It's shit

>Limited to 12 "backgrounds" which are just pngs of existing ones, no animations
>No custom backgrounds exclusive to the mode
>No backgrounds from Brawl and Smash 4
>Can't set a color as a background or do gradients
>Can't use stickers as a painting or texturing feature
>Can't quickly test your stage with various recoveries such as tethers
>Shitty size limit that is reached quickly
>Absolutely no preset blocks / platforms, even Brawl had those
>Can't use assets from other stages
>Have to draw with your finger hiding the tiny screen
>Can't move objects you draw to other layers
>Eraser isn't an actual eraser, just a delete button
>Can't paint a platform to any color, black will look brown on some stages because of lighting
>No "My Profile" option to view your stats, have to look up your own username
>Can't delete the shared content you upload so you better not mess up

That'll be $20 please.
Even LittleBigPlanet did miles better a decade ago.

Attached: 1555660231399.webm (538x272, 2.45M)

For the record you actually can move objects to other layers. Hold R or L while it is selected, and press up or down on the directional pad to do it

Let me also add:
>Can't change spawn points
>Can't cover the entire background with a platform; the top of the stage will still be visible

This is the kind of content they release post-launch in 2019? How incompetent are they?

>Absolutely no preset blocks / platforms, even Brawl had those
Yeah, this pisses me off, too. Also:
>Still no ability to give stages a TRUE roof/ceiling because once someone dies they'll just respawn on top of the goddamn thing instead of inside the stage where they're supposed to be.
All I've wanted since Brawl's Stage Builder is to make Bowser's iconic World 1-4 bridge and I fucking can't because of this. ;___;

>That'll be $20 please.
The stage builder is paid DLC?

No, It's free

No ceiling is also pretty fucking stupid. So many basic things just plain missing.

No, but if you want to take part in the amazing process that is sharing content, you have to pay. All that extra money goes into getting really good online play and great updates like this one.

Oh, right, i forgot about paid online. But i'm guessing you can still build stages for yourself, right?

To workaround, you can place a cannon that shoots you down and lava besides it to prevent camping on the roof, but yeah.
My biggest dissapointment is that we only get regular lava, and not the one from Great Cave Offensive that offs you at 100%

The update is free nigger

Yes you can
>You need to pay for online to use online features
what a surprise
There are things to complain about (mostly the quickly reached size limit for me), but price isn't one of them since it's literally a free update

shit thanks for the tip,
i was literally and painfully redrawing shit when i accidentally drew on the wrong layer

Are you kidding me? Goddamn it. I had to keep redrawing shit several times cause I kept doing it in the wrong layers.

Attached: 2019041916121400-0E7DF678130F4F0FA2C88AE72B47AFDF.jpg (1280x720, 275K)

No problem, I actually made like six or seven stages before I found out you can do it. It was by pure accident too, the game kind of hides that feature for some reason. It's actually really helpful even if you fuck up and draw on the wrong layer on TOP of another object it seems to let you remove it and correct it to the right one

>color and texture aren't separate
>can't pick more than one track

>Can't change spawn points
This one is downright stupid. It would be okay if it ended up putting players in sensible positions, but no, let's place players within grab reach of each other.

>>Limited to 12 "backgrounds" which are just pngs of existing ones, no animations

I wouldn't see this as a problem if they didn't reduce it to jusrt 12. There are over 100 backgrounds already in the game. Why can't we use those?

>That'll be $20 please.
You know, the update is free, right?

>Even LittleBigPlanet did miles better a decade ago.
Are you retarded or something? Of course LBP did it better, because the game is basically just a level editor. The literal core of the game.
It's like me going into LBP, download some level made by a dude that did a smash level in LBP and say
>Ugh. LBP is so shit. Smash 64 did miles better a decade ago.

Maybe he thinks you need the online subscription to download updates/patches

>Even LittleBigPlanet did miles better a decade ago.
LBP is the best editor in a video game ever you fucking retard.

reminds me of littlegbigplanet but looks worse

It's immensely flawed in a lot of really obvious ways, but I wouldn't say it's shit. It just could've been a lot better, and it is sad that they delayed the level editor for half a year and still fucked up so many key elements, but it's alright, and it's better than no level editor at all. If they charged for this shit, THEN I would be mad, but as a free update, alright, fine.

>Limited to 12 "backgrounds" which are just pngs of existing ones, no animations
I honestly don't get this, they look so lousy. The only excuse I can come up with is that they were trying to give the complexity meter as much as possible, and the little Switch can only handle so much, but even then I doubt it'd be that big of a factor.
>Can't change characters for testing
This pisses me off, Smash 4's let you change characters. There's no way it would've been hard to do the exact same thing. Laziness.
>Shitty size limit that's reached quickly
To my experience, it seems a bit better than 4's? Blame the Switch as a console for this, really, not the editor itself.
>Can't use assets from other stages
One of the things I liked most about Brawl's editor was the ability to use assets, it really irks me that they never bothered to give us the option. Plus, with the switch item as an example, the programming is there to have placeable objects on the player-level that move along with the platforms, so they easily could've done that, but, again, didn't.
>Eraser isn't an actual eraser
I hate this. Make one tiny mistake on a huge object? Draw the entire thing again, fucker.
>No "My Profile"
This is absolutely nonsensical, even Nintendo, as bad with online as they are, have made content-sharing systems before which give you a profile page that allows you to view all of your creations and their stats.
>Can't delete the shared content you upload
This is such an intentionally obtuse thing that I'm pretty sure they did it on purpose so you couldn't upload a lewd map really quickly, have people download it, then take it down. But that feels like it's giving them way too much credit, they were probably just being retarded as usual.