Is warlock gonna be good in classic wow?
Is warlock gonna be good in classic wow?
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Has warlock ever been bad
In WoD I guess. Dunno about after that, but more likely than not they haven't fixed them since.
Not played in a long ass time, is it true they removed metamorphosis? what did they replace it with?
Yes, they replaced it with the ability to summon Jarraxus and a bunch of other Raid boss demons.
they removed meta and replaced it with a summoner type of spec
rip meta i miss ye
That's from before death coil became usable.
they are good in pvp
MoP was peak Warlock class design, and peak class design in general.
I'm disappointed I quit and didn't come back if only to experienced it. MoP Demo looked amazing.
Inner Demons doesn't summon Jaraxxus it summons Malchezaar
I mean, that's kind of a demon hunter thing, as it should be..
If you dont mind the soul shard farm
I want to fuck that draenei!
she can DRAENei all my cum with her tight pussy!
I played WoW for the first time during Legion as a warlock and I couldn’t stand that soul shard shit and the lack of mobility
>tfw draenei wont be in classic
Mop demos were weak. Destruction was top dog
Depends on whether the raid still needs summons
affliction was also really good in MOP. Demo was broken on 5.2 with UVLS, espeically on council
I unironically miss mop :/
i didn't play in vanilla, don't know what i wanna play in classic. i currently main a hunter, but hunter just seems like a huge pain in the ass in classic.
currently between warrior, mage, warlock, and shaman. toughest decision of my life bros.
Greatest race for females, especially for their huge tails.
I'd like a tailjob from one.
MOP was PEAK class design
i wanna go back. i wanna go HOME.
>bc warlock
It was the pinnacle of warlockdry
Demonhunter niggers where a mistake.
that would be 5.2 destro
That would be 7.3 affliction.
The pinnacle was warlocking tanking. This is universal struth. Early Cata affliction and infinite mana dark pact-imp vanilla affliction are distant second and third runnerups.
But BC was definitely the worst until WoD. It was the only time only a single spec was viable.
>as it should be
So you're also up for removing Evasion from Rogues and Immolation from Warlocks? Because those are demon hunter things, as it should be.
>Mop demos were weak
>get tanking glyph
>permanent metamorphasis
>Tank design philosophy of the time was "The more you get hurt, the more damage you deal."
>warlock tank's survival was built around ridiculous absorption spells and self-healing
MoP demo warlocks were most wild shit I ever experienced in warcraft. You were practically unkillable in pve and pvp. In the mantid land, you got a buff that gave you absurd life and after taking a certain amount of damage, explode with a huge aoe, making all the quests and world pvp there fucking insane.
I'll never forget my party wiping in a heroic 5-man, switching to tank form on the fly, and solo'ing the last 15% of the boss by myself.
I miss it so much. Despite blizzard gutting the entire idea from locks to make the Demon Hunter class, DH aren't even a quarter as fun.
timeless isle pvp was also fun, you could use the aqua jewel and the hozen underwater thingy to swim underwater faster than a ground mount, so you could do hit and run tactics with chaos bolt on unsuspecting people and swim away when you were endangered or outnumbered
God I wish that was me
Imagine a Draenei's tail wrapping around your dick as you fuck her from behind