SCP thread

What SCP would make a good videogame?

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Other urls found in this thread:

SCP Secret Laboratory. We will be playing it with anons on user server, server ip:

You can check the server's playercount at and you can join the game's user group on Steam by googling scp chads and joining the chat.

It's free, naturally

>LGBT symbol
fuck no remove that irrelevant, stupid shit

um sweetie? WOW... Just wow

It's actually redpilled because it implies the organisation that focusses on containing dangerous anomolies have their eyes on homosexuality

This is meta bait. Do not reply.

I love it how the logo triggers people this much. I was okay with it for the pride month, then felt it should have gone back but seeing anons still REEEing about it, I like it.

I think you could make this a pretty fun puzzle game, something like those old Escape the Room flash games. Just have a bunch of objects around you that you have to refine on a certain setting and use to escape. The only issue I see is I'd take a lot of guessing at first, since you don't know what you'll get when you put an object through. Although, it could just be fun seeing what you get. You could have a number of different rooms with different objects for levels. For difficulty settings you could change the number of objects to use or the number of settings on the machine.

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So I guess you're okay with the sjw mods absolutely raping all the old classic scps just to make them "less problematic" or some bullshit.

lmao what a cuck you dont even know the site got fucking ruined. SJW's got admin positions, started bannning and rewriting entries left and right. Site is dead

Nope, but I'm okay with the site showing support to Pride Month and the action triggering the likes of you

See I'm against the rewrites but I'm for the wiki's support to pride month and it triggering you.

The problem's that it went way past Pride Month, and at this point i can't look at anything supporting different orientations or genders without thinking it was only made to look good.

You fucking wish it did, no one gives a shit about gays (sept muslims) being gay hasn't triggerd anyone since 1999

Yes, I wished first it would have gone back after the month but since it still gets reaction from anons, I'm cool with it.

>it triggers random people xD
imagine being this sad pathetic sack of shit

I don't give a shit about Pride Month and whether it's ok to you or not but I do enjoy anons voicing out their complaints about the logo.

Your mom.

>just got done reading an entry where a kid that can heal other people by taking their injuries upon himself is kept alive for their own use even though he's fucked up beyond repair
>read another one where they inflict a horrifically painful parasite that slowly kills you over decades to see what happens
>and another one where they infect you with wasps that turn you into a living hive
>and another one where they recommend loading newborns with mine altering drugs to make them subservient and send them into some fucking space thing
>"we'd like to remind everyone that the foundation is a welcoming caring place :)"

you say you're not booty blasted yet you keep posting

This shit really bothers me, SCP has always been internet edgelord HQ and trying to splice that with squeaky clean political correctness is a gigantic tonal clash.

The logo and statements are from the wiki group, not the canon fictional Foundation

for those sweet sweet fucking (you)s

seek mental help

You forgot about the little girl they have tied to a rape rack and they have to sexuality abuse her constantly daily because she's pregnant with some kind eldritch hellspawn that will be birthed unless she's under constant torment.

Someone hit me up with some good ones from the 4000 series.
I have read way too many good setups ruined by the focus of the article changing from the skip to some scientist being a "protag" and ending in some half assed moral, writers opinion piece or just explaining the mystery away.

An adventure game.
You infiltrate their secret facilities and have to kill all SCP and you have to solve point and click adventure esque puzzles to do so..

Didn't you hear user, that got retconned.

The idea of that is that it is not stated spesifically but let the reader make the conclusion, you sick fuck

>One that pretends to be a woman, but is actually a guy, if you fall for it, you're turned gay forever and may never enjoy the female form again, but the desire to do so is still there, thus forming a loop of permanent mental torture and depression.

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A puzzle game built around the machine that changes item quality and the vending machine that can give you any liquid sounds amazing if implemented right.

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Yeah I heard "it's just a prank bro, we trick the evil god!!!!1" that ruined that scp for me. The most horrific part of that scp is that you don't know exactly what they do to her, but you know it's some nefarious shit. The horror is left to your imagination. But nope, we actually just read her bedtime storys lolol

Again, statement from the wiki group, not actual entry.

SCP is by no means high literature but I'm shocked that anons have this little media literacy.

There's 3 different tales about what it could be. there is no canon.


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>hehe yeah stupid anons getting mad at attempt to normalize mental disorders and anti-social behaviors.

Ah yes, the offsite response agents and senior researchers of the SCP wiki group

>showing support to Pride Month
why? Pride month should be condemned.

>sjw mods
Nigger, that's old as fuck news and those mods(on fucking reddit so who gives a fucking shit?) were given the boot anyway. Why people still bitch about this is beyond me.


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I actually do hate queers. They are mentally ill people and should be bullied back into the closet.

jesus that is fucking sick.

No it didn't. Some people wrote about it, but there's like 30 canons, none of them directly supersede the article.

I do like the one where the fear of the procedure is what suppresses it.

why is nobody supports combating degeneracy when everyone knew itis cancer that's killing the society?

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The writets and wiki groups are individuals with their own opinions. The support to Pride Month is from them and is present outside of the actual entries. It's not hard puzzle to solve. I do enjoy anons showing off their ignorance.


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>the foundation supports horiffic experiments
>the foundation supports genital mutilation and experiments with hormones
It's kind of fitting when you think about it

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....i wonder what the context of that picture is.

>you don't know exactly what they do to her, but you know it's some nefarious shit. The horror is left to your imagination
That is what ruins about 4/5 of the good setups.
Writers don't know when to stop.

A good example of a mysterious article is the one about the staircase and the face.
We don't know how deep it is, we don't know whose face it is, we don't know what the crying noises are.
Why did the face appear below most people forcing them back up, but for the last one it appeared above her, forcing her down?
We can theorize, but there is no concrete answer.
If that article was written today,there would be an addendum story which explains whose face is it and why is it in that stairwell.

a lot of people do, a lot of western countries are subverted and will collapse anyway, the question is how they became do fucking weak and defeatist to not make their voices getting heard, even in my shitty country we have to fight against this stupid subversion that has nothing to do here so obvious that everyone notices it

That's some peak cope my friend

>All those LGBTQBRAAP+ suicides are actually foundation kidnapping people for D personnel ranks

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What's sick?

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Containment Breach is the only good SCP game

degeneracy. trannies put their dicks on their chest of forearm as a badge of abhorrence towards their former gender

also, to keep their dick alive in case doctors need to put it back in case of remorse. where do you think they put the dicks after? feed it to cat or put it in the fridge?

H-How could that happen.

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what happens to the republican parties? are they losing power? isn't trump suppose to fix everything?

>it's an "user pretends to know better than trained psychologists" episode
FYI, hating gays is by definition antisocial.

I ... Uh ... W-What?

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...must have been some fucked up accident

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Gay fetishes all of them

>bisexual and non-binary

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>wanting people to stop bullying kids into suicide is degeneracy
>a man kissing his son is degeneracy

quit pretending you have context for things

>do basic research
>dude cut off his dick in accident
>dick was attached to his arm temporarily to keep it alive while general repair was done
>dick was attached to pubic area after surgery finished
I hope you stupid niggers do some basic googling before you believe stories like this

> put their dicks on their chest of forearm as a badge of abhorrence towards their former gender

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i said shitty 3rd country but im not american, also their only salvation is a civil war, that is what is left for them, everything else is just a useless stupid show

Not sure about that logo. It kind of implies securing and containing lgbt

That wasn't his kid. That's just some innocent brown indian kid they kidnapped for their depraved purposes.

Also, you don't kiss your son on the lips, you fucking pedo.

Are there any SCP articles that aren't actually SCPs and the in-universe authors were just mistaken?

the kids deserve to be bullied if they embrace being a queer.

this is just a picture of a box of gears isn’t it

>every scp thread will be this
please god, fucking end it

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There's a pencil that forces you to make mistakes when spelling, but it could just be that the guy that wrote the article is a shitty writer.

Item Description: A #2 pencil that, when used, causes the writer to unknowingly make spelling errors. Spelling errors can be corrected using the pencil.
Date of Recovery: 06--20
Location of Recovery: Site 19 supply cabinet
Current Status: Accidentally destroyed. Materials demonstrated no unusual properties
Notes: Are you sure the person who reported this wasn't just really bad at spelling?

have sex
no, for real, if seeing people getting angry is pleasant to you you are an incel

What about a SCP that kills faggots

don't worry pepe the frog will take back the rainbow.

search the news. the rainbow is starting to get labeled as nazi symbol due to clown pepe's rainbow afro wig.

I didn't say I believed it ... do you suppose he could still get an erection if it was attached properly ... probably not, nerve ending and blood vessles would probably not work properly.

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This is NOT okay. Tolerance is problematic unless it's correlates with current commercial trends and approved by established organisations. If you treat homosexuals well but haven't purchased certificates or mechandise from Prideâ„¢ you're worse than Hitler.

>Mecca is an SCP

Obviously tumblrites. Shits way I constantly post Stonetoss, because it triggers them xD

And this is why gatekeeping is good

>lgbt flag ruined with that disgusiting shit tone
i hate "allies"


>My 7 year old wants to sleep with boys, h-honest.
>N-NO, o-of course I had nothing to do with this, kids are tough you know, nothing can affect the way they grow up.

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Shhh, step away from the monitor and put on the dress.

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lobotomy corp but without the endless amount of VN tier dialog

How about Lobotomy Corp just made by someone who isn't korean.

This reality is coming apart and the seams and no-one appears to care.

Can people not dislike something anymore without it instantly meaning they hate people? Do you also assume people that don't like pinaple on pizza want to stab people that do?

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It probably already is an SCP. SCP writers lack creativity which is common knowledge, i mean "DUDE GOD LMAO, DUDE CAIN AND ABEL, DUDE KING IN YELLOW LMAO"

A disease that acted like alzheimer and needed to be contained by having several d-class personell have it or else.... The disease was passed on by a document by reading it. The document was actually a scam by d-class and told the reader how to behave to ensure the Foundation wants to keep you alive. The d-class would have better and longer rest of their lives by doing so because Fpundation wouldnt want to kill you or make you a test subject for more dangerous skips.

There are a million different cool video game concepts that start with "book-hopping adventure".

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>Mecca is actually a mind-controlling ancient obelisk uncovered 1500 years ago
>gathers people to it to psionically feed on their energy
>made up a fake religion to draw people to it from all over the world
>also feeds off cash money, wars for oil, and the energy from firing rockets at certain countries
So original, so deep.

For something that isn't seen as a disorder, it sure seems to be causing issues.
Some probably do, but they'll get labled a biggot, enemy of society and probably lose their job if they try to discuss it in a reasonable manner.

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isnt that octopus like highly venomous


Maybe ...

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Is SCP: secret lab any good?
I've seen people posting about this game here

>touching a blue ringed octopus

It's a lot of fun but the enjoyment of it is proportional to the kind of people you play it with, give it a try if the Yea Forums server actually gets populated over the weekend

It's funnest multiplayer I played this decade but only with right players. Pyb servers are cancer because of screeching underages, but user server is good. Only problem, there hasnt been update for long time so the game is dying. user server gets games in weekends and we gonna colonize today. Refer to for more information.

We're gonna be okay.

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which scp numbers wanna read them too

No spoonfeeding. Time to be a big boy.

>there hasnt been update for long time
Did the pole drop development or what?
I stopped playing around the time shitpost was starting to become irrelevant, I an heard that since then 79 was added back as well as the doggos

Post the saddest SCP


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Kids that age dont even know what the fuck sex is, much less homosexual sex. Get the fuck out of here with this shit.

Yes, we got both doggos and 079. It seems dev team is in turmoil because Hubert being hubert. He still gets 3000+ bucks a month on his Patreon but he is unwilling to actually use the money or effort on the game.

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I dunno, it's too bad you made a meta thread that isnt about video games.

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At least he didn't do something stupid like ad chatting, right?
Hows the world gen?
Is the pistol still in the lower levels?

We were promised a 'megapatch' back in October, since then we've had part 1 (of 3) of said patch in December and no content since

Actually the OP text is padsable but his choice of pic tells his motive and certainly didn't help preventing the shit spiral. I'm happy it caused few anons to show their media illiteracy.

>Kissing your kid on the lips and not on the cheeks is normal

I am too old, I do not know what is this SCP? it seems very popular

There's the same old hand gun and a new loud one with stronger damage. Most of the basics are same. Light Zone gets gassed and unaccesible after 15 mins and 079 containment happens activating 5 generators in random hotspots in Heavy.

A community writing project for a fictional research foundation that documents supernatural objects
Been around for over 10 years now


Can't remember the last two

I was there for when gassing happened and though it was stupid that the gates opened last moment so scummy D-Boys(Me) could cheese their way into Heavy like it was nuffin.

>I support LGBT because it triggers people and seeing people mad arouses me because I have an anger fetish
how low can you get?

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sounds cool

Its like if all the weird shit that happened in Twilight Zone was being observed, contained and cataloged by an secret organization.
less fluff answer is

Creepypasta collection originating from /x/ 10 years ago, now a separate site with thousands of entries. Fictional Foundation Secures, Contains and Protects anomalities and teies to keep public unknowing about them. Most of the stuff is under creative commons, bar the OG, SCP-173 which means anyone can use the lore but basically cannot make money out of it. SCP Containment Breach is singleplayer based on it with lot of SCPs and SCP Secret Lab a multiplayer, a assymetrical survival death matchish game.

Making fun of faggots literally makes them so angry that they kill themselves, so your excuse doesn't make sense. It's more likely you're just a virtue signaling faggot sympathizer.

Just reading a few of these. So the classes are Safe: Pretty amusing but not to dangerous, Elucid: Can be pretty nasty if handled unprepared, Keter: Very dangerous, Thaumiel: Super top secret that only a few people know about.

try watching this:

here's a response from a faggot (he turned off the like/dislike because he thinks it will affect the discussion):

Used to be creepypasta collection centred around a fictional agency that captures and contains supernatural anomalies.
Now it's a LGBT pride movement run by insane leftist authoritarians that shit out awful ideas.

They describe them with the locked box test:

>If you lock it in a box, leave it alone, and nothing bad will happen, then it's probably Safe.
>If you lock it in a box, leave it alone, and you're not entirely sure what will happen, then it's probably Euclid.
>If you lock it in a box, leave it alone, and it easily escapes, then it's probably Keter.
>If it IS the box, then it's probably Thaumiel.

>Used to be creepypasta collection centred around a fictional agency that captures and contains supernatural anomalies.
i'm too lazy to read it but this sounds really, really cool

It is in large parts of the world.

oh god my fucking dick
anyone got a link to the original?

This is the Bone Hive he was talking about

There's a box anology. A button to launch nuke is Safe, because if you put it in a box and no one outside tries to get it, it will cause no risk of damage or misuse or revealing itself to public. If you put an Euclid in box, you cant be 100% sure whether it escapes, causes damage or reveals itself to public. If you put a Keter in box, you can be 100% sure it causes damage or escapes or reveals itself to public. Thaumiel and others are something that can alter reality if left unattended.


To be fair, series 4 and 5 seemed to have moved away entirely from the quirky bullshit and it is just supernatural shit. They have their own problems, in that every fucking article tries too hard and has to relate to 15 other canons and 22 other SCPs, but the standard of writing is still the best it's ever been.

Even the original didn't actually describe the actions. It was left to imagination of the reader. You can ready any version through History of the entry.

Which SCP is it though? Didn't see anyone above mention the number.

I was going to reinstall but
> 0/60
Dead game.


Cant remember the number and I'm not into spoonfeeding. I give you a hint: Montauk

Do people still contribute to RPC? I remember the author of Solidarity moving his stuff over but the rest of the articles left a lot to be desired

Refer to posts about it. We playing tonight euro time and you can pick any additonal info from the post you quoted.

>It MaeK PyPoL MaD HuRdUr XD
imagine being a big fag like u

There is another class called Apollyon of which I believe only about 2 SCPs has been classed as such.

Hey, Im not the guy going apeshit over group of authors showing support to Pride Month outside of their stories. Yea Forums's whole principle is laughing at people going mad over nothing, both conservatives abd libs, both right and left.

Really bad and elaborate fanfiction.

I wouldn't bother arguing with election newfags

except its retarded to leave the colours up after pride
u sperglord
do u want ur site filled with trannys?
thats how u get them
neck urself