What went so right?

Attached: 21391294214.jpg (1280x720, 75K)

The atmosphere of the game is wonderful, that's about it for me.

Because it actually feels like a genuine nightmare. No sense, no meaning, just disturbing scene after disturbing scene.

Ib is overrated to fucking shit and is a kiddie ride version of Yume Nikki prove me wrong protip: you can't /thread

But Ib is a completely different kind of game that has nothing to do with yume nikki. It actually has characters and a scenario.

.flow is more like that.
This thread isn't about Ib.

They knew what it was like to be alone, alienated and trapped like that forever.

Maybe, but some of that effect is lost when you are aware that you're playing a "Yume Nikki fangame" game.

Attached: 1319653906836.jpg (750x549, 596K)

What happened to the sequel?

It got released and kind of ran with a lot of fan theories

it was very mediocre and more linear and pissed a lot of people

And it got huge patch like a year ago. Everyone is waiting for another one but nothing announced.

I liked it, it also reminded me a bit of Inside and Limbo gameplaywise

what did you not like about yume nikki?
what do you think could have been improved and how?
if you have one what game mechanic do you think would have benefited the game to have or for it to not have?

Nothing. The fact that it was the way it was is what made it so good.
Just a bigger world would be even better.

it's surely not a 10/10 game there should be something about it work critiquing

It wasn't some metaphor filled pretentious garbage like most artsy indie games out there.
Yume Nikki had actual effort and creativity put into it, and most of all it felt sincere.

I was kind of disappointed by it and didn’t play it a ton
Really what I wanted was just the same thing but in 3d
The new one feels way less surreal and more oriented toward horror

Doesn't need to be 10/10.

It just needs to exist.

that's fair

Not him but
>a mode of transportation to help get around more since the bike still feels kind of slow and the bike glitch is too fast
>a way to find new areas easier since it starts to be a pain when you’ve explored most areas
Those are my only gripes I can think of

for me it's having 8 directions instead of 4 it would have really help in some sections with diagonal perspective, but i'm not sure if that old version of rpg maker have even done 8 directions

also maybe a bit of polish up in a few areas as some places look like ms paint drawings, but i then again maybe it was intentional

>video games cant be ar-

Try giving a shot a Yume 2kki. It not only feels as sincere as the original (even in spite of being a community project) but is also huge as hell.

Attached: flying fish planet.gif (634x477, 264K)

should have been bigger
more hidden stuff you can find

Why are the nips so good at this shit? I remember """playing""" through LSD Dream Emulator as well a decade ago and fuck was that something else.

Wait i thought the 3D one was a remake. It's a sequel?

Personally i feel like some of the items were not intuitive to find whatsoever, some straight up feel like you're literally supposed to stumble onto them at random. Also some items literally don't do anything non-transient and feel like filler for the purpose of padding out the game (since you need all of them to beat the game)

>Yume 2kki

I thought that game was the exact same but just had the extra ending?

yeah a few more effects that actually do something to effect how you interact with the world would have been cool.

which i'm surprised most fangames have not tried doing they usuall stick to the basics of
>speed boost
>maybe light source
>some kind of weather changer

and then the rest mainly being cosmetic and or pointless just because that was the case for yume nikki

its got a bunch of different endings and is also huge as fuck I dunno how you'd say its the exact same

Havent played it but i saw there was an ending where mado doesnt an hero so i watched that and called it a day

its not mado though its Urotsuki

I would prefer Erotsuki, ya feel

It's a mess trying to be a bit of a sequel and a bit of a remake but ends up mostly being a disapointment.
