Would the average video gamer know what these are? the average "retro" gamer?
Would the average video gamer know what these are? the average "retro" gamer?
what are they, capcom arcade carts? like a neo geo or somethin?
you're in the ballpark
Depends on your definition of average.
To me, an average retro gamer has never seen the inside of an arcade cabinet, but one might be able to guess based on label what they are.
Simple. They're video games.
is it fortnite
I wouldn't consider anyone who doesn't know about CPS a retro gamer. A basic understanding of arcade hardware is the absolute fucking basic of the basics.
That is not entirely accurate.
It's all arbitrary though, I grew up playing Chucky Egg on a BBC Micro, but there were no local arcades, so I didn't see/play an arcade machine until I was 10+
Hell I don't know. I guess based on the games they're CPS boards?
>BBC Micro
Fuck off, ponce. Real kids had spectrum, maybe a C64.
gamers are shut ins though, why would I know about some normie game played in a public space, arcades are for chads
But what if their area of interest is say, SNES/PS1 RPGs and arcade hardware is of no relevance?
lol stupid Capcom followed SNK's footsteps right into a bottomless hole
Because arcade games were the peak. If you owned a console, what you were looking forward to most were arcade ports, whether you realised it or not. It was only when we got to the PS1 era that arcade support started dying off, and anyone who considers the PS1 "retro gaming" should shoot themselves in the fucking head.
After that, we had an Acorn Archimedes.
>Anybody who considers a console a quarter of a century old should be shot in the head
Is this the part where we do the whole 'time doesn't move on and only things retro to my frame of reference can ever be retro' game?
ps3 is retro gaming now
>implying it is about what you grew up playing
I've never touched an actual TurboGrafx-16 in my life yet I am well aware of its existence, history, and have played through several games.
CPSII PCBs, you noobs. Problem with playing these is you get tired of the arcade format.
Was your house actually a fucking school or something?
Because CPS1/2 emulation has been a thing for nearly two decades now and if you're at all curious about gaming you'd have tried it out, or at the least came across a reference to it and been familiar with the system.
>>Is this the part where we do the whole 'time doesn't move on and only things retro to my frame of reference can ever be retro' game?
No, it's the part where you realise the jump to 3D was the definitive cut-off point for retro gaming. It's why Shovel Knight and Super Meat Boy can be described as "retro" despite only being a few years old.
I hate that no modern arcades have fighting games. Like, at all. I'm not talking about dedicated retro arcades. Those are gimmicks. No, real arcades like the ones you find in malls, cinemas, main streets, beachtowns/seasides etc. It's just token games, lightgunners, dance games, and racers from 2008-2011. It's so weak.
I mean, seeing Vampire Hunter and SF2 kinda makes it obvious it's something related to arcades.
You know that when people call Super Meat Boy and Shovel Knight 'retro' they mean stylistically, right? As in, they attempt to emulate 'retro' styles of game? And that low poly 3D is starting to become a popular 'retro' look too? I mean what, is Starfox somehow 'modern' just because it uses polygons? I've genuinely never seen someone try to argue retro as a hard line for anything before, this is interesting.
Not him, but to play the advocate, would you then say low-poly games like Virtua Racing, Alone in the Dark are retro or not? They're starting to be categorized as it.
If you like JRPGs a lot then it would seem reasonable you would look towards other genres that have good sprite work, and that leads on to fighting games and arcades.
Additionally, you can know about genres you don't play. I don't play RTS but I can tell you the hardware the hits ran on.
Arcades or consoler were not a thing in my part of the world, I'd say nobody would recognize these.
That includes the guy at uni who teaches about hardware and who has a room full of chips and boards dating back to to the first personal computer, originals and the copies we made based on stolen american tech.
Arcade OPs have never known what they were doing.
>were not a thing
Why does this keep getting brought up? It doesn't matter what was, it matters what is now. I wasn't even born when Metropolis or Citizen Kane were released but I know what it is.
It's not about what you grew up with, it's about being well rounded in knowledge of a subject.
That said, the average gamer would not recognize these even if they did grow up playing the games, because the average gamer doesn't know squat about gaming. Neither the average "retro" gamer, who is usually limited to Nintendo products.
Because the only value of arcades is nostalgia.