I've never played this but I'm aware people seem to hate it. It's really popular, so why the hate? I need educating.
League Of Legends
OP here. I don't know what I'm looking at.
MOBA is a shitty genre.
because it's the easiest and least creative ASSFAGGOTS of the bunch
dead game
dead genre
sometimes when I feel like I'm wasting my time playing video games I remind myself that there are people out there who instead of experiencing all those games out there to this day continue to spend hundreds of hours on LoL and then I feel better about myself.
I spend hundreds of hours in hots, how do you feel about me?
League is cancer. Fuck that.
Better post some League sluts.
If you want all the champions you need to play like 100 hours or cough up some cash. Also you spend at least 40% of the game farming minions and if you don't do this you will be behind.
only 300iq niggas play rengar
Fact: Taliyah mains are big dicked Chad's with fat bank accounts and hella hoes
It is hated because it is popular.
if by 100 hours you mean 10000 hours then yes
Remember playing this shit game with friends. Thank god I stopped after season 2.
Its objectively not the easiest, that would be HOTS. You could make an argument for lest creative but im positive there are some lower profile chinkshit games like mobile legends that are even more soulless.
I guess I'll give you a serious answer since no one else is. League is designed to make players argue. The whole system of leveling up and gold makes it so any mistake you make gets harsh criticism by your team. Add that to that the length of each game and too many wanna be competitive tryhards makes for a bad time if you arnt with friends.
After my irl friends got bored/moved on, it was not fun anymore. This is the first game I heard "toxic" players being discussed, and it's obvious why. I've seen many team crumble and spend the whole game bitching at eachother instead of trying to make a comeback, which it's hard to make a comeback anyways with the snowballing effect if gold and levels.
I’m just here for the waifus, i never played League of Legends.
Sona is the best girl.
Its a team based game so of course it will be toxic when one makes a mistake, i never play this alone, only with friends so if you have someone to play with go for it
This guy gets it. This is in my bin of "won't even think about playing alone" games. Fuuccck that,
Because Mobas tend to be highly toxic and sap your life force away when you spend countless hours "mastering" the characters for nothing since they constantly change with updates.You dont pay with your wallet here, you pay with your soul. Play it for a while and you will remember me
Pussies. Go back to ow and your pedo waifu simulators
Kek league is prime pedobait with those delicious yordles
I dont play that shitty overwatch at all. LoL and Dota are a big waste of time if you take them seriously. Good luck with your never ending grinding for ranking up