>He doesn't have AT LEAST 20 platinum trophies
Explain yourselves.
He doesn't have AT LEAST 20 platinum trophies
Other urls found in this thread:
I don't care about most games enough to bother
I don't own a playstation
i only have two games for ps4 lol
Platinum trophies are often way less fun than actually just playing the game. People that play one game a lot might not have plats either. Most people don't give a percentile of a shit about trophies/achievements anyway
I want to eat 2B's fat ass
Do games still have achievements? I thought the trend died already.
>check psnprofiles
>the average trophy whore there has 200+ platinums
What the fuck
I like trophies because it makes me play different games and helps me 100% the ones I like. I just don't care about them on my first playthrough.
I've got about 15 perfect games on Steam. I don't chase achievements too much
Get in line, user.
>sony caters to the xbox cucks and adds achievements
>people actually do them
imagine being as retarded as an xbox owner
I got 56 or 57, but I haven't really cared about trophies for a long time
I have these, I hope I can platinum VC 4.
I don't own a snoy goystation
I got 28
Those people buy easy games to platinum them
Most of the time all regional versions aswell to get multiple lists full
>don't have a single platinum
I've never owned a playstation product in my life
sorry i play mostly exsclusives
Do they get something in exchange? Sounds utterly retarded, and I like trophies.
friendly reminder that sony will censor yoko taro in the future if he wants to release games on the playstation
Why doesnt he release his games on pc then?
I played nier automata for the story
Dopamine, lots of it.
I don't give a shit about trophies. The only platinum I have is Bloodborne and that's just because I realized after 300 hours of playing it I was 1 trophy away from the plat so I just went and got it. It's not a hard plat either, I don't think.
Does PSN still give you anything for trophies and platinums or that trophy level ranking?
I play for the story and to relax. I don't care about achievements.
Automata was on PC though. The Drakengard games you shouldn't play and Nier 1 is worth it if you can grab it on 360 of ps3.
If platinum-ing games actualy does something, like discount for the sequel or free DLC, people might start give a shit about it.
I got 30. I only platinium games that are either easy to plat or that I really like, that way I can make sure I saw all the content. If a game has stupid shit like "collect 5 million bear asses" why bother?
It sometimes gives you a theme or something.
platinum trophies for the mere reason of having a counter go up by one
disregard achievements and instead complete a game by doing everything possible once
Fun trophies
- Defeat X using Y or without using Z
- No damage bosses
- etc
Lame trophies
- play normally
- do this thing X times
Simple: I'm not NEET/incel trash. I have a gf, friends, a Masters degree and an actual job/Life.
What does an androids butt taste like, do they even sweat?
I have like 9 and 4 of them are VNs
I only care about getting a platinum if I think a game was a genuine 10/10 masterpiece that really honestly deserved the effort and commitment to be arsed with platinuming it.
I can count the number of platinum trophies I have on 2 fingers.
Gta 5 and Fortnite right?
People limit themselves to games that are easy to complete, pretty autistic. Ik it's a buzzword to you guys but it really seems that to those people fun comes secondary
I can't even remember the last time I 100%'d a game, probably sometime when I was a kid and only had 3 of them. I get that some people are completionists and just like it or are compelled to do it, but the moment I start doing something just for the sake of crossing it off a list I lose all interest.
Getting platinum can be pretty easy depending on the game. Yesterday I finished up Tales from borderlands and I got everything just for finishing the Gamez same for the first sky Cooper game and a fee others. Cool plants required a little bit of effort.
I guess the ones I put more effort in were Mafia 2 Plat, which was a bitch to collect all wanted posters, mass effect 2 Plat, which I needed to do a second run, and borderlands the pre sequel Plat which required a bunch rng related trophies + save summing l, multilenplaytroughs and some were even related to specific missions that had to be done with 4 people.
Everything else was easy as fuck.
rate me please
I've got 41
Hit 154 today, feels good.
Why didn't you platinum horizon zero dawn?
if i recall it was pretty easy
Playing Warframe has made me realize how stupid getting platinum is. It cured me of my Plat autism.
>he doesn't have atleast 400 platinum trophies
I have a single one Gravity Rush 1.
Planning to get Gravity Rush 2 at some point but I've been too lazy to grind out the gems to max out your level
all my platinum trophies are from stacking different versions of persona 4: dancing all night and danganronpa another episode
I don't have any because I'm not a console owner.
Some of these are pretty good
Same here.
Only posting my sub 4% ones, even though rarity is kind of a meme
You’ve got some cool stuff in there
Send help.
PS4 doesn't have that many good exclusives
You got that platinum trophy for Star Ocean: Last Hope International, right Yea Forums?
There are a handful of games which give you special things, like a platinum avatar for
spiderman and a platinum theme for horizon zero dawn for example. But mostly platinum trophies
are more or less to quickly gain in levels on your psn account because they give more exp.
Just Cause 3 was super tedious
What do levels give you?
San andreas has trophy?
I thought old games had none
Some games got patches. MGS IV got a trophy patch.
I don't know what platinums to go for as of right now cause my backlog is so damn massive. I need help.
ps2 games on ps4 have trophy lists
Did anyone actually managed to get Warhawk plat legit during the game's lifetime? I think that's the most time consuming plat ever.
My plats:
Metal Gear Solid 3
PlayStation All Stars Battle Royale
Life is Strange
Tekken Tag Tournament 2
Tekken 6
Tekken 7
Virtue’s Last Reward
Most proud of MGS3
San Andreas has 2 separate trophy lists, 1 for that ps3 android port and another for the ps2 classic.
That's like 4k hours or something. I don't think many people did.
Cookies and ice cream.
I usually beat the game once on normal difficulty and never touch it again
I have double Platinums on MGS2 and 3 since you could transfer progress between ps3 and vita and each version had its own list.
You know you don't need to get trophies to get 100% on the games you like right ? Their only use is telling other people that you 100% them.
Trophies are the most vain and useless shit ever added to video games to cater to the millennial need for easy gratification. Nobody gives a shit about your trophies.
good PSN name but shame for saving a mobile image
These are my rarest trophies.
because trophies are meaningless, i play a game for fun, not to have my ego artificially stroked by a popup on screen for performing a menial task that usually has no bearing on the game what so ever.
Nothing really. It just shows that you have played
a lot of games and have a high completion ratio.
nothing wrong with it to be honest. A lot of casual players never even get to the end
I do the main story and then uninstall
I need to update this, it's missing KH3 and God Eater 3
the sad state is how the FFXV plat is now LESS THAN 50% OF ALL TROPHIES
I don't have a PlayStation.
Pretty sure you can't even earn the Comrades Trophies anymore besides the standalone version
that is what I heard.
Never bothered playing comrades because fuck paying so I could Hold O with random strangers who are also Holding O
Is something i miss on the switch
Why did you bother cropping out your PSN ID, LostXmas0?
I like God of War, Infamous and superheroes
I have almost every trophy for Detroit Become Human but I didn't want to kill Conner and Kara so I'm stuck at 92%
Someone post that guy that has like a million platinum trophies.
>only 18 platinums
I'm a platlet.
>Yakuza series
>Trophy for something basic as fuck like just walking to the first area 1 minute into the game
>Only 70%ish of players have it
I only even play games that I really really like.
I doubt I'll ever Platinum them all but I have somewhere between 10 and 15 PS4 games (about 5 PS3) , 5 of which I've platted.
Easy platinums are for faggots. Try Yakuza bitch
Yakuza isn't hard though, just tedious as hell after a while. Killing Lau Ka Long over and over again just because there is no checkpoint right before the lightgun car chase scene is completely moronic.
I'm missing Y5 because surviving the coliseum with Hobo Baseball Man is 2hard4me.
Because sometimes I don't care. Especially if it's something more than 100% the game or some kind of no damage challenge.
my kyodai
Haven’t owned a PlayStation since the PS1. Went Xbox and GameCube instead of PS2.
Yakuza plays are too tedious. I was seriously considering going for Yakuza remake Plat but fuck me there's way too much shit to do and I already have done most sidequests and finished the story.
>Yakuza plays are too tedious.
Yeah. My Plats of 4 and Dead Souls just started dragging on near the end when the last thing I had to do was hardest difficulty and I had to start from scratch in terms of skill levels.
3 has some tiedous bullshit like "pick up trash from one spot 100 times" and 0 has the RNG Catfights. Plus doing all the Majong crap
I hope platinum huniting anons are not like this sad cunt.
The catfights were awful, but mahjong is based
Worst thing in 4 was hostess maker and difficulty trophies not stacking up. Minigames in Yakuza are always enjoyable, even if they copy paste them from older games.
r8 or h8
Can someone give me a few suggestions from my list? I just want five games to choose from that are easy to platinum.
Trophies/achievements give you a goal. People like having targets to reach. There's a social aspect in having a public trophy list to compete with your friends with.
There's really nothing wrong with trophies.
>owning a console
>complete menial tasks just to justify your poor choices