So, where's the crack?

So, where's the crack?

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Other urls found in this thread:

It's going to take a few weeks, maybe months according to the scene.

in Tyrones house

>according to the scene
How do you know?

The same way that I know you're a clueless faggot, because of your posts.
It's something that's openly discussed on various scene group tor networks.

How the fuck do you think.

anybody wanna actually talk about the game?

Dude why are you so mean. I just wanted to know where I can read info more directly from scene groups. I didn't know they communicate over tor.

never played anno before
what makes it different from city skylines or simcity

Gotta wait a little while, all the Anno threads right now are just people asking WHERE IS THE CRACK??????? and newfags to the series asking stupid questions.

I'd rather play it, Anno threads are fucking terrible.

Wont be around for a long time, some gamesystems are too deeply embedded into uplay and mixed up with denuvo, that combination is a bitch.

I hope it's more like Far Cry and less like Assassins Creed

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Game worth picking up? I would ask in an actual Anno thread but for some reason threads in the last like 12 hours have just been beggers asking for cracks.

Best Anno yet, so i'd say yes.

I'm enjoying it.

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Right here
*unzips cunny*

More focus on production chains. Satisfying the needs of your people comes mainly from products you make at the end of the production chains, not from buildings themselves.

Ubisoft games are hard to crack.
AssCreed Odyssey got cracked, but all the important patches and DLC haven't been cracked yet (transmog, level cap update, new skills, item set changes etc)

I actually remember buying Anno 2077 because I wanted to play it, paying full price, and the crack came out like 3 days later

nazi fuck GET OUT

Production chains... Is it like Pharoah?

Since traffic isn't an issue and workers can get to any business on the same island regardless of distance, why do people make boring grids?

Just buy it you fucking manchild

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Have sex

>having principles is being a manchild
ok chang

I mean sure, but I'm not buying it on the 1989 store or the burning down notre dame store so I need to wait for the crack.

You're buying it from uplay.


is it worth 60 euro?

It is like Anno, retard.



This game is literally Settlers 1. It's a 1995 game in 2019. Even graphically. Germans are so weird.

My uPlay account gets hacked from Ukrainian, Brazilians and Taiwanese even with 2FA enabled
uPlay asks for 2-factor authentication on my logins but it doesn't for the hackers

Look, just yesterday I enabled 2FA and then a Ukrainian logged in 30 mins later - no 2FA prompts.

I'm not putting any payment info on this crap.
And no I don't generally have hacking issues. It's only uPlay.

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I think you might have a keylogger.

Even if I do, and it's unlikely since no other services I use are being hacked, it should still send me a 2FA code when the Ukrainian tried to log in.
It didn't.

It's more like Caesar 3 or that sort of historical citybuilders really.

kys zoomie


>scene group tor networks

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You could make a circus attraction of all the retarded things being said on this board.

Due to it being anonymous, no one has to put any thought into what they say because it can never come back and bite them in the ass, unless they are a tripfag and then that happens all the time.

It's not about ubisoft, it's about denuvo. a new patch requires a new crack and it takes a lot of time

only if you really like the series. if your new and have no idea what these games are about, then get 1404 and play that. by the time you get sick of it next year 1800 will be on sale.


I'm in the mood so I'm about to play 1404.

Although right now I'm debating buying the complete edition of tropico 4.
Does it add much to the base game?

>See you again in 1305!
Was it just a joke or what?

>complete edition of tropico 4
modern times and vigilante was good, the rest i think were just minor little decorations and stuff. if the compete version is cheap go for it.

Mais oui, mon ami.


1305 would be pretty kino to be honest

Where does it say that?

they need to get out of euro middle ages and make one in ancient greece or egypt

Egypt doesn't fit the island theme, ancient greece could be cool though.

Nah, they should never start with this assassins creed theme park faggotry. Just improve on the game and take the most fitting setting even if it's always the same.

No, they need to go back to the future again. I only got interested in Anno as soon as they made it futuristic. Say what you want about 2070 and 2205, but building underwater and on the Moon was fucking kino.

>Egypt doesn't fit the island theme
so what, call the map a river delta then. i just want pharoah/cleopatra or zeus/poseidon with anno trading.

If they make a future setting again it should play in the year 4040 or even further. The future games they did so far were utterly boring when it comes to the futuristic parts. Far too close to what we have now.

Maybe it's time to get rid of the island theme


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I don't get it.

Maybe it's time to get rid of you and your shitty opinions LMFAO

all the game years add up to 9, its a running dev joke for going on 20 years and reddit just discovered it a week ago.


>Get rid of one of the defining themes of the series
They tried to do that in 2205 and look what happened there. Go back to Cities Skylines.

2205 was so frustrating constantly switching between maps to build all the different trade goods.

These games require you to be on point with how you fill space.

Scene has continued to impress though. They have gotten very good at what they do. 2 weeks tops, i wouldnt be surprised if it hit scene in 48hrs though. Regardless of uplay.

so new it hurts

>2205 was so frustrating constantly switching between maps to build all the different trade goods.
you're gonna do the same in 1800. there's two regions so far with more to come. having 3+ complete maps to play each with their own look and needs is better than have two islands in the corner pretending to be 'the arctic'

Also they fixed the tedious loading between sessions, it's instant now.

>tried to make my city as grid-less as possible
>looks a lot better than muttgrids
>but its inefficient even with the new road system
Fucking hell, I'll have to level large chunks of my city center when I start hitting new population tiers to rearrange for new buildings and stuff.

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>Also they fixed the tedious loading between sessions, it's instant now.
This is honestly fucking amazing.
People really don't appreciate just how much black magic is in Anno in general and especially 1800.

>but its inefficient even with the new road system
it dont matter. any efficiency is shattered to pieces when you have to ship goods against the wind.

Not necessarily although i dont entirely disagree. 2FA is very exploitable. Thats all im really comfortable saying. You would be a fool to go out of your way to not even try to see if you weren't already compromised (you are)

Fuck the wind.
>Doing escort quest for a decent item
>Start it
>The ship goes SANIC speed and out runs me while getting shot to pieces
>Meanwhile my ships are hardly moving

Just make a new district for the first two tiers of citizens, they don't need many special buildings and you need a truckload of them anyway

Interesting, thanks. I have always wondered why the naming of individual titles seemed so random. Turns out it's not that random.

buy the game you piece of shit

If you've got a keylogger and 2FA isn't used for EVERY Ubisoft login, only the logins that contain sensitive personal information, so they probably only have your email/password and can log into your account on various sites, but they can't actually access your games/account info or change anything.

Also it's fucking hilarious that you're blaming Ubisoft/Uplay for your poor personal security.

Google your email address and "combo list" and I guarantee you're going to find your personal information from that keylogger being bought/sold/traded to various third world shit skins in massive combo lists that they're just sifting through to find accounts without 2FA.

But everything ive read said 1404 wasnt worth it with 1800 around the corner.

>private tracker doesnt have many games

I fucking ratio for no reason. Its almost better to wait for fitgrill repacks dl and drop.
But im always seedin anyway

1989 yourself faggot.

Oh fuck the wind actually changes the speeds... suddenly it all makes sense, i thought the ships were bugged or something.

Anyone here been able to buy with on the Russian store? Apperantly is like half the price there but you need a Russian PayPal.

Was wondering if there would be any localisation differences in the RU version or if its just the same game where you can choose English

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I googled my email and "combo list" and google says no results found

I've never been hacked, I'm not an idiot.
It's only uPlay that's fucked.

i dont think it comes with english at all

Latest Denuvo 5.X
You can wait a while see

>cannot into spatial thought
user you must be a grill

Fucking Canadian air

this but unironically

ANNO devs are good guys. And Ubi is far from being as bad as EA...

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Then odds are it's still being traded privately which means it's a fresh keylog.
>I've never been hacked
Your posts prove otherwise.
>It's only uPlay that's fucked.
That's because your details are on a Uplay combo list and people haven't started trying your email/password combination on other services yet.
They will.

Your willingness to not perform basic checks is no ones fault than your own. I betcha the second scan you run (as admin) you will find it. Also, another way to tell.
>fucking wireshark
If you arent an idiot you will instantly spot the culprit calling out every X amount of time.

Dont enable him. Offer him a real solution... based on troubleshooting, at least

Nice try, ubishill.

You want my money? Should have put the game on Steam then. I appreciate the effort, though. Might crack open a cold one once the crack is out.

You can check taskmanager even. Compare/Contrast it will tell you right where it is in your reg and at even a basic understanding you can change a single value and turn it off. Probably propigates itself every boot though.

>make a legit anno thread wanting to discuss the game
>it dies with ten replies or so
>Make anno thread asking for crack
>c-c-combo breaker

>Settlers 1
>Even graphically

just like metro threads exploded when it was cracked

I'm not gonna pay 60$ for a ubishit game

that wouldnt be anno retard
look at the tragedy that was 2205

AssCreed Odyssey went -50% off within a month or so (basically after the crack)

Why do you want to give gay ben money so badly?

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Comments like this one convince me that Anno fans are retarded.
>These maps suck! I want to feel like an explorer! Bring back randomly generated maps that are indistinguishable from one another!

You should worry less about why I want to give my money to Gaben and worry more about why I don't want to give it to you.

>These maps suck
said no anno fan ever
nice try tard tho, trying to talk random shit without knowing anything about the series

it will always be on uPlay, Steam is just 2nd layer of client slapped on top of it.

You are so fucking stupid it literally hurts.

Also it's illegal to sell beer to 14yo kids, so I don't know how are you going to pull that off.

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use russian vpn on browser and buy it for 30USD and -20% more if you have ubipoints for discount

Are you saying Anno fans didn't hate the shit out of 2205 and its maps? Is it Revisionist Day? Are you stupid?

So? I want my library centralized. Why are you so weirdly upset about my preferences and angry about me not giving Ubishit revenue?

Also, your mom brought some over before I came in her ass.

Last Anno I bought was 1404. Waiting for a proper DRM free release with LAN before buying. Until then cracks all around.

Seems like more and more these days. Real shame nobody wants my money anymore.

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I'm still waiting for Trials.

>So? I want my library centralized.
then manually add shortcut to Steam you fucking sperg

Did you read what I said? Ubi games are based on their uPlay platform. You are giving money to your god of a pig for literally nothing. No achievements, no cards, no cloud saves (on Steam side). You are lunching entire client to click on an icon to lunch it from main, base drm platform where these features are.

Why you are acting like such a insufferable steamdrone?

I swear you drones get the rope before ninentoniggers.

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No Tux no Bux.

>then manually add shortcut to Steam
Wow. Just, wow.

Thanks for confirming Anno fans are indeed retarded. Carry on.

What the fuck else do you want him to say? Just fucking deal with it and don't get it.

next year

That's exactly what I intend to do. Apparently, he can't deal with that.

nah, they are fucking söy munchers

You did come into the thread to complain about something you can't control, why not just avoid the thread?

Who else disapointed with the campaign?
i am 8 hours in and already at 75% complete, i know it's a glorified tutorial but anno 1404 was a lot better in that department.
also, no scenarios.
man, if you're not a sandbox faggot there's barely any content to justify the 60 funbux entry fee.

What's the matter? Can't handle different opinions?

the only thing I can't handle are morons like you, that justify stealing because they can't launch game through some fucking client that brings them no benefits whatsoever.

You are acting like angry 8 year old that is kicking sand castle because he can't get to hold bucket that has Spiderman printed on in.

No go back to jacking off to your god Gabe.

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You are talking about people who can't deal with stuff, you can't deal with it either.

works for them, looking at what they have created.

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Why would I not want to complain?

>Triple DRM infested windows exclusive always-online oversimplified version of 1404

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I would hope you have better things to do than complain to people with no power on how a company should change their shit instead of actually trying to do something about it or getting on with your life.

>windows exclusive
How the fuck would you even play this game on a controller?

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I do not see a GNU/Linux version
It is a windows exclusive.

You're one of those people.

>Triple DRM
>windows exclusive
>oversimplified version of 1404
it's not.

How can you be that stupid AND be able to use computer at the same time??

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Not a bootlicker? Actually like owning things?


Epic + Uplay + denuvo
As I said that is anti-consumer
It requires an internet connection

>oversimplified version of 1404
its more complex than 1404

>I do not see a GNU/Linux version
PEOPLE look at this fucking gofball.
get the fuck outta here boi.

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oh so you're one of those people

Can't deal with what exactly? No really, do elaborate. I'm having fun.

>You are acting like angry 8 year old
The ironing.

I'm far from angry, actually. That's the beauty about PC as a platform for gaymen. It's a consumer's market. You don't offer your product at terms I find suitable? That's fine, I will enjoy your product at terms that I find suitable anyway. For free! And I will get what I want. All I need to do is wait. Meanwhile, you are crying bitch tears over someone not shelling out cash to his buddy devs or whatever. I don't get this impotent rage of corporate bootlickers and I don't care about it either.

why you bought it on EPic you nigger?

It's an Ubi-uPlay game.

You are like that Steam retard, but prefere to suck off chinks?

>actually like owning things
So you haven't bought any PC games in like the last decade have you? Also you don't need to get it on Epic but it's not like you care.

Why not complain to someone who cares?

anno wasnt good since 1503
dumbed down cartoon garbage
when can I genocide indigenous people again and have a curse called upon me?

Complain about what?

Tell igg i'm coming for them.

>Imagine being so poor and worthless in life that you have to pirate games
Pay up faggots and take your socialism somewhere else.

My issue is the price tag. If it was like $15-20 cheaper then I would buy it right now.

Pirate virgins BTFO

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It happened pretty damn fast as i recall

I can easily afford to buy games, but I pirate them anyway. What now?

>retard downlods viruses and gets his ass hacked

Fucking cards? And you call him a steamdrone? Oh im laffin

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Where I say I care about it?
It's one of the features people care about.

Why would you want anything on Steam, if there's ZERO added features? Check Steam page- NOTHING.

No level editor, cloud saves, leaderboards, achievements, workshop.
Dry coat of DRM.

And I'm a Steamdrone because I don't want this game being forced with 2nd layers of client drm without reason or benefits?
Another idiot in this thread.

You do realize steam platform is whats exploited to make... y'know, steam games play? Hell put a shortcut on the client. Valve gives 0 fucks.

Some gameplay questions please, I'm still at the early game.
- Should I bother adjusting working condition option ? I have it set at default right now.
- The service building area of effect confuses me since they're not like 2070. They're not global right? And there's nothing like "lesser effect because they're placed far" right?
- Production building only "need" firestation right?

how exactly do trade unions work? do the items equipped to them ONLY work within their radius? Their radius is crap, maybe enough for a few factories/buildings and thats it?

what program do you recommend for scanning?

Oh no no no user. Remember the day when real P2P connections were a thing? Of course not you're too young.

I hate to say it but go to reddit or check anno wikia

Hurr durr weebshit poster
Ive got some laser guided karma headed your way

There's a guy pretending to be an insider who posted this on crackwatch, and this guy is among the idiots who upvoted and believed him.

Yeah... THAT retard.

working conditions are useful. some buildings have a huge maintenance cost, so getting 50% more out of them can be really good. it can also help with reducing how many farms you need and thus save you space.

you can see the reach of a service building by looking at the color of your roads.

you will also sometimes need a police station near your production

Recommended graphical settings to turn off that fuck up performance?

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>you can see the reach of a service building by looking at the color of your roads.
Yes, that's what confuses me.
Does that mean the road with lighter hue get "lesser effect" from the service building?


if youre talking about buildings like the market place, yes. you can actually see that by clicking on a residence; the bar for the corresponding building won't be filled and people won't move into the residence.

Nigga check yourself as i wreck you
>i dont care bout nuffin
>im a steamdrone
>i was arguing my buddies opinion not my own so you activated my trap card tard

Again. If the platform didnt exist we couldnt emulate it. That drm is stripped every time. You can literally put steam in offline mode and turn off whatever adapter you use to connect. Or y'know, not be a fucking idiot and understand you can squelch programs but i digress
>you dont care bout nuffin
I care just a wee bit more, look what i can do fag. Go neck yourself. You obviously dont care

Is this a good game for someone who likes the Civ series specifically Civ 5, but is looking for more depth?

Uh no shit. Why do you think he got called out?
>what is irc alex?


I just want a little discount is all. EGS exclusivity killed that too, official key sites like GMG have to wait a year even for Uplay keys.

the only similarity is perhaps picking where you build your next city

>tor networks
cringe larp
next time just say random irc channel and it will be 9000% more realistic and believable

trade unions are usually local so it makes sense

I understand that. What I don't understand is, what's the difference between residences close to the service building (the road is dark green), and residences far from the service building (the road is light green).

In 2070, service building active area is highlighted clearly by a radius zone.
Why does the 1800 need a hue? Is there some kind of gameplay element related to that?
Or is it just a bad game design?

>achievment for playing a game with 3 human players
do I need to just start the game? because I don't want to play with other humans but want all the achievments and I'm afraid multiplayer will be dead in a month

>Why does the 1800 need a hue? Is there some kind of gameplay element related to that?
probably how fast services like police, hospitals and firefighters arrive at scene / treat the patients and which citizen get "served" earlier in the service buildings

>You want my money? Should have put the game on Steam then.

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>EGS and UPlay exclusive

I'm mid-game I suppose in the Campaign and kind of want to just restart in sandbox. These quests are gay and I think I fucked up. I only colonized one island in the new world and the rest are taken over so I can't get cotton. Also what the FUCK is that white thing required to build oil refineries?

ok, thanks. i'll watch thru some 'lets play' videos.

i was in the same boat as you. Got to stage 3, main island in the old world was too crowded and I kinda fucked myself on its layout, was bleeding money and no real way to keep it up. AFAIK theres no real reason to do campaign outside of a few jewplay points and some character portraits. Certainly nothing like the 2070 alternate base design for beating the campaign. I restarted in sandbox and am only up to workers with 3k+ income. Shits so much easier without those annoying objectives.

git gud

anyon wants to get the multiplayer achievment? post your uplay ID. I'll add you

ouch, my feelings

steamed and redpilled

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I have over 1m in money but I'm just kind of stuck. I think I'll restart. The Campaign is kind of boring and more of a chore than anything at this point.

>already fucking season pass announced
>for an SP game
>people actually by this trash

post em

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but i just told you, new residents won't move into a building that only has "reduced" service. when you build a farmer residence, it can house up to 10 people. 10 people will only move in if enough of their needs are fulfilled though, which isn't the case if they aren't close enough to a marketplace. if they're just outside the "full service" radius, they can actually get stuck at 9/10 residents

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Restarting in the sandbox now

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I change my mind. Die.

I just bought the main game and will decide on the DLC when I see it. Why are you so mad

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I've been fucking around and hunting portraits. Just got the chartered company one.

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because you are supporting some pretty anti-consumer practices. The more people that buy into the season pass/DLC the smaller and more expensive it will get.

It was on Steam though. People wouldn't shut up about how you only have a month to get it on something other than EGS. No idea what you were doing that whole time, van winkle.

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>transmog, level cap update, new skills, item set changes etc
did they turn the series into an mmorpg? last one I played was brotherhood

I'd rather not hand money to publishers who pull bullshit stunts like that, thank you.

Shut the fuck up, retards. I just want to look at your cozey cities

Do investors work anywhere or are they literally just a parasite class you can sell things to?

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Ubisoft isn't without blame but Epic is the real criminal here. If you're avoiding anything it should be them.

>People wouldn't shut up about how you only have a month to get it on something other than EGS.
You don't have to use EGS at all, it's available on Uplay.

i don't buy any game from a publisher who takes filthy chink/fornite money
pirated exodus, will pirate this and borderlands 3

they work by giving you monies

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Now that's just retarded.

Fick dich

Yet this is perfectly fine... I give up.

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