Turn undead

>turn undead
>you don't become undead

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Its Tyrion?top kek

Blizzard, stop
christ, BFA is such a trainwreck

is he not undead? what is he?

whos that

>15 years
>still can't make a forsaken paladin

Why can't forsaken just be skeletons

Don't say china, they can just not have that option

Warcraft lore has pretty much been one big joke since WoW itself but man, BfA is really taking it to the next level.

Skeletons are gay meme shit

Havent followed wew lore since forever.. is sylvanus raid boss yet? Is jaina still alive? What about the tauren boss? Whats the big shit atm? Quick rundown?

This an actual NPC?

it's shit (it has always been).
>is sylvanus raid boss yet
No, the writers say that she's too much important for that (yas queen).
>Is jaina still alive
she's the biggest mary sue and one of the most inconsistent character ever atm.
>What about the tauren boss?
He's a cuck who betrayed the horde, and therefore she wanted to kill him, but she waited a bit so that we can rescue him.
>Whats the big shit atm
Old Gods, aka another generic threat for the sake of raiding.

>sylvanus raid boss yet?


> Is jaina still alive?


>What about the tauren boss?

Jaina, Thrall, Saurfang, and Lorthemar rescue him.

>Whats the big shit atm?
Azshara and N'Zoth apparently coming to fuck shit up.

>Quick rundown?


Don't tell me this is actually tyrion, rofl

Not him but the joke is: you cast "turn undead" but you don't actually turn undead

Is this a new spell or event thing or what?

Pretty sure Turn Undead has been in since classic.


It's a spell that's been around since Dungeons and Dragons. Paladins in WoW have it too.

>cast Turn Undead
>undead turns 360 degrees

Classic isn't out yet


Weren't these things just a mob in WotLK

>holy skeleton

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Forsaken should be allowed to use every race in an undead form. Not only humans.

blizzard isn't cool enough for that

sup faggots

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So that's the curse of Baine-Anduin?
Every character who ppears with them on the screen becomes ultimate cuck?

>first and only undead paladin in wow
im amazed that they somehow managed to give lorthemar something to do since ToT aftr xpac upon xpacs of ignoring him

>im amazed that they somehow managed to give lorthemar something
And instantly ruined

>turn undead
>nearly 1 shots the boss

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What's the lore explanation behind how players cleared Naxx in vanilla but then it came back and players cleared it a second time in WotLK anyway?

Wtf, i want to be a skeleton, tell me more about picrelated.

that armour is incredibly gay looking, there's no other way to describe it
why does blizzard suck so much at armour design?

Whitemane would be a pretty close contender. Her connection to the Light is still insanely close, despite Undeath, and she's able to still perform true resurrection on the battlefield and was one of the few in lore to be able to do so as well. We don't know if she can bring herself back like she used to, but she can still use Holy and Unholy abilities hand in hand. This dude's still the OG though, naturally.

Most vanilla players haven't even seen old naxx, even less cleared it.

That's not what I asked, though. I know why Blizzard did it, I'm asking how they justified it story-wise. Did they retcon vanilla Naxx from ever happening, or reraise everyone from the (un)dead again, or what?

(You) didn't killed Kel'Thuzad that time, (You) just took away his phylactery and gave it to some shady priest.
That priest betrayed Azeroth and saved Kel'Thuzad.


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Lich King just rezzed everyone aboard

>loved wow since a kid and can't bring my self to quit completely always coming back to every two years or so
>see lots of cool shit I like
>see lots of complete horseshit that makes me want to puke

Yet, like a bad ex here I come again

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Kinda dont remember dk legion campaign so clearly but she and other horseman just got fodderized after lore quests. Even with her and above Tirion tier skills in the light, its still 2 holy undead users at best, also many deceased holy users just became death knights
You didnt cleared it by lore, just stopped from fucking up plaguelands more and LK recalled it to northrend. Even if you really defeated kel, you jut handed his phylcatery to literal who. And LK can rez any undead as much a she wants, just he dont bother or conider defeated minion shit and weak since it died to something. Nearly all ICC bosses were just tests if players are worthy to became scourge generals aka strongest entites in Lk arsenal were still disposable

Does china not allow skeletons in games?

Skeletons are taboo or something in china, so all the skeletons in wow are all censored over there. The dead player skeletons got replaced with tombstones. Their forsaken models even have the bony bits covered up, so they're just pale humans with bad posture.

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like with a bad ex your friends and family should stop you.

Yeah, lots of Tauren in Lordaeron
Humans and elves at best, forest trolls and wildhammer dwarfs if you wanna stretch it
But all races? Fuck no, WoW shat on the lore enough as it is

>>first and only undead paladin in wow
There's that one guy in Light's Chapel too. He has a forsaken model.

Laughing at you, mate
t. Zandalari Troll Paladin

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