt too badly then.

Well, shit.
Guess I'll have to be the one to shoot him in the head this time.

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alien cock!

Attached: 20190417021912_1.jpg (1920x1080, 325K)

>fem stim pilot from titanfall

Attached: 1549856504492.jpg (805x1349, 155K)

>punk teenager girl from sims 4
feels pretty good


Eh, could be worse

i don't know how many bacterial infections i'm going to get from this but its going to be a lot

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Do you think he's a gentle lover or a pound me into the sheets lover.

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I did it bros

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I feel blessed.

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Attached: yumz.png (1032x1032, 1.1M)

Feel fucking excited.

Attached: 1555264559597.png (1080x1088, 1014K)

she's too small and cute, a hug or holding her in my arms would be enough i don't really want to fuck her

Attached: brightwing_by_whispersss-d9qd6mp.jpg (601x1000, 230K)

>Male Shepard
I mean as long as I get lubricated first...

Daddy Miguel . Yes

Attached: 3141093-4.jpg (3856x2136, 797K)

Guess I’m gonna find out what his eggs smell like haha

Attached: B6E8C60F-CE9F-4541-9695-702AE1A7EBBC.png (366x401, 126K)

oh god yes

Attached: 1447719187773.png (600x591, 182K)

>Altera in Extella Link


Attached: 1551391916064.png (782x1084, 1.53M)

I request that "Fat" by Weird Al Yankovic be played at my funeral.

Attached: azrO2Ab_700b.jpg (700x420, 45K)

very rare that I get to see kosaki posted

Attached: 1529801635761.png (186x223, 27K)

i would enjoy it desu

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Attached: 1525998789976.png (320x665, 206K)

oh my, that pic is so lewd user!

Attached: commission__zelda_transformation_by_zelbunnii-daox788.png (600x1040, 424K)

Great, I will even help her out with debt.

Attached: Recette-Recettear.jpg (500x895, 70K)

Not too sure about this.

Attached: dead_by_daylight_evil_dead.jpg (640x360, 70K)


Attached: Alys.png (220x220, 10K)

I played as a professional dancer / cult leader
I'm ok with this

>Gangbanged by ghouls

Attached: 24b2c8b8a98de65fe629c908972e6d64.png (523x465, 520K)

joker is going to fuck me? crap. Can I at least be on top or do I have to get my butt pounded by a thin framed japanese teen?

Attached: 1546499596027.png (1275x1079, 1.63M)

I genuinely don't know...

Attached: 1212621612612.jpg (1280x955, 144K)

he not gay, he is a foodie

Attached: killia.png (849x832, 379K)

He's gonna break your posture

The last "character" I played was a semi truck.


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Attached: ladda ned.jpg (1024x576, 164K)

>my catgirl in ff14
im gonna make it bros......

Attached: 1368797253325.jpg (645x773, 87K)

Uh oh

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did you make this thread just for me?

I have a feeling he'd be gentle, but he's not what I'm into

How do you fucking think?

Attached: 1543721147813.jpg (2000x2410, 528K)

>Crash Bandicoot


>Bad Girl
There's a 90% I die, but it'll be worth it.

Should have player 3

Attached: 86b060ae9a6b00703ff712b3109c59541472657554_full.jpg (640x1036, 155K)

>my taru from ffxi

Attached: 1548359672005.jpg (508x680, 130K)

>Everything went better than expected

I'm ready for her to ride me in the Amazon position.

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Well, if his usual brutality is any indication, at least I'll be dead quickly and he'll just fuck my corpse.

Attached: Ridley.png (1062x996, 698K)

>Samus Aran

Attached: 35e.jpg (1189x1680, 182K)

>not wanting to get your butt pounded by a thin framed japanese teen
Just know that I go first, faggot.

Oh my.

Attached: 1494211942244.png (599x605, 12K)

Jungle Queen from Timesplitters Future Perfect, I am more than okay with this.

Attached: 576359_414735338555261_1780246649_n.jpg (480x720, 45K)

Isn't he a tiny little bug? I doubt I'd even feel it

Attached: suh.png (338x600, 46K)

very nice
im ready

Attached: Dgyz9z0U0AANqSR.jpg (847x1200, 157K)

Be gentle mommy

Attached: 250px-Samus_SSBU.png (250x250, 47K)

Technically its both since the biggest audiences for it are bongmutts, slavshits, sandniggers and literal niggers. Although the latter likely stole their copies.

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>MC from Staxel

Well at least mine is female so I know it has a vagina but fucking a pile of human shaped voxels can't be a pleasant experiece. Would like fucking a lego with a hole in it I guess.

Attached: Staxel.jpg (640x360, 63K)

Fbi open up

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>Huntress from RoR2
All of my yes

I never asked for this.

Attached: AdamJensen.jpg (677x546, 21K)

>Jung Hae-Lin

Attached: 1430696555586.png (1280x960, 655K)

Fuck yes

Attached: 1549111414120.png (899x866, 540K)

>getting fucked by a Ventrue qt
I wish

>Vito Scaletta
Can I go for Joe at least?

Attached: 56164227_370713906876691_3157588014379170552_n.jpg (640x640, 26K)




Hope you have a fetish for vomit down your throat and on your benis.

holy fuck

zero complaints here

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Am I getting fucked Trigger himself or is the dumbass/madlad going to try to fuck me with his jet

Attached: Three_Strikes_F-22A_Cutscene.jpg (1366x768, 159K)

>Rain World
Well I'm sure that's someone's fetish.

Attached: slutcat.gif (236x176, 2.69M)

Me on the left.

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>random black british woman battlefield 5 mp character
could have done worse I suppose, but not optimal

I'm fine with this.

Attached: 1524282088707.jpg (1356x764, 796K)

"Uh oh" is the only thing I have to say when learning that a perpetually drunk slav murderhobo is coming to ream my ass

Oh yes!

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I'm okay with this

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I am weirdly ok with this.

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pretty good

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>Duchess of Lithuania in CK2
I am okay with this development.

goodbye my virginity

Attached: Screenshot_20190419-185905.png (2160x1080, 2.01M)

But the last vidya character I was playing as was ME.
Oh shit!

I guess someone has to take his virginity

Threads like this are why you should always play as a girl if possible.

>minecraft alex
not happy after I learned it was actually a dude

Well our babies would be cute.


Attached: legionCommander.jpg (1366x768, 227K)

>Ryu Hayabusa
Sorry bro, I'm not gay. I'm sure you'll understand

Attached: juice_that_makes_you_look_at_gay_people.jpg (480x480, 44K)


Oh user, do you really think you could stop him


Does sex with a ghost feel good?

Attached: file.png (144x402, 81K)

user are you ready to be VOIDED?

He's not the smartest ninja in the world, maybe with some talking I can get away with a handy

>picked a good day to play SNK Tag Team
Very good, can I marry her?

Attached: characters_nakoruru01.png (806x1156, 91K)

>Zerida from Langrisser M
Imma use this sword like a sheath if ya catch my drift

Three most recent
>Smash bros kirby
Boy or girl?
>Minecraft mushroom skin
Damn it
Fuck you asshole

Attached: 2ADB834F-C9C3-4C36-8FAE-63D8D2FE51B0.png (1136x1136, 268K)

We could double team her user desu


Attached: yes.gif (355x300, 977K)

...are you fucking serious?

Attached: 1542992506619.png (499x500, 169K)

This isn't video games, it's not even tertiary. It's off topic, facebook tier garbage and everyone who's posted in this thread should be gassed.

Attached: Iya-na-Kao-Sare-Nagara-Opantsu-Misete-Moraitai-2.png (650x336, 242K)

Thanks thread police, I hope you get a pay rise rofl

Including you.

I got Lulu but this user right there got the cream of the crop

>vanguard femshep

Attached: deathbysnusnu.jpg (800x600, 78K)

have sex

t. played as Kiryu

I'm disgusted by physical contact

Why don't you go stomp your feet in one of the countless social media outrage threads. Oh wait, you probably post them

I'm okay with it. Could've been a lot worse.

Attached: Lea.png (528x296, 7K)

im fine with that

Attached: 5ab3256f42eda9ffcaa477a30c64.jpg (364x488, 33K)

>Jeanne d'Arc (Fate)
Only after marriage!

Attached: image1-1.jpg (700x990, 99K)

Hiver from kenshi with all limbs removed. Doesn't have dick too.

This actually worked out well for once

Attached: doaxvv.png (1319x670, 399K)

These threads are below even e celeb threads, you're scum

S-So, you don't want the hug.

Attached: Dog (45).gif (485x265, 1.99M)

have the surgery

t. ranny

Sure, why don't you go make another thread with an epic literal who screenshot you fucking idiot

Lucky me

Attached: 1539880089357.jpg (910x1300, 719K)

>Completely off topic attentionwhoring
The tranny is you

>My human female monk in WoW

Yes please.

There's more to Yea Forums than twitter screencaps and facebook threads like this you fucking cretin.

>Responding to the autistic baiting nigger

Get a hold of yourselves

Y'all need some dose

Attached: 1445811192314.gif (329x302, 22K)

rolling for lulu

I feel like he wouldn't if I politely asked him not to, but I could certainly do worse.


Attached: Vyse.600.1108271.jpg (450x600, 48K)

>Played a Mii version of Piccolo
T-Thanks Doc

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Attached: 9b1.png (527x431, 112K)

Z-Zigludo-sama please be gentle...

Attached: Sigurd.png (801x1155, 1.06M)

Fighting games are a gift

Attached: Jenny.png (300x500, 117K)

>my worgen from WOW
I am pretty happy. I am attached to all of my characters. I know he would be gentle

I'm not ready for this.

Attached: Markus_Kruber.png (367x498, 133K)

Attached: 23425234.jpg (1280x1024, 429K)

He will, but Arvis sure won't.

lmao who the fuck is still playing that?

Are you Serious?

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>How do you feel about that?
extremely good

Attached: 1506838638165.png (399x428, 149K)

Wait, so what happens if I've played Anno 1800? I have to fuck all 3000+ citizens?

Sekiro but coincidentally I was just trying out skin mods and I recently played with Emma skin.

Attached: 90691a6070413a454cb9329e2e3484cc.jpg (400x400, 29K)

Female kobold paladin from a roguelike. It could for sure be better, it could for sure be worse. At least it’s a female?

But the last game I played was a map painting simulator...

Systematically and with cessation


>a Chocobo

Aw fuck.

>the investigator on Return of The Obra Dinn
And it'd still feel not even a bit as good as experiencing that game did.

i love josie!

Attached: DAVE-qhUwAAP97p.jpg large.jpg (694x743, 100K)

>Final Fantasy XIV
Thank god I made a ginger cat waifu

we'll have to get married


Attached: KEIO FLYING SQUADRON005.png (640x480, 27K)

My 200cm 120kg Namibian FIFA pro?

>Bends me over the table and gruffly whispers "That's my boy" in my ear

And sold

Attached: arthur morgan.jpg (452x640, 97K)

thx doc

A non-specified Commander of Colonial Fleet fighting off dozens of Cylon fleets…

This is going to be either the best or worst thing of my life.

>iori yagami

Based, yes please


Which ys?

I'm pretty sure Isaac has enough mental issues without having involuntary buttsex while cosplaying as a biblical figure
I'd be down if he was dressed as Maggie though

Attached: Bloody_lazarus.png (130x148, 2K)

Oh boy, I'll be fine as long as he doesn't want to start fisting

Attached: I'm too Farucon for this shit.jpg (640x479, 30K)

tfw fully upgraded "spear"
mfw he uses fury of the bloodlne on my boihole

Attached: Alexios.jpg (3840x2160, 649K)


Attached: 5.png (555x555, 243K)

Lucked out with my Monster Hunter huntress, she has a wonderful FAT ASS.

I should make a tiny 2 minute one-room RPG Maker game about a female protag who magically bestows good luck and fortune to any man whose penis makes contact with her vagina just so I can play it before entering this thread and go "HEH HEH, LOOKS LIKE I OUT DID EVERYBODY IN THIS THREAD!"

Thanks doc

How? I'm curious as to your reasoning

Attached: The Rock is bamboozled.gif (320x320, 3.94M)

>not the smartest

Based on what? You're gonna be getting split in half nigga. Open wide.

>going to lewd my wife
couldn't be happier bros

Attached: perfection.jpg (2000x2353, 283K)

god i wish

Attached: Naked_Snake_crop.png (229x379, 23K)

Well fuck, i guess at least I'll get to do some astronomy while it happens

Attached: the jube.jpg (1682x4000, 755K)


How many deathblows can you handle?

no, we'll just hold hands under the stars

Attached: 1546674196843.jpg (1280x1280, 269K)

I'm pretty experienced with onaholes

Attached: index.png (225x225, 3K)

I last played hollow knight.
If the knight is bug sized him fucking me would feel like nothing.
If he's man sized I have to wander if he has a dick. After all he's a void creature.

Eh, could have been worse...

Attached: 82763546723.jpg (453x1074, 72K)

You buys always make fun of me for plahih female characters, who's laughing now?

>those doujins he is in
He is a huge slut.

All i can say is that she won't last long in bed

Attached: flaming_buffalo.jpg (1280x720, 89K)

Thanks doc

'Tis the curse of playing Mario Kart Wii

Attached: Funky.png (300x266, 87K)

>Female Bloodborne hunter

Attached: 1478273917635.jpg (324x451, 14K)

I don't get fucked I do the fucking.


No Mario NO!

My courier(male).

I am not gay though.

Attached: EEB3A17C-ABD3-4FB8-9F4E-48CC872B5AF3.jpg (600x511, 41K)

Bored that easily huh?

have sex

>Emilie de Rochefort

feels good man

I said that bc of the serious case of asthma she seems to have

I do, unlike subby men ahaha

The Russian Engineer from BF3?
das gei


Attached: 1554803478284.gif (400x548, 2.14M)

dont wanna fuck her but I’d rub her belly a lot

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Attached: 1555682789241.png (318x402, 8K)

is she legal?

>kagamine rin
Too young, sorry.

Attached: NMcBZ9J.jpg (600x337, 15K)

>Baba is Hot


Very happy

Attached: 1527456945440.jpg (1024x1820, 220K)

could be worse, i guess.

>can't even remember the last time i played a video game

Attached: 1552063698505.jpg (584x575, 50K)

>Penny from Fortnite STW

>Lina and the Crystal of Wishes
Not bad at all

>Amaterasu from Okami

I’m still down but I hope she like transforms into a human or something because I don’t want to hurt her

Get the fuck off of my board

I don't think I'm prepared

Attached: Date_Masamune_Artwork.jpg (1000x950, 118K)

She wouldn't fuck you. She'd just hug and cuddle you while giving suggestive looks, though ultimately not pushing you to go all the way. She'd let your own lustful nature decide what happens.

Isabelle is a good and pure girl after all, she can't have her reputation ruined by being too forward.

I think that’s why I love her so much

Attached: 6FA9AC06-162A-4034-A0ED-8E66783B821D.jpg (680x505, 98K)

Big breasted hourglass body futa girl in the Sims 4

Obviously I picked the right game to play last

Same one that causes the Baseball, Handeggs, NASCAR craze

>does anything physical for 30 seconds
>asthma intensifies
still hella cute through and a nice body. best girl for sure.


Attached: 1554663375820.jpg (3840x2160, 529K)

My DeS character
Her face is pretty damn ugly but still, it's a young woman with a decent body. Could be much worse, not complaining

Fucking please? Can she just go the way and be my wife?

Attached: 20190320_185134.png (908x745, 194K)

Based on the games nigga

I'm okay with this

Attached: u want sum fuk.jpg (500x367, 31K)

Actually disgusting.
Pussies are so gross, just thinking what is hiding behind that thin piece of cloth is actually making me wretch.
No homo.

def homo

Attached: 1551508958495.jpg (744x1074, 153K)

He'll probably complain he can't see anything because I'm more than 5 feet from him. Then die trying to climb on the bed.

again, based on what? Not once is he portrayed as not being smart.

>gang raped by rebel and her band of blood allies

Attached: 1451698219081.png (809x822, 570K)

Now I’m imagining one riding a dick while capespinning

Boy, I sure am glad I decided to end my rousing Smash session with Joker as opposed to K. Rool.


Attached: Rex_Xenoblade_2.png (265x480, 160K)

Pretty sure this would cause some timeline fuckery.

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Attached: 19357831980.jpg (1920x1080, 302K)

>Highlander from For Honor
Oh god

Handegg is by far the biggest of those three, and it's nowhere near the scale of the phenomenon that divegrass is.

NFL has also been declining in recent years since millennials/zoomers don't care nearly as much.

The Blonde from Enter The Gungeon... Alrighty then she’s into kinky shit given she has handcuffs.

elma from xenoblade x, im ok with that. also onodera a shit

Attached: Cemu_2019_04_19_02_26_17_477.jpg (1920x1080, 1.38M)

Yes please

Attached: Maria.jpg (1200x675, 132K)

It's going to be vore, isn't it....
This is not how I want to lose my virginity.

Attached: 87447783.jpg (800x548, 57K)

Does this nigga have a dick?

Attached: Ridleaf.jpg (927x1024, 66K)

da don't

Attached: Pippidonidle5.png (362x380, 64K)


I'd much rather go on a pubcrawl with Markus instead of being trapped in some gayrape fantasy.
I bet these threads are made exclusively by homos and gays so they can ERP in them instead of getting an opportunity for some wholesome bonding.

>my FF14 Miqo'te
hot. id be down

Attached: bup.jpg (430x684, 61K)

>I bet these threads are made exclusively by homos and gays so they can ERP in them
>Most of the thread is happy anons wanting to fuck girl characters

Nigger how did you reach that retarded ass conclusion

Help me.....

Attached: 7EB8584A-AD03-44FF-9C99-DDF5D8A9EFA4.jpg (819x1024, 147K)

guess i'll just flip him over and pretend he's a girl

Attached: serveimage(2).png (800x428, 316K)

Hey, user. Wanna bond with me?

Looking cool, Joker.

Attached: Persona5Joker.jpg (1064x700, 65K)

>>Most of the thread is happy anons wanting to fuck girl characters
Bunch of JRPG characters where you're playing in parties, gachas or fucking MMO characters. Nope you're all fags.

I only ever play games with female protagonists because I know this thread will be made again eventually.

Sissel being a ghost is the least of your worries. Just wait for the ending of Ghost Trick

>the ass creed unity protag
I would have preferred a female but it could be a lot worse.

Oh yeah, fuck me L-piece. Yeah, yeah, t-piece get in here and pound my ass.

>leaves Rachel in the monastery
>seconds later Doku appears and starts fucking shit up
>Ryu has absolutely no reaction despite being right outside

Like a new zealander.

Attached: Micah&Woolie.png (559x906, 667K)

Not too many at once or you'll disappear

>implying that's not the ultimate orgasm


Attached: Ivern_OriginalCentered.jpg (1215x683, 65K)

oh fuck yes

Attached: 241a1xc.jpg (450x600, 48K)

You better be another adventure, a boat, or a wall crusher


My female titan in Destiny 2
Pls no hurt

Not the worst option, if I'm being honest.

Attached: eab2701dcadde1bcba3a10e2e5d33c0c.jpg (800x1600, 99K)

>Doesn't hear or see something that happens inside a building he's not in while tanks, helicopters and soldiers swarm the surrounding area

Attached: Aftershock.webm (1280x720, 2.91M)

My fallout character is a very nice person and we would get along great so this is ok. I would be her sidekick in rebuilding the wasteland!

Attached: Photo_2019-04-18-214146.jpg (2560x1440, 751K)

Last game I played was Freecell on my phone so...which character would that be? The dealer? One of the cards?

I mean I'm down either way, for sure.

>breath of the wild link
I'd rather be the one fucking him but whatever

it would've been haruka yesterday, fuck

Attached: shinada.jpg (1280x720, 87K)

It's a blessing user

pass tha whiskey

I'm okay with this. Maeve is actually pretty attractive

Attached: maeve_by_vocox-dazxiq2.jpg (1024x665, 137K)

My asshole is in danger.

Attached: reaper.jpg (2560x1300, 356K)

>making a warcraft 3 map
>Female Ara Ara Necromancer
>wanted to work on abilties first in my test map so I didn't port over the model
>Placeholder is Kel'thuzad

Frustrated, but his voice is melted butter


Attached: 1550183263547.png (680x383, 423K)

old but gold

“Yes, user. And it’s all for you”

Attached: 393D3C3B-485D-48C6-9F5A-8B126CB5E17D.jpg (263x191, 7K)

Thanks doc

>Mega Man
Does he even have a dick?

you.. you're trying to crawl away?
bring me that ass!

my cute huntress from bloodborne? wouldn't mind at all!

yes daddy

Attached: commando2.jpg (746x1000, 94K)

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>a really big fucking hole, coming right up!

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Gotta repopulate earth somehow, I guess I can make this sacrifice for the greater good

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>B L O C K E D

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Time to get skyrailed I guess

My Miqo'te
This is very okay

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>highly flexible, small teen
Feels great.

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>ling players


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pretty decent desu

Can I decline?

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how can i fuck an evil spirit, again?

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I simply live with the pain.
If it was an hour earlier I would have been fucking an armored core instead

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Yes! YES!

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>This cute jew is gonna bang me


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This makes me want to play Sims 4 but then I remember how completely shit that game is.

I had to give up and copy some else's sliders to make something even remotely good looking with the Bloodborne character creator. You have my admiration if you managed by yourself.

iirc she's barren in Awakening

She gives you the cutest FeMorgan.

>/fit/ blonde haired blue eyed huntress is gonna mating press me
Could be worse.

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Oh hey I've read that doujin

I'm saying the las female character
because I'm not a FAGGOT

I'm fine Yuri is wife material anyway

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>Kyle Crane
Not so good, but he's actually a nice guy and it could be a lot worse.

Steve is gonna fuck me?

I'm so ready

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undead female warrior in world of warcraft?

I'm beyond okay with this

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>my Skyrim PC

Since its pretty much a self insert I'm basically fucking myself

>playing Skyrim in the first place
You've been fucking yourself the whole time.

it's not gay if you're basically masturbating

>devil jin

feels bad man

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>wonderful 101

I'll enjoy it but shes going to leave thoroughly disappointed

nope, I copied too lol. It doesn't matter, she's mine now.

I'd rather play Oblivion but it keeps crashing making it unplayable and I have 100+ mods and haven't been able to figure out which ones are causing the problem.

>Full peppy gals team on Dokkan Battle
>Brianne/super Ribrianne
Death by snu snu.

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I know it sucks but sometimes it's easier to start from scratch and let out an autistic screech every hour or so about how avoidable this was and how the gods hate you
Nexus download history helps

>Heretic Protag

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baba in you

baba is you? more like baba is fuck.


This is alright.

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>Kroq-Gar in TW:WH
My body is not in any way shape or form ready for this, I'm going to die

Thanks doc.


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>Arthur slaps your ass and says "Yer alright boaa!"

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I'd much rather be playing vidya with him to be honest and why does DDLC General hate him so much?

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I'd be the happiest person alive let me tell ya

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her tits are made of jello

My 26-man squad of XCOM chumps, underwater division, with drills and mind control devices.

It probably won't be as bad as the first three months of TFTD.

yeah wiki of the game says she's 18
the only downside is that i was running anarchy gaige, so i don't know how much my crotch is gonna feel after sex

How many times can you nut in quick succession before you just lay there like bruh?

I think my record is 6, but normally its 3-4.

well user, you gotta know lore wise that she's has Archangel stuff on her that allows to use her weapons, so get ready to pay child support...

unless archangel stuff is not christian related, but i digress

c route btw

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