Hey guys, remember that tragedy that just happened yesterday? Cheer up! Here's a free game! That'll heal the wound...

>Hey guys, remember that tragedy that just happened yesterday? Cheer up! Here's a free game! That'll heal the wound. Haha!

What is Ubisoft playing at here?

Attached: unity1.jpg (631x611, 146K)

>we continually pump out mediocre to okay games and its showing in our sales
>hey a thing happened I got an idea to make people remember we exist again

free PR, duh

>literally angry at free games

They're french-canadians. They have no souls.

I'll be honest, that's actually a pretty cool idea. Not sure I'd buy an assassins creed after it. But it is kinda cool to get to walk around the building. To really understand its magnitude, when travelling to paris these days probably includes getting gunned down and raped.
Unironic good on ubisoft.

Its a game with virtual Notre Dame, you nigger pig American homosex.

Didn't Ubisoft also say they were going to be donating money towards the reconstruction?

Yeah too bad you can't walk around INSIDE the building because Assassin's Creed never does interiors because Ubisoft is fuckin' lazy.

Aww that's pretty poop, it is a colossal structure though. Running around it's big butt-resses doesnt seem too wasted.

>some building burns down

>Hey guys, remember that tragedy that just happened yesterday?
You mean this thread?

>have to download Uplay and register
That cost is too high just to play a shitty Asscreed game tbqh

Wish Deus Ex 1 was given away free the day after 2001/9/11

does anyone else have a more accurate model of the Notre Dame in their possession than Ubisoft?

You don't actually have to download Uplay to claim the free game.

my dick

>please submit you privat contact data, social security number, shoe size, favorite icecream flavor and browser history
>for free

Deus Ex has value

Cool! Can I have a look at it? Also, I look at things by putting my mouth over them, is that okay?

Some may say, prophetic value.

To claim it, sure, but how about actually playing?

They're giving money to some charity thing for it too.

I have no doubts someone does. Rarely video game assets translate 1:1, gameplay related scaling may skew things, detail may be dropped for framerate target control.

Somebody probably has some 3d scan shit of the building thats more accurate than this ubisofts marketing ploy implies.

Does it matter? Just claim it and then download the game from IGG or whatever.

but you can

having a fuckton of interiors was literally a selling point for the game and they're probably one of the best parts of it.

What you forget is that they gave out Deus Ex for like $1 for some charity thing a couple years ago.

You cant just reply to everything with "my dick".

So much interiors wasted on asscreed gameplay.

This is a bigger traggedy than the notre dame fire.


Scratch that, turns out it does have interiors.

they donated 500k euros too

>free game
>it's the worst of the franchise
No thanks.

Did Muslims burn it down? There have been a lot of fires in Chrisitian churches in France.

Eh? Name a better gameplay more suited to having interiors than a gameplay where you can climb all thing.

Yes, but they said that it was an "electric" cause

ubisoft should just shut down asscreed and outsource the team to other devs to recreate citys and historical locations.

wow man, that's really funny haha wow

>when travelling to paris these days probably includes getting gunned down and raped.

Who told you this and why did they lie to you?

Your country is not even 200 years old, that church is older than your nation, you mutt

>shut down their one series that consistently makes money and has actually been pretty good lately
Wow, great idea.

>This is so sad can we hit 1 million uplay users?

Literally the only competent part of the studio are artists and 3d modelers. Whoever designs gameplay should be drowned in fresh cement.

What a waste of good assets.

He's an American, they lie to themselves. They can't help it.

You know what's interesting is that Unity in particular is a good entry point for the series since it was the start of a new arc, makes you wonder if Ubisoft burned down the church themselves for marketing purposes.

I live in Iran

Ah. I apologize. Thank you for your service to our planet, your people are greatly valued.


when i went to paris all i saw was rubbish on the street, fags in the cafes, thousands of africans and muslims in the street littering, fighting with each other, black prostitutes and shitting/pissing on the steet. Same thing in rome, barcelona, only when i started going further east where there was more white people and less crime, streets were clean.

really makes me think, all traveling does is make you more redpilled and appreciate you never grew up in that kind of shithole.

you mean a blessing? fuck france

Attached: 1546983510736.jpg (290x324, 23K)

It's always a shame when the wonder and magic of traveling is wasted on someone like this.

Actual stealth game could use the environments more than the mind numbing action game who's 90% of content consists of fetch quests and quick time events masquerading as gemeplay. What a fucking waste. Division, Asscreed, Watch Dogs, Wildlands all of these games are equivelant to flipping channels while laying on the couch, literally your brain has no tasks to do past the initial ~7hour familiarisation with the game.

Yeah, climbing and jumping is cool, but fuck me theres so little substance or challenge to keep you engaged, the story is so spread apart between the vegetable pandering tasks that it's just a crime to let all these assets go to waste on such non-interactivity. Hell even shitters like Bioware could do better with the assets.

>the wonder of traveling

Attached: lol10.jpg (400x400, 38K)

>everyone from Iran is bad
a bit hypocritical to make assumptions huh

Attached: I was merely pretending.png (328x210, 6K)

You forgot to mention the jews in your rant, they must be at fault somehow too.

my dick

Why no one gave free game after christchurch shooting?

Why do people always say Paris is shit, but I have been there a billion times and it’s perfect?

I don’t know, maybe London is really crap or your brain on /pol/ makes you hallucinate things.

why the fuck are there so many repeat threads on Yea Forums?

>being this illiterate
Well I suppose this does confirm you are an American.

Counter strike already exists and was free

The first game would ironically also fit in as well

Developers of Hatred should do a free weekend after every mass shooting.

>What is Ubisoft playing at here?
Fuck off we all know you're a fucking ubishit shill

Ignore ubishit threads, hide ubishit spammers, check the catalogue for their shilling.

Imagine one of your national treasures being destroyed and you get a free game as conpensation, but that games is fucking Assasin's Creed Unity.

Excluding the US, right? Because then they might as well give the game away for free.

Technically they did, I have Hatred in my library and I have no idea where the fuck I got it.

Are you a Prince with a special dagger?

>Mon dieu, monsieur! Our Assassin's Creed jeus arr az unpopulair as ever. Vat should vee do?
>"Make ze call."

Is there anyway to fix the texture pop in that Unity has? It's pretty fucking bad.

No, that's why the game got such bad reviews.

You can enter Notre Dame in Unity.


>free game
>good 3d models


>have to install u-play
>have to sign my soul to ubisoft
>game takes 50gb
>its an assassings creed game

It always comes down to one simple question - "Why not pirate it instead then?"

Usually it's a case of "Oh, i actually don't want to play it". Saves alot of hassle installing dozens of different stores, making accounts and downloading 50gb of asscreed trash.

Attached: 1379062792388.png (200x300, 16K)

What exactly is the problem with 50 GB? That's nothing these days. If anything it's more convenient than piracy because with piracy you have to download the whole game over again if it gets a patch. And that's IF they upload the patched version.

Pretty sure Ubisoft isn’t either but god damn it; It’s damn close

>Aren't you sad, fellow gamers?
>Let us all sign up to Uplay to show how sad we are!

If you honestly think anything a corporation does is not for the sake of profit then I just don't know what to tell you.

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How do you "destroy" Docfuture?

>bitching about free video games
go the fuck back

They’re a video game company not Muslim

>free game
>looks good to great
>already got tricked into using Uplay, so I might as well

>have to actually play AssCreed to get to Notre Dame

>What exactly is the problem with 50 GB?
Its not a problem if the game has substance, instead of being a wallpaper you can move around in (aslong as you move the way they tell you, or else you get punished).

>because with piracy you have to download the whole game over again if it gets a patch.

Not the case, all the games ive pirated and patched have just patches separately. They list which scene release the patch is for.

/pol/ hallucinations
Seriously stop going to /pol/ makes you think the whole world is after you when no one even realizes you’re there

So who is setting the fires?


It was a simple question user

Frenchies are so cocky they probably disreguarded safety standarts while working on the roof.

you reek of autism

>I'm a sandnigger
>I want to burn churches
what a surprise

>go to major world city
>wtf why is there crime here?
dumb fuck

Why don't you go click button prompts that appear on the screen, should calm you down.

you reek of autism

>muh cathedral
funny how it looked like hellfire was erupting out of it during that fire

and was so fitting, considering the catholics and their molesty priests have been getting uncovered for the "wolf in sheep's clothing" that they really are

to be honest, i wouldnt have mind having a folding chair and a bucket of popcorn, with some water to wash it down with, while watching that symbol of hypocrisy burn.

Hum, the french national institute of geo information. We scan the entire country with lasers every 3 years so we have real life 3D models of every building in Paris but it's not like anybody asked us for them.

Attached: still disapointed.jpg (1280x720, 81K)

I take it you would feel the same way about a mosque burning down.

A building burnt down, that's not a tragedy, nobody died.

pretty indifferent, yeah