What does Yea Forums think the PS5's launch price will be?
PS5 launch price
I know being banned for saying nigger online is too heavy a price for me.
I thought they already said it would $500
The PS4 was unironically more expensive than the PS3 when you factor in PS+.
I think they learned their lesson with the ps3 and will probably go over $499(except for the super premium edition that comes with a terabyte or more of storage, three or more months of plus, and maybe a game. I'd find it much more appealing at $399 or less.
No, they just said it would be "appealing to gamers", or something like that.
"Probably NOT go over" getting tired, fucking up my typing.
PS4 launched at $399 and it was using tech already considered old. PS5 is going to be using both AMD's latest CPU architecture and GPU architecture and on a modern transistor node and a large, likely PCI-E 4.0 NVMe SSD.
No way this launches at $399 and even $499 Sony would have to be taking a significant loss per unit.
Taking a big loss to move systems is common practice for manufacturers. Plus most of their profits are from their shitty pay2multiplayer jewschemes these days.
Also, the ssd is more likely to be soldered to the board rather then using pcie. Cheaper tht way and more likely someone will shell out for a pricier model.
Probably still uses PCI-E 4.0 as the communications protocol though I agree it'll be soldered NAND.
>nonreplaceable storage
Why do consoles just get worse and worse?
>No way this launches at $399 and even $499 Sony would have to be taking a significant loss per unit.
They very well might, and just focus on PS+ and or other/new subscriptions to get by.
Don't be surprised if they add a new bell or whistle or two onto PS+ and use that to justify another price hike.
500 eurodollars. The reason they had to go lower with PS4 was how they fucked up with PS3 and how Microsoft was kicking their ass, but as they totally dominated this gen, they can afford upping the price again.
I think the 500 is totally justified this time around if the thing really is backwards compatible and rumors regarding hardware are accurate.
Remember when a console would have like 10x must-play games?
Why the fuck are Sony releasing a new one when the PS4 still only has one exclusive worth half a shit?
Because console are lagging behind on the hardware side and developers can't be assed to optimize shit these days.
Who cares? As a console fag AND a Sonyfag myself i know never to buy a luanch model ever. Always wait for at least the 2nd model a year or two down the line and for when actual games come out. PS5 would need either Tekken 8 or Resident Evil 3 as next gen only games ON LAUNCH DAY for me to even give a shit
That was a valid complaint during the PS3 era. PS4 is perfectly fine though.
Unless you're chasing the same dragon as Disney with that dumbass photorealism shit, in which case STOP because trying to render each clogged pore on every character's face is not only unnecessary it's a complete waste of development time and rendering power. Like those flower pots in FFXIV 1.0 that had more polygons than a player character.
just add an external ssd lmao
>playing online
I don't know I'll wait for the mid gen version. That is if they stop the censorship and paid online jewry.
Who knows. Will be interesting to see. But if it has actual and fully functional backwards compatibility. I think the price will be worth it. Even if it costs 600.. But hopefully not. Since this is something everyone has been waiting for. Now if only they added psp and psvita to the list... it would be pretty awesome. SInce the games should be able to be upscaled.